2023-01-06 23:33:41 -05:00

109 lines
2.4 KiB

; spaceship and a cube
NumObjects = 2
;NumObjects: .byte 2 ; number of objects
; .byte 35 ; number of points (unused)
; .byte 41 ; number of lines (unused)
; The next five tables represent the data as it was entered into the shape
; editor. There are two shapes. The first (space shuttle) starts at offset 0,
; has 27 points, and 29 lines. The second (cube) starts immediately after the
; first, has 8 points, and 12 lines.
; 3D mesh X coordinates (-60, -57, ...)
; spaceship
.byte $c4,$c7,$c7,$c7,$c7,$d6,$d6,$d6 ; $00
.byte $d6,$f1,$f1,$00,$00,$15,$15,$1e ; $08
.byte $1e,$1e,$1e,$24,$24,$24,$24,$09 ; $10
.byte $1b,$15,$1e ; $18
; cube
.byte $fb,$05,$05,$fb,$fb ; $1b
.byte $05,$05,$fb ; $20
; 3D mesh Y coordinates (0, 3, ...)
; spaceship
.byte $00,$03,$03,$fd,$fd,$06,$09,$fa
.byte $f7,$09,$f7,$0f,$f1,$24,$dc,$24
.byte $dc,$09,$f7,$09,$f7,$06,$fa,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00
; cube
.byte $fb,$fb,$05,$05,$fb
.byte $fb,$05,$05
; 3D mesh Z coordinates (0, 3, ...)
; spaceship
.byte $00,$03,$fd,$03,$fd,$09,$fa,$09
.byte $fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa
.byte $fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$09,$09,$09
.byte $09,$1b,$1b
; cube
.byte $fb,$fb,$fb,$fb,$05
.byte $05,$05,$05
; 3D mesh line definition: start points (0, 0, 0, ...)
LineStartPoint: ; b00
; spaceship (29 lines)
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04
.byte $06,$08,$09,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0d,$0e
.byte $0f,$10,$11,$12,$13,$05,$07,$13
.byte $14,$15,$17,$19,$1a
; cube (12 lines)
.byte $1b,$1c,$1d
.byte $1e,$1f,$20,$21,$22,$1b,$1c,$1d
.byte $1e
; 3D mesh line definition: end points (1, 2, 3, ...)
LineEndPoint: ; c00
; spaceship (29 lines)
.byte $01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08
.byte $09,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0d,$0e,$0f,$10
.byte $11,$12,$13,$14,$14,$15,$16,$15
.byte $16,$16,$19,$1a,$18
; cube (12 lines)
.byte $1c,$1d,$1e
.byte $1b,$20,$21,$22,$1f,$1f,$20,$21
.byte $22
; For shape N, the index of the first point.
; Shape #0 uses points $00-1A, shape #1 uses points $1B-22. (Data at offsets 2-
; 15 is junk.)
.byte $00,$1b
; For shape N, the index of the last point + 1.
.byte $1b,$23
; For shape N, the index of the first line.
; Shape #0 uses lines $00-1C, shape #1 uses lines $1D-28. (Data at offsets 2-15
; is junk.)
.byte $00,$1d
; For shape N, the index of the last point + 1.
.byte $1d,$29