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OpenEdge ABL
Raw Normal View History

.ifndef NB65_API_VERSION
;offsets in NB65 configuration structure
NB65_CFG_MAC = $00 ;6 byte MAC address
NB65_CFG_IP = $06 ;4 byte local IP address (will be overwritten by DHCP)
NB65_CFG_NETMASK = $0A ;4 byte local netmask (will be overwritten by DHCP)
NB65_CFG_GATEWAY = $0D ;4 byte local gateway (will be overwritten by DHCP)
NB65_CFG_DNS_SERVER = $12 ;4 byte IP address of DNS server (will be overwritten by DHCP)
NB65_CFG_DHCP_SERVER = $16 ;4 byte IP address of DHCP server (will only be set by DHCP initialisation)
;offsets in TFTP paramater structure
NB65_TFTP_CALL_MODE = $00 ;1 byte for 'mode' : $00 means read/write from RAM, (and TFTP_POINTER is address to read from
; or write to), any other value means use callbacks (and TFTP_POINTER is the address of a routine
;to be called whenever data arrives, or needs to be sent)
NB65_TFTP_IP = $01 ;4 byte IP address of TFTP server
NB65_TFTP_FILENAME = $05 ;2 byte pointer to asciiz filename (or filemask in case of NB65_TFTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING)
NB65_TFTP_POINTER = $07 ;2 byte pointer to memory location data to be stored in OR address of tftp callback
;function numbers
;to make a function call:
; Y = function number
; AX = pointer to paramater buffer (for functions that take paramaters)
; on return, carry flag is set if there is an error, or clear otherwise
; some functions return results in AX directly, others will update the paramater buffer they were called with.
NB65_GET_API_VERSION =$00 ;no inputs, outputs X=major version number, A=minor version number
NB65_GET_DRIVER_NAME =$01 ;no inputs, outputs AX=pointer to asciiz driver name
NB65_GET_IP_CONFIG_PTR =$02 ;no inputs, outputs AX=pointer to IP configuration structure (which can be modified)
NB65_INIT_IP =$03 ;no inputs or outputs
NB65_INIT_DHCP =$04 ;no inputs or outputs (NB65_INIT_IP should be called first, and NB65_VBL_VECTOR should be called @ 60hz)
NB65_TFTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING =$05 ;inputs: AX points to a TFTP paramater structure, outputs: none
NB65_TFTP_DOWNLOAD =$06 ;inputs: AX points to a TFTP paramater structure, outputs: TFTP param structure updated with
;NB65_TFTP_POINTER updated to reflect actual load address (if load address $0000 originally passed in)
NB65_GET_LAST_ERROR =$FF ;no inputs, outputs A = error code (from last function that set the global error value, not necessarily the
;last function that was called)
;error codes (as returned by NB65_GET_LAST_ERROR)