<li>unzip the archive somewhere on your local hard drive
<li>start the bin/tftp_server.rb script (e.g. by double-clicking on it)
<li>boot up the client/utherboot.dsk (either in AppleWin, or using ADTPro to transfer to a real Apple 2 disk)
When Utherboot.dsk boots, it runs a program called "UTHERBOOT.PG2" that does the following
<li>checks for an uthernet in slot 3
<li>broadcasts a DHCP request to get an IP address allocated
<li>broadcasts a TFTP request for a directory listing for anything matching "*.PG2"
<li>displays a menu containing whatever files the TFTP server lists as available.
<li>Once a file is selected, it is downloaded via TFTP, and executed
Only single-load files can be used (this may change in a future release). The files need to be in "PG2" format, which is essentially a DOS 3.3 Binary file.
The first 2 bytes of the file must be the load address (little-endian, i.e. low/high), and then the next 2 bytes must be the file length (excluding the 4 byte
header). The files also need to have a file extension of ".PG2" (in upper case, if your operating system of choice is case sensitive).
If you use CiderPress (http://ciderpress.sourceforge.net/) to extract files from a DSK image, they will not be in the correct format, however there is
a script that will convert such files (including, for example, the games supplied with the Apple 2 Game Server - http://a2gameserver.berlios.de/).
If you run bin/import_ags_games.rb and specify the path to a folder containing files extracted with CiderPress, e.g. the Apple 2 Game Server "games"
directory, a copy of all the games will be placed in the boot/ folder (converted to the appropriate format) - NB due to a limitation in the menu
selection code, only the first 128 PG2 files in the boot/ folder can be selected.
Alternatively, you can use dsktool.rb (http://dsktool.rubyforge.org/) to extract files - it will retain the appropriate file header during the extraction.
For example, to extract the "DIG DUG" game from the online copy at http://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/games/action/digdug.dsk.gz, do
Browse online at <ahref=http://netboot65.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/netboot65/>http://netboot65.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/netboot65/</a> or else download the whole tree through SVN with the following instruction set:
<pre>svn co https://netboot65.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/netboot65 netboot65 </pre>