2009-03-21 06:40:53 +00:00
; minimal dns implementation - requires a DNS server that supports recursion
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
MAX_DNS_MESSAGES_SENT=8 ;timeout after sending 8 messages will be about 7 seconds (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)/4
.include "../inc/common.i"
.export dns_set_hostname
.export dns_resolve
.export dns_ip
.export dns_status
.import cfg_dns
2009-02-08 05:41:42 +00:00
.import parse_dotted_quad
.import dotted_quad_value
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
.import ip65_process
.import udp_add_listener
.import udp_remove_listener
.import udp_callback
.import udp_send
.import udp_inp
.importzp udp_data
.import udp_send_dest
.import udp_send_src_port
.import udp_send_dest_port
.import udp_send_len
.import timer_read
.segment "IP65ZP" : zeropage
dns_hostname: .res 2
; dns packet offsets
dns_inp = udp_inp + udp_data
dns_outp: .res 256
dns_id = 0
dns_client_port_low_byte: .res 1
2009-03-21 06:40:53 +00:00
dns_ip: .res 4 ;will be contain ip address of hostname after succesful exection of dns_resolve
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
dns_msg_id: .res 2
dns_current_label_length: .res 1
dns_current_label_offset: .res 1
dns_message_sent_count: .res 1
dns_packed_hostname: .res 128
; dns state machine
dns_initializing = 1 ; initial state
dns_query_sent = 2 ; sent a query, waiting for a response
dns_complete = 3 ; got a good response
dns_failed = 4 ; got either a 'no such name' or 'recursion declined' response
2009-03-21 06:40:53 +00:00
dns_state: .res 1 ; flag indicating the current stage in the dns resolution process
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
dns_timer: .res 1
dns_loop_count: .res 1
dns_break_polling_loop: .res 1
2009-03-21 06:40:53 +00:00
dns_status: .res 2 ; for debugging purposes only (behaviour not garuanteed)
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
hostname_copied: .res 1
questions_in_response: .res 1
2009-02-08 05:41:42 +00:00
hostname_was_dotted_quad: .res 1
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
2009-03-21 06:40:53 +00:00
; sets up for resolution of a hostname to an ip address
; inputs:
; AX = pointer to null terminated string that contains either a dns hostname
; (e.g. "host.example.com",0) or an address in "dotted quad" format,
; (e.g. "",0)
; outputs:
; carry flag is set on error (i.e. hostname too long), clear otherwise
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
stax dns_hostname
;copy the hostname into a buffer suitable to copy directly into the qname field
;we need to split on dots
2009-02-08 05:41:42 +00:00
jsr parse_dotted_quad ; if we are passed an IP address instead of a hostname, don't bother looking it up in dns
bcs @wasnt_dotted_quad
;if the string was a dotted quad, then copy the parsed 4 bytes in to dns_ip
lda #1
sta hostname_was_dotted_quad
ldx #3 ; set destination address
: lda dotted_quad_value,x
sta dns_ip,x
bpl :-
rts ;done!
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
ldy #0 ;input pointer
ldx #1 ;output pointer (start at 1, to skip first length offset, which will be filled in later)
2009-02-08 05:41:42 +00:00
sty hostname_was_dotted_quad
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
sty dns_current_label_length
sty dns_current_label_offset
sty hostname_copied
lda (dns_hostname),y ;get next char in hostname
cmp #0 ;are we at the end of the string?
bne :+
inc hostname_copied
bne @set_length_of_last_label
cmp #'.' ;do we need to split the labels?
bne @not_a_dot
lda dns_current_label_length
ldx dns_current_label_offset
sta dns_packed_hostname,x
lda #0
sta dns_current_label_length
stx dns_current_label_offset
lda hostname_copied
beq @update_counters
jmp @hostname_done
sta dns_packed_hostname,x
inc dns_current_label_length
bmi @hostname_too_long ;don't allow a hostname of more than 128 bytes
jmp @next_hostname_byte
lda dns_packed_hostname-1,x ;get the last byte we wrote out
beq :+ ;was it a zero?
lda #0
sta dns_packed_hostname,x ;write a trailing zero (i.e. a zero length label)
clc ;no error
2009-03-21 06:40:53 +00:00
; resolve a string containing a hostname (or a dotted quad) to an ip address
; inputs:
; cfg_dns must point to a DNS server that supports recursion
; dns_set_hostname must have been called to load the string to be resolved
; outputs:
; carry flag is set if there was an error, clear otherwise
; dns_ip: set to the ip address of the hostname (if no error)
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
2009-02-08 05:41:42 +00:00
lda hostname_was_dotted_quad
beq @hostname_not_dotted_quad
rts ;we already set dns_ip when copying the hostname
2009-01-22 01:27:03 +00:00
ldax #dns_in
stax udp_callback
lda #53
inc dns_client_port_low_byte ;each call to resolve uses a different client address
ldx dns_client_port_low_byte ;so we don't get confused by late replies to a previous call
jsr udp_add_listener
bcc :+
lda #dns_initializing
sta dns_state
lda #0 ;reset the "message sent" counter
sta dns_message_sent_count
jsr send_dns_query
lda dns_message_sent_count
adc #1
sta dns_loop_count ;we wait a bit longer between each resend
lda #0
sta dns_break_polling_loop
jsr timer_read
stx dns_timer ;we only care about the high byte
jsr ip65_process
lda dns_state
cmp #dns_complete
beq @complete
cmp #dns_failed
beq @failed
lda #0
cmp dns_break_polling_loop
bne @break_polling_loop
jsr timer_read
cpx dns_timer ;this will tick over after about 1/4 of a second
beq @inner_delay_loop
dec dns_loop_count
bne @outer_delay_loop
jsr send_dns_query
inc dns_message_sent_count
lda dns_message_sent_count
bpl @too_many_messages_sent
jmp @dns_polling_loop
lda #53
ldx dns_client_port_low_byte
jsr udp_remove_listener
lda #53
ldx dns_client_port_low_byte
jsr udp_remove_listener
sec ;signal an error
ldax dns_msg_id
adc #0
stax dns_msg_id
stax dns_outp+dns_id
ldax #$0001 ;QR =0 (query), opcode=0 (query), AA=0, TC=0,RD=1,RA=0,Z=0,RCODE=0
stax dns_outp+dns_flags
ldax #$0100 ;we ask 1 question
stax dns_outp+dns_qdcount
ldax #$0000
stax dns_outp+dns_ancount ;we send no answers
stax dns_outp+dns_nscount ;we send no name servers
stax dns_outp+dns_arcount ;we send no authorative records
ldx #0
lda dns_packed_hostname,x
sta dns_outp+dns_qname,x
bmi @error_on_send ;if we got past 128 bytes, there's a problem
cmp #0
bne :- ;keep looping until we have a zero byte.
lda #0
sta dns_outp+dns_qname,x ;high byte of QTYPE=1 (A)
sta dns_outp+dns_qname+2,x ;high byte of QLASS=1 (IN)
lda #1
sta dns_outp+dns_qname+1,x ;low byte of QTYPE=1 (A)
sta dns_outp+dns_qname+3,x ;low byte of QLASS=1 (IN)
adc #(dns_qname+4)
ldx #0
stax udp_send_len
lda #53
ldx dns_client_port_low_byte
stax udp_send_src_port
ldx #3 ; set destination address
: lda cfg_dns,x
sta udp_send_dest,x
bpl :-
ldax #dns_server_port ; set destination port
stax udp_send_dest_port
ldax #dns_outp
jsr udp_send
bcs @error_on_send
lda #dns_query_sent
sta dns_state
lda dns_inp+dns_flags+1 ;
and #$0f ;get the RCODE
cmp #0
beq @not_an_error_response
sta dns_status ;anything non-zero is a permanent error (invalid domain, server doesn't support recursion etc)
sta dns_status+1
lda #dns_failed
sta dns_state
lda dns_inp+dns_qdcount+1
sta questions_in_response
cmp #1 ;should be exactly 1 Q in the response (i.e. the one we sent)
beq :+
jmp @error_in_response
lda dns_inp+dns_ancount+1
bne :+
jmp @error_in_response ;should be at least 1 answer in response
: ;we need to skip over the question (we will assume it's the question we just asked)
ldx #dns_qname
lda dns_inp,x ;get next length byte in question
beq :+ ; we're done if length==0
adc dns_inp,x ;add length of next label to ptr
adc #1 ;+1 for the length byte itself
bcs @error_in_response ;if we overflowed x, then message is too big
bcc :-
inx ;skip past the nul byte
lda dns_inp+1,x
cmp #1 ;QTYPE should 1
lda dns_inp+3,x
cmp #1 ;QCLASS should 1
bne @error_in_response
inx ;skip past the QTYPE/QCLASS
;x now points to the start of the answers
lda dns_inp,x
bpl @error_in_response ;we are expecting the high bit to be set (we assume the server will send us back the answer to the question we just asked)
inx ;skip past the compression
;we are now pointing at the TYPE field
lda dns_inp+1,x ;
cmp #5 ; is this a CNAME?
bne @not_a_cname
adc #10 ;skip 2 bytes TYPE, 2 bytes CLASS, 4 bytes TTL, 2 bytes RDLENGTH
;we're now pointing at the CNAME record
ldy #0 ;start of CNAME hostname
lda dns_inp,x
beq @last_byte_of_cname
bmi @found_compression_marker
sta dns_packed_hostname,y
bmi @error_in_response ;if we go past 128 bytes, something is wrong
bpl :- ;go get next byte
sta dns_packed_hostname,y
lda #$ff ;set a status marker so we know whats going on
sta dns_status
stx dns_status+1
lda #1
sta dns_break_polling_loop
rts ; finished processing - the main dns polling loop should now resend a query, this time for the hostname from the CNAME record
lda dns_inp+1,x
jmp :-
cmp #1 ; should be 1 (A record)
bne @error_in_response
adc #10 ;skip 2 bytes TYPE, 2 bytes CLASS, 4 bytes TTL, 2 bytes RDLENGTH
;we're now pointing at the answer!
lda dns_inp,x
sta dns_ip
lda dns_inp+1,x
sta dns_ip+1
lda dns_inp+2,x
sta dns_ip+2
lda dns_inp+3,x
sta dns_ip+3
lda #dns_complete
sta dns_state
lda #1
sta dns_break_polling_loop
sta dns_status
stx dns_status+1