timer now uses 60hz IRQ handler, rather than CIA

git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netboot65/code@65 93682198-c243-4bdb-bd91-e943c89aac3b
This commit is contained in:
jonnosan 2009-03-28 02:06:49 +00:00
parent 336117a834
commit 13f277ef44

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@ -1,50 +1,47 @@
; timer routines
; the timer should be a 16-bit counter that's incremented by about
; 1000 units per second. it doesn't have to be particularly accurate,
; if you're working with e.g. a 60 Hz VBLANK IRQ, adding 17 to the
; counter every frame would be just fine.
; 1000 units per second. it doesn't have to be particularly accurate.
; this C64 implementation requires the routine timer_vbl_handler be called 60 times per second
.include "../inc/common.i"
.export timer_init
.export timer_read
.export timer_vbl_handler
current_time_value: .res 2
;initialize timers
;reset timer to 0
;inputs: none
;outputs: none
lda #$80 ; stop timers
sta $dd0e
sta $dd0f
ldax #999 ; timer A to 1000 cycles
stax $dd04
ldax #$ffff ; timer B to max cycles
stax $dd06
lda #$81 ; timer A in continuous mode
sta $dd0e
lda #$c1 ; timer B to count timer A underflows
sta $dd0f
ldax #0
stax current_time_value
;initialize timers
;inputs: none
;outputs: AX = count in milliseconds sent last call to timer_init
;read the current timer value
; inputs: none
; outputs: AX = current timer value (roughly equal to number of milliseconds since the last call to 'timer_init')
lda $dd07 ; cia counts backwards, return inverted value
eor #$ff
lda $dd06
eor #$ff
ldax current_time_value
; tick over the current timer value - should be called 60 times per second
; inputs: none
; outputs: none (all registers preserved, by carry flag can be modified)
lda #$11
adc current_time_value
sta current_time_value
bcc :+
inc current_time_value+1