Added Telnet65 app.

The file telnet.s in the 'ip65' directory for sure wasn't belonging into a library as it contained a main loop. So I introduced an 'apps' directory for actual apps coming with IP65. The file telnet.s was moved to apps, renamed telnet65.s and heavily modified.

The file c64vt100.s was made up from several files taken from CaTer ( and adjusted for the new use case. The was done before for KIPPERTERM. However this time I deliberately avoided unnecessary code reformatting to allow for as easy as possible integration of potential upcoming changes in CaTer.

The file a2vt100.s was copied from c64vt100.s and adjusted to the monochrome 80 column screen of the Apple //e. Again unnecessary code changes were avoided to allow to easily merge upcoming changes from c64vt100.s.

The files atrvt100.s and vic20vt100.s are for now just dummies to allow to successfully link Telnet65. Work for an actually functional Telnet65 would start with a copy of c64vt100.s (as it was done with a2vt100.s).
This commit is contained in:
Oliver Schmidt 2017-05-19 00:12:42 +02:00
parent 73d10bc0e4
commit e1a29ae411
8 changed files with 3861 additions and 162 deletions

apps/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# Build for Cirrus Logic CS8900A based devices:
# make eth=cl
# Build for Standard Microsystems LAN91C96 based devices:
# make eth=sm
# Build for WIZnet W5100 based devices:
# make eth=wn
ifeq ($(eth),cl)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64rrnet.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2uther.lib
else ifeq ($(eth),sm)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64eth64.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2lancegs.lib
else ifeq ($(eth),wn)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64wiz811.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2uther2.lib
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64combo.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2combo.lib
ATRDRIVERLIB = ../drivers/atrdragon.lib
VICDRIVERLIB = ../drivers/vic20rrnet.lib
UDP =\
TCP =\
all: $(UDP) $(TCP)
$(addsuffix .prg,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .prg,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .bin,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .bin,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .com,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .com,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .vicprg,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .vicprg,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(foreach pgm,$(UDP) $(TCP),$(eval $(pgm): $(pgm).prg $(pgm).bin $(pgm).com $(pgm).vicprg))
../inc/common.i \
../inc/commonprint.i \
prg: $(addsuffix .prg,$(UDP) $(TCP))
bin: $(addsuffix .bin,$(UDP) $(TCP))
com: $(addsuffix .com,$(UDP) $(TCP))
vicprg: $(addsuffix .vicprg,$(UDP) $(TCP))
d64: ip65.d64
dsk: ip65.dsk
atr: ip65.atr
make -C ../ip65
make -C ../drivers
%.o: %.s
ca65 $<
%.prg: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.prg -C c64.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(C64DRIVERLIB) c64.lib
%.bin: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.bin -C apple2.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(A2DRIVERLIB) apple2.lib %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.com -C atari.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(ATRDRIVERLIB) atari.lib
%.vicprg: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.vicprg -C vic20-32k.cfg -m $* -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(VICDRIVERLIB) vic20.lib
ip65.d64: prg
$(C1541) -format ip65,00 d64 $@
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write telnet65.prg telnet65,p
ip65.dsk: bin
cp prodos.dsk $@
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ telnet65 bin < telnet65.bin
ip65.atr: com
mkdir atr
cp dos.sys atr/dos.sys
cp dup.sys atr/dup.sys
cp atr/
$(DIR2ATR) -b Dos25 1040 $@ atr
rm -r atr
make -C ../ip65 clean
make -C ../drivers clean
-rm -f ../supplement/*.o
-rm -f *.o *.prg *.bin *.com *.vicprg *.map
-rm -f ip65.d64 ip65.dsk ip65.atr

View File

@ -1,188 +1,298 @@
; minimal telnet implementation (dumb terminal emulation only)
; to use:
; set the following variables - telnet_use_native_charset,telnet_port,telnet_ip
; then call telnet_connect
; you must also define (and export) these function
; telnet_menu - called whenever the F1 key is pressed.
; telnet_on_connection - called after succesful connection
.include ""
.include "../inc/common.i"
.include "../inc/commonprint.i"
.include "../inc/net.i"
.import tcp_connect
.export start
.import get_filtered_input
.import get_key
.import get_key_if_available
.import exit_to_basic
.import filter_dns
.import filter_number
.import dns_hostname_is_dotted_quad
.import dns_ip
.import dns_resolve
.import dns_set_hostname
.import ip65_process
.import native_to_ascii
.import parse_integer
.import print_cr
.import tcp_callback
.import tcp_close
.import tcp_connect
.import tcp_connect_ip
.import tcp_listen
.importzp KEYCODE_F1
.import tcp_inbound_data_ptr
.import tcp_inbound_data_length
.import tcp_send
.import tcp_send_data_len
.import tcp_close
.import print_a
.import print_cr
.import vt100_init_terminal
.import vt100_process_inbound_char
.import vt100_transform_outbound_char
.import tcp_send_keep_alive
.import timer_read
.import vt100_init_terminal
.import vt100_exit_terminal
.import vt100_process_inbound_char
.import vt100_process_outbound_char
.importzp vt100_screen_cols
.importzp vt100_screen_rows
.import ip65_process
.import get_key_if_available
.import get_filtered_input
.import check_for_abort_key
.import ok_msg
.import failed_msg
.import print
.import print_errorcode
.export telnet_close
.export telnet_send_char
.export telnet_send_string
.export telnet_connect
.export telnet_use_native_charset
.export telnet_port
.export telnet_ip
.import telnet_menu
.import telnet_on_connection
buffer_ptr = ptr4
buffer_ptr = sreg
; keep LD65 happy
.segment "INIT"
.segment "ONCE"
; connect to a remote telnet server
; inputs:
; telnet_use_native_charset: set to 0 if remote server uses standard ASCII, 1 if remote server uses the 'native' charset (i.e. PETSCII)
; telnet_port: port number to connect to
; telnet_ip: ip address of remote server
lda telnet_use_native_charset
bne :+
.segment "STARTUP"
jsr vt100_init_terminal
: ldax #telnet_callback
; initialize stack
ldax #initializing
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jsr ip65_init
bcc :+
ldax #device_not_found
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jmp error_exit
: ldax #eth_driver_name
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldax #io_base_prefix
jsr print_ascii_as_native
lda eth_driver_io_base+1
jsr print_hex
lda eth_driver_io_base
jsr print_hex
ldax #io_base_postfix
jsr print_ascii_as_native
; get IP addr
ldax #obtaining
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jsr dhcp_init
bcc :+
jsr print_error
jmp error_exit
: ldax #cfg_ip
jsr print_dotted_quad
jsr print_cr
; enter host name
ldax #remote_host
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldy #40 ; max chars
ldax #filter_dns
jsr get_filtered_input
bcc :+
jmp exit
; set host name
: stax buffer_ptr
ldy #$ff
: iny
lda (buffer_ptr),y
jsr native_to_ascii
cmp #'a'
bcs :+
cmp #'A'
bcc :+
adc #'a'-'A'
: sta (buffer_ptr),y
tax ; set Z flag
bne :--
ldax buffer_ptr
jsr dns_set_hostname
bcc :+
jsr print_error
jmp telnet_main_entry
; resolve host name
: lda dns_hostname_is_dotted_quad
bne :++
ldax #resolving
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jsr dns_resolve
bcc :+
jsr print_error
jmp telnet_main_entry
: ldax #dns_ip
jsr print_dotted_quad
; enter port
: ldax #remote_port
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldy #5 ; max chars
ldax #filter_number
jsr get_filtered_input
bcs :+ ; empty -> default
jsr parse_integer
bcc :++
jmp telnet_main_entry
: ldax #23 ; default
: stax telnet_port
; connect
ldax #connecting
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldax #dns_ip
jsr print_dotted_quad
ldax #blank
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldax #telnet_callback
stax tcp_callback
ldx #3
lda telnet_ip,x
: lda dns_ip,x
sta tcp_connect_ip,x
bpl @copy_dest_ip
bpl :-
ldax telnet_port
jsr tcp_connect
bcc :+
jsr print_error
jmp telnet_main_entry
bcc @connect_ok
jsr print_cr
ldax #failed_msg
jsr print
jsr print_cr
jsr print_errorcode
jsr telnet_on_connection
ldax #ok_msg
jsr print
jsr print_cr
; connected
: ldax #ok
jsr print_ascii_as_native
lda #0
sta connection_close_requested
sta connection_closed
sta iac_response_buffer_length
ldax #cursor_on
jsr print_vt100
jsr check_for_abort_key
bcc @no_abort
jsr tcp_close
jmp @disconnected
jsr timer_read
adc #$20 ; 32 x 1/4 = ~ 8seconds
adc #$20 ; 32 x 1/4 = ~ 8 seconds
sta telnet_timeout
jsr timer_read
cpx telnet_timeout
bne @no_timeout
bne :+
jsr tcp_send_keep_alive
jmp @main_polling_loop
jsr ip65_process
lda connection_closed
beq @not_disconnected
: jsr ip65_process
lda connection_close_requested
beq :+
jsr tcp_close
jmp :++
: lda connection_closed
beq :++
: ldax #cursor_off
jsr print_vt100
ldax #disconnected
jsr print
lda iac_response_buffer_length
beq @no_iac_response
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jmp telnet_main_entry
: lda iac_response_buffer_length
beq :+
ldx #0
stax tcp_send_data_len
stx iac_response_buffer_length
ldax #iac_response_buffer
jsr tcp_send
jsr get_key_if_available
: jsr get_key_if_available
beq @wait_for_keypress
bne @not_telnet_menu
jsr telnet_menu
jmp @main_polling_loop
ldx #0
stx tcp_send_data_len
stx tcp_send_data_len+1
jsr vt100_process_outbound_char
jmp @main_polling_loop
ldx telnet_use_native_charset
bne @no_conversion_required
jsr vt100_transform_outbound_char
sta temp_a
bne :+
jmp @main_polling_loop ; Y = 0 means nothing to send
: cmp #2
beq :+
lda temp_a
jmp @no_conversion_required
: lda temp_a
stax buffer_ptr
lda #0
sta buffer_offset
: ldy buffer_offset
lda (buffer_ptr),y
bne :+
: tay
jsr vt100_process_inbound_char
inc buffer_offset
jmp :--
lda ip65_error
bne :+
ldax #abort
jmp print_ascii_as_native
bne :+
ldax #timeout
jmp print_ascii_as_native
: ldax #error_prefix
jsr print_ascii_as_native
lda ip65_error
jsr print_hex
jmp print_cr
ldax #press_a_key_to_continue
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jsr get_key
jsr vt100_exit_terminal
jmp exit_to_basic
; vt100 callback - will be executed when the user requests to close the connection
lda #1
sta connection_close_requested
; vt100 callback - will be executed when sending a char string
stx buffer_ptr
sty buffer_ptr+1
ldy #0
: lda (buffer_ptr),y
beq @send_char
beq send_char
sta scratch_buffer,y
inc tcp_send_data_len
bne :-
jmp @send_char
jmp send_char
; vt100 callback - will be executed when sending a single char
ldy tcp_send_data_len
sta scratch_buffer,y
inc tcp_send_data_len
ldax #scratch_buffer
jsr tcp_send
bcs @error_on_send
jmp @main_polling_loop
bcs :+
: ldax #send_error
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jmp print_error
ldax #transmission_error
jsr print
jmp print_errorcode
; tcp callback - will be executed whenever data arrives on the TCP connection
lda tcp_inbound_data_length+1
cmp #$ff
bne @not_eof
bne :+
lda #1
sta connection_closed
ldax tcp_inbound_data_ptr
: ldax tcp_inbound_data_ptr
stax buffer_ptr
lda tcp_inbound_data_length
sta buffer_length
@ -193,11 +303,9 @@ telnet_callback:
ldy #0
lda (buffer_ptr),y
lda telnet_use_native_charset
beq :+
jmp @no_conversion_req
; if we get here, we are in ASCII 'char at a time' mode, so look for (and process) Telnet style IAC bytes
: lda telnet_state
; if we get here, we are in ASCII 'char at a time' mode,
; so look for (and process) Telnet style IAC bytes
lda telnet_state
cmp #telnet_state_got_command
bne :+
jmp @waiting_for_option
@ -216,7 +324,6 @@ telnet_callback:
ldx iac_suboption_buffer_length
sta iac_suboption_buffer,x
inc iac_suboption_buffer_length
@ -259,6 +366,7 @@ telnet_callback:
lda #telnet_state_normal
sta telnet_state
jmp @byte_processed
lda #telnet_state_got_suboption
sta telnet_state
@ -276,17 +384,14 @@ telnet_callback:
sta telnet_option
lda telnet_command
cmp #$fb
beq @iac_will
cmp #$fc
beq @iac_wont
cmp #$fe
beq @iac_dont
; if we get here, then it's a "do"
lda telnet_option
cmp #$18 ; terminal type
beq @do_terminaltype
cmp #$1f
@ -298,11 +403,10 @@ telnet_callback:
ldx iac_response_buffer_length
sta iac_response_buffer+1,x
lda #255
lda #$ff
sta iac_response_buffer,x
lda telnet_option
sta iac_response_buffer+2,x
inc iac_response_buffer_length
inc iac_response_buffer_length
inc iac_response_buffer_length
@ -312,19 +416,16 @@ telnet_callback:
jmp @byte_processed
lda telnet_option
cmp #$01 ; ECHO
cmp #$01 ; ECHO
beq @will_echo
cmp #$03 ; DO SUPPRESS GA
beq @will_suppress_ga
lda #$fe ; DONT
jmp @add_iac_response
lda #$fd ; DO
jmp @add_iac_response
lda #$fd ; DO
jmp @add_iac_response
@ -339,46 +440,56 @@ telnet_callback:
cmp #naws_response_length
bne :-
jmp @after_set_iac_response
lda #$fb ; WILL
jmp @add_iac_response
jsr vt100_process_inbound_char
jmp @byte_processed
jsr print_a
inc buffer_ptr
bne :+
inc buffer_ptr+1
: lda buffer_length+1
beq @last_page
beq :++
lda buffer_length
bne @not_end_of_page
bne :+
dec buffer_length+1
dec buffer_length
: dec buffer_length
jmp @next_byte
dec buffer_length
beq @finished
: dec buffer_length
beq :+
jmp @next_byte
: rts
; constants
closing_connection: .byte "CLOSING CONNECTION",13,0
disconnected: .byte 13,"CONNECTION CLOSED",13,0
transmission_error: .byte "ERROR WHILE SENDING ",0
blank: .byte " ",0
initializing: .byte 10," Telnet65 v1.0 based on:",10,10
.byte "- IP65 (",10
.byte "- CaTer (",10,10
.byte "Initializing ",0
obtaining: .byte "Obtaining IP address ",0
resolving: .byte 10,"Resolving to address ",0
connecting: .byte 10,"Connecting to ",0
io_base_prefix: .byte " ($",0
io_base_postfix: .byte ")",10,0
ok: .byte "Ok",10,10,0
device_not_found: .byte "- Device not found",10,0
abort: .byte "- User abort",10,0
timeout: .byte "- Timeout",10,0
error_prefix: .byte "- Error $",0
remote_host: .byte 10,"Hostname (leave blank to quit)",10,"? ",0
remote_port: .byte 10,10,"Port Num (leave blank for default)",10,"? ",0
disconnected: .byte 10,"Disconnected",10,0
send_error: .byte "Sending ",0
cursor_on: .byte 27,"[?25h",0
cursor_off: .byte 27,"[?25l",0
; initial_telnet_options:
; .byte $ff,$fb,$1F ; IAC WILL NAWS
@ -387,36 +498,35 @@ transmission_error: .byte "ERROR WHILE SENDING ",0
.byte $ff ; IAC
.byte $fa; SB
.byte $18 ; TERMINAL TYPE
.byte $0 ; IS
.byte $fa ; SB
.byte $18 ; TERMINAL TYPE
.byte $0 ; IS
.byte "vt100" ; what we pretend to be
.byte $ff ; IAC
.byte $f0 ; SE
terminal_type_response_length = *-terminal_type_response
.byte $ff,$fb,$1F ; IAC WILL NAWS
.byte $ff,$fb,$1f ; IAC WILL NAWS
.byte $ff ; IAC
.byte $fa ; SB
.byte $1F ; NAWS
.byte $1f ; NAWS
.byte $00 ; width (high byte)
.byte 40 ; width (low byte)
.byte vt100_screen_cols ; width (low byte)
.byte $00 ; height (high byte)
.byte 25 ; height (low byte)
.byte vt100_screen_rows ; height (low byte)
.byte $ff ; IAC
.byte $f0 ; SE
naws_response_length = *-naws_response
.segment "APP_SCRATCH"
; variables
telnet_ip: .res 4 ; ip address of remote server
telnet_port: .res 2 ; port number to connect to
telnet_timeout: .res 1
connection_close_requested: .res 1
connection_closed: .res 1
telnet_use_native_charset: .res 1 ; 0 means all data is translated to/from NVT ASCII
buffer_offset: .res 1
telnet_command: .res 1
telnet_option: .res 1
@ -429,12 +539,11 @@ telnet_state_got_suboption = 3
buffer_length: .res 2
telnet_state: .res 1
temp_a: .res 1
iac_response_buffer: .res 64
iac_response_buffer_length: .res 1
scratch_buffer : .res 40
iac_suboption_buffer: .res 64
iac_suboption_buffer_length: .res 1
iac_suboption_buffer_length: .res 1

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ C64OBJS=\
c64kernal.o \
c64input.o \
c64filteredinput.o \
c64vt100.o \
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ A2OBJS=\
a2kernal.o \
a2input.o \
a2filteredinput.o \
a2vt100.o \
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ ATROBJS=\
atrkernal.o \
atrinput.o \
atrfilteredinput.o \
atrvt100.o \
@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ VIC20OBJS=\
vic20kernal.o \
vic20input.o \
vic20filteredinput.o \
vic20vt100.o \
c64rrnet.lib: rr-net.o cs8900a.o cs8900adriver.o ethernet.o $(C64OBJS)

drivers/a2vt100.s Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

drivers/atrvt100.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.export vt100_init_terminal = $1000
.export vt100_exit_terminal = $1000
.export vt100_process_inbound_char = $1000
.export vt100_process_outbound_char = $1000
.exportzp vt100_screen_cols = 40
.exportzp vt100_screen_rows = 24

drivers/c64vt100.s Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

drivers/vic20vt100.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.export vt100_init_terminal = $1000
.export vt100_exit_terminal = $1000
.export vt100_process_inbound_char = $1000
.export vt100_process_outbound_char = $1000
.exportzp vt100_screen_cols = 22
.exportzp vt100_screen_rows = 23

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ IP65OBJS=\
printf.o \
sntp.o \
string_utils.o \
telnet.o \
udp.o \