;constants for accessing the NB65 API file ;to use this file under CA65, then add " .define EQU =" to your code before this file is included. NB65_API_VERSION_NUMBER EQU $01 NB65_CART_SIGNATURE EQU $8009 NB65_API_VERSION EQU $800d NB65_BANKSWITCH_SUPPORT EQU $800e NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR EQU $800f NB65_PERIODIC_PROCESSING_VECTOR EQU $8012 NB65_VBL_VECTOR EQU $8015 NB65_RAM_STUB_SIGNATURE EQU $C000 NB65_RAM_STUB_ACTIVATE EQU $C004 ;function numbers ;to make a function call: ; Y EQU function number ; AX EQU pointer to parameter buffer (for functions that take parameters) ; then JSR NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR ; on return, carry flag is set if there is an error, or clear otherwise ; some functions return results in AX directly, others will update the parameter buffer they were called with. ; any register not specified in outputs will have an undefined value on exit NB65_INITIALIZE EQU $01 ;no inputs or outputs - initializes IP stack, also sets IRQ chain to call NB65_VBL_VECTOR at @ 60hz NB65_GET_IP_CONFIG EQU $02 ;no inputs, outputs AX=pointer to IP configuration structure NB65_TFTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING EQU $03 ;inputs: AX points to a TFTP parameter structure, outputs: none NB65_TFTP_DOWNLOAD EQU $04 ;inputs: AX points to a TFTP parameter structure, outputs: TFTP param structure updated with ;NB65_TFTP_POINTER updated to reflect actual load address (if load address $0000 originally passed in) NB65_DNS_RESOLVE EQU $05 ;inputs: AX points to a DNS parameter structure, outputs: DNS param structure updated with ;NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME_IP updated with IP address corresponding to hostname. NB65_UDP_ADD_LISTENER EQU $06 ;inputs: AX points to a UDP listener parameter structure, outputs: none NB65_GET_INPUT_PACKET_INFO EQU $07 ;inputs: AX points to a UDP packet parameter structure, outputs: UDP packet structure filled in NB65_SEND_UDP_PACKET EQU $08 ;inputs: AX points to a UDP packet parameter structure, outputs: none packet is sent NB65_DEACTIVATE EQU $09 ;inputs: none, outputs: none (removes call to NB65_VBL_VECTOR on IRQ chain) NB65_PRINT_ASCIIZ EQU $80 ;inputs: AX=pointer to null terminated string to be printed to screen, outputs: none NB65_PRINT_HEX EQU $81 ;inputs: A=byte digit to be displayed on screen as (zero padded) hex digit, outputs: none NB65_PRINT_DOTTED_QUAD EQU $82 ;inputs: AX=pointer to 4 bytes that will be displayed as a decimal dotted quad (e.g. NB65_PRINT_IP_CONFIG EQU $83 ;no inputs, no outputs, prints to screen current IP configuration NB65_GET_LAST_ERROR EQU $FF ;no inputs, outputs A EQU error code (from last function that set the global error value, not necessarily the ;last function that was called) ;offsets in IP configuration structure (used by NB65_GET_IP_CONFIG) NB65_CFG_MAC EQU $00 ;6 byte MAC address NB65_CFG_IP EQU $06 ;4 byte local IP address (will be overwritten by DHCP) NB65_CFG_NETMASK EQU $0A ;4 byte local netmask (will be overwritten by DHCP) NB65_CFG_GATEWAY EQU $0D ;4 byte local gateway (will be overwritten by DHCP) NB65_CFG_DNS_SERVER EQU $12 ;4 byte IP address of DNS server (will be overwritten by DHCP) NB65_CFG_DHCP_SERVER EQU $16 ;4 byte IP address of DHCP server (will only be set by DHCP initialisation) NB65_DRIVER_NAME EQU $1A ;2 byte pointer to name of driver ;offsets in TFTP parameter structure (used by NB65_TFTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING & NB65_TFTP_DOWNLOAD) NB65_TFTP_IP EQU $00 ;4 byte IP address of TFTP server NB65_TFTP_FILENAME EQU $04 ;2 byte pointer to asciiz filename (or filemask in case of NB65_TFTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING) NB65_TFTP_POINTER EQU $06 ;2 byte pointer to memory location data to be stored in ;offsets in DNS parameter structure (used by NB65_DNS_RESOLVE) NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME EQU $00 ;2 byte pointer to asciiz hostname to resolve (can also be a dotted quad string) NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME_IP EQU $00 ;4 byte IP address (filled in on succesful resolution of hostname) ;offsets in UDP listener parameter structure NB65_UDP_LISTENER_PORT EQU $00 ;2 byte port number NB65_UDP_LISTENER_CALLBACK EQU $02 ;2 byte address of routine to call when UDP packet arrives for specified port ;offsets in UDP packet parameter structure NB65_REMOTE_IP EQU $00 ;4 byte IP address of remote machine (src of inbound packets, dest of outbound packets) NB65_REMOTE_PORT EQU $04 ;2 byte port number of remote machine (src of inbound packets, dest of outbound packets) NB65_LOCAL_PORT EQU $06 ;2 byte port number of local machine (src of outbound packets, dest of inbound packets) NB65_PAYLOAD_LENGTH EQU $08 ;2 byte length of payload of packet (after all ethernet,IP,UDP headers) NB65_PAYLOAD_POINTER EQU $0A ;2 byte pointer to payload of packet (after all headers) ;error codes (as returned by NB65_GET_LAST_ERROR) NB65_ERROR_PORT_IN_USE EQU $80 NB65_ERROR_TIMEOUT_ON_RECEIVE EQU $81 NB65_ERROR_TRANSMIT_FAILED EQU $82 NB65_ERROR_TRANSMISSION_REJECTED_BY_PEER EQU $83 NB65_ERROR_INPUT_TOO_LARGE EQU $84 NB65_ERROR_DEVICE_FAILURE EQU $85 NB65_ERROR_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED EQU $FE NB65_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED EQU $FF