;routines for parsing a HTTP request ;to use - first call http_parse_request, then call http_get_value to get method name, path, and variable values ;NB - this routine uses the same buffer space and zero page locations as many other ip65 routines. so do not call ;other ip65 routines between the http_parse_request & http_get_value else odd things will happen. .include "../inc/common.i" .ifndef KPR_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/kipper_constants.i" .endif .export http_parse_request .export http_get_value .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import output_buffer ;reuse the copy_src zero page var string_ptr = copy_src table_ptr=copy_dest var_table=output_buffer .bss var_name: .res 1 hex_digit: .res 1 .code ;split a HTTP request into method (e.g. GET or POST), the path, and any querystring variables ;NB only the first letter in a variable name is significant. i.e. if a querystring contains variables 'a','alpha' & 'alabama', only the first one in will be retreivable. ;the method is stored in var $01 ;the path is stored in var $02 ;for example, parsing "GET /goober?a=foo&alpha=beta" would result in: ;value of A when calling http_get_value value returned by http_get_value ; #$01 "GET" ; #$02 "/goober" ; #'a' "foo" ; #'A' (error) ;inputs: ;AX = pointer to HTTP request ;outputs: ; none - but values can be retrieved through subsequent calls to http_get_value http_parse_request: stax string_ptr ldax #var_table stax table_ptr lda #1 ;start of method ldy #0 jsr put_byte lda (string_ptr),y cmp #'/' beq @gopher jsr @check_end_of_string bcs @gopher lda (string_ptr),y @extract_method: cmp #' ' beq @end_of_method jsr @check_end_of_string bcc :+ jmp @done : jsr put_byte jsr get_next_byte_in_source jmp @extract_method @gopher: jsr @output_end_of_method lda #'/' jmp @got_path_char @output_end_of_method: lda #0 ;end of method jsr put_byte lda #2 ;start of path jmp put_byte @end_of_method: jsr @output_end_of_method @extract_path: jsr get_next_byte_in_source jsr @check_end_of_string bcs @done cmp #'?' beq @end_of_path cmp #'&' beq @end_of_path @got_path_char: jsr put_byte jmp @extract_path @end_of_path: lda #0 ;end of path jsr put_byte @next_var: jsr get_next_byte_in_source jsr @check_end_of_string bcs @done jsr put_byte @skip_to_equals: jsr get_next_byte_in_source jsr @check_end_of_string bcs @done cmp #'?' beq @next_var cmp #'&' beq @next_var cmp #'=' beq @got_var jmp @skip_to_equals @got_var: jsr get_next_byte_in_source jsr @check_end_of_string bcs @done cmp #'?' beq @end_of_var cmp #'&' beq @end_of_var cmp #'%' beq @get_percent_encoded_byte cmp #'+' bne :+ lda #' ' : @got_byte: jsr put_byte jmp @got_var @end_of_var: lda #0 jsr put_byte jmp @next_var @done: lda #0 jsr put_byte jsr put_byte rts @check_end_of_string: cmp #0 beq @end_of_string cmp #' ' beq @end_of_string cmp #$0a beq @end_of_string cmp #$0d beq @end_of_string clc rts @end_of_string: sec rts @get_percent_encoded_byte: jsr get_next_byte_in_source jsr parse_hex_digit asl asl asl asl sta hex_digit jsr get_next_byte_in_source jsr parse_hex_digit clc adc hex_digit jmp @got_byte put_byte: sta (table_ptr),y inc table_ptr bne :+ inc table_ptr+1 : rts ;retrieve the value of a variable defined in the previously parsed HTTP request. ;inputs: ;A = variable to retrieve. ; to get the method (GET/POST/HEAD), pass A=$01. ; to get the path (everything between the method and the first '?'), pass A=$02. ;outputs: ; if variable exists in HTTP request, carry flag will be clear and AX points to value (null terminated string) ; if variable did not exist, carry flag will be set. http_get_value: sta var_name ldax #var_table stax string_ptr ldy #0 lda (string_ptr),y @check_next_var: beq @end_of_vars cmp var_name beq @got_var ;not the var we want, so skip over till next byte @skip_till_null_byte: jsr get_next_byte_in_source bne @skip_till_null_byte jsr get_next_byte_in_source bne @check_next_var @end_of_vars: sec rts @got_var: jsr get_next_byte_in_source ldax string_ptr clc rts get_next_byte_in_source: inc string_ptr bne :+ inc string_ptr+1 : lda (string_ptr),y rts parse_hex_digit: cmp #$3A bcs @not_digit sec sbc #$30 rts @not_digit: ora #$20 ;make lower case sec sbc #'a'-10 rts