.include "../inc/common.i" .ifndef KPR_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/kipper_constants.i" .endif VARTAB = $2D ;BASIC variable table storage ARYTAB = $2F ;BASIC array table storage FREETOP = $33 ;bottom of string text storage area MEMSIZ = $37 ;highest address used by BASIC VARNAM = $45 ;current BASIC variable name VARPNT = $47 ; pointer to current BASIC variable value SETNAM = $FFBD SETLFS = $FFBA OPEN = $FFC0 CHKIN = $FFC6 READST = $FFB7 ; read status byte CHRIN = $FFCF ; get a byte from file CLOSE = $FFC3 MEMTOP = $FE25 TXTPTR = $7A ;BASIC text pointer IERROR = $0300 ICRUNCH = $0304 ;Crunch ASCII into token IQPLOP = $0306 ;List IGONE = $0308 ;Execute next BASIC token CHRGET = $73 CHRGOT = $79 CHROUT = $FFD2 GETBYT = $B79E ;BASIC routine GETPAR = $B7EB ;Get a 16,8 pair of numbers CHKCOM = $AEFD NEW = $A642 CLR = $A65E NEWSTT = $A7AE GETVAR = $B0E7 ;find or create a variable FRMEVL = $AD9E ;evaluate expression FRESTR = $B6A3 ;free temporary string FRMNUM = $AD8A ;get a number GETADR = $B7F7 ;convert number to 16 bit integer INLIN = $A560 ; read a line from keyboard VALTYP=$0D ;00=number, $FF=string LINNUM = $14 ;Number returned by GETPAR crunched_line = $0200 ;Input buffer .import copymem .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import dhcp_init .import ip65_init .import cfg_get_configuration_ptr .import ip65_process .import ip65_error .import cfg_ip .import cfg_dns .import cfg_gateway .import cfg_netmask .import icmp_ping .import icmp_echo_ip .import dns_set_hostname .import dns_resolve .import dns_ip .import print_a .import print_cr .import dhcp_server .import cfg_mac .import cs_driver_name .import get_key_if_available .import timer_read .import native_to_ascii .import ascii_to_native .import http_parse_request .import http_get_value .import http_variables_buffer .zeropage temp: .res 2 temp2: .res 2 pptr=temp .segment "STARTUP" ;this is what gets put at the start of the file on the C64 .word basicstub ; load address basicstub: .word @nextline .word 2003 ;line number .byte $9e ;SYS .byte <(((relocate / 1000) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((relocate / 100 ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((relocate / 10 ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((relocate ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte 0 @nextline: .word 0 relocate: ldax #end_of_loader stax copy_src ldax #main_start stax copy_dest stax MEMSIZ FS=$8000-main_start ldax #FS ;copy memory sta end ldy #0 cpx #0 beq @tail : lda (copy_src),y sta (copy_dest),y iny bne :- inc copy_src+1 ;next page inc copy_dest+1 ;next page dex bne :- @tail: lda end beq @done : lda (copy_src),y sta (copy_dest),y iny cpy end bne :- @done: ldax #welcome_banner jsr print ldx #5 ;Copy CURRENT vectors @copy_old_vectors_loop: lda ICRUNCH,x sta oldcrunch,x dex bpl @copy_old_vectors_loop ldx #5 ;Copy CURRENT vectors install_new_vectors_loop: lda vectors,x sta ICRUNCH,x dex bpl install_new_vectors_loop ;BASIC keywords installed, now bring up the ip65 stack jsr ip65_init @init_failed: jsr $A644 ;do a "NEW" jmp $A474 ;"READY" prompt welcome_banner: .byte "### BASIC ON BAILS ###",13 .byte 0 end: .res 1 end_of_loader: .segment "MAINSTART" main_start: safe_getvar: ;if GETVAR doesn't find the desired variable name in the VARTABLE, a routine at $B11D will create it ;however that routine checks if the low byte of the return address of the caller is $2A. if it is, ;it assumes the caller is the routine at $AF28 which just wants to get the variable value, and ;returns a pointer to a dummy 'zero' pointer. ;so if user code that is calling GETVAR happens to be compiled to an address $xx28, it will ;trigger this check, and not create a new variable, which (from painful experience) will create ;a really nasty condition to debug! ;so vector to GETVAR via here, so the return address seen by $B11D is here, and never $xx28 jsr GETVAR rts .code ; CRUNCH -- If this is one of our keywords, then tokenize it ; crunch: jsr jmp_crunch ;First crunch line normally ldy #05 ;Offset for KERNAL ;Y will contain line length+5 @loop: sty temp jsr isword ;Are we at a keyword? bcs @gotcha @next: jsr nextchar bne @loop ;Null byte marks end sta crunched_line-3,Y ;00 line number lda #$FF ;'tis what A should be rts ;Buh-bye ; Insert token and crunch line @gotcha: ldx temp ;If so, A contains opcode sta crunched_line-5,X @move: inx lda crunched_line-5,Y sta crunched_line-5,X ;Move text backwards beq @next iny bpl @move ; ISWORD -- Checks to see if word is ; in table. If a word is found, then ; C is set, Y is one past the last char ; and A contains opcode. Otherwise, ; carry is clear. ; ; On entry, TEMP must contain current ; character position. ; isword: ldx #00 @loop: ldy temp @loop2: lda keywords,x beq @notmine cmp #$E0 bcs @done ;Tokens are >=$E0 cmp crunched_line-5,Y bne @next iny ;Success! Go to next char inx bne @loop2 @next: inx lda keywords,x ;Find next keyword cmp #$E0 bcc @next inx bne @loop ;And check again @notmine: clc @done: rts ; NEXTCHAR finds the next char ; in the buffer, skipping ; spaces and quotes. On ; entry, TEMP contains the ; position of the last spot ; read. On exit, Y contains ; the index to the next char, ; A contains that char, and Z is set if at end of line. nextchar: ldy temp @loop: iny lda crunched_line-5,Y beq @done cmp #$8F ;REM bne @cont lda #00 @skip: sta temp2 ;Find matching character @loop2: iny lda crunched_line-5,Y beq @done cmp temp2 bne @loop2 ;Skip to end of line beq @loop @cont: cmp #$20 ;space beq @loop cmp #$22 ;quote beq @skip @done: rts ; ; LIST -- patches the LIST routine ; to list our new tokens correctly. ; list: cmp #$E0 bcc @notmine ;Not my token cmp #HITOKEN bcs @notmine bit $0F ;Check for quote mode bmi @notmine sec sbc #$DF ;Find the corresponding text tax sty $49 ldy #00 @loop: dex beq @done @loop2: iny lda keywords,y cmp #$E0 bcc @loop2 iny bne @loop @done: lda keywords,y cmp #$91 ;is it "ON"? bne @not_on lda #'O' jsr CHROUT lda #'N' bne @skip @not_on: cmp #$9B ;is it "LIST"? bne @not_list lda #'L' jsr CHROUT lda #'I' jsr CHROUT lda #'S' jsr CHROUT lda #'T' bne @skip @not_list: lda keywords,y bmi @out ;is it >=$80? @skip: jsr CHROUT iny bne @done @out: cmp #$E0 ;It might be BASIC token bcs @cont ldy $49 @notmine: and #$FF jmp (oldlist) @cont: ldy $49 jmp $A700 ;Normal exit ; ; EXECUTE -- if this is one of our new ; tokens, then execute it. execute: jsr CHRGET execute_a: php cmp #':' ;is it a colon? beq execute;if so, skip over and go to next token cmp #$8B ;is it 'IF'? bne @not_if lda #$E0 ;our dummy IF token @not_if: cmp #$E0 bcc @notmine cmp #HITOKEN bcs @notmine plp jsr @disp jmp NEWSTT @disp: eor #$E0 asl ;multiply by 2 tax lda token_routines+1,x pha lda token_routines,x pha jmp CHRGET ;exit to routine (via RTS) @notmine: plp cmp #0 ;reset flags jmp $A7E7 ;the standard BASIC IF routine calls the BASIC EXECUTE routine directly, ;without going through the vector. That means an extended keyword following THEN ;will lead to a syntax error. So we have to reimpliment IF here ;this is taken from TransBASIC - The Transactor, vol 5, Issue 04 (March 1985) page 34 if_keyword: jsr FRMEVL ;evaluate expression jsr CHRGOT cmp #$89 ;is next token GOTO? beq @ok lda #$A7 ;is next token THEN jsr $AEFF ;will generate SYNTAX ERROR if not @ok: jsr CHRGOT ldx $61 ;result of expression : 0 means false bne @expression_was_true jmp $A93B ;go to REM implementation - skips rest of line @expression_was_true: bcs @not_numeric;CHRGOT clears carry flag if current char is a number jmp $A8A0 ;do a GOTO @not_numeric: pla pla ;pop the return address off the stack jsr CHRGOT jmp execute_a ;execute current token ;emit the 4 bytes pointed at by AX as dotted decimals emit_dotted_quad: sta pptr stx pptr + 1 ldy #0 lda (pptr),y jsr emit_decimal lda #'.' jsr emit_a ldy #1 lda (pptr),y jsr emit_decimal lda #'.' jsr emit_a ldy #2 lda (pptr),y jsr emit_decimal lda #'.' jsr emit_a ldy #3 lda (pptr),y jsr emit_decimal rts emit_decimal: ;emit byte in A as a decimal number pha sta temp_bin ;save sed ; Switch to decimal mode lda #0 ; Ensure the result is clear sta temp_bcd sta temp_bcd+1 ldx #8 ; The number of source bits : asl temp_bin+0 ; Shift out one bit lda temp_bcd+0 ; And add into result adc temp_bcd+0 sta temp_bcd+0 lda temp_bcd+1 ; propagating any carry adc temp_bcd+1 sta temp_bcd+1 dex ; And repeat for next bit bne :- cld ;back to binary pla ;get back the original passed in number bmi @emit_hundreds ; if N is set, the number is >=128 so emit all 3 digits cmp #10 bmi @emit_units cmp #100 bmi @emit_tens @emit_hundreds: lda temp_bcd+1 ;get the most significant digit and #$0f clc adc #'0' jsr emit_a @emit_tens: lda temp_bcd lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #'0' jsr emit_a @emit_units: lda temp_bcd and #$0f clc adc #'0' jsr emit_a rts print: sta pptr stx pptr + 1 @print_loop: ldy #0 lda (pptr),y beq @done_print jsr print_a inc pptr bne @print_loop inc pptr+1 bne @print_loop ;if we ever get to $ffff, we've probably gone far enough ;-) @done_print: rts extract_string: jsr FRMEVL jsr FRESTR ;if not string, will create type mismatch error sta param_length tay lda #0 sta transfer_buffer,y dey @loop: lda ($22),y sta transfer_buffer,y dey bpl @loop jmp FRESTR ;free up the temp string created by FRMEVL ;get a string value from BASIC command, turn into a 32 bit IP address,save it in the 4 bytes pointed at by AX get_ip_parameter: stax temp2 jsr extract_string ldax #transfer_buffer jsr dns_set_hostname bcs @error jsr dns_resolve bcc @ok @error: ldax #address_resolution jmp print_error @ok: ldax #dns_ip ldx #4 @copy_dns_ip: lda dns_ip,y sta (temp2),y iny dex bne @copy_dns_ip rts reset_string: ldy #string_buffer sty current_output_ptr+1 rts print_dotted_quad: jsr reset_string jsr emit_dotted_quad make_null_terminated_and_print: lda #0 jsr emit_a ldax #string_buffer jmp print print_integer: sta $63 stx $62 jmp $bdd1 ;BASIC routine print_decimal: jsr reset_string jsr emit_decimal jmp make_null_terminated_and_print print_mac: jsr reset_string jsr emit_mac jmp make_null_terminated_and_print ;print 6 bytes printed at by AX as a MAC address emit_mac: stax pptr ldy #0 @one_mac_digit: tya ;just to set the Z flag pha beq @dont_print_colon lda #':' jsr emit_a @dont_print_colon: pla tay lda (pptr),y jsr emit_hex iny cpy #06 bne @one_mac_digit rts emit_hex: pha pha lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda hexdigits,x jsr emit_a pla and #$0F tax lda hexdigits,x jsr emit_a pla rts print_hex: jsr reset_string jsr emit_hex jmp make_null_terminated_and_print print_error: jsr print ldax #error jsr print lda ip65_error jsr print_hex jsr print_cr sec rts get_optional_byte: jsr CHRGOT beq @no_param ;leave X as it was jsr CHKCOM ;make sure next char is a comma (and skip it) jsr CHRGOT beq @eol jsr GETBYT @no_param: rts @eol: jmp $AF08 ;SYNTAX ERROR ipcfg_keyword: ldax #interface_type jsr print ldax #cs_driver_name jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #mac_address_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_mac jsr print_mac jsr print_cr ldax #ip_address_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_ip jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #netmask_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_netmask jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #gateway_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_gateway jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #dns_server_msg jsr print ldax #cfg_dns jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr ldax #dhcp_server_msg jsr print ldax #dhcp_server jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr rts dhcp_keyword: jsr dhcp_init bcc @init_ok jsr ip65_init ;if DHCP failed, then reinit the IP stack (which will reset IP address etc that DHCP messed with to default values) @init_failed: ldax #dhcp jmp print_error @init_ok: rts ping_keyword: ldax #icmp_echo_ip jsr get_ip_parameter bcc @no_error rts @no_error: ;is there an optional parameter? ldx #3 jsr get_optional_byte stx ping_counter ldax #pinging jsr print ldax #dns_ip jsr print_dotted_quad jsr print_cr @ping_loop: jsr icmp_ping bcs @error lda #'.' @print_and_loop: jsr print_a lda $cb ;current key pressed cmp #$3F ;RUN/STOP? beq @done dec ping_counter bne @ping_loop @done: jmp print_cr @error: lda #'!' jmp @print_and_loop myip_keyword: ldax #cfg_ip jmp get_ip_parameter dns_keyword: ldax #cfg_dns jmp get_ip_parameter gateway_keyword: ldax #cfg_gateway jmp get_ip_parameter netmask_keyword: ldax #cfg_netmask jmp get_ip_parameter skip_comma_get_integer: jsr CHRGOT jsr CHKCOM ;make sure next char is a comma (and skip it) get_integer: jsr CHRGOT beq @eol jsr FRMNUM jsr GETADR ldax LINNUM @no_param: rts @eol: jmp $AF08 ;SYNTAX ERROR hook_keyword: jsr extract_string ldax #transfer_buffer jsr skip_comma_get_integer stax handler_address jsr find_hook bcc @existing_entry lda hooks cmp #MAX_HOOKS bmi @got_space ldx #$10 ;OUT OF MEMORY jmp $A437 ;print error @got_space: clc lda #0 adc hooks adc hooks adc hooks adc hooks adc hooks adc hooks tay inc hooks @existing_entry: ;y now points to free slot in hook table lda transfer_buffer sta hook_table,y lda transfer_buffer+1 sta hook_table+1,y lda param_length sta hook_table+2,y lda hash sta hook_table+3,y lda handler_address sta hook_table+4,y lda handler_address+1 sta hook_table+5,y rts goto: sta $14 stx $15 jmp $a8a3 ;GOTO keyword find_hook: jsr calc_hash ldy #0 ldx hooks beq @done @compare_one_entry: lda transfer_buffer cmp hook_table,y bne @nope lda transfer_buffer+1 cmp hook_table+1,y bne @nope lda param_length cmp hook_table+2,y bne @nope lda hash cmp hook_table+3,y bne @nope ;found it! clc rts @nope: dex beq @done iny iny iny iny iny iny bne @compare_one_entry @done: sec rts calc_hash: clc lda #0 ldy param_length beq @done @loop: adc transfer_buffer,y dey bne @loop @done: sta hash rts yield_keyword: rts gosub: bang_keyword: jsr extract_string ldy #0 sty string_ptr @loop: lda transfer_buffer,y jsr putchar inc string_ptr ldy string_ptr cpy param_length bne @loop rts putchar: jmp $ffd2 grok_keyword: ldax #http_buffer stax http_variables_buffer jsr extract_string ldax #transfer_buffer got_http_request: jsr http_parse_request lda #$02 jsr http_get_value stax copy_src ldy #0 @copy_path: lda (copy_src),y beq @done sta transfer_buffer,y iny bne @copy_path @done: sty string_length lda #0 sta transfer_buffer,y sty param_length sty tmp_length clc lda #'P' sta VARNAM lda #'A'+$80 jmp @set_var_value @copy_vars: iny lda (copy_src),y beq @last_var tax ;var name iny clc tya adc copy_src sta copy_src bcc :+ inc copy_src+1 : ldy #0 : lda (copy_src),y beq @end_of_var iny bne :- @end_of_var: sty tmp_length clc stx VARNAM lda #$80 @set_var_value: sta VARNAM+1 jsr safe_getvar ldy #0 lda tmp_length sta (VARPNT),y iny lda copy_src sta (VARPNT),y iny lda copy_src+1 sta (VARPNT),y ldy tmp_length jmp @copy_vars @last_var: jsr find_hook bcc @got_hook ldax default_line_number jmp goto @got_hook: lda hook_table+4,y ldx hook_table+5,y jmp goto httpd_keyword: jsr get_integer stax httpd_port_number jsr skip_comma_get_integer stax default_line_number ldax #listening jsr print ldax #cfg_ip jsr print_dotted_quad lda #':' jsr print_a ldax httpd_port_number jsr print_integer jsr print_cr jmp httpd_start .rodata vectors: .word crunch .word list .word execute ; Keyword list ; Keywords are stored as normal text, ; followed by the token number. ; All tokens are >$80, ; so they easily mark the end of the keyword hexdigits: .byte "0123456789ABCDEF" listening: .byte"LISTENING ON ",0 pinging: .byte"PINGING ",0 interface_type: .byte "INTERFACE : ",0 mac_address_msg: .byte "MAC ADDRESS : ", 0 ip_address_msg: .byte "IP ADDRESS : ", 0 netmask_msg: .byte "NETMASK : ", 0 gateway_msg: .byte "GATEWAY : ", 0 dns_server_msg: .byte "DNS SERVER : ", 0 dhcp_server_msg: .byte "DHCP SERVER : ", 0 address_resolution: .byte "ADDRESS RESOLUTION",0 tftp: .byte "TFTP",0 dhcp: .byte "DHCP",0 connect: .byte "CONNECT",0 error: .byte " ERROR $",0 disconnected: .byte 13,"DIS" connected_msg: .byte "CONNECTED",13,0 keywords: .byte "IF",$E0 ;our dummy 'IF' entry takes $E0 .byte "IPCFG",$E1 .byte "DHCP",$E2 .byte "PING",$E3 .byte "MYIP",$E4 .byte "NETMASK",$E5 .byte "GATEWAY",$E6 .byte "DNS",$E7 .byte "HOOK",$E8 .byte "YIELD",$E9 .byte "GROK",$EA .byte "!",$EB .byte "HTTPD",$EC .byte $00 ;end of list HITOKEN=$ED ; ; Table of token locations-1 ; token_routines: E0: .word if_keyword-1 E1: .word ipcfg_keyword-1 E2: .word dhcp_keyword-1 E3: .word ping_keyword-1 E4: .word myip_keyword-1 E5: .word netmask_keyword-1 E6: .word gateway_keyword-1 E7: .word dns_keyword-1 E8: .word hook_keyword-1 E9: .word yield_keyword-1 EA: .word grok_keyword-1 EB: .word bang_keyword-1 EC: .word httpd_keyword-1 .segment "SELF_MODIFIED_CODE" jmp_crunch: .byte $4C ;JMP oldcrunch: .res 2 ;Old CRUNCH vector oldlist: .res 2 oldexec: .res 2 emit_a: current_output_ptr=emit_a+1 sta $ffff inc string_length inc current_output_ptr bne :+ inc current_output_ptr+1 : rts MAX_HOOKS=40 hook_table: .res MAX_HOOKS*6 ;format is: ; $00/$01 first 2 chars of hook name ; $02 length of name ; $03 hash of name ; $04/$05 line number that hook handler starts at hooks: .byte 0 .bss string_length: .res 1 param_length: .res 1 tmp_length: .res 1 temp_bin: .res 1 temp_bcd: .res 2 ping_counter: .res 1 http_buffer: .res 256 string_buffer: .res 128 transfer_buffer: .res 256 handler_address: .res 2 hash: .res 1 string_ptr: .res 1 default_line_number: .res 2 .include "httpd.inc" ;-- LICENSE FOR bails.s -- ; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License ; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in ; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ; ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" ; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations ; under the License. ; ; The Original Code is netboot65. ; ; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes, ; jonno@jamtronix.com. ; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009,2010 ; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved. ; -- LICENSE END --