;this is some very quick and dirty glue to make the most useful IP65 functions available via a single entry point. ;this allows user applications to be developed that don't link ip65 in directly, rather they use an instance of ip65 that is preloaded (or in a cartridge/ROM) ;this whole file could (and should) be greatly optimised by making it all table driven, but since this file is probably only going to be used in a bankswitched ROM where ;space is not at such a premium, I'll go with the gross hack for now. .include "../inc/nb65_constants.i" .include "../inc/common.i" .export nb65_dispatcher .import ip65_init .import dhcp_init .import cs_driver_name .import cfg_get_configuration_ptr .import tftp_load_address .importzp tftp_filename .import tftp_ip .import tftp_directory_listing .import ip65_error .import tftp_clear_callbacks .import tftp_download .import dns_ip .import dns_resolve .import dns_set_hostname .zeropage nb65_params: .res 2 .data jmp_old_irq: jmp $0000 irq_handler_installed_flag: .byte 0 .code irq_handler: jsr NB65_VBL_VECTOR jmp jmp_old_irq set_tftp_params: ldy #NB65_TFTP_IP lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_ip iny lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_ip+1 iny lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_ip+2 iny lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_ip+3 ldy #NB65_TFTP_FILENAME lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_filename iny lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_filename+1 ldy #NB65_TFTP_POINTER lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_load_address iny lda (nb65_params),y sta tftp_load_address+1 jsr tftp_clear_callbacks clc rts nb65_dispatcher: stax nb65_params cpy #NB65_GET_API_VERSION bne :+ ldax #NB65_API_VERSION clc rts : cpy #NB65_GET_DRIVER_NAME bne :+ ldax #cs_driver_name clc rts : cpy #NB65_GET_IP_CONFIG_PTR bne :+ jmp cfg_get_configuration_ptr : cpy #NB65_INIT_IP bne :+ lda irq_handler_installed_flag bne irq_handler_installed ;install our IRQ handler ldax $314 ;previous IRQ handler stax jmp_old_irq+1 sei ;don't want any interrupts while we fiddle with the vector ldax #irq_handler stax $314 ;previous IRQ handler cli sta irq_handler_installed_flag irq_handler_installed: jmp ip65_init : cpy #NB65_INIT_DHCP bne :+ jmp dhcp_init : cpy #NB65_TFTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING bne :+ jsr set_tftp_params bcs @tftp_error jsr tftp_directory_listing @after_tftp_call: ;write the current load address back to the param buffer (so if $0000 was passed in, the caller can find out the actual value used) bcs @tftp_error ldy #NB65_TFTP_POINTER lda tftp_load_address sta (nb65_params),y iny lda tftp_load_address+1 sta (nb65_params),y clc @tftp_error: @dns_error: rts : cpy #NB65_TFTP_DOWNLOAD bne :+ jsr set_tftp_params bcs @tftp_error jsr tftp_download jmp @after_tftp_call : cpy #NB65_DNS_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME bne :+ ldy #NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME+1 lda (nb65_params),y tax dey lda (nb65_params),y jsr dns_set_hostname bcs @dns_error jsr dns_resolve bcs @dns_error ldy #NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME_IP ldx #4 @copy_dns_ip: lda dns_ip,y sta (nb65_params),y iny dex bne @copy_dns_ip rts : cpy #NB65_UDP_ADD_LISTENER bne :+ ldy #NB65_UDP_LISTENER_CALLBACK lda (nb65_params),y sta udp_callback iny lda (nb65_params),y sta udp_callback+1 ldy #NB65_UDP_LISTENER_PORT+1 lda (nb65_params),y tax dey jmp udp_add_listener : cpy #NB65_GET_LAST_ERROR bne :+ lda ip65_error clc rts : ;default function handler lda #NB65_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED sta ip65_error sec ;carry flag set = error rts