# Apple II Email and Usenet News Suite


[Back to Main emai//er Docs](README-emailler.md) ## `POP65.SYSTEM` *Run using Open Apple-R in `EMAIL.SYSTEM`*


POP65 is a Post Office Protocol v3 (POP3) client for the Apple II. It requires an Uthernet-II ethernet card and will not work with other interfaces without modification, because it uses the W5100 hardware TCP/IP stack. POP65 is used to download new email messages from a POP3 email server. (I use Dovecot on the Raspberry Pi as my POP3 server, but other POP3 servers should work too.) Before running `POP65.SYSTEM` for the first time, be sure you have created the email root directory and the `SPOOL` directory, as described above. POP3 will initialize the `INBOX` mailbox, creating `NEXT.EMAIL` and `EMAIL.DB` files if they do not exist. POP65 runs without any user interaction and performs the following tasks: - Detect Uthernet-II - Obtain IP address using DHCP - Connect to POP3 server using parameters from first three lines of `EMAIL.CFG`. (`USER` and `PASS` commands) - Enquire how many email messages are waiting. (`STAT` command) - Download each email in turn (`RETR` command) and store it in the `SPOOL` directory. - If configured to delete messages on the POP3 server, messages are deleted after successful download (`DELE` command) - Once all messages have been downloaded, disconnect from the POP3 server (`QUIT` command) - Scan each downloaded message in the `SPOOL` directory and import the message into `INBOX`: - Read `INBOX/NEXT.EMAIL` to find out the next number in sequence and allocate that for the new message. - Copy the message from `SPOOL` to `INBOX/EMAIL.nn` (where `nn` is the next sequence number) while scanning it for the following information: - Sender (`From:`) header - Recipient (`To:`) header - Date and time (`Date:`) header - Subject (`Subject:`) header - Offset in bytes to start of message body - Store all of the information obtained from scanning the message in `INBOX/EMAIL.DB`. - Update `INBOX/EMAIL.nn`, incrementing the number by one. - Iterate until all messages in `SPOOL` are ingested into `INBOX`. [Back to Main emai//er Docs](README-emailler.md)