;REQUIRES KEYCODES TO BE DEFINED OPTIONS_PER_PAGE = $10 .bss number_of_options: .res 2 current_option: .res 2 temp_option_counter: .res 2 first_option_this_page: .res 2 options_shown_this_page: .res 1 options_table_pointer: .res 2 jump_to_prefix: .res 1 last_page_flag: .res 1 get_current_byte: .res 4 .code ;on entry, AX should point to the list of null terminated option strings to be selected from ;on exit, AX points to the selected string ;carry is set of QUIT was selected, clear otherwise select_option_from_menu: stax options_table_pointer stax get_current_byte+1 ;set the 'LDA' and RTS' opcodes for the 'get current byte' subroutine, which is self-modified-code, hence must be located in RAM not ROM lda #$ad ;opcode for LDA absolute sta get_current_byte lda #$60 ;opcode for RTS sta get_current_byte+3 lda #0 sta current_option sta current_option+1 sta number_of_options sta number_of_options+1 ;count the number of options. this is done by scanning till we find a double zero, incrementing the count on each single zero @count_strings: jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte inc number_of_options bne :+ inc number_of_options+1 : jsr get_current_byte bne @count_strings jmp @display_first_page_of_options @skip_past_next_null_byte: jsr @move_to_next_byte jsr get_current_byte bne @skip_past_next_null_byte jsr @move_to_next_byte rts @move_to_next_byte: inc get_current_byte+1 bne :+ inc get_current_byte+2 : rts ;move the ptr along till it's pointing at the whatever is the value of current_option @move_to_current_option: ldax options_table_pointer stax get_current_byte+1 lda #0 sta temp_option_counter sta temp_option_counter+1 @skip_over_strings: lda temp_option_counter cmp current_option bne @not_at_current_option lda temp_option_counter+1 cmp current_option+1 bne @not_at_current_option rts @not_at_current_option: jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte inc temp_option_counter bne :+ inc temp_option_counter+1 : jmp @skip_over_strings @display_first_page_of_options: lda #0 sta first_option_this_page sta first_option_this_page+1 @print_current_page: lda first_option_this_page sta current_option lda first_option_this_page+1 sta current_option+1 lda #0 sta last_page_flag jsr @move_to_current_option jsr cls ldax #select_from_following_options jsr print jsr print_cr lda #0 sta options_shown_this_page @print_loop: lda options_shown_this_page clc adc #'A' jsr print_a lda #')' jsr print_a lda #' ' jsr print_a lda get_current_byte+1 ldx get_current_byte+2 jsr print_ascii_as_native jsr print_cr jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte inc current_option bne :+ inc current_option+1 : lda current_option cmp number_of_options bne :+ lda current_option+1 cmp number_of_options+1 bne :+ inc last_page_flag jmp @print_instructions_and_get_keypress : inc options_shown_this_page lda options_shown_this_page cmp #OPTIONS_PER_PAGE beq @print_instructions_and_get_keypress jmp @print_loop @jump_to: jsr print_cr ldax #jump_to_prompt jsr print lda #'?' jsr get_key ora #$80 ;set the high bit sta jump_to_prefix ldax options_table_pointer stax get_current_byte+1 lda #0 sta current_option sta current_option+1 @check_if_at_jump_to_prefix: jsr get_current_byte ora #$80 ;set high bit cmp jump_to_prefix beq @at_prefix jsr @skip_past_next_null_byte inc current_option bne :+ inc current_option+1 : jsr get_current_byte bne @check_if_at_jump_to_prefix jsr beep ;if we got to the end of the options table without finding the char we want, then sound a beep jmp @jump_to_finished @at_prefix: lda current_option sta first_option_this_page lda current_option+1 sta first_option_this_page+1 @jump_to_finished: jmp @print_current_page @print_instructions_and_get_keypress: lda number_of_options+1 bne @navigation_instructions lda number_of_options cmp #OPTIONS_PER_PAGE bcc :+ @navigation_instructions: ldax #navigation_instructions jsr print : @get_keypress: lda #'?' jsr get_key ; jsr print_hex ; @fixme: ; jmp @fixme cmp #KEYCODE_ABORT beq @quit cmp #KEYCODE_SLASH beq @jump_to cmp #KEYCODE_RIGHT beq @forward_one_page cmp #KEYCODE_DOWN beq @forward_one_page cmp #KEYCODE_UP beq @back_one_page cmp #KEYCODE_LEFT beq @back_one_page ora #$e0 ;make it a lower case letter with high bit set sec sbc #$e1 bcc @get_keypress ;if we have underflowed, it wasn't a valid option cmp #OPTIONS_PER_PAGE-1 beq @got_valid_option bpl @get_keypress ;if we have underflowed, it wasn't a valid option @got_valid_option: clc adc first_option_this_page sta current_option lda #0 adc first_option_this_page+1 sta current_option+1 jsr @move_to_current_option ldax get_current_byte+1 clc rts @quit: sec rts @forward_one_page: clc lda last_page_flag beq :+ @back_to_first_page: jmp @display_first_page_of_options : lda first_option_this_page adc #OPTIONS_PER_PAGE sta first_option_this_page bcc :+ inc first_option_this_page+1 : jmp @print_current_page @back_one_page: sec lda first_option_this_page sbc #OPTIONS_PER_PAGE sta first_option_this_page lda first_option_this_page+1 sbc #0 sta first_option_this_page+1 bmi @show_last_page_of_options jmp @print_current_page @show_last_page_of_options: sec lda number_of_options sbc #OPTIONS_PER_PAGE sta first_option_this_page lda number_of_options+1 sbc #0 sta first_option_this_page+1 bmi @back_to_first_page jmp @print_current_page .rodata select_from_following_options: .byte "SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS:",13,0 navigation_instructions: .byte 13,"ARROW KEYS NAVIGATE BETWEEN MENU PAGES",13 .byte "/ TO JUMP OR " .byte KEYNAME_ABORT .byte " TO QUIT",13,0 jump_to_prompt: .byte "JUMP TO:",0