; XMODEM file transfer .include "../inc/common.i" .ifndef KPR_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/kipper_constants.i" .endif XMODEM_BLOCK_SIZE=$80 ;how many bytes (excluding header & checksum) in each block? XMODEM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=5 XMODEM_MAX_ERRORS=10 SOH = $01 EOT = $04 ACK = $06 NAK = $15 CAN = $18 .export xmodem_receive .import ip65_process .import ip65_error .import tcp_callback .import copymem .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import tcp_send .import tcp_send_data_len .import tcp_inbound_data_ptr .import tcp_inbound_data_length .import check_for_abort_key .import print_a .import print_cr .import print_ascii_as_native .import print_hex .segment "SELF_MODIFIED_CODE" got_byte: jmp $ffff next_char: lda buffer_length bne @not_eof lda buffer_length+1 bne @not_eof sec rts @not_eof: next_char_ptr=*+1 lda $ffff pha inc next_char_ptr bne :+ inc next_char_ptr+1 : sec lda buffer_length sbc #1 sta buffer_length lda buffer_length+1 sbc #0 sta buffer_length+1 pla clc rts .bss original_tcp_callback: .res 2 getc_timeout_end: .res 1 getc_timeout_seconds: .res 1 buffer_length: .res 2 .code xmodem_receive: ;recieve a file via XMODEM (checksum mode only, not CRC) ;assumes that a tcp connection has already been set up, and that the other end is waiting to start sending ;inputs: AX points to routine to call once for each byte in downloaded file (e.g. save to disk, print to screen, whatever) - byte will be in A ;outputs: none stax got_byte+1 lda #0 sta buffer_length sta buffer_length+1 sta error_number sta user_abort lda #1 sta expected_block_number ldax tcp_callback stax original_tcp_callback ldax #xmodem_receive_callback stax tcp_callback jsr send_nak @next_block: lda #0 sta block_ptr sta checksum ldax #expecting jsr print_ascii_as_native ldax #block_number_msg jsr print_ascii_as_native lda expected_block_number jsr print_hex jsr print_cr @wait_for_block_start: lda #XMODEM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS jsr getc bcc @got_block_start lda user_abort beq @no_user_abort jmp @exit @no_user_abort: jsr send_nak inc error_number ldax #timeout_msg jsr print_ascii_as_native lda error_number jsr print_hex jsr print_cr lda error_number cmp #XMODEM_MAX_ERRORS bcc @wait_for_block_start lda #KPR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ERRORS sta ip65_error jmp @exit @got_block_start: cmp #EOT bne :+ jsr send_ack clc jmp @exit : cmp #SOH bne @wait_for_block_start ;now get block number lda #XMODEM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS jsr getc bcc :+ jsr send_nak jmp @wait_for_block_start : sta actual_block_number ;now get block number check lda #XMODEM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS jsr getc bcc :+ jsr send_nak jmp @wait_for_block_start : adc actual_block_number cmp #$ff bne @wait_for_block_start ldax #receiving jsr print_ascii_as_native ldax #block_number_msg jsr print_ascii_as_native lda actual_block_number jsr print_hex jsr print_cr @next_byte: lda #XMODEM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS jsr getc bcs @exit ldx block_ptr sta xmodem_block_buffer,x adc checksum sta checksum inc block_ptr lda block_ptr bpl @next_byte ldax #checksum_msg jsr print_ascii_as_native lda checksum jsr print_hex lda #'/' jsr print_a lda #XMODEM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS jsr getc bcs @exit sta received_checksum jsr print_hex jsr print_cr lda received_checksum cmp checksum beq @checksum_ok jsr send_nak jmp @next_block @checksum_ok: lda expected_block_number cmp actual_block_number bne @skip_block_output lda #0 sta block_ptr @output_byte: ldx block_ptr lda xmodem_block_buffer,x jsr got_byte inc block_ptr lda block_ptr bpl @output_byte inc expected_block_number @skip_block_output: jsr send_ack jmp @next_block clc @exit: ldax original_tcp_callback stax tcp_callback rts xmodem_receive_callback: lda tcp_inbound_data_length+1 cmp #$ff bne @not_eof rts @not_eof: ldax tcp_inbound_data_ptr stax copy_src ldax #xmodem_stream_buffer stax copy_dest stax next_char_ptr ldax tcp_inbound_data_length stax buffer_length jmp copymem send_nak: ldax #1 stax tcp_send_data_len ldax #nak_packet jmp tcp_send send_ack: ldax #1 stax tcp_send_data_len ldax #ack_packet jmp tcp_send getc: sta getc_timeout_seconds clc lda $dc09 ;time of day clock: seconds (in BCD) sed adc getc_timeout_seconds cmp #$60 bcc @timeout_set sec sbc #$60 @timeout_set: cld sta getc_timeout_end @poll_loop: ; inc $d021 jsr next_char bcs @no_char rts ;done! @no_char: jsr check_for_abort_key bcc @no_abort lda #KPR_ERROR_ABORTED_BY_USER sta ip65_error inc user_abort rts @no_abort: jsr ip65_process lda $dc09 ;time of day clock: seconds cmp getc_timeout_end bne @poll_loop sec rts .rodata ack_packet: .byte ACK nak_packet: .byte NAK block_number_msg: .byte " block $",0 expecting: .byte "expecting",0 receiving: .byte "receiving",0 bad_block_number: .byte "bad block number",0 checksum_msg: .byte "checksum $",0 timeout_msg: .byte "timeout $",0 .segment "APP_SCRATCH" xmodem_stream_buffer: .res 1600 xmodem_block_buffer: .res 128 expected_block_number: .res 1 actual_block_number: .res 1 checksum: .res 1 received_checksum: .res 1 block_ptr: .res 1 error_number: .res 1 user_abort: .res 1 ;-- LICENSE FOR xmodem.s -- ; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License ; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in ; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ; ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" ; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations ; under the License. ; ; The Original Code is ip65. ; ; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes, ; jonno@jamtronix.com. ; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 ; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved. ; -- LICENSE END --