.include "../inc/common.inc" .export _dotted_quad .export _parse_dotted_quad .import parse_dotted_quad .import dotted_quad_value .importzp sreg, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 .bss dotted_quad: .res 4*4 ; "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\0" .code _dotted_quad: stax dotted_quad_value ldax sreg stax dotted_quad_value+2 ldx #$00 ldy #$00 : jsr convert_byte inx cpx #4 bcc :- dey lda #$00 sta dotted_quad,y ; replace last dot with '\0' ldax #dotted_quad rts convert_byte: ; hex to bcd routine taken from Andrew Jacob's code at http://www.6502.org/source/integers/hex2dec-more.htm sed ; switch to decimal mode lda #$00 ; ensure the result is clear sta tmp1 ; BCD low sta tmp2 ; BCD high lda #8 ; the number of source bits sta tmp3 : asl dotted_quad_value,x ; shift out one bit lda tmp1 ; and add into result adc tmp1 sta tmp1 lda tmp2 ; propagating any carry adc tmp2 sta tmp2 dec tmp3 ; and repeat for next bit bne :- cld ; back to binary lda tmp2 beq :+ ora #'0' sta dotted_quad,y ; write x00 if not 0 iny : lda tmp1 lsr lsr lsr lsr beq :+ ora #'0' sta dotted_quad,y ; write 0x0 if not 0 iny : lda tmp1 and #$0F ora #'0' sta dotted_quad,y ; write 00x iny lda #'.' sta dotted_quad,y ; write dot iny rts _parse_dotted_quad: jsr parse_dotted_quad bcs error ldax dotted_quad_value+2 stax sreg ldax dotted_quad_value rts error: ldx #$00 txa stax sreg rts