# CA65 config for a M/L stub that will use memory from $6000..$A000 and $c010..$cfff MEMORY { IP65ZP: start = $A3, size = $12, type = rw; STARTRAM: start = $07FF, size = $1000, file = %O; MAINRAM: start = $4000, size = $3FC9, define = yes, file = %O; HIRAM: start = $C010, size = $0fE0; } SEGMENTS { STARTUP: load = STARTRAM, type = rw; MAINSTART: load = MAINRAM, type = rw; IP65_DEFAULTS: load = MAINRAM, type = ro; CODE: load = MAINRAM, type = ro; SELF_MODIFIED_CODE: load = MAINRAM, type = rw; RODATA: load = MAINRAM, type = ro; DATA: load = MAINRAM, type = rw, define = yes; HTTP_VARS: load = MAINRAM, type = rw, define = yes; BSS: load = MAINRAM, type = bss; IP65ZP: load = IP65ZP, type = zp; ZEROPAGE: load = IP65ZP, type = zp; TCP_VARS: load = HIRAM, type = bss; }