; a simple HTTP server ; to use - call httpd_start with AX pointing at routine to call for each inbound page .include "../inc/common.i" .ifndef KPR_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/kipper_constants.i" .endif HTTPD_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 5 ; what's the maximum time we let 1 connection be open for? .export httpd_start .import http_parse_request .import http_get_value .import tcp_listen .import tcp_callback .import ip65_process .import check_for_abort_key .import ip65_error .import parse_hex_digits .import print .import copymem .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import tcp_inbound_data_ptr .import tcp_inbound_data_length .import tcp_send_data_len .import tcp_send .import tcp_close .import native_to_ascii .import timer_seconds temp_ptr = copy_src .bss found_eol: .res 1 connection_closed: .res 1 output_buffer_length: .res 2 sent_header: .res 1 connection_timeout_seconds: .res 1 tcp_buffer_ptr: .res 2 buffer_size: .res 1 skip_mode: .res 1 temp_x: .res 1 .segment "HTTP_VARS" httpd_io_buffer: .addr $4000 ; by default, use a 3k buffer at $4000 for storing inbound requests. httpd_scratch_buffer: .addr $4B00 ; by default, use a 1k buffer at $4B00 as a scratchpad httpd_port_number: .word 80 jump_to_callback: jmp $ffff jump_to_embedded_routine: jmp $ffff get_next_byte: lda $ffff inc get_next_byte+1 bne @skip inc get_next_byte+2 @skip: rts emit_a: stx temp_x ldx skip_mode bne skip_emit_a emit_a_ptr: sta $ffff inc emit_a_ptr+1 bne :+ inc emit_a_ptr+2 : inc output_buffer_length bne :+ inc output_buffer_length+1 lda output_buffer_length+1 cmp #2 bne :+ jsr send_buffer : skip_emit_a: ldx temp_x rts .code ; start a HTTP server ; this routine will stay in an endless loop that is broken only if user press the ABORT key (runstop on a c64) ; inputs: ; httpd_port_number = port number to listen on ; AX = pointer to routine to callback for each inbound HTTP request ; outputs: ; none httpd_start: stax jump_to_callback+1 @listen: jsr tcp_close ldax httpd_io_buffer stax tcp_buffer_ptr ldax #http_callback stax tcp_callback ldax httpd_port_number jsr tcp_listen bcc @connect_ok rts @connect_ok: lda #0 sta connection_closed sta found_eol clc jsr timer_seconds ; time of day clock: seconds (in BCD) sed adc #HTTPD_TIMEOUT_SECONDS cmp #$60 bcc @timeout_set sec sbc #$60 @timeout_set: cld sta connection_timeout_seconds @main_polling_loop: jsr ip65_process jsr check_for_abort_key bcc @no_abort lda #KPR_ERROR_ABORTED_BY_USER sta ip65_error rts @no_abort: lda found_eol bne @got_eol jsr timer_seconds ; time of day clock: seconds cmp connection_timeout_seconds beq @connection_timed_out lda connection_closed beq @main_polling_loop @connection_timed_out: jmp @listen @got_eol: ldax httpd_io_buffer jsr http_parse_request jsr jump_to_callback ; call the handler to generate the response for this request. ; AX should now point at data to be sent ; Y should contain the content type/status code bcs :+ ; carry is set if the callback routine already sent the response jsr send_response : jmp @listen ; go listen for the next request http_callback: lda tcp_inbound_data_length+1 cmp #$ff bne @not_eof inc connection_closed @done: rts @not_eof: lda found_eol bne @done ; copy this chunk to our input buffer ldax tcp_buffer_ptr stax copy_dest ldax tcp_inbound_data_ptr stax copy_src ldax tcp_inbound_data_length jsr copymem ; increment the pointer into the input buffer clc lda tcp_buffer_ptr adc tcp_inbound_data_length sta tcp_buffer_ptr sta temp_ptr lda tcp_buffer_ptr+1 adc tcp_inbound_data_length+1 sta tcp_buffer_ptr+1 sta temp_ptr+1 ; put a null byte at the end (assumes we have set temp_ptr already) lda #0 tay sta (temp_ptr),y ; look for CR or LF in input sta found_eol ldax httpd_io_buffer stax get_next_byte+1 @look_for_eol: jsr get_next_byte cmp #$0a beq @found_eol cmp #$0d bne @not_eol @found_eol: inc found_eol rts @not_eol: cmp #0 bne @look_for_eol rts reset_output_buffer: ldax httpd_io_buffer sta emit_a_ptr+1 stx emit_a_ptr+2 lda #0 sta output_buffer_length sta output_buffer_length+1 sta skip_mode rts send_response: stax get_next_byte+1 jsr reset_output_buffer jsr send_header @response_loop: jsr get_next_byte cmp #0 bne @not_last_byte @send_buffer: jmp send_buffer @not_last_byte: cmp #'%' beq @escape @back_from_escape: jsr emit_a jmp @response_loop @escape: jsr get_next_byte cmp #0 beq @send_buffer cmp #'%' beq @back_from_escape cmp #'$' bne :+ jsr get_next_byte jsr http_get_value bcs @response_loop jsr emit_string jmp @response_loop : cmp #'.' bne :+ lda #0 sta skip_mode jmp @response_loop : cmp #'?' bne :+ lda #0 sta skip_mode jsr get_next_byte jsr http_get_value bcc @response_loop inc skip_mode jmp @response_loop : cmp #'!' bne :+ lda #0 sta skip_mode jsr get_next_byte jsr http_get_value bcs @response_loop inc skip_mode jmp @response_loop : cmp #';' bne :+ jsr get_next_byte sta jump_to_embedded_routine+1 jsr get_next_byte sta jump_to_embedded_routine+2 jmp @call_embedded_routine : cmp #':' bne :+ jsr @get_next_hex_value sta jump_to_embedded_routine+2 jsr @get_next_hex_value sta jump_to_embedded_routine+1 @call_embedded_routine: lda skip_mode bne @dont_call_embedded_routine ldax #emit_a jsr jump_to_embedded_routine @dont_call_embedded_routine: jmp @response_loop : ; if we got here, it's an invalid escape code jmp @response_loop @get_next_hex_value: jsr get_next_byte tax jsr get_next_byte jmp parse_hex_digits send_buffer: ldax output_buffer_length stax tcp_send_data_len ldax httpd_io_buffer jsr tcp_send jmp reset_output_buffer send_header: ; inputs: Y = header type ; $00 = no header (assume header sent already) ; $01 = 200 OK, 'text/text' ; $02 = 200 OK, 'text/html' ; $03 = 200 OK, 'application/octet-stream' ; $04 = 404 Not Found ; $05..$FF = 500 System Error cpy #00 bne :+ rts : cpy #1 bne @not_text jsr emit_ok_status_line_and_content_type ldax #text_text jsr emit_string jmp @done @not_text: cpy #2 bne @not_html jsr emit_ok_status_line_and_content_type ldax #text_html jsr emit_string jmp @done @not_html: cpy #3 bne @not_binary jsr emit_ok_status_line_and_content_type ldax #application_octet_stream jsr emit_string jmp @done @not_binary: cpy #4 bne @not_404 ldax #http_version jsr emit_string ldax #status_not_found jsr emit_string jsr @done ldax #status_not_found jmp emit_string @not_404: ldax #http_version jsr emit_string ldax #status_system_error jsr emit_string jsr @done ldax #status_system_error jmp emit_string @done: ldax #end_of_header jmp emit_string emit_ok_status_line_and_content_type: ldax #http_version jsr emit_string ldax #status_ok jsr emit_string ldax #content_type jmp emit_string emit_string: stax temp_ptr ldy #0 @next_byte: lda (temp_ptr),y beq @done jsr emit_a iny bne @next_byte @done: rts .rodata CR = $0D LF = $0A http_version: .byte "HTTP/1.0 ",0 status_ok: .byte "200 OK",CR,LF,0 status_not_found: .byte "404 Not Found",CR,LF,0 status_system_error: .byte "500 System Error",CR,LF,0 content_type: .byte "Content-Type: ",0 text_text: .byte "text/text",CR,LF,0 text_html: .byte "text/html",CR,LF,0 application_octet_stream: .byte "application/octet-stream",CR,LF,0 end_of_header: .byte "Connection: Close",CR,LF .byte "Server: Kipper_httpd/0.c64",CR,LF .byte CR,LF,0 ; -- LICENSE FOR httpd.s -- ; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License ; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in ; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ; ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" ; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations ; under the License. ; ; The Original Code is ip65. ; ; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes, ; jonno@jamtronix.com. ; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 ; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved. ; -- LICENSE END --