; ############# ; ; jonno@jamtronix.com - May 2011 ; .include "../inc/common.i" .include "commonprint.i" .import ip65_init .import dhcp_init .import tftp_ip .importzp tftp_filename .import tftp_load_address .import tftp_download .import tftp_callback_vector .import w5100_set_ip_config .import cls .import beep .import exit_to_basic .import timer_vbl_handler .import get_key_ip65 .import cfg_mac .import cfg_size .import cfg_ip .import cfg_netmask .import cfg_gateway .import cfg_dns .import cfg_tftp_server .import cfg_get_configuration_ptr .import dns_ip .import dns_set_hostname .import dns_resolve .import ip65_process .import copymem .importzp copy_src .importzp copy_dest .import get_filtered_input .import __DATA_LOAD__ .import __DATA_RUN__ .import __DATA_SIZE__ .import __SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_LOAD__ .import __SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_RUN__ .import __SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_SIZE__ SCNKEY=$FF9F ;Query keyboard - put matrix code into $00CB & status of shift keys $028D IP_CONFIG_SNAPSHOT=$200 .bss tmp_load_address: .res 2 shift_pressed_on_bootup : .res 1 .data exit_cart: call_downloaded_prg: jsr $0000 ;overwritten when we load a file jmp warm_init .segment "CARTRIDGE_HEADER" .word cold_init ;cold start vector .word warm_init ;warm start vector .byte $C3,$C2,$CD,$38,$30 ; "CBM80" .byte "KIPWBT" .byte $0,$0,$0 ;reserved for future use .byte $0,$0,$0 ;reserved for future use .byte $0,$0,$0 ;reserved for future use .code cold_init: ;first let the kernal do a normal startup sei jsr $fda3 ;initialize CIA I/O jsr $fd50 ;RAM test, set pointers jsr $fd15 ;set vectors for KERNAL jsr $ff5B ;init. VIC cli ;KERNAL init. finished ;do the 'secret knock' to disable writes to the EEPROM lda #$55 sta $9c55 lda #$aa sta $83aa lda #$05 sta $9c55 @poll_loop: lda $8000 cmp $8000 bne @poll_loop ;copy ourselves to the C64 RAM ;so if we go into 'SHUTUP' mode, we keep executing from the same address, in C64 RAM ldax #$8000 stax copy_src stax copy_dest ldax #$2000 jsr copymem warm_init: jsr SCNKEY ;Query keyboard - put matrix code into $00CB & status of shift keys $028D lda $028D and #$02 beq @commodore_key_not_pressed jmp $e394 @commodore_key_not_pressed: lda $028D and #$01 sta shift_pressed_on_bootup ;set some funky colours LDA #$05 ;green STA $D020 ;border LDA #$00 ;black STA $D021 ;background lda #$05 ;petscii for white text jsr print_a ;relocate our r/w data ldax #__DATA_LOAD__ stax copy_src ldax #__DATA_RUN__ stax copy_dest ldax #__DATA_SIZE__ jsr copymem ldax #__SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_LOAD__ stax copy_src ldax #__SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_RUN__ stax copy_dest ldax #__SELF_MODIFIED_CODE_SIZE__ jsr copymem ldax #wizboot_msg jsr print ;monkey patch the TFTP callback handler ldax tftp_callback_vector+1 stax new_tftp_callback_vector+1 ldax #new_tftp_callback_vector stax tftp_callback_vector+1 jsr ip65_init bcs init_failed jsr dhcp_init bcc init_ok init_failed: jsr print_errorcode jsr print_ip_config flash_forever: inc $d020 jmp flash_forever init_ok: ;stash the IP config we just got somewhere that other WizNet apps can get it ldax #cfg_mac stax copy_src ldax #IP_CONFIG_SNAPSHOT stax copy_dest ldax #cfg_size jsr copymem lda shift_pressed_on_bootup bne @skip_resolving_tftp_hostname ldax #resolving_tftp_hostname jsr print jsr print_cr ldax #tftp_hostname jsr dns_set_hostname bcs init_failed jsr dns_resolve bcs init_failed ldx #$03 @copy_tftp_ip_loop: lda dns_ip,x sta cfg_tftp_server,x dex bpl @copy_tftp_ip_loop @skip_resolving_tftp_hostname: ldx #$03 : lda cfg_tftp_server,x sta tftp_ip,x dex bpl :- jsr print_cr jsr print_ip_config tftp_boot: ldax #tftp_file stax tftp_filename ldax #$0000 ;load address will be first 2 bytes of file we download (LO/HI order) stax tftp_load_address ldax #downloading_msg jsr print ldax tftp_filename jsr print jsr print_cr jsr tftp_download bcc file_downloaded_ok ldax #tftp_download_fail_msg jsr print jsr print_errorcode jsr wait_for_keypress return_to_main: jmp tftp_boot file_downloaded_ok: ldax #tftp_download_ok_msg jsr print ldax tftp_load_address boot_into_file: stax tmp_load_address ;use the param buffer as a temp holding place for the load address ;get ready to bank out jsr $ffe7 ; make sure all files have been closed. ;check whether the file we just downloaded was a BASIC prg lda tmp_load_address cmp #01 bne @not_a_basic_file lda tmp_load_address+1 cmp #$08 bne @not_a_basic_file jsr $e453 ;set BASIC vectors jsr $e3bf ;initialize BASIC jsr $a86e jsr $a533 ; re-bind BASIC lines ldx $22 ;load end-of-BASIC pointer (lo byte) ldy $23 ;load end-of-BASIC pointer (hi byte) stx $2d ;save end-of-BASIC pointer (lo byte) sty $2e ;save end-of-BASIC pointer (hi byte) jsr $a659 ; CLR (reset variables) ldax #$a7ae ; jump to BASIC interpreter loop jmp exit_cart_via_ax @not_a_basic_file: ldax tmp_load_address exit_cart_via_ax: sta call_downloaded_prg+1 stx call_downloaded_prg+2 jmp exit_cart wait_for_keypress: ldax #press_a_key_to_continue jsr print @loop: jsr $ffe4 beq @loop rts get_key: @loop: jsr $ffe4 beq @loop rts .rodata wizboot_msg: .byte 147 ;cls ;.byte 14 ;lower case .byte 142 ;upper case .byte 13," RR-NET MK3 - V" .include "../inc/version.i" .include "timestamp.i" .byte 13 .byte 13," HOLD C= FOR BASIC / SHIFT FOR LAN BOOT",13,13 .byte 0 downloading_msg: .byte 13,"DOWNLOADING ",0 tftp_download_fail_msg: .byte "DOWNLOAD FAILED", 13, 0 tftp_download_ok_msg: .byte 13,"DOWNLOAD OK", 13, 0 tftp_file: .asciiz "BOOTC64.PRG" resolving_tftp_hostname: .byte "RESOLVING " tftp_hostname: .asciiz "JAMTRONIX.COM" .data new_tftp_callback_vector: jsr $ffff lda #'.' jmp print_a ;we need a 'dummy' segment here - some drivers use this segment (e.g. wiznet), some don't (e.g. rr-net) ;if we don't declare this, we get an 'undefined segment' error when linking to a driver that doesn't use it. .segment "SELF_MODIFIED_CODE" ;-- LICENSE FOR wizboot.s -- ; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License ; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in ; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ; ; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" ; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations ; under the License. ; ; The Original Code is wizboot. ; ; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes, ; jonno@jamtronix.com. ; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 ; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved. ; -- LICENSE END --