;test the "NETBOOT65 Cartridge API" .ifndef NB65_API_VERSION_NUMBER .define EQU = .include "../inc/nb65_constants.i" .endif ; load A/X macro .macro ldax arg .if (.match (.left (1, arg), #)) ; immediate mode lda #<(.right (.tcount (arg)-1, arg)) ldx #>(.right (.tcount (arg)-1, arg)) .else ; assume absolute or zero page lda arg ldx 1+(arg) .endif .endmacro ; store A/X macro .macro stax arg sta arg stx 1+(arg) .endmacro print_a = $ffd2 .macro cout arg lda arg jsr print_a .endmacro .zeropage temp_ptr: .res 2 .bss nb65_param_buffer: .res $20 .segment "STARTUP" ;this is what gets put at the start of the file on the C64 .word basicstub ; load address .macro print arg ldax arg ldy #NB65_PRINT_ASCIIZ jsr NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR .endmacro .macro print_cr lda #13 jsr print_a .endmacro .macro call arg ldy arg jsr NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR .endmacro basicstub: .word @nextline .word 2003 .byte $9e .byte <(((init / 1000) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((init / 100 ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((init / 10 ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte <(((init ) .mod 10) + $30) .byte 0 @nextline: .word 0 ;look for NB65 signature at location pointed at by AX look_for_signature: stax temp_ptr ldy #3 @check_one_byte: lda (temp_ptr),y cmp nb65_signature,y bne @bad_match dey bpl@check_one_byte clc rts @bad_match: sec rts init: ldax #NB65_CART_SIGNATURE ;where signature should be in cartridge jsr look_for_signature bcc @found_nb65_signature ldax #NB65_RAM_STUB_SIGNATURE ;where signature should be in RAM jsr look_for_signature bcc :+ jmp nb65_signature_not_found : jsr NB65_RAM_STUB_ACTIVATE ;we need to turn on NB65 cartridge @found_nb65_signature: print #initializing ldy #NB65_INITIALIZE jsr NB65_DISPATCH_VECTOR bcc :+ print #failed jsr print_errorcode jmp bad_boot : print #ok print_cr call #NB65_PRINT_IP_CONFIG ;DNS resolution test ldax #test_hostname stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME call #NB65_PRINT_ASCIIZ cout #' ' cout #':' cout #' ' ldax #nb65_param_buffer call #NB65_DNS_RESOLVE bcc :+ print #dns_lookup_failed_msg print_cr jmp print_errorcode : ldax #nb65_param_buffer+NB65_DNS_HOSTNAME_IP call #NB65_PRINT_DOTTED_QUAD print_cr ;callback test ldax #64 ;listen on port 64 stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_UDP_LISTENER_PORT ldax #udp_callback stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_UDP_LISTENER_CALLBACK ldax #nb65_param_buffer call #NB65_UDP_ADD_LISTENER bcc :+ print #failed jsr print_errorcode jmp bad_boot : print #listening @loop_forever: jsr NB65_PERIODIC_PROCESSING_VECTOR jmp @loop_forever udp_callback: ldax #nb65_param_buffer call #NB65_GET_INPUT_PACKET_INFO print #port lda nb65_param_buffer+NB65_LOCAL_PORT+1 call #NB65_PRINT_HEX lda nb65_param_buffer+NB65_LOCAL_PORT call #NB65_PRINT_HEX print_cr print #recv_from ldax #nb65_param_buffer+NB65_REMOTE_IP call #NB65_PRINT_DOTTED_QUAD cout #' ' print #port lda nb65_param_buffer+NB65_REMOTE_PORT+1 call #NB65_PRINT_HEX lda nb65_param_buffer+NB65_REMOTE_PORT call #NB65_PRINT_HEX print_cr print #length lda nb65_param_buffer+NB65_PAYLOAD_LENGTH+1 call #NB65_PRINT_HEX lda nb65_param_buffer+NB65_PAYLOAD_LENGTH call #NB65_PRINT_HEX print_cr print #data ldax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_PAYLOAD_POINTER stax temp_ptr ldx nb65_param_buffer+NB65_PAYLOAD_LENGTH ;assumes length is < 255 ldy #0 : lda (temp_ptr),y jsr print_a iny dex bpl :- print_cr ;make and send reply ldax #reply_message stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_PAYLOAD_POINTER ldax #reply_message_length stax nb65_param_buffer+NB65_PAYLOAD_LENGTH ldax #nb65_param_buffer call #NB65_SEND_UDP_PACKET bcc :+ jmp print_errorcode : print #reply_sent rts bad_boot: print #press_a_key_to_continue restart: jsr get_key jmp $fce2 ;do a cold start print_errorcode: print #error_code call #NB65_GET_LAST_ERROR call #NB65_PRINT_HEX print_cr rts nb65_signature_not_found: ldy #0 : lda nb65_signature_not_found_message,y beq restart jsr print_a iny jmp :- ;use C64 Kernel ROM function to read a key ;inputs: none ;outputs: A contains ASCII value of key just pressed get_key: jsr $ffe4 cmp #0 beq get_key rts .rodata test_hostname: .byte "RETROHACKERS.COM",0 ;this should be an A record recv_from: .asciiz "RECEIVED FROM: " listening: .byte "LISTENING ON UDP PORT 64",13,0 reply_sent: .byte "REPLY SENT.",13,0 initializing: .byte "INITIALIZING ",0 port: .byte "PORT: $",0 length: .byte "LENGTH: $",0 data: .byte "DATA: ",0 error_code: .asciiz "ERROR CODE: $" press_a_key_to_continue: .byte "PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE",13,0 failed: .byte "FAILED ", 0 ok: .byte "OK ", 0 nb65_signature_not_found_message: .byte "NO NB65 API FOUND",13,"PRESS ANY KEY TO RESET", 0 dns_lookup_failed_msg: .byte "DNS LOOKUP FAILED", 0 reply_message: .byte "PONG!" reply_message_end: reply_message_length=reply_message_end-reply_message nb65_signature: .byte $4E,$42,$36,$35 ; "NB65" - API signature