.export print_a .export print_a_inverse .export print_cr .export cls .export beep .exportzp screen_current_row .exportzp screen_current_col .code screen_current_col=$24 ; CH - Horizontal cursor-position (0-39) screen_current_row=$25 ; CV - Vertical cursor-position (0-23) ; ;use Apple 2 monitor ROM function to display 1 char ;inputs: A should be set to ASCII char to display ;outputs: none print_a: ora #$80 ;turn ASCII into Apple 2 screen codes jmp $fded ;use Apple 2 monitor ROM function to move to new line ;inputs: none ;outputs: none print_cr: jmp $fd8e ;use Apple 2 monitor ROM function to move to clear the screen ;inputs: none ;outputs: none cls: jmp $fc58 ;use Apple 2 monitor ROM function to move to make a 'beep' noise ;inputs: none ;outputs: none beep: jmp $fbdd print_a_inverse: and #$7F ;turn off bit 8 jmp $fded