
2099 lines
46 KiB

; vt100 emulation for C64
; originally from CaTer - Copyright Lars Stollenwerk 2003
; CaTer homepage is
; converted for use with ip65 by Jonno Downes, 2009.
; this version is for C64 only
; CaTer originally licensed under GPL
; Lars Stollenwerk has agreed to relicense the code in this file under MPL (Oct 2009)
; to use:
; 1) call vt100_init_terminal
; 2) for every 'inbound' data (received from remote host), call "vt100_process_inbound_char" - this will update the screen
; 3) pass every keypress into vt100_transform_outbound_char. on return from this call,
; Y = 0 means don't send anything as a result of this keypress
; Y = 1 means A contains single character to send to remote host
; Y = 2 means AX points at null terminated string to send to remote host (e.g. an ANSI escape sequence)
.include "../inc/common.i"
.export vt100_init_terminal
.export vt100_process_inbound_char
.export vt100_transform_outbound_char
.import beep
; --- colour values ---
col_black = $00
col_white = $01
col_red = $02
col_cyan = $03
col_purple = $04
col_green = $05
col_blue = $06
col_yellow = $07
col_orange = $08
col_brown = $09
col_light_red = $0a
col_gray_1 = $0b
col_gray_2 = $0c
col_light_green = $0d
col_light_blue = $0e
col_gray_3 = $0f
; --- colours ---
; vanilla f bold 1
; underline e 3
; blink 5 d
; blink uline a 7
charmode_vanilla = $0f
charmode_bold = $01
charmode_underline = $0e
charmode_underline_bold = $03
charmode_blink = $05
charmode_blink_bold = $0d
charmode_blink_underline = $0a
charmode_blink_underline_bold = $07
; text background
text_background_colour = col_gray_1
; border colour
border_colour = col_gray_2
.segment "APP_SCRATCH"
escape_buffer: .res $100
; --- esc mode ---
; $00 = normal
; $0f = esc mode
; $ff = esc [ mode
; $f0 = ignore one char
escape_mode: .res 1
; --- Vector ---
; four vectors in zeropage
; for temporary use
temp_ptr_z: .res 2
temp_ptr_y: .res 2
temp_ptr_x: .res 2
temp_ptr_w: .res 2
escape_buffer_length: .res 1 ; points to first free position
escape_parameter: .res 1 ; numeric parameter in esc sequence
scroll_region_start: .res 1
scroll_region_end: .res 1
; font_mode contains three bits
; bit 0 = bold
; bit 1 = underline
; bit 2 = blink
; bit 7 = direct ANSI ESC colour
font_mode: .res 1
direct_colour: .res 1
; --- crsr save area ---
; here is crsr info saved with
; ESC 7 and restored from with
; ESC 8
saved_font_mode: .res 1
saved_reverse_mode: .res 1
saved_row: .res 1
saved_column: .res 1
print_ptr: .res 2 ;temp vector for printing to screen
; -------------------------------------
; memory map
; -------------------------------------
; --- screen ---
; $0400 - $07ff
Screen = $0400
; --- escape buffer ---
; $0800 - $0bff
; --- char ---
; $2000 - $27ff
font_table = $2000
; -------------------------------------
; constant declaration
; -------------------------------------
esc = $1b
brace = $5b
;intialize VT100 emulation state
;inputs: none
;outputs: none
jsr initialise_variables ; init memory variables
jsr initialise_font; init font
jsr initialise_screen ; init screen
;process incoming character
; A is inbound character
; none, but screen and/or terminal state is updated.
lda escape_mode ; handle esc mode
beq :+ ; to far for branch to escape
jmp handle_escape_char
lda ascii_to_petscii,y ; ASCII to PETSCII
beq @done ; ignore non-printing chars
cmp #$01 ; something special?
beq handle_special_char
jsr print_to_screen ; print to screen
ldx $d6 ; get row
ldy #$00 ; set col=0
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
ldx $d6 ; crsr line
cpx scroll_region_end ; end scroll region?
bne down_one_line ; no -> go on
jsr cursor_off
jsr scroll_up_scrollregion ; yes -> scroll up
jsr cursor_on
tya ; restore original char
cmp #$0d ; CR?
beq do_cr
cmp #$08 ; BS?
bne @not_bs
ldy $d3 ; get col
beq @bs_done ; stop at left margin
dey ; dec column
ldx $d6 ; get row
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
cmp #$1b ; esc?
bne @not_escape
lda #$0f ; set esc mode
sta escape_mode
cmp #$07 ; BEL?
bne @not_bell
jsr beep
cmp #$0a ; LF?
beq do_line_feed
cmp #$09 ; TAB?
bne @not_tab
lda $d3 ; crsr col
and #$f8 ; (col DIV 8) * 8
clc ; col + 8
adc #$08
cmp #$28 ; col=40?
bne @not_last_col ; no -> skip
lda #$27 ; yes -> col=39
tay ; col to y
ldx $d6 ; line to x
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
cpx #$18 ; end of screen?
bne @not_end_of_screen ; no -> go on
rts ; yes -> do nothing
inx ; next line
ldy $d3 ; get col
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
; esc mode
; data in Y
; escape_mode <> $00 in A
tax ; save escape_mode
and #$0f ; escape_mode = $0f?
bne @not_discard_mode
; --- discard mode --- escape_mode = $f0
;discard char
lda #$00 ; reset escape_mode
sta escape_mode
txa ; restore escape_mode
and #$f0 ; escape_mode = $ff?
beq @short_escape_mode ; no -> short Emode
jmp long_escape_mode ; yes -> long Emode
; short esc mode
; escape_mode = $0f
; process first char
tya ; restore char
; --- [ ---
cmp #brace ; [ ?
bne @not_brace
lda #$ff ; set esc [ mode
sta escape_mode
; --- ( ---
cmp #$28 ; ( ?
bne :+
jmp set_discard_mode
; --- ) ---
cmp #$29 ; ) ?
bne :+
jmp set_discard_mode
; --- # ---
cmp #$23 ; # ?
bne :+
jmp set_discard_mode
; --- D --- index
cmp #$44 ; D ?
bne :+
jsr do_line_feed ; same as LF
jmp done_escape
; --- M --- reverse index
cmp #$4d ; M ?
bne @not_M
ldx $d6 ; get crsr row
cpx scroll_region_start ; top of scroll reg?
bne :+
jsr cursor_off ; yes -> scroll down
jsr scroll_down_scrollregion
jsr cursor_on
jmp done_escape
cpx #$00 ; top of screen?
bne :+
jmp done_escape ; yes -> do nothing
dex ; one line up
ldy $d3 ; get crsr col
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp done_escape
; --- E --- next line
cmp #$45 ; E ?
bne :+
jsr do_cr
jsr do_line_feed
jmp done_escape
; --- 7 --- save crsr
cmp #$37 ; 7?
bne :+
lda font_mode ; save font
sta saved_font_mode
lda $c7 ; save reverse mode
sta saved_reverse_mode
ldx $d6 ; save position
ldy $d3
stx saved_row
sty saved_column
jmp done_escape
; --- 8 --- restore crsr
cmp #$38 ; 8?
bne :+
ldx saved_row ; restore pos
ldy saved_column
jsr cursor_plot
lda saved_reverse_mode ; restore ..
sta $c7 ; .. reverse mode
ldx saved_font_mode ; restore font
stx font_mode
lda font_attribute_table,x
sta $0286 ; set colour
jmp done_escape
; --- unknown ---
; --- reset ESC mode ---
lda #$00 ; reset escape_mode
sta escape_mode
; --- set Discard mode ---
lda #$f0 ; set esc mode $f0
sta escape_mode
; -------------------------------------
; [ esc mode
; escape_mode = $ff
; -------------------------------------
tya ; restore char
ldy escape_buffer_length
sta escape_buffer,y ; store char
sty escape_buffer_length ; inc esc buffer
jsr test_if_letter ; test letter
bcs :+ ; process command
; --- process esc command ---
; A = last char
; Y = escape_buffer_length
; X counts processed command chars
ldx #$00 ; first char
; --- A --- crsr up
cmp #$41 ; A?
bne @not_A
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq ; get argument
lda escape_parameter ; escape_parameter = 0...
bne :+
inc escape_parameter ; .. means 1
lda $d6 ; get crsr row
sbc escape_parameter ; row = row - up
cmp scroll_region_start ; stop at top of ..
bpl :+ ; ..scroll region
lda scroll_region_start
tax ; x is row
ldy $d3 ; y is col
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- B --- crsr down
cmp #$42 ; B?
bne @not_B
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq ; get argument
lda escape_parameter ; escape_parameter = 0...
bne :+
inc escape_parameter ; .. means 1
lda $d6 ; get crsr row
adc escape_parameter ; row = row + down
cmp scroll_region_end ; outside scrregion?
bcs :+ ; yes -> branch
tax ; x is row
jmp @skip
ldx scroll_region_end ; x = row = scroll_region_end
ldy $d3 ; y is col
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- C --- crsr right
cmp #$43 ; C?
bne @not_C
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq ; get argument
lda escape_parameter ; escape_parameter = 0...
bne :+
inc escape_parameter ; .. means 1
lda $d3 ; get crsr col
adc escape_parameter ; col = col + right
cmp #$27 ; outside screen?
bcs :+ ; yes -> branch
jmp @skip2
ldy #$27 ; y=col=left margin
ldx $d6 ; x is row
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- D --- crsr left
cmp #$44 ; D?
bne @not_D
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq ; get argument
lda escape_parameter ; escape_parameter = 0...
bne :+
inc escape_parameter ; .. means 1
lda $d3 ; get crsr col
sbc escape_parameter ; col = col - left
bpl :+ ; stop at left..
lda #$00 ; ..margin
tay ; y is col
ldx $d6 ; x is row
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- m --- font attributes
cmp #$6d ; m?
bne @not_m
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
pha ; save nondigit char
lda escape_parameter ; parameter to A
; -- 0 --
bne :+ ; 0?
sta font_mode ; set font = vanilla
sta $c7 ; reverse off
jmp @end_font_attribute ; jmp next par
; -- 1 -- bold
cmp #$01
bne :+
lda font_mode ; set bold
ora #$01
sta font_mode
jmp @end_font_attribute ; next char
; -- 4 -- underline
cmp #$04
bne :+
lda font_mode ; set u_line
ora #$02
sta font_mode
jmp @end_font_attribute ; next char
; -- 5 -- blink
cmp #$05
bne :+
lda font_mode ; set blink
ora #$04
sta font_mode
jmp @end_font_attribute ; next char
; -- 7 -- reverse
cmp #$07
bne :+
lda #$01 ; set revers
sta $c7
jmp @end_font_attribute ; next char
; -- 30 - 37 --
cmp #38 ; >= 38?
bcs @end_font_attribute
cmp #30 ; < 30?
bcc @end_font_attribute
sbc #30 ; pointer for table
sta direct_colour
lda #$80 ; set direct colour
sta font_mode
@end_font_attribute: ; -- next char --
pla ; get nondigit char
cmp #$3b ; is semicolon?
beq @next_font_attribute ; then next cahr
; -- set colour --
lda font_mode ;
bmi :+ ; bit 7->direct col
tax ; font to colour
lda font_attribute_table,x
sta $0286 ; set colour
jmp @end_escape_seq
; -- set direct colour --
ldx direct_colour ; colour maping
lda direct_colour_table,x
sta $0286 ; set colour
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- K --- erase line
cmp #$4b ; K?
bne @not_K
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq ; get parameter
lda escape_parameter ; in A
; -- 0 -- crsr to end of line
bne :+
jsr erase_to_end_of_line ; erase end line
jmp @end_escape_seq
; -- 1 -- begin to crsr
cmp #$01
bne :+
jsr erase_line_to_cursor ; erase beg line
jmp @end_escape_seq
; -- 2 -- whole line
cmp #$02
bne :+ ; par undefined
ldx $d6 ; line in X
jsr erase_line_by_number ; erase line
sta $ce ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- f --- same as H
cmp #$66
bne @not_f
jmp @set_cursor_position ; same as H
; --- H --- cursor position
cmp #$48
bne @not_H
cpy #$01 ; no par means home
bne :+
; -- home --
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; -- row, col --
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
cmp #$3b ; is ;?
bne @end_set_cursor_position ; no -> error
; -- prepare row --
ldy escape_parameter ; get row
bne :+ ; 0 means 1
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >= 25?..
bcs @end_set_cursor_position ; ..error!
sty temp_ptr_x ; save row
; -- prepare col
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
ldy escape_parameter ; get col
bne :+ ; 0 means 1
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$28 ; >= 40?..
bcs @end_set_cursor_position ; ..error!
ldx temp_ptr_x ; restore row to X
jsr cursor_plot ; set crsr
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- J --- erase screen
cmp #$4a ;J?
bne @not_J
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq ; get parameter
lda escape_parameter ; in A
; -- 0 -- crsr to end
bne @not_cursor_to_end
jsr erase_to_end_of_line ; del rest of line
ldx $d6 ; get crsr line
inx ; next line
cpx #$19 ; line 25?
bcs @end_escape_seq ; then end
pha ; save X
jsr erase_line_by_number ; erase line
tax ; restore X
jmp @erase_next_line ; next line
; -- 1 -- beg of screen to crsr
cmp #$01
bne @not_start_to_cursor
jsr erase_line_to_cursor ; del start of ln
ldx $d6 ; get crsr line
dex ; previous line
bmi @end_escape_seq ; neg line -> end
pha ; save X
jsr erase_line_by_number ; erase line
tax ; restore X
jmp :-
; -- 2 -- del screen
cmp #$02 ; unknown?
bne @end_escape_seq ; then ingnore
ldx #$18 ; start at ln 24
pha ; save X
jsr erase_line_by_number ; erase line
tax ; restore X
dex ; previous line
bpl :-
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- r --- set scroll region
cmp #$72 ; r?
bne @not_r
; -- prepare top --
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
cmp #$3b ; is ;?
bne @error_in_escape_seq ; no -> error
ldy escape_parameter ; get top
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >=25?..
bcs @error_in_escape_seq ; ..error!
sty temp_ptr_x ; save top
; -- prepare bottom --
jsr get_number_from_esc_seq
ldy escape_parameter ; get bottom
dey ; line 1 -> line 0
cpy #$19 ; >=25?..
bcs @error_in_escape_seq ; ..error!
sty temp_ptr_y ; save bottom
; -- validate lines --
lda temp_ptr_x ; restore top
cmp temp_ptr_y ; >= bottom?..
bcs @error_in_escape_seq ; ..error!
sta scroll_region_start ; top -> SRStart
sty scroll_region_end ; bottom -> SREnd
; -- home crsr
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
jsr cursor_plot
jmp @end_escape_seq
; --- unknown ---
lda #$00
sta escape_buffer_length ; reset esc buffer
sta escape_mode ; reset esc mode
; -------------------------------------
; Test letter
; char in A
; returns carry = 1 for A = letter
; -------------------------------------
cmp #$41 ; smaller then A?
bcs :+ ; no -> go on
rts ; return no letter
cmp #$5b ; smaller then Z+1?
bcs :+ ; no -> go on
sec ; return letter
cmp #$61 ; smaller then a?
bcs :+ ; no -> go on
rts ; return no letter
cmp #$7b ; smaller then z+1?
bcs :+ ; no -> go on
sec ; return letter
clc ; return no letter
; -------------------------------------
; test digit
; char in A
; returns carry = 1 for A = digit
; -------------------------------------
cmp #$30 ; smaller then 0?
bcs :+ ; no -> go on
rts ; return no digit
cmp #$3a ; smaller then 9+1?
bcs :+ ; no -> go on
sec ; return digit
clc ; return no digit
; -------------------------------------
; get decimal number from esc sequence
; esc sequence in escape_buffer
; first index to process in X
; returns: number escape_parameter
; first non digit char in A
; -------------------------------------
lda #$00 ; assume $00
sta escape_parameter
lda escape_buffer,x ; get next char
jsr test_if_digit ; digit?
bcc @done ; no -> return
sbc #$30 ; ascii to #
pha ; save digit
; old value * 10
; 10a = ( 4a + a ) * 2
lda escape_parameter
asl ; ( 4a
adc escape_parameter ; + a )
asl ; *2
sta escape_parameter ; = 10a
; add new digit
pla ; resore new digit
adc escape_parameter
sta escape_parameter
jmp @next_digit ; next char
; *************************************
; *
; * outgoing data
; *
; *************************************
; -------------------------------------
; given a single char (read from keyboard)
; work out what data should be sent to the remote host.
; input:
; A = keypress
; output:
; Y=0 - no data to be sent (i.e. ignore keypress)
; Y=1 - A contains single byte to send
; Y=2 - AX points to null terminated string to send
; -------------------------------------
;Y=0 nothing to send
;Y=1 A = char to send
;Y=2 AX=pointer to asciiz string to send
lda petscii_to_ascii,y ; PETSCII to ASCII
bne :+
ldy #0 ; ignore key
cmp #$ff
beq cursor_sequence ; send a string
cmp #$fe
beq command_key ; command key
;default - send (possibly transformed) single char
ldy #1 ;means A contains single byte to send
; -------------------------------------
; create an ansi control sequence
; -------------------------------------
tya ; restore original key
; --- crsr U ---
cmp #$91 ; test crsr U
bne @not_U
ldax #ansi_cursor_up
ldy #2
; --- crsr L ---
cmp #$9d ; test crsr L
bne @done
ldax #ansi_cursor_left
ldy #2
ldy #0 ;must be some kind of error
; -------------------------------------
; keypress was a command key
; -------------------------------------
tya ; restore character
; --- crsr R ---
; --- ^] ---
; both events send $1d
cmp #$1d
bne @not_crsr_R
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit $028d
beq @cursor_right ; not pressed
; control ] is pressed
tya ; send ^]
ldy #1
; crsr R
ldax #ansi_cursor_right
ldy #2
; --- crsr D ---
; --- ^Q ---
; both events send char $11
cmp #$11 ;^Q / crsr down
bne @not_crsr_D
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit $028d
beq @cursor_down ; not pressed
; control Q is pressed
tya ; send ^Q
ldy #1
; crsr down is pressed
ldax #ansi_cursor_down
ldy #2
; --- HOME key ---
; --- ^S ---
; both events send char $13
cmp #$13 ;^S / HOME
bne @not_home
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit $028d
beq @home ; not pressed
; control S is pressed
tya ; send ^S
ldy #1
lda #$09 ; send TAB
ldy #1
; --- DEL key ---
; --- ^T ---
; both events send char $14
cmp #$14 ;^T / DEL
bne @not_del
lda #$04 ; test control Key
bit $028d
beq @del ; not pressed
; control T is pressed
tya ; send ^T
ldy #1
; send DEL
lda #$08
ldy #1
; --- unknown C=-Key ---
ldy #0 ;means don't send anything
; *************************************
; *
; * screen handling
; *
; *************************************
; --- these variables become updated ---
; on crsr movement.
; $d1 $d2 start of screen line
; $d3 crsr column
; $d6 crsr row
; $f3 $f4 start of colour line
; $0286 colour
; --- these variables become updated ---
; on crsr switching.
; $cc crsr flag, 0 = on
; $cd crsr blink counter
; $ce char under crsr
; $cf crsr blink phase, 0 normal
; $0287 colour under crsr
; -------------------------------------
; switch curser off and restore char.
; this has to be done before every crsr
; movement.
; After movement there has to be a jump
; to cursor_on.
; -------------------------------------
pha ; save registers
ldy #$01 ; crsr of
sty $cc
lda $cf ; crsr revers?
beq :+ ; no -> return
dey ; set normal phase
sty $cf
ldy $d3 ; get column
lda $ce ; restore char
sta ($d1),y
lda $0287 ; restore colour
sta ($f3),y
pla ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; opposite of cursor_off
; -------------------------------------
ldy $d3 ; get column
lda ($d1),y ; save chr
sta $ce
eor #$80 ; reverse char
sta ($d1),y
lda ($f3),y ; save colour
sta $0287
lda $0286 ; set crsr colour
sta ($f3),y
inc $cf ; set reverse phase
lda #$14 ; set crsr counter..
sta $cd ; max
lda #$00 ; cursor on
sta $cc
; -------------------------------------
; moves the crsr to column Y
; and line X
; the crsr ist turned off during
; operation
; destroys all registers
; -------------------------------------
jsr cursor_off
stx $d6 ; set row
sty $d3 ; set col
jsr set_line_vectors
ldx temp_ptr_x ; set screen line
ldy temp_ptr_x+1
stx $d1
sty $d2
ldx temp_ptr_y ; set color line
ldy temp_ptr_y+1
stx $f3
sty $f4
jsr cursor_on
; -------------------------------------
; Print char in A to screen
; being aware of the crsr state
; -------------------------------------
jsr cursor_off
jsr plot_char
jsr cursor_on
; -------------------------------------
; print char to screen
; char = $ff means no output
; chr in A
; X and Y unaffected
; -------------------------------------
;plot_char = $e716
sta temp_ptr_x ; save char
txa ; save registers
lda temp_ptr_x ; restore char
; PETSCII to ScreenCode (SC)
; --- $c0-$ff --- - illegal -
cmp #$c0
bcc :+
jmp end_plot_char ; no output
; --- $a0-$bf --- C=(latin-1) chars
cmp #$a0
bcc :+
sbc #$40 ; SC = PET - $40
jmp @check_for_reverse
; --- $80-$9f --- - illegal -
cmp #$80
bcc :+
jmp end_plot_char ; no output
; --- $60-$7f --- kapital letters
cmp #$60
bcc :+
sbc #$20 ; SC = PET - $20
jmp @check_for_reverse
; --- $40-$5f --- small letters
cmp #$40
bcc :+
sbc #$40 ; SC = PET - $40
jmp @check_for_reverse
; --- $20-$3f --- interpunction
cmp #$20
bcc :+
jmp @check_for_reverse ; SC = PET
; --- $00-$1f --- - illegal -
jmp end_plot_char ; no output
; --- handle reverse mode---
ldx $c7 ; reverse mode?
beq @put_char
ora #$80 ; reverse char
; --- put char to screen ---
ldy $d3 ; get crsr col
sta ($d1),y ; char to screen
lda $0286 ; get colour
sta ($f3),y ; set colour
; --- move on crsr ---
cpy #$27 ; col = 39?
beq move_to_next_line ; yes -> new line
iny ; move on
sty $d3
pla ; restore registers
; -------------------------------------
; subtask of plot_char
; ends at end_plot_char
; -------------------------------------
ldx $d6 ; get crsr row
cpx scroll_region_end ; end of scroll reg?
beq @scroll_up ; yes -> branche
cpx #$18 ; line 24?
beq end_plot_char ; yes -> crsr stays
; --- normal wrap ---
inx ; increase line
stx $d6
ldy #$00 ; begin of line
sty $d3
jsr set_line_vectors
ldx temp_ptr_x ; set screen line
ldy temp_ptr_x+1
stx $d1
sty $d2
ldx temp_ptr_y ; set colour line
ldy temp_ptr_y+1
stx $f3
sty $f4
jmp end_plot_char
; --- scroll up ---
jsr scroll_up_scrollregion
ldy #$00 ; begin of line
sty $d3
jmp end_plot_char
ldx scroll_region_start ; get first line
; -- new line: --
; -- temp_ptr_z and temp_ptr_w --
jsr set_line_vectors
lda temp_ptr_x ; screen line
ldy temp_ptr_x+1
sta temp_ptr_z
sty temp_ptr_z+1
lda temp_ptr_y ; colour line
ldy temp_ptr_y+1
sta temp_ptr_w
sty temp_ptr_w+1
; -- old line: --
; -- temp_ptr_x and temp_ptr_y
inx ; old line
jsr set_line_vectors
; -- copy chars and colours --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda (temp_ptr_x),y ; copy char
sta (temp_ptr_z),y
lda (temp_ptr_y),y ; copy colour
sta (temp_ptr_w),y
bpl @scroll_one_char
cpx scroll_region_end ; last line?
bne @scroll_one_line ; no -> go on
jsr erase_line_by_vector ; del last line
ldx scroll_region_end ; get last line
jsr set_line_vectors
lda temp_ptr_x ; screen line
ldy temp_ptr_x+1
sta temp_ptr_z
sty temp_ptr_z+1
lda temp_ptr_y ; colour line
ldy temp_ptr_y+1
sta temp_ptr_w
sty temp_ptr_w+1
; -- old line: --
; -- temp_ptr_x and temp_ptr_y
dex ; old line
jsr set_line_vectors
; -- copy chars ond colours --
ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda (temp_ptr_x),y ; copy char
sta (temp_ptr_z),y
lda (temp_ptr_y),y ; copy colour
sta (temp_ptr_w),y
bpl @scroll_one_char
cpx scroll_region_start ; first line?
bne @scroll_one_line ; no -> go on
jsr erase_line_by_vector ; del first line
; -------------------------------------
; print string to screen
; string: chars, terminated by $00
; start lo in x
; start hi in y
; affects A
; takes care of crsr
; the string must be smaller
; than 255 chrs
; -------------------------------------
stx print_ptr ; store start vector
sty print_ptr+1
jsr cursor_off
ldy #$00
lda (print_ptr),y
beq @end_string ; $00 terminates string
jsr plot_char
jmp @next_char
jsr cursor_on
; -------------------------------------
; delete screen line
; (Erase Line)
; line number in X
; erase_line_by_vector needs line vectors in temp_ptr_x
; and temp_ptr_y
; destroys all registers
; returns $20 (space) in A
; -------------------------------------
jsr set_line_vectors ; line start in temp_ptr_x
; col start in temp_ptr_y
; erase chars
ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda #$20 ; load space
sta (temp_ptr_x),y ; clear char
bpl :-
; set colour
ldy #$27 ; col 39
lda #charmode_vanilla ; load vanilla
sta (temp_ptr_y),y ; clear char
bpl :-
; -------------------------------------
; delete screen line from crsr to end
; (Erase End of Line)
; destroys all registers
; -------------------------------------
; erase chars
ldy $d3 ; get crsr col
lda #$20 ; load space
sta ($d1),y ; clear char
cpy #$28 ; pos 40?
bne :- ; next char
sta $ce ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
; set colour
ldy $d3 ; get crsr col
lda #charmode_vanilla ; load vanilla
sta ($f3),y ; set colour
cpy #$28 ; pos 40?
bne :- ; next char
; -------------------------------------
; delete screen line up to crsr
; (Erase Begin of Line)
; destroys all registers
; -------------------------------------
; erase chars
ldy $d3 ; get crsr col
lda #$20 ; load space
sta ($d1),y ; clear char
bpl :- ; pos>=0 -> next
sta $ce ; del char ..
; ..under crsr
; set colour
ldy $d3 ; get crsr col
lda #charmode_vanilla ; load vanilla
sta ($f3),y ; clear char
bpl :- ; pos>=0 -> next
; -------------------------------------
; set line vectors
; line no in X
; destroys A and Y
; sets start of screen line in temp_ptr_x
; sets start of colour line in temp_ptr_y
; -------------------------------------
lda $ecf0,x ; get lo byte
sta temp_ptr_x
sta temp_ptr_y
; determin hi byte
ldy #$04 ; hi byte
cpx #$07 ; line < 7?
bcc @got_line_vector
cpx #$0d ; line < 13?
bcc @got_line_vector
cpx #$14 ; line < 20?
bcc @got_line_vector
iny ; line 20-24
sty temp_ptr_x+1
clc ; colour RAM =
adc #$d4 ; video RAM + d4
sta temp_ptr_y+1
; -------------------------------------
; init routines
; -------------------------------------
;--- set background ---
lda #border_colour
sta $d020
lda #text_background_colour
sta $d021
; --- disable Shift C= ---
lda #$80
sta $0291
; --- erase screen ---
ldx #$18 ; start at ln 24
pha ; save X
jsr erase_line_by_number ; erase line
tax ; restore X
dex ; previous line
bpl @erase_one_line
lda #charmode_vanilla ; load vanilla
sta $0286
; --- crsr on ---
jsr cursor_off
jsr cursor_on
; --- put crsr ---
jsr do_cr
jsr do_line_feed
jsr do_line_feed
lda #$00
sta escape_mode
sta escape_buffer_length
sta scroll_region_start
sta font_mode
sta saved_font_mode
sta saved_reverse_mode
sta saved_row
sta saved_column
lda #$18 ; last line
sta scroll_region_end ; = 24
reverse_font_table = font_table + $0400
ldx #<ROM_FONT ; font_mode in temp_ptr_z
ldy #>ROM_FONT
stx temp_ptr_z
sty temp_ptr_z+1
ldx #<font_table
ldy #>font_table
stx temp_ptr_y
sty temp_ptr_y+1
ldx #<reverse_font_table
ldy #>reverse_font_table
stx temp_ptr_x
sty temp_ptr_x+1
; copy font
ldx #$04 ; copy 4 pages = 1KB
ldy #$00
lda (temp_ptr_z),y
sta (temp_ptr_y),y
eor #$ff ; reverse char
sta (temp_ptr_x),y
bne :-
; switch to next page
inc temp_ptr_z+1
inc temp_ptr_y+1
inc temp_ptr_x+1
bne :-
; enable font
lda $d018
and #$f1
ora #$09
sta $d018
font_attribute_table: ; bits mean blink, underline, bold
.byte charmode_vanilla, charmode_bold ; 000 001
.byte charmode_underline, charmode_underline_bold ; 010 011
.byte charmode_blink, charmode_blink_bold ; 100 101
.byte charmode_blink_underline, charmode_blink_underline_bold ; 110 111
;ANSI 30 31 32 32 34 35 36 37
; blk rd gr ye blu mg cy wh
.byte 0, $0a, 5, 7, $0e, 4, 3, 1
ansi_cursor_up: .byte esc, brace, $41, $00 ; esc [ A
ansi_cursor_down: .byte esc, brace, $42, $00 ; esc [ B
ansi_cursor_right: .byte esc, brace, $43, $00 ; esc [ C
ansi_cursor_left: .byte esc, brace, $44, $00 ; esc [ D
; -------------------------------------
; table ASCII to PETSCII
; these characters cat be printed
; pet=$00 means ignore the char
; pet=$01 means do something complicated
; -------------------------------------
.byte $00 ; $00
.byte $00 ; $01
.byte $00 ; $02
.byte $00 ; $03
.byte $00 ; $04
.byte $00 ; $05
.byte $00 ; $06
.byte $01 ; $07 BEL
.byte $01 ; $08 BS/DEL
.byte $01 ; $09 TAB
.byte $01 ; $0a LF
.byte $00 ; $0b
.byte $00 ; $0c
.byte $01 ; $0d CR
.byte $00 ; $0e
.byte $00 ; $0f
.byte $00 ; $10
.byte $00 ; $11
.byte $00 ; $12
.byte $00 ; $13
.byte $00 ; $14
.byte $00 ; $15
.byte $00 ; $16
.byte $00 ; $17
.byte $00 ; $18
.byte $00 ; $19
.byte $00 ; $1a
.byte $01 ; $1b ESC
.byte $00 ; $1c
.byte $00 ; $1d
.byte $00 ; $1e
.byte $00 ; $1f
.byte $20 ; $20 1:1
.byte $21 ; $21 1:1
.byte $22 ; $22 1:1
.byte $23 ; $23 1:1
.byte $24 ; $24 1:1
.byte $25 ; $25 1:1
.byte $26 ; $26 1:1
.byte $27 ; $27 1:1
.byte $28 ; $28 1:1
.byte $29 ; $29 1:1
.byte $2a ; $2a 1:1
.byte $2b ; $2b 1:1
.byte $2c ; $2c 1:1
.byte $2d ; $2d 1:1
.byte $2e ; $2e 1:1
.byte $2f ; $2f 1:1
.byte $30 ; $30 1:1
.byte $31 ; $31 1:1
.byte $32 ; $32 1:1
.byte $33 ; $33 1:1
.byte $34 ; $34 1:1
.byte $35 ; $35 1:1
.byte $36 ; $36 1:1
.byte $37 ; $37 1:1
.byte $38 ; $38 1:1
.byte $39 ; $39 1:1
.byte $3a ; $3a 1:1
.byte $3b ; $3b 1:1
.byte $3c ; $3c 1:1
.byte $3d ; $3d 1:1
.byte $3e ; $3e 1:1
.byte $3f ; $3f 1:1
.byte $40 ; $40 1:1
.byte $61 ; $41 -----
.byte $62 ; $42
.byte $63 ; $43
.byte $64 ; $44 capital
.byte $65 ; $45
.byte $66 ; $46
.byte $67 ; $47
.byte $68 ; $48
.byte $69 ; $49
.byte $6a ; $4a
.byte $6b ; $4b
.byte $6c ; $4c
.byte $6d ; $4d letters
.byte $6e ; $4e
.byte $6f ; $4f
.byte $70 ; $50
.byte $71 ; $51
.byte $72 ; $52
.byte $73 ; $53
.byte $74 ; $54
.byte $75 ; $55
.byte $76 ; $56
.byte $77 ; $57
.byte $78 ; $58
.byte $79 ; $59
.byte $7a ; $5a -----
.byte $5b ; $5b 1:1
.byte $5c ; $5c 1:1
.byte $5d ; $5d 1:1
.byte $5e ; $5e 1:1
.byte $5f ; $5f 1:1
.byte $60 ; $60 1:1
.byte $41 ; $61 -----
.byte $42 ; $62
.byte $43 ; $63
.byte $44 ; $64 small
.byte $45 ; $65
.byte $46 ; $66
.byte $47 ; $67
.byte $48 ; $68
.byte $49 ; $69
.byte $4a ; $6a
.byte $4b ; $6b letters
.byte $4c ; $6c
.byte $4d ; $6d
.byte $4e ; $6e
.byte $4f ; $6f
.byte $50 ; $70
.byte $51 ; $71
.byte $52 ; $72
.byte $53 ; $73
.byte $54 ; $74
.byte $55 ; $75
.byte $56 ; $76
.byte $57 ; $77
.byte $58 ; $78
.byte $59 ; $79
.byte $5a ; $7a -----
.byte $7b ; $7b 1:1 {
.byte $7c ; $7c 1:1 |
.byte $7d ; $7d 1:1 }
.byte $7e ; $7e 1:1 ~
.byte $00 ; $7f
.byte $00 ; $80
.byte $00 ; $81
.byte $00 ; $82
.byte $00 ; $83
.byte $00 ; $84
.byte $00 ; $85
.byte $00 ; $86
.byte $00 ; $87
.byte $00 ; $88
.byte $00 ; $89
.byte $00 ; $8a
.byte $00 ; $8b
.byte $00 ; $8c
.byte $00 ; $8d
.byte $00 ; $8e
.byte $00 ; $8f
.byte $00 ; $90
.byte $00 ; $91
.byte $00 ; $92
.byte $00 ; $93
.byte $00 ; $94
.byte $00 ; $95
.byte $00 ; $96
.byte $00 ; $97
.byte $00 ; $98
.byte $00 ; $99
.byte $00 ; $9a
.byte $00 ; $9b
.byte $00 ; $9c
.byte $00 ; $9d
.byte $00 ; $9e
.byte $00 ; $9f
.byte $20 ; $a0
.byte $7f ; $a1
.byte $7f ; $a2
.byte $bf ; $a3
.byte $be ; $a4
.byte $7f ; $a5
.byte $73 ; $a6
.byte $b5 ; $a7
.byte $53 ; $a8
.byte $bb ; $a9
.byte $7f ; $aa
.byte $bc ; $ab
.byte $7f ; $ac
.byte $2d ; $ad
.byte $7f ; $ae
.byte $7f ; $af
.byte $ba ; $b0
.byte $b8 ; $b1
.byte $b6 ; $b2
.byte $b7 ; $b3
.byte $7a ; $b4
.byte $b9 ; $b5
.byte $7f ; $b6
.byte $7f ; $b7
.byte $5a ; $b8
.byte $7f ; $b9
.byte $7f ; $ba
.byte $bd ; $bb
.byte $b0 ; $bc
.byte $b0 ; $bd
.byte $79 ; $be
.byte $7f ; $bf
.byte $a5 ; $c0
.byte $61 ; $c1
.byte $a4 ; $c2
.byte $61 ; $c3
.byte $a3 ; $c4
.byte $a4 ; $c5
.byte $7f ; $c6
.byte $63 ; $c7
.byte $ad ; $c8
.byte $ab ; $c9
.byte $ac ; $ca
.byte $65 ; $cb
.byte $69 ; $cc
.byte $69 ; $cd
.byte $69 ; $ce
.byte $69 ; $cf
.byte $64 ; $d0
.byte $6e ; $d1
.byte $6f ; $d2
.byte $6f ; $d3
.byte $b1 ; $d4
.byte $6f ; $d5
.byte $af ; $d6
.byte $7f ; $d7
.byte $6f ; $d8
.byte $75 ; $d9
.byte $75 ; $da
.byte $75 ; $db
.byte $b3 ; $dc
.byte $79 ; $dd
.byte $7f ; $de
.byte $b4 ; $df
.byte $a2 ; $e0
.byte $41 ; $e1
.byte $a1 ; $e2
.byte $41 ; $e3
.byte $a0 ; $e4
.byte $a1 ; $e5
.byte $7f ; $e6
.byte $a6 ; $e7
.byte $aa ; $e8
.byte $a8 ; $e9
.byte $a9 ; $ea
.byte $a7 ; $eb
.byte $49 ; $ec
.byte $49 ; $ed
.byte $49 ; $ee
.byte $49 ; $ef
.byte $7f ; $f0
.byte $4e ; $f1
.byte $4f ; $f2
.byte $4f ; $f3
.byte $b1 ; $f4
.byte $4f ; $f5
.byte $ae ; $f6
.byte $7f ; $f7
.byte $4f ; $f8
.byte $55 ; $f9
.byte $55 ; $fa
.byte $55 ; $fb
.byte $b2 ; $fc
.byte $59 ; $fd
.byte $7f ; $fe
.byte $59 ; $ff
; -------------------------------------
; table PETSCII to ASCII
; these characters can be typed with
; the keyboard
; ascii = $00 means ignore key
; ascii = $ff menas send string
; ascii = $fe means do something
; complicated (command key)
; -------------------------------------
.byte $00 ; $00
.byte $01 ; $01
.byte $02 ; $02
.byte $03 ; $03
.byte $04 ; $04
.byte $05 ; $05
.byte $06 ; $06
.byte $07 ; $07
.byte $08 ; $08 DEL
.byte $09 ; $09 TAB
.byte $0a ; $0a
.byte $0b ; $0b
.byte $0c ; $0c
.byte $0d ; $0d CR
.byte $0e ; $0e
.byte $0f ; $0f
.byte $10 ; $10
.byte $fe ; $11 ^Q (crsr down)
.byte $12 ; $12
.byte $fe ; $13 ^S TAB (HOME)
.byte $fe ; $14 ^T BS (DEL)
.byte $15 ; $15
.byte $16 ; $16
.byte $17 ; $17
.byte $18 ; $18
.byte $19 ; $19
.byte $1a ; $1a
.byte $1b ; $1b ESC
.byte $1c ; $1c
.byte $fe ; $1d ^](crsr right)
.byte $1e ; $1e
.byte $1f ; $1f
.byte $20 ; $20 SPACE
.byte $21 ; $21 !
.byte $22 ; $22 "
.byte $23 ; $23 #
.byte $24 ; $24 $
.byte $25 ; $25 %
.byte $26 ; $26 &
.byte $27 ; $27 '
.byte $28 ; $28 (
.byte $29 ; $29 )
.byte $2a ; $2a *
.byte $2b ; $2b +
.byte $2c ; $2c ,
.byte $2d ; $2d -
.byte $2e ; $2e .
.byte $2f ; $2f /
.byte $30 ; $30 0
.byte $31 ; $31 1
.byte $32 ; $32 2
.byte $33 ; $33 3
.byte $34 ; $34 4
.byte $35 ; $35 5
.byte $36 ; $36 6
.byte $37 ; $37 7
.byte $38 ; $38 8
.byte $39 ; $39 9
.byte $3a ; $3a :
.byte $3b ; $3b ;
.byte $3c ; $3c <
.byte $3d ; $3d =
.byte $3e ; $3e >
.byte $3f ; $3f ?
.byte $40 ; $40 @
.byte $61 ; $41 a
.byte $62 ; $42 b
.byte $63 ; $43 c
.byte $64 ; $44 d
.byte $65 ; $45 e
.byte $66 ; $46 f
.byte $67 ; $47 g
.byte $68 ; $48 h
.byte $69 ; $49 i
.byte $6a ; $4a j
.byte $6b ; $4b k
.byte $6c ; $4c l
.byte $6d ; $4d m
.byte $6e ; $4e n
.byte $6f ; $4f o
.byte $70 ; $50 p
.byte $71 ; $51 q
.byte $72 ; $52 r
.byte $73 ; $53 s
.byte $74 ; $54 t
.byte $75 ; $55 u
.byte $76 ; $56 v
.byte $77 ; $57 w
.byte $78 ; $58 x
.byte $79 ; $59 y
.byte $7a ; $5a z
.byte $5b ; $5b [
.byte $5c ; $5c \ (Pound)
.byte $5d ; $5d ]
.byte $5e ; $5e ^
.byte $1b ; $5f ESC ( <- )
.byte $00 ; $60
.byte $41 ; $61 A
.byte $42 ; $62 B
.byte $43 ; $63 C
.byte $44 ; $64 D
.byte $45 ; $65 E
.byte $46 ; $66 F
.byte $47 ; $67 G
.byte $48 ; $68 H
.byte $49 ; $69 I
.byte $4a ; $6a J
.byte $4b ; $6b K
.byte $4c ; $6c L
.byte $4d ; $6d M
.byte $4e ; $6e N
.byte $4f ; $6f O
.byte $50 ; $70 P
.byte $51 ; $71 Q
.byte $52 ; $72 R
.byte $53 ; $73 S
.byte $54 ; $74 T
.byte $55 ; $75 U
.byte $56 ; $76 V
.byte $57 ; $77 W
.byte $58 ; $78 X
.byte $59 ; $79 Y
.byte $5a ; $7a Z
.byte $00 ; $7b
.byte $00 ; $7c
.byte $00 ; $7d
.byte $00 ; $7e
.byte $00 ; $7f
.byte $00 ; $80
.byte $00 ; $81
.byte $00 ; $82
.byte $00 ; $83
.byte $00 ; $84
.byte $00 ; $85 (f1)
.byte $00 ; $86 (f3)
.byte $00 ; $87 (f5)
.byte $00 ; $88 (f7)
.byte $00 ; $89 (f2)
.byte $00 ; $8a (f4)
.byte $00 ; $8b (f6)
.byte $00 ; $8c (f8)
.byte $00 ; $8d (Shift RET)
.byte $00 ; $8e
.byte $00 ; $8f
.byte $00 ; $90
.byte $ff ; $91 (crsr up)
.byte $00 ; $92
.byte $00 ; $93 (Shift Clr/Home)
.byte $7f ; $94 DEL (Shift Ins/Del)
.byte $00 ; $95
.byte $00 ; $96
.byte $00 ; $97
.byte $00 ; $98
.byte $00 ; $99
.byte $00 ; $9a
.byte $00 ; $9b
.byte $00 ; $9c
.byte $ff ; $9d (crsr left)
.byte $00 ; $9e
.byte $00 ; $9f
.byte $00 ; $a0 (Shift Space)
.byte $00 ; $a1
.byte $00 ; $a2
.byte $00 ; $a3
.byte $00 ; $a4
.byte $00 ; $a5
.byte $00 ; $a6
.byte $00 ; $a7
.byte $00 ; $a8
.byte $7c ; $a9 | (Shift Pound)
.byte $00 ; $aa
.byte $00 ; $ab
.byte $fe ; $ac C= D
.byte $00 ; $ad
.byte $fe ; $ae C= S
.byte $00 ; $af
.byte $fe ; $b0 C= A
.byte $00 ; $b1
.byte $fe ; $b2 C= R
.byte $00 ; $b3
.byte $00 ; $b4
.byte $00 ; $b5
.byte $fe ; $b6 C= L
.byte $00 ; $b7
.byte $00 ; $b8
.byte $00 ; $b9
.byte $60 ; $ba ` ( Shift @ )
.byte $00 ; $bb
.byte $fe ; $bc C= C
.byte $00 ; $bd
.byte $00 ; $be
.byte $fe ; $bf C= B
.byte $5f ; $c0 _ ( Shift * )
.byte $41 ; $c1 -----
.byte $42 ; $c2
.byte $43 ; $c3 capital
.byte $44 ; $c4
.byte $45 ; $c5 letters
.byte $46 ; $c6
.byte $47 ; $c7 generate
.byte $48 ; $c8
.byte $49 ; $c9 these
.byte $4a ; $ca
.byte $4b ; $cb codes
.byte $4c ; $cc
.byte $4d ; $cd
.byte $4e ; $ce
.byte $4f ; $cf
.byte $50 ; $d0
.byte $51 ; $d1
.byte $52 ; $d2
.byte $53 ; $d3
.byte $54 ; $d4
.byte $55 ; $d5
.byte $56 ; $d6
.byte $57 ; $d7
.byte $58 ; $d8
.byte $59 ; $d9
.byte $5a ; $da -----
.byte $7b ; $db { ( Shift + )
.byte $00 ; $dc ( C= - )
.byte $7d ; $dd } ( Shift - )
.byte $7e ; $de ~ ( Pi )
.byte $00 ; $df
.byte $00 ; $e0
.byte $00 ; $e1
.byte $00 ; $e2
.byte $00 ; $e3
.byte $00 ; $e4
.byte $00 ; $e5
.byte $00 ; $e6
.byte $00 ; $e7
.byte $00 ; $e8
.byte $00 ; $e9
.byte $00 ; $ea
.byte $00 ; $eb
.byte $00 ; $ec
.byte $00 ; $ed
.byte $00 ; $ee
.byte $00 ; $ef
.byte $00 ; $f0
.byte $00 ; $f1
.byte $00 ; $f2
.byte $00 ; $f3
.byte $00 ; $f4
.byte $00 ; $f5
.byte $00 ; $f6
.byte $00 ; $f7
.byte $00 ; $f8
.byte $00 ; $f9
.byte $00 ; $fa
.byte $00 ; $fb
.byte $00 ; $fc
.byte $00 ; $fd
.byte $00 ; $fe
.byte $00 ; $ff
.incbin "../inc/vt100_font.bin"
;-- LICENSE FOR vt100_c64.s --
; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
; under the License.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lars Stollenwerk.
; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003
; Lars Stollenwerk. All Rights Reserved.
;Contributor(s): Jonno Downes