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172 lines
3.7 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
172 lines
3.7 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
;telnet routines
; to use:
; 1) include this file
; 2) include these other files:
; .include "../inc/common.i"
; .include "../inc/commonprint.i"
; .include "../inc/net.i"
; 3) define a routine called 'exit_telnet'
.import telnet_connect
.import telnet_use_native_charset
.import telnet_port
.import telnet_ip
.import filter_number
.export telnet_on_connection
original_border: .res 1
;prompt for a hostname, then resolve to an IP address
ldax #remote_host
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldy #40 ;max chars
ldax #filter_dns
jsr get_filtered_input
bcc @host_entered
;if no host entered, then bail.
jmp exit_telnet
stax temp_ax
jsr print_cr
ldax #resolving
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldax temp_ax
jsr print
jsr print_cr
ldax temp_ax
jsr dns_set_hostname
bcs @resolve_error
jsr dns_resolve
bcc @resolved_ok
jsr print_cr
jsr print_errorcode
jmp telnet_main_entry
ldx #3
lda dns_ip,x
sta telnet_ip,x
bpl @copy_telnet_ip_loop
ldax #remote_port
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldy #5 ;max chars
ldax #filter_number
jsr get_filtered_input
bcs @no_port_entered
;AX now points a string containing port number
jsr parse_integer
bcc @port_entered
;if no port entered, then assume port 23
ldax #23
stax telnet_port
jsr print_cr
ldax #char_mode_prompt
jsr print_ascii_as_native
jsr get_key_ip65
cmp #'V'
beq @vt100_mode
cmp #'v'
beq @vt100_mode
cmp #'P'
beq @petscii_mode
cmp #'p'
beq @petscii_mode
jmp @char_mode_input
lda #0
sta telnet_use_native_charset
lda #1
sta xmodem_iac_escape
jmp @after_mode_set
lda #1
sta telnet_use_native_charset
lda #0
sta xmodem_iac_escape
lda #147 ; 'CLR/HOME'
jsr print_a
ldax #connecting_in
jsr print_ascii_as_native
lda telnet_use_native_charset
beq @v_mode
ldax #petscii
jmp @c_mode
ldax #vt100
jsr print_ascii_as_native
ldax #mode
jsr print_ascii_as_native
lda $d020
sta original_border
jsr telnet_connect
lda original_border
sta $d020
;reset the background colour
jmp telnet_main_entry
;toggle the background colour
dec $d020
connecting_in: .byte "connecting in ",0
vt100: .byte "vt100",0
petscii: .byte "petscii",0
mode: .byte " mode",10,0
remote_host: .byte "hostname (leave blank to quit)",10,": ",0
remote_port: .byte "port # (leave blank for default)",10,": ",0
char_mode_prompt: .byte "mode - V=vt100, P=petscii",10,0
;-- LICENSE FOR telnet.i --
; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
; Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
; compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
; License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
; under the License.
; The Original Code is ip65.
; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jonno Downes,
; jonno@jamtronix.com.
; Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
; Jonno Downes. All Rights Reserved.