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synced 2024-11-07 13:05:22 +00:00
I don't have plans to support C programs on the VIC20. So now that there are C test programs the simplest solution is to not (try to) build VIC20 test programs as part of the default recipe.
179 lines
4.8 KiB
179 lines
4.8 KiB
# Build for Cirrus Logic CS8900A based devices:
# make eth=cl
# Build for Standard Microsystems LAN91C96 based devices:
# make eth=sm
# Build for WIZnet W5100 based devices:
# make eth=wn
ifeq ($(eth),cl)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64rrnet.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2uther.lib
else ifeq ($(eth),sm)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64eth64.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2lancegs.lib
else ifeq ($(eth),wn)
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64wiz811.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2uther2.lib
C64DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/c64combo.lib
A2DRIVERLIB = ../drivers/a2combo.lib
ATRDRIVERLIB = ../drivers/atrdragon.lib
VICDRIVERLIB = ../drivers/vic20rrnet.lib
UDP =\
dns \
dottedquad \
parsequerystring \
sntp \
tftp \
udp \
TCP =\
geturl \
httpd \
math \
parser \
ping \
all: $(UDP) $(TCP)
$(addsuffix .prg,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .prg,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .bin,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .bin,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .com,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .com,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(addsuffix .vicprg,$(UDP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65.lib
$(addsuffix .vicprg,$(TCP)): IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
$(foreach pgm,$(UDP) $(TCP),$(eval $(pgm): $(pgm).prg $(pgm).bin $(pgm).com))
httpd-slotscan.bin: IP65LIB = ../ip65/ip65_tcp.lib
../inc/common.i \
../inc/commonprint.i \
prg: $(addsuffix .prg,$(UDP) $(TCP))
bin: $(addsuffix .bin,$(UDP) $(TCP)) httpd-slotscan.bin
com: $(addsuffix .com,$(UDP) $(TCP))
vicprg: $(addsuffix .vicprg,$(UDP) $(TCP))
d64: ip65test.d64
dsk: ip65test.dsk
atr: ip65test.atr
make -C ../ip65
make -C ../drivers
ATARI_CFG = atari.cfg
vt100.com: ATARI_CFG = ../apps/atrtelnet.cfg
%.o: %.s
ca65 $<
%-slotscan.o: %.s
ca65 -D A2_SLOT_SCAN -o $@ $<
%.o: %.c
%.prg: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.prg -C c64.cfg -m $*.c64.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(C64DRIVERLIB) c64.lib
%.bin: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.bin -C apple2.cfg -m $*.a2.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(A2DRIVERLIB) apple2.lib
%.com: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.com -C $(ATARI_CFG) -m $*.atr.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(ATRDRIVERLIB) atari.lib
%.vicprg: %.o ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
ld65 -o $*.vicprg -C vic20-32k.cfg -m $*.vic.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) $(VICDRIVERLIB) vic20.lib
%.prg: %.c ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
cl65 -o $*.prg -O -t c64 -m $*.c64.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) ../drivers/ip65_c64.lib
rm $*.o
%.bin: %.c ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
cl65 -o $*.bin -O -t apple2 -m $*.a2.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) ../drivers/ip65_apple2.lib
rm $*.o
%.com: %.c ip65 drivers $(INCFILES)
cl65 -o $*.com -O -t atari -m $*.atr.map -vm $< $(IP65LIB) ../drivers/ip65_atari.lib
rm $*.o
ip65test.d64: prg
$(C1541) -format ip65,00 d64 $@
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write dns.prg dns,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write dottedquad.prg dottedquad,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write geturl.prg geturl,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write httpd.prg httpd,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write math.prg math,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write parser.prg parser,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write ping.prg ping,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write sntp.prg sntp,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write tcp.prg tcp,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write tftp.prg tftp,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write udp.prg udp,p
$(C1541) -attach $@ -write vt100.prg vt100,p
ip65test.dsk: bin
cp prodos.dsk $@
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ dns bin < dns.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ dottedquad bin < dottedquad.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ geturl bin < geturl.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ httpd bin < httpd.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ httpd.slotscan bin < httpd-slotscan.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ math bin < math.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ parser bin < parser.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ ping bin < ping.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ sntp bin < sntp.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ tcp bin < tcp.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ tftp bin < tftp.bin
java -jar $(AC) -cc65 $@ udp bin < udp.bin
ip65test.atr: com
mkdir atr
cp dos.sys atr/dos.sys
cp dup.sys atr/dup.sys
cp dns.com atr/dns.com
cp dottedquad.com atr/dotquad.com
cp geturl.com atr/geturl.com
cp httpd.com atr/httpd.com
cp math.com atr/math.com
cp parser.com atr/parser.com
cp ping.com atr/ping.com
cp sntp.com atr/sntp.com
cp tcp.com atr/tcp.com
cp tftp.com atr/tftp.com
cp udp.com atr/udp.com
cp vt100.com atr/vt100.com
$(DIR2ATR) -b Dos25 1040 $@ atr
rm -r atr
%.exe: %.c
cl /Fe:$@ $^
make -C ../ip65 clean
make -C ../drivers clean
-rm -f *.o *.prg *.bin *.com *.vicprg *.map *.obj *.exe
-rm -f ip65test.d64 ip65test.dsk ip65test.atr