2023-05-27 14:24:16 -04:00

521 lines
11 KiB

// var h = preact.h;
import { calc_sr, calc_shift, log2 } from './utils';
import { NoteInput, NoteFrequency } from './note_input';
import { WaveData } from './wave_data';
import { Oscillators, WaveSize, Resolution, Frequency, Assembler, WaveShape, CheckBox } from './input';
import { DurationInput, DurationSplit } from './duration_input';
const C4 = 4*12;
function nmultiply(x) {
if (x == 0) return 0;
if (x == 1) return <i>n</i>;
return <>{x} * <i>n</i></>;
// return paren ? <span>({x} * <i>n</i>)</span> : <span>{x} * <i>n</i></span>;
function simplify(res, freq) {
while (res && !(freq & 0x01)) {
freq >>= 1;
return [res, freq];
function SampleDisplay(props) {
var { shift, freq } = props;
if (freq == 0) return [];
var freq2 = log2(freq);
var fspan = <span title="Frequency">{freq}</span>;
var fspann = freq == 1 ? <i>n</i> : <>({fspan} * <i>n</i>)</>;
var rv = [];
Sample<sub>n</sub> = RAM[ {fspann} &gt;&gt; {shift} ]
Sample<sub>n</sub> = RAM[ {fspann} / {1 << shift} ]
if (freq2) {
if (freq2 >= shift) {
Sample<sub>n</sub> = RAM[ { nmultiply(freq / ( 1 << shift)) } ]
} else {
Sample<sub>n</sub> = RAM[ { nmultiply(freq >> freq2) } &gt;&gt; {shift - freq2} ]
Sample<sub>n</sub> = RAM[ { nmultiply(freq >> freq2) } / { 1 << (shift - freq2) } ]
return rv;
function NoteDisplay(props) {
var { osc, note } = props;
const wave = 0; // 256
const sr = calc_sr(osc);
const note_frq = NoteFrequency(note);
const f = note_frq / (sr / (1 << (8 + wave)));
// best_res = 7 - Math.ceil(Math.log2(f)) ?
// best_freq = f * (1 << calc_shift(best_res, 0)) ?
var best_res = 0;
var best_freq = 0;
for (var res = 0; res < 8; ++res) {
const shift = (1 << calc_shift(res, wave));
const tmp = Math.round(f * shift);
if (tmp >= 0x10000) break;
best_res = res;
best_freq = tmp;
[best_res, best_freq] = simplify(best_res, best_freq);
return (
<RateDisplay wave={0} osc={osc} freq={best_freq} res={best_res} />
<div>Wave Size: 256</div>
<div>Resolution: {best_res}</div>
<div>Frequency: {best_freq}</div>
function RateDisplay(props) {
const { osc, wave, freq, res} = props;
const sr = calc_sr(osc);
const shift = (1 << calc_shift(res, wave));
const size = 256 << wave;
const rate = sr / (size * shift / freq);
return <div>Rate: {rate.toFixed(2)} Hz</div>;
function ResampleDisplay(props) {
var { osc, size, freq } = props;
const sr = calc_sr(osc);
const f = freq / sr;
var best_res = 0;
var best_freq = 0;
for (var res = 0; res < 8; ++res) {
var tmp = Math.round(f * (1 << calc_shift(res, size)));
if (tmp >= 0x10000) break;
best_res = res;
best_freq = tmp;
[best_res, best_freq] = simplify(best_res, best_freq);
var best_shift = calc_shift(best_res, size);
return (
<div>Resolution: {best_res}</div>
<div>Frequency: {best_freq}</div>
<SampleDisplay freq={best_freq} shift={best_shift} />
function HyperDisplay(props) {
var { pitch, freq } = props;
// 26_320 = SR w/ 32 oscillators.
// 261.63 = C4
// 3072 = 12 * 256 (12 = octave)
// "The high byte of this word is a semitone value; the low byte is a fractional semitone."
const r = (freq * 261.63 )/ (26_320 * pitch);
const offset = Math.round(3072 * Math.log2(r));
const relative = offset < 0 ? -offset + 0x8000 : offset;
return (
<div>Relative: {relative}</div>
function TimerDisplay(props) {
var {osc, duration } = props;
const [time, units] = DurationSplit(duration);
const sr = calc_sr(osc);
const cycles = time * sr;
// (f * 256) / shift = cycles
// f * 256 = cycles * shift
// f = (cycles * shift) / 256
// should calculate min. wave size. eg, 256k sample has min. shift / 512, 32768 has min shift of / 2
const size = 0; // 256
var best_res = 0;
var best_freq = 0;
var actual = 0;
best = []
for (var res = 0; res < 8; ++res) {
var shift = 1 << calc_shift(res, size);
var f = Math.round(shift * 256 / cycles);
if (f >= 0x10000) continue; // break;
actual = Math.ceil(256 * shift / f);
best_res = res;
best_freq = f;
[best_res, best_freq] = simplify(best_res, best_freq);
var best_shift = calc_shift(best_res, size);
switch(units) {
case "s": break;
case "ms": actual *= 1000; break;
case "ticks": actual *= 60; break;
return (
<div>Time: { actual ? (actual / sr).toFixed(2) + " " + units : "N/A" }</div>
<div>Resolution: {best_res ? best_res : "N/A"}</div>
<div>Frequency: {best_freq ? best_freq : "N/A"}</div>
<SampleDisplay freq={best_freq} shift={best_shift} />
// oscillators generate addresses, not samples.
// accumulator is 24-bit.
// frequency is 16-bit.
// accumulator n = freq * n
// sample n = memory[(freq * n) >> res. shift]
export class Application extends preact.Component {
constructor(props) {
this._oscChange = this.oscChange.bind(this);
this._waveChange = this.waveChange.bind(this);
this._resChange = this.resChange.bind(this);
this._freqChange = this.freqChange.bind(this);
this._noteChange = this.noteChange.bind(this);
this._durationChange = this.durationChange.bind(this);
this._tabChange = this.tabChange.bind(this);
this._asmChange = this.asmChange.bind(this);
this._shapeChange = this.shapeChange.bind(this);
this._inFreqChange = this.inFreqChange.bind(this);
this._inSizeChange = this.inSizeChange.bind(this);
this._indeterminateChange = this.indeterminateChange.bind(this);
this.state = {
osc: 32, wave: 0, res: 0, freq: 512, tab: 0,
note: C4, assembler: 0, shape: 0,
in_freq: 44100, in_size: 0,
indeterminate: false,
oscChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value || 0;
this.setState( { osc: v } );
waveChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value || 0;
this.setState( { wave: v } );
resChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value || 0;
this.setState( { res: v } );
freqChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value >> 0;
if (v < 0) v = 0;
if (v > 65535) v = 65535;
this.setState( { freq: v } );
inFreqChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value >> 0;
if (v < 0) v = 0;
if (v > 65535) v = 65535;
this.setState( { in_freq: v } );
inSizeChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value || 0;
this.setState( { in_size: v } );
tabChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value;
this.setState({ tab: v });
noteChange(v) {
this.setState({ note: v });
durationChange(v) {
this.setState({ duration: v });
asmChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value;
this.setState({ assembler: v});
shapeChange(e) {
var v = +e.target.value;
this.setState({ shape: v});
indeterminateChange(e) {
var v = !!e.target.checked;
this.setState({ indeterminate: v });
sampleChildren() {
var { osc, wave, res, freq } = this.state;
var shift = calc_shift(res, wave);
return (
<label>Oscillators</label> <Oscillators value={osc} onChange={this._oscChange} />
<label>Wave Size</label> <WaveSize value={wave} onChange={this._waveChange} />
<label>Resolution</label> <Resolution value={res} onChange={this._resChange} />
<label>Frequency</label> <Frequency value={freq} onChange={this._freqChange} />
<RateDisplay wave={wave} osc={osc} freq={freq} shift={shift} res={res} />
<SampleDisplay freq={freq} shift={shift} />
noteChildren() {
var { osc, wave, note } = this.state;
return (
<label>Oscillators</label> <Oscillators value={osc} onChange={this._oscChange} />
<label>Note</label> <NoteInput value={note} onChange={this._noteChange} />
<NoteDisplay osc={osc} note={note} wave={wave} />
waveChildren() {
var { assembler, shape } = this.state;
return (
<label>Assembler</label> <Assembler value={assembler} onChange={this._asmChange} />
<label>Wave Type</label> <WaveShape value={shape} onChange={this._shapeChange} />
<WaveData assembler={assembler} shape={shape} />
resampleChildren() {
var { osc, in_freq, in_size } = this.state;
// freq not limited to 65,535 ?
return (
<label>Oscillators</label> <Oscillators value={osc} onChange={this._oscChange} />
<label>In Frequency</label> <Frequency value={in_freq} onChange={this._inFreqChange} />
<label>In Size</label> <WaveSize value={in_size} onChange={this._inSizeChange} />
<ResampleDisplay osc={osc} size={in_size} freq={in_freq} />
timerChildren() {
var { osc, duration } = this.state;
return (
<label>Oscillators</label> <Oscillators value={osc} onChange={this._oscChange} />
<label>Duration</label> <DurationInput value={duration} onChange={this._durationChange} />
<TimerDisplay osc={osc} duration={duration} />
hyperChildren() {
var { in_freq, note, indeterminate } = this.state;
if (indeterminate) note = C4;
return (
<label>Oscillators</label> <Oscillators value={32} disabled={true} />
<label>In Frequency</label> <Frequency value={in_freq} onChange={this._inFreqChange} />
<CheckBox checked={indeterminate} onChange={ this._indeterminateChange } />
<div style={indeterminate ? { display: "none" } : ""}>
<label>Pitch</label> <NoteInput value={note} onChange={this._noteChange}
disabled={indeterminate} />
<HyperDisplay freq={in_freq} pitch={NoteFrequency(note)} />
render() {
var { osc, wave, res, freq, tab } = this.state;
// var shift = calc_shift(res, wave);
var children;
case 0: children = this.sampleChildren(); break;
case 1: children = this.resampleChildren(); break;
case 2: children = this.noteChildren(); break;
case 3: children = this.waveChildren(); break;
case 4: children = this.timerChildren(); break;
case 5: children = this.hyperChildren(); break;
var options = ["Sample", "Resample", "Note", "Wave", "Timer", "HyperCard Pitch",].map( (o, ix) => {
return <option key={ix} value={ix}>{o}</option>;
return (
<legend><select value={tab} onChange={this._tabChange}>{options}</select></legend>