Andy McFadden 418e7b7191 Initial checkin
fdraw v0.3
2015-08-21 14:15:18 -07:00

11 KiB

My Quest for Lines

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to draw lines on the hi-res screen.

This probably started when I saw Battlezone in the arcades in the early 1980s. I still think the game is beautiful -- a first-person shooter reduced to the essential elements. I wanted to write something similar for the Apple II, but I didn't know where to start. (I should probably mention that I was 11 years old in 1980.)

Battlezone had a dedicated matrix processor (the "math box"), and a vector display that handled the line drawing. The Apple II had neither of those things, which meant that achieving the same level of performance and graphical detail weren't possible. Despite those shortcomings, Damon Slye create a pretty solid Battlezone-ish game in 1983, called Stellar 7. A couple of years later, Braben and Bell made another compelling wireframe combat game, the space combat sim Elite. (The A2-FS1 flight simulator came out much earlier, but the graphics were blinky, enemies were just dots, and the action was much slower-paced. Of course, it loaded from cassette tape and ran in 16KB, so they didn't have much choice.)

Seeing these games showed me that the problems could be solved. I decided that the place to start was line drawing, because (a) line drawing is pretty fundamental to wireframe 3D, and (b) I wasn't getting the performance I needed out of HPLOT TO.

Somewhere in the mid-1980s -- I was in high school now -- I began by trying to figure out how line drawing worked. Suppose, for example, you want to HPLOT 0,0 TO 19,5. How do you decide which pixels to set?

I wrote a program (which I recently found) called "HPLOT SIMULATOR". It computed the ratio of vertical to horizontal pixels (e.g. 20 / 6 = 0.3), and marched horizontally across the screen, adding the fractional value to the Y coordinate at each step. The result was a pretty good-looking line.

The trouble was that it used floating-point math and required division, things that the 6502 is not very good at. It occurred to me that division can be performed as a series of integer subtractions. (It probably occurred to me because I didn't know any other way to divide on the 6502, not having encountered the shift-and-subtract approach yet.) So if you initialize a counter to zero, and add 6 to it each time you move horizontally, then when it reaches 20 you know it's time to move vertically. Subtracting 20 from the counter resets it, but retains the division remainder as the starting point, so you retain the fractional part.

When I went to college I took a graphics class, and was introduced to Bresenham's classic line algorithm. This was essentially the same as what I'd figured out for myself, but with two refinements: (1) it used signed values, allowing a slightly cheaper "< 0" comparison, and (2) it started with the counter half full, correcting the slight lopsidedness of my lines.

The graphics class inspired me to write a 3D game library called Arc3D in 1990. I used it to create a pair of demos: "Not Modulae", which animated several 3D shapes on the screen, including a pair of ships from Elite; and "Not Stellar 7", a graphics demo that let you drive around (and, sadly, through) some tanks from Stellar 7. The Arc3D library was written for the IIgs, in 65816 assembly, and used the super-hi-res screen. Having a better CPU, lots more memory, and a less-quirky graphics architecture made things easier than doing the same on a classic Apple II.

I wrote my own super-hi-res line drawing code, of course, but a year later when I disassembled somebody else's demo I found better code. Which, it turned out, they had also lifted from another source, an FTA demo. I dropped mine and used theirs.

After I graduated from college, my side projects tended more toward data compression and Netrek, so Arc3D was never improved upon.

Fifteen years later, in 2006, there was a discussion on a Usenet group about circle rendering. Once upon a time I'd drawn circles from BASIC with trig functions, but it was painfully slow, which made me wonder about a part of the game Horizon V where you steer through a series of circles. I wanted to try it for myself and see what it would take. (Looking at a youtube video of Horizon V, the animation is more radial than circular... I suspect it's not really drawing circles at all.)

I first announced my results in a comp.sys.apple2.programmer posting. I had focused on filled circles, rather than outline circles, since that seemed like a more interesting challenge. The "fdraw" demo supported fast rendering of filled circles, filled rectangles, and had a very fast screen clear. A week later, after a bit of cleanup, I [https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.sys.apple2.programmer/Un4pV5p8Elw/6qZVAPc_da0J](released the fdraw v0.2 sources).

It occurred to me at the time that this would be a handy place to stick the hi-res line drawing code I'd always wanted to write. Somewhere around this time I also sort of poked at the idea of writing a dedicated hi-res graphics compression program.

Fast forward another nine years, to 2015. After learning about the LZ4 format, I went back to my data compression roots and wrote https://github.com/fadden/fhpack and some demos. I had so much fun doing it that I decided it was finally time to write some hi-res line drawing code.

Being older, wiser, and having easy access to relevant information, I began with the appropriate chapters in Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book Special Edition. This covered the standard algorithm, but also had a chapter on a faster "run-slice" approach. This intrigued me, because instead of the usual "step right, check if it's time to move down, step right, check if it's time ..." logic, it says, "figure out how long each line segment is; then, move right 3 times, step down, move right 4 times, step down, ...", saving a lot of redundant computation. The trouble is that it requires fixed-point division, and drawing N adjacent pixels is tricky when your graphics architecture has 7 horizontal pixels per byte. You'd have to be a bit crazy to try to get that to work.

So I went with a standard approach, and used the Applesoft ROM method of coloring pixels (discussed in the fdraw docs). I carefully optimized the code, and squeezed out as much performance as I could.

When I was done, I began looking around at what other people did to see if there were any tricks I missed.

I looked at the Applesoft ROM code. Very clever, but very much optimized for space over speed. Also, because it's in ROM, self-modifying code is not possible, so they lose a cycle here and there.

Next I looked at GraFORTH. I figured out how functions were arranged, identified the plot function, and disassembled it with CiderPress. It uses a pretty standard algorithm, but supports multiple drawing modes and sets two adjacent bits for better-looking colored lines. Good use of self-modifying code, but some choices were made to reduce code size at the expense of speed. My code was faster.

Next I looked at Elite. Digging through memory after the program had loaded, I found a collection of purpose-built line functions. Some drew color, most used EOR to "xdraw" monochrome lines. Standard Bresenham approach, with a bit of variation on the Y-lookup table -- their table is only 24 bytes (1/8th of the screen), and they use a quick "add 4 to the high byte" 7 out of every eight lines. I tried applying this to my code, but it turned out that just using a full lookup table was a tiny bit faster.

Next I looked at Stellar 7, one of my earliest inspirations. I scanned through some files with CiderPress, looking for anything line-draw-esque. (If you spend enough time drawing lines you start to see patterns.) After about five minutes I found the code, in the same file as this gigantic unrolled division routine. But as I started to dig into the code I noticed that it was using a count oddly, and this one function was... HOLY CATS he did run-slicing.

And he did it big. There are several line functions, all of them padded out to live on a single page (so that none of the branches cross page boundaries, which costs an extra cycle). It has the usual special cases -- simple horizontal and vertical lines -- and the usual split between vertically-dominant and horizontally-dominant lines. But there are three different functions for drawing mostly-horizontal lines, selected based on slope, all of which try to set multiple horizontal pixels at once. The slope of the line affects how the code is structured; for example, for very shallow lines it expects that it will often be able to set an entire byte at once. Color is not supported, so pixels are set with a simple OR operation.

It's very impressive, and a wee bit terrifying. But when you're making a game that will be spending much of its time drawing lines, you really want to optimize those draw functions.

The tricky part is that divide. The division routine is unrolled to a healthy 187 bytes long, and might take 240 cycles to run. For short lines and mostly-vertical lines it might have been more efficicent to skip the division and just use a run-length implementation, but the ability to set multiple bits at once for mostly-horizontal lines is a huge win. It's a fair bet that the code in Stellar 7 is the fastest line drawing implementation for the Apple II. (Of course, I haven't looked at Arcticfox, the sequel...)

The general structure of the code was actually very similar to mine: always draw left to right, use self-modifying code to handle up vs. down, and so on. I didn't come away with any new ideas for optimizations to my run-length implementation from this or the other programs I looked at... but there are a lot of other games that I haven't disassembled.

So, 30+ years after HPLOT SIMULATOR, here I am with a bunch of code for drawing lines on the Apple II hi-res screen.

I don't plan on writing Battlezone for the Apple II. Stellar 7 did that, and more. My goal in developing fdraw was to scratch a very old itch.

I had forgotten how much fun this stuff is. Working in ARM assembly language on Android offered similar challenges, but you're never entirely sure exactly how your code will perform on the wide range of CPU architectures (affecting instruction interleave, cache size and replacement policy, etc.), you have to guess at cache misses and the success rate of data prefetching, and it's difficult to measure results when there's multiple threads running and interrupts firing. On the Apple II you can count every cycle, and know exactly what will happen when.

I don't expect that anyone will find the code useful, but that wasn't really the point.

Andy McFadden
August 2015