#!/bin/bash MERLIN="../tools/Merlin32_v1.0/MacOSX/Merlin32" # Here's our fancy build pipeline. Output = src/flap (or fmono) (binary file) $MERLIN -V . src/f.s #second time with different build flags (MONO=1) sed -i.bak "s/^MONO\(.*\)equ.*/MONO\1equ 1/g" src/f.s $MERLIN -V . src/f.s #revert file to original state (MONO=0) sed -i.bak "s/^MONO\(.*\)equ.*/MONO\1equ 0/g" src/f.s # This is actually the output file from Merlin # Merlin seems to have problems with periods in names? OUTPUTBIN="src/flap" OUTPUTBIN2="src/fmono" # It seems Merlin32 doesn't return response codes? # So my work-around is to check for the outputted binary # and if it doesn't exist, then assembly failed and we stop if [ ! -f $OUTPUTBIN ] || [ ! -f $OUTPUTBIN2 ] ; then echo "Build failed. Merlin32 was not able to generate one of the binaries:" echo " '$OUTPUTBIN' '$OUTPUTBIN2'" echo "See assembler error messages above." echo "" exit fi mv src/flap src/flap.system mv src/fmono src/fmono.system SRCFILES=(`ls src/*.s`) SYSFILES=(`ls src/PRODOS src/*system`) SRCDIR=src BLDDIR=build/nix DISK="flapple" CADIUS="../tools/Cadius" if [ ! -d $BLDDIR ] ; then echo "Build directory for this platform doesn't exist so I will create it." mkdir -p $BLDDIR echo "Created: $BLDDIR" sleep 1 fi # need to autogen cp src/_FileInformation.txt $BLDDIR echo "Creating disk images" $CADIUS createvolume ${DISK}800.po ${DISK}800 800KB >/dev/null $CADIUS createvolume ${DISK}140.po ${DISK}140 140KB #SYSTEM FILES echo -n "Processing System files: " COMMA="" for f in ${SYSFILES[@]}; do FNAME=${f##*/} echo -n "$COMMA $FNAME" cp $f $BLDDIR/$FNAME $CADIUS addfile ${DISK}800.po /${DISK}800/ $BLDDIR/$FNAME >/dev/null $CADIUS addfile ${DISK}140.po /${DISK}140/ $BLDDIR/$FNAME >/dev/null COMMA="," done #SOURCE FILES echo "" echo -n "Processing Source files: " COMMA="" for f in ${SRCFILES[@]}; do FNAME=${f##*/} echo -n "$COMMA $FNAME" cp $f $BLDDIR/$FNAME $CADIUS sethighbit $BLDDIR/$FNAME >/dev/null $CADIUS addfile ${DISK}800.po /${DISK}800/ $BLDDIR/$FNAME >/dev/null $CADIUS addfile ${DISK}140.po /${DISK}140/ $BLDDIR/$FNAME >/dev/null COMMA="," done echo "" echo "" echo "Look, I'm no expert, but I think everything went pretty well. (BUILD SUCCEEDED!!!)" echo "" exit