Added dot eating/box painting logic

This commit is contained in:
Rob McMullen 2017-04-26 15:12:58 -07:00
parent 6131d9a070
commit 0738436902

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ init_log = logging.getLogger("init")
logic_log = logging.getLogger("logic")
draw_log = logging.getLogger("draw")
maze_log = logging.getLogger("maze")
box_log = logging.getLogger("maze")
game_log = logging.getLogger("game")
@ -156,7 +157,17 @@ dir_mask = 0x0f
tiledot = 0x10
vpath_num = 7
vpath_cols = [1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31]
box_width = 4
vpath_col_spacing = box_width + 1
vpath_cols = [
1 + 0 * vpath_col_spacing,
1 + 1 * vpath_col_spacing,
1 + 2 * vpath_col_spacing,
1 + 3 * vpath_col_spacing,
1 + 4 * vpath_col_spacing,
1 + 5 * vpath_col_spacing,
1 + 6 * vpath_col_spacing,
vpath_top_tile = [
@ -294,7 +305,9 @@ def clear_maze():
addr[x] = 0
x += 1
y += 1
# Set all elements in a row to dot + left + right; only top and bottom
def setrow(row):
addr = mazerow(row)
x = mazeleftcol
@ -302,6 +315,8 @@ def setrow(row):
addr[x] = tiledot|tileleft|tileright
x += 1
# Create all 7 vpaths, using top/bot character from a list to handle both
# corners and T connections.
def setvpath(col):
x = vpath_cols[col]
y = mazetoprow
@ -316,13 +331,20 @@ def setvpath(col):
addr[x] = vpath_bot_tile[col]
# Using col and col - 1, find hpaths such that there are no hpaths that meet at
# the same row in the column col + 1, preventing any "+" intersections (which
# is not legal ghost legs)
# Create hpaths such that there are no hpaths that meet at the same row in
# adjacent columns (cross-throughs are not allowed in ghost legs). Starts at
# the rightmost vpath and moves left using the rightmost vpath as the input to
# this function and building hpaths between it and the vpath to the left. The
# first time this routine is called there won't be any existing columns to
# compare to, otherwise if a tile on the left vpath has a rightward pointing
# hpath, move up one and draw the hpath there. This works because the minimum
# hpath vertical positioning leaves 2 empty rows, so moving up by one still
# leaves 1 empty row.
def sethpath(col):
x1_save = vpath_cols[col - 1]
x2 = vpath_cols[col]
y = mazetoprow
start_box(y, x1_save)
y += get_rand_spacing()
while y < mazebotrow - 1:
addr = mazerow(y)
@ -335,6 +357,7 @@ def sethpath(col):
maze_log.debug("at y=%d on col %d, found same hpath level at col %d" % (y, col, col + 1))
y -= 1
addr = mazerow(y)
x = x1_save
addr[x] = tiledot|tileup|tiledown|tileright
@ -344,6 +367,8 @@ def sethpath(col):
x += 1
addr[x2] = tiledot|tileup|tiledown|tileleft
y += get_rand_spacing()
def init_maze():
@ -369,6 +394,116 @@ def init_maze():
counter -= 1
##### Box handling/painting
# Level box storage uses the left column (we don't need to store the right side
# because they are always a fixed distance away) and a list of rows.
# To examine the boundary of each box to check for dots, the top row and the
# bottom row must look at box_width + 2 tiles, all the middle rows only have to
# check the left and right tiles
# The entire list of rows doesn't need to be stored, either; only the top and
# bottom because everything else is a middle row. Therefore, all we need is the
# x of the left vpath, the top row and the bottom row:
# x1, ytop, ybot
# is 3 bytes. Max number of boxes is 10 per column, 6 columns that's 10 * 6 * 3
# = 180 bytes. Less than 256, yay!
# n can also be used as a flag: if n == 0, the box has already been checked and
# painted. n == 0xff is the flag to end processing.
# 01 X/----T----T----T----T----T----\X_______
# 04 X|XXXX|XXXX|XXXX|XXXX+----+XXXX|X_______
next_level_box = 0 # in the assembly, this will be it the x or y register or zero page
level_boxes = [0] * 10 * 6 * 8
box_col_save = 0
box_row_save = 0
# Box painting will be in hires so this array will become a tracker for the
# hires display. It will need y address, y end address, x byte number. It's
# possible for up to 3 boxes to get triggered to start painting when collecting
# a dot, and because it will take multiple frames to paint a box there may be
# even more active at one time, so for safety use 16 as possible max.
# xbyte, ytop, ybot
box_painting = [0] * 3 * 16
def init_boxes():
next_level_box = 0
def start_box(r, c):
global box_col_save, box_row_save
box_col_save = c
box_row_save = r
def add_box(r):
global next_level_box, box_row_save
i = next_level_box
level_boxes[i] = box_col_save
level_boxes[i + 1] = box_row_save
level_boxes[i + 2] = r
box_row_save = r
next_level_box += 3
def finish_boxes():
i = next_level_box
level_boxes[i] = 0xff
def check_boxes():
x = 0
print level_boxes[0:21]
while level_boxes[x] < 0xff:
c = level_boxes[x]
if c > 0:
r1 = level_boxes[x + 1]
addr = mazerow(r1)
r1 += 1
r1_save = r1
# If there's a dot anywhere, then the box isn't painted. We don't
# care where it is so we don't need to keep track of individual
# locations.
dot = addr[c] | addr[c + 1] | addr[c + 2] | addr[c + 3] | addr[c + 4] | addr[c + 5]
r2 = level_boxes[x + 2]
addr = mazerow(r2)
dot |= addr[c] | addr[c + 1] | addr[c + 2] | addr[c + 3] | addr[c + 4] | addr[c + 5]
while r1 < r2:
addr = mazerow(r1)
dot |= addr[c] | addr[c + 5]
r1 += 1
if (dot & tiledot) == 0:
# No dots anywhere! Start painting
mark_box_for_painting(r1_save, r2, c + 1)
level_boxes[x] = 0 # Set flag so we don't check this box again
x += 3
def mark_box_for_painting(r1, r2, c):
box_log.debug("Marking box at %d,%d -> %d,%d" % (r1, c, r2, c + box_width))
x = 0
while x < 3 * 16:
if box_painting[x] == 0:
box_painting[x] = c
box_painting[x + 1] = r1
box_painting[x + 1] = r2
x += 3
pad.addstr(27, 0, "starting box %d,%d -> %d,%d" % (r1, c, r2, c + box_width))
##### Gameplay storage
@ -818,6 +953,7 @@ def game_loop():
while True:
game_log.debug("Turn %d" % count)