Beginning commenting before public release

This commit is contained in:
Rob McMullen 2017-07-25 14:06:51 -07:00
parent d791130c06
commit a625fb352b
3 changed files with 23 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ debugtext nop
bne ?1
; print one byte as two hex digits on current drawing screen
debughex ; A = hex byte, X = column, Y = row; A is clobbered, X&Y are not
stx param_x
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ debughex ; A = hex byte, X = column, Y = row; A is clobbered, X&Y are not
hexdigit .byte "0123456789ABCDEF"
; copy string to the current drawing screen
printstr ; X = column, Y = row, scratch_ptr is text (null terminated)
sty param_y
ldy #0

View File

@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ check_restart ldx #34
sta scratch_ptr
lda #>over_text
sta scratch_ptr+1
jsr printstr
jsr printstr ; prints to back page, so have to flip pages to show
jsr pageflip
lda KBDSTROBE ; any key restarts
bpl ?1
@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ game_loop nop
lda config_quit
beq ?2
; loop through enemies first so we can check collisions with the
; players as the players are moved
?2 lda #FIRST_AMIDAR-1
sta current_actor
?enemy inc current_actor
@ -268,16 +271,18 @@ game_loop nop
jsr handle_player
jmp ?p1
; if any player is still alive, the game continues. Once the last player
; dies, the countdown timer allows the enemies to continue to move a
; little while before the game ends
?alive lda still_alive
bne ?draw
dec countdown_time
bne ?draw
; erase_sprites()
; update_background()
; draw_actors()
; show_screen()
; main draw loop. Restoring background will overwrite the softsprites
; so there's no need to erase the sprites some other way. Text damage
; is also restored before any changes for the upcoming frame are drawn.
?draw jsr restorebg_driver
jsr restoretext
jsr paint_boxes

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
*= $800
actor_col .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # current tile column
actor_x .ds MAX_ACTORS
actor_x .ds MAX_ACTORS ; pixel position (calculated from col & xpixel)
actor_row .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # current tile row
actor_y .ds MAX_ACTORS
actor_y .ds MAX_ACTORS ; pixel position (calculated from row & ypixel)
actor_xpixel .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # current pixel offset in col
actor_xfrac .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # current fractional pixel
actor_xspeed_l .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # current speed (affects fractional)
@ -19,18 +19,21 @@ actor_status .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # alive, exploding, dead, regenerating, invulner
actor_frame_counter .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # frame counter for sprite changes
actor_input_dir .ds MAX_ACTORS ; # current joystick input direction
actor_active .ds MAX_ACTORS ; 1 = active, 0 = skip, $ff = end
actor_l .ds MAX_ACTORS
actor_h .ds MAX_ACTORS
actor_l .ds MAX_ACTORS ; address (low byte) of compiled sprite
actor_h .ds MAX_ACTORS ; address (high byte)
actor_turn_zone .ds MAX_ACTORS ; debugging; is player in turn zone:
player_score .ds 4
player_next_target_score .ds 4
player_lives .ds 4 ; # lives remaining
player_score .ds MAX_PLAYERS
player_next_target_score .ds MAX_PLAYERS
player_lives .ds MAX_PLAYERS ; # lives remaining
amidar_start_col .ds VPATH_NUM
round_robin_up .ds VPATH_NUM
round_robin_down .ds VPATH_NUM
; after player completes a box, this data is used to fill it in subsequent
; frames. This list tracks the left column (right is always a fixed distance
; away) and starting and ending rows
box_painting_c .ds MAX_BOX_PAINTING
box_painting_r1 .ds MAX_BOX_PAINTING
box_painting_r2 .ds MAX_BOX_PAINTING