Initial amidar movement

This commit is contained in:
Rob McMullen 2017-07-22 07:32:21 -07:00
parent 5baeb2546b
commit b665c92c4d
3 changed files with 122 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
level_enemies .byte 55, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ;# level starts counting from 1, so dummy zeroth level info
level_enemies .byte 55, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 ;# level starts counting from 1, so dummy zeroth level info
level_speed_l .byte 255, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240 ;# increment of fractional pixel per game frame
level_speed_h .byte 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
;level_speed_h .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

View File

@ -150,31 +150,75 @@ get_next_tile nop
; # Choose a target column for the next up/down direction at a bottom or top T
; def get_next_round_robin(rr_table, x):
get_next_round_robin nop
lda round_robin_index,y
bcc ?ok
ldy #0
?ok tya
sta round_robin_index,y
; target_col = rr_table[zp.round_robin_index[x]]
lda (scratch_ptr),y
; logic_log.debug("target: %d, indexes=%s, table=%s" % (target_col, str(zp.round_robin_index), rr_table))
; zp.round_robin_index[x] += 1
; if zp.round_robin_index[x] >= VPATH_NUM:
; zp.round_robin_index[x] = 0
; return target_col
; # Find target column when enemy reaches top or bottom
; def get_target_col(c, allowed_vert):
get_target_col nop
; if allowed_vert & TILE_UP:
; x = 1
; rr_table = round_robin_up
lda allowed_vert
bne ?down
ldy #0
lda #<round_robin_up
sta scratch_ptr
lda #>round_robin_up
sta scratch_ptr+1
jmp ?load
; else:
; x = 0
; rr_table = round_robin_down
ldy #0
lda #<round_robin_down
sta scratch_ptr
lda #>round_robin_down
sta scratch_ptr+1
; target_col = get_next_round_robin(rr_table, x)
?load jsr get_next_round_robin
; if target_col == c:
; # don't go back up the same column, skip to next one
; target_col = get_next_round_robin(rr_table, x)
cmp c
bne ?left
jsr get_next_round_robin
; if target_col < c:
; current = TILE_LEFT
?left sta actor_target_col,x
bcs ?right
sta current
; else:
; current = TILE_RIGHT
?right lda #TILE_LEFT
sta current
; actor_target_col[zp.current_actor] = target_col
; return current
@ -547,34 +591,61 @@ decide_orbiter nop
; def decide_direction():
decide_direction nop
; current = actor_dir[zp.current_actor]
lda actor_dir,x
sta current
; r = actor_row[zp.current_actor]
; c = actor_col[zp.current_actor]
lda actor_row,x
sta r
lda actor_col,x
sta c
; allowed = get_allowed_dirs(r, c)
jsr get_allowed_dirs
; updown = actor_updown[zp.current_actor]
lda actor_updown,x
sta updown
; allowed_horz = allowed & TILE_HORZ
; allowed_vert = allowed & TILE_VERT
lda allowed
sta allowed_horz
lda allowed
sta allowed_vert
; if allowed_horz:
; # left or right is available, we must go that way, because that's the
; # Amidar(tm) way
lda allowed_horz
beq ?finalize
; if allowed_horz == TILE_HORZ:
; # *Both* left and right are available, which means we're either in
; # the middle of an box horz segment *or* at the top or bottom (but
; # not at a corner)
bne ?one_horz
; if allowed_vert:
; # At a T junction at the top or bottom. What we do depends on
; # which direction we approached from
lda allowed_vert
beq ?no_updown
; if current & TILE_VERT:
lda current
beq ?approach_horz
; # approaching vertically means go L or R; choose direction
; # based on a round robin so the enemy doesn't go back up
; # the same path. Sets the target column for this enemy to
; # be used when approaching the T horizontally
; current = get_target_col(c, allowed_vert)
jsr get_target_col
jmp ?finalize
; if allowed_vert & TILE_UP:
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: at bot T, new dir %x, col=%d target=%d" % (zp.current_actor, current, c, actor_target_col[zp.current_actor]))
@ -585,9 +656,16 @@ decide_direction nop
; # vpath to use
; if actor_target_col[zp.current_actor] == c:
?approach_horz lda actor_target_col,x
cmp c
bne ?skip_vert
; # Going vertical! Reverse desired up/down direction
; updown = allowed_vert
; current = allowed_vert
lda allowed_vert
sta updown
sta current
jmp ?finalize
; if allowed_vert & TILE_UP:
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: at bot T, reached target=%d, going up" % (zp.current_actor, c))
@ -595,6 +673,7 @@ decide_direction nop
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: at top T, reached target=%d, going down" % (zp.current_actor, c))
; else:
; # skip this vertical, keep on moving
?skip_vert jmp ?finalize
; if allowed_vert & TILE_UP:
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: at bot T, col=%d target=%d; skipping" % (zp.current_actor, c, actor_target_col[zp.current_actor]))
@ -605,30 +684,52 @@ decide_direction nop
; # no up or down available, so keep marching on in the same
; # direction.
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: no up/down, keep moving %s" % (zp.current_actor, str_dirs(current)))
?no_updown jmp ?finalize
; else:
?one_horz lda allowed_vert
; # only one horizontal dir is available
; if allowed_vert == TILE_VERT:
; # At a left or right T junction...
bne ?at_corner
; if current & TILE_VERT:
; # moving vertically. Have to take the horizontal path
; current = allowed_horz
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: taking hpath, start moving %s" % (zp.current_actor, str_dirs(current)))
lda current
beq ?horz_t
lda allowed_horz
sta current
jmp ?finalize
; else:
; # moving horizontally into the T, forcing a vertical turn.
; # Go back to preferred up/down direction
; current = updown
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: hpath end, start moving %s" % (zp.current_actor, str_dirs(current)))
?horz_t lda updown
sta current
jmp ?finalize
; else:
; # At a corner, because this tile has exactly one vertical and
; # one horizontal path.
; if current & TILE_VERT:
?at_corner lda current
beq ?horz_top_bot
; # moving vertically, and because this is a corner, the
; # target column must be set up
; current = get_target_col(c, allowed_vert)
jsr get_target_col
jmp ?finalize
; if allowed_horz & TILE_LEFT:
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: at right corner col=%d, heading left to target=%d" % (zp.current_actor, c, actor_target_col[zp.current_actor]))
@ -639,6 +740,9 @@ decide_direction nop
; # here, the target column must also be this column
; current = allowed_vert
; updown = allowed_vert
?horz_top_bot lda allowed_vert
sta current
sta updown
; if allowed_vert & TILE_UP:
; logic_log.debug("enemy %d: at bot corner col=%d with target %d, heading up" % (zp.current_actor, c, actor_target_col[zp.current_actor]))
; else:
@ -657,6 +761,12 @@ decide_direction nop
; actor_updown[zp.current_actor] = updown
; actor_dir[zp.current_actor] = current
; set_speed(current)
?finalize lda updown
sta actor_updown,x
lda current
sta actor_dir,x
jsr set_speed

View File

@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ still_alive .ds 1
current_actor .ds 1
current .ds 1 ; current direction
allowed .ds 1 ; allowed directions
allowed_horz .ds 1
allowed_vert .ds 1
updown .ds 1 ; up or down for amidar
d .ds 1 ; actor input dir
r .ds 1
r1 .ds 1
@ -96,13 +99,13 @@ c1 .ds 1
c2 .ds 1
size .ds 1
dot .ds 1
round_robin_index .ds 2
level .ds 1
last_enemy .ds 1
* = $0070
before .ds 1
crossed .ds 1
round_robin_index .ds 2
level .ds 1
last_enemy .ds 1
; memory map