; text & hgr screen utils init_screen_once nop lda #0 sta KBDSTROBE sta drawpage sta damageindex1 sta damageindex2 sta damageptr sta damageptr1 sta damageptr2 lda #damagepage1 sta damageptr+1 sta damageptr1+1 lda #damagepage2 sta damageptr2+1 lda #0 sta tdamageindex1 lda #128 sta tdamageindex2 jsr draw_to_page1 rts ; character in A, col in X text_put_col nop sta $0400,x ; row 0 sta $0480,x ; row 1 sta $0500,x ; row 2 sta $0580,x ; row 3 sta $0600,x ; row 4 sta $0680,x ; row 5 sta $0700,x ; row 6 sta $0780,x ; row 7 sta $0428,x ; row 8 sta $04a8,x ; row 9 sta $0528,x ; row 10 sta $05a8,x ; row 11 sta $0628,x ; row 12 sta $06a8,x ; row 13 sta $0728,x ; row 14 sta $07a8,x ; row 15 sta $0450,x ; row 16 sta $04d0,x ; row 17 sta $0550,x ; row 18 sta $05d0,x ; row 19 sta $0650,x ; row 20 sta $06d0,x ; row 21 sta $0750,x ; row 22 sta $07d0,x ; row 23 rts text_put_col2 nop sta $0800,x ; row 0 sta $0880,x ; row 1 sta $0900,x ; row 2 sta $0980,x ; row 3 sta $0a00,x ; row 4 sta $0a80,x ; row 5 sta $0b00,x ; row 6 sta $0b80,x ; row 7 sta $0828,x ; row 8 sta $08a8,x ; row 9 sta $0928,x ; row 10 sta $09a8,x ; row 11 sta $0a28,x ; row 12 sta $0aa8,x ; row 13 sta $0b28,x ; row 14 sta $0ba8,x ; row 15 sta $0850,x ; row 16 sta $08d0,x ; row 17 sta $0950,x ; row 18 sta $09d0,x ; row 19 sta $0a50,x ; row 20 sta $0ad0,x ; row 21 sta $0b50,x ; row 22 sta $0bd0,x ; row 23 rts ; maze is text screen 1 textrows_l .byte $00, $80, $00, $80, $00, $80, $00, $80 .byte $28, $a8, $28, $a8, $28, $a8, $28, $a8 .byte $50, $d0, $50, $d0, $50, $d0, $50, $d0 textrows_h .byte $04, $04, $05, $05, $06, $06, $07, $07 .byte $04, $04, $05, $05, $06, $06, $07, $07 .byte $04, $04, $05, $05, $06, $06, $07, $07 WIPE_DELAY = 40 wipeclear1 ldy #0 sty param_y wipeclear1_loop lda HGRROWS_L,y sta wipeclear1_save_smc+1 lda HGRROWS_H1,y sta wipeclear1_save_smc+2 ldx #39 lda #$ff wipeclear1_save_smc sta $ffff,x dex bpl wipeclear1_save_smc ldx #WIPE_DELAY wipeclear1_wait nop nop nop nop nop nop dex bne wipeclear1_wait inc param_y ldy param_y cpy #192 bcc wipeclear1_loop rts wipe2to1 ldy #0 sty param_y wipe2to1_loop lda HGRROWS_H2,y sta wipe2to1_load_smc+2 lda HGRROWS_L,y sta wipe2to1_load_smc+1 sta wipe2to1_save_smc+1 lda HGRROWS_H1,y sta wipe2to1_save_smc+2 ldx #39 wipe2to1_load_smc lda $ffff,x wipe2to1_save_smc sta $ffff,x dex bpl wipe2to1_load_smc ldx #WIPE_DELAY wipe2to1_wait nop nop nop nop nop nop dex bne wipe2to1_wait inc param_y ldy param_y cpy #192 bcc wipe2to1_loop rts copy2to1 lda #$40 sta ?source+2 lda #$20 sta ?dest+2 ?outer ldy #0 ?source lda $ff00,y ?dest sta $ff00,y iny bne ?source inc ?source+2 inc ?dest+2 lda ?dest+2 cmp #$40 bcc ?outer rts copytexthgr nop ldy #0 ; y is rows copytexthgr_outer lda textrows_h,y ora #4 sta copytexthgr_src_smc+2 lda textrows_l,y sta copytexthgr_src_smc+1 ldx #0 ; x is columns copytexthgr_src_smc lda $ffff,x copytexthgr_dest_smc jsr $ffff inx cpx #40 bcc copytexthgr_src_smc iny cpy #24 bcc copytexthgr_outer rts pageflip nop lda drawpage eor #$80 bpl show_page1 ; pos = show 1, draw 2; neg = show 1, draw 1 show_page2 lda #$80 sta drawpage bit TXTPAGE2 ; show page 2, work on page 1 draw_to_page1 lda #$00 sta hgrselect lda #$20 sta hgrhi lda damageindex ; save other page's damage pointer sta damageindex2 lda #DAMAGEPAGE1 ; point to page 1's damage area sta damageptr+1 lda damageindex1 sta damageindex lda tdamageindex ; save other page's damage pointer sta tdamageindex2 lda tdamageindex1 ; point to page 1's damage area sta tdamageindex lda #0 sta damagestart ; copy addresses for functions that write to one page or the other lda #FASTFONT_H1 sta fastfont_smc+2 sta copytexthgr_dest_smc+2 rts show_page1 lda #0 sta drawpage bit TXTPAGE1 ; show page 1, work on page 2 draw_to_page2 lda #$60 sta hgrselect lda #$40 sta hgrhi lda damageindex ; save other page's damage pointer sta damageindex1 lda #DAMAGEPAGE2 ; point to page 2's damage area sta damageptr+1 lda damageindex2 sta damageindex lda tdamageindex ; save other page's damage pointer sta tdamageindex1 lda tdamageindex2 ; point to page 2's damage area sta tdamageindex lda #128 sta damagestart lda #FASTFONT_H2 sta fastfont_smc+2 sta copytexthgr_dest_smc+2 rts ; tile for middle left/right (number 12) is a color tile and gets ; the wrong bit pattern when it's in an odd column -- replace the ; image with tile 15 when necessary fastfont nop cmp #12 bne fastfont_smc txa and #1 bne ?1 lda #15 bne fastfont_smc ?1 lda #12 fastfont_smc jmp $ffff restorebg_init rts restorebg_driver ; copy damaged characters back to screen ;jsr copytexthgr ldy #0 sty param_count restorebg_loop1 ldy param_count cpy damageindex bcc restorebg_cont ; possible there's no damage, so have to check first ldy #0 sty damageindex ; clear damage index for this page rts restorebg_cont lda (damageptr),y ; groups of 4 x1 -> x2, y1 -> y2 sta param_x iny lda (damageptr),y sta param_col iny lda (damageptr),y sta param_y iny lda (damageptr),y sta param_row iny sty param_count ldy param_y restorebg_row lda textrows_h,y sta restorebg_row_smc+2 lda textrows_l,y sta restorebg_row_smc+1 ldx param_x restorebg_row_smc lda $ffff,x jsr fastfont inx cpx param_col bcc restorebg_row_smc iny cpy param_row beq restorebg_row bcc restorebg_row bcs restorebg_loop1 ; Draw sprites by looping through the list of sprites renderstart lda #0 sta damageindex sta param_index renderloop ldx param_index jsr evaluate_status lda actor_active,x beq renderskip ; skip if zero bmi renderend ; end if negative jsr get_sprite lda actor_l,x sta jsrsprite_smc+1 lda actor_h,x sta jsrsprite_smc+2 lda actor_x,x sta param_x lda actor_y,x sta param_y jmp jsrsprite_smc jsrsprite_smc jsr $ffff ; wish you could JSR ($nnnn) ldy damageindex lda scratch_col ; contains the byte index into the line sta (damageptr),y iny clc adc damage_w sta (damageptr),y iny ; need to convert hgr y values to char rows lda param_y lsr a lsr a lsr a sta (damageptr),y iny lda param_y clc adc damage_h lsr a lsr a lsr a sta (damageptr),y iny sty damageindex renderskip inc param_index bne renderloop renderend rts ; text position in r, c. add single char to both pages! damage_char nop lda #1 sta size ; fallthrough ; text position in r, c; string length in size damage_string nop ldy tdamageindex1 lda c sta TEXTDAMAGE,y iny lda r sta TEXTDAMAGE,y iny lda size sta TEXTDAMAGE,y iny sty tdamageindex1 ldy tdamageindex2 lda c sta TEXTDAMAGE,y iny lda r sta TEXTDAMAGE,y iny lda size sta TEXTDAMAGE,y iny sty tdamageindex2 lda damagestart bmi ?2 lda tdamageindex1 sta tdamageindex rts ?2 lda tdamageindex2 sta tdamageindex rts restoretext nop ldy damagestart sty param_index ?loop1 ldy param_index cpy tdamageindex bcc ?cont ; possible there's no damage, so have to check first lda damagestart sta tdamageindex ; clear damage index for this page rts ?cont lda TEXTDAMAGE,y ; groups of 4 x1 -> x2, y1 -> y2 sta param_col iny lda TEXTDAMAGE,y sta param_row iny lda TEXTDAMAGE,y sta param_count iny sty param_index ldy param_row lda textrows_h,y sta ?row_smc+2 lda textrows_l,y sta ?row_smc+1 ldx param_col ?row_smc lda $ffff,x jsr fastfont inx dec param_count bne ?row_smc beq ?loop1