This is an Apple II port of **Conway's Game of Life**. It should build with no modification on Linux, macOs and Windows 10 (using the bash). --- Two binaries will be produced. 1. *gol.out* is a Linux executable. 2. *gol.a2* is an Apple II executable **Prerequisite in order to build:** * The [cc65 compiler suite](, with the environment variable *CC65_HOME* set to its folder **Prerequisite in order to produce the disk image** * Java Runtime * [*AppleCommander*]( **Embedding the Apple 2 binary into the disk image** Run the ** script. **Title screen** The title screen art is located in the *assets* folder. It has to be manually loaded on the disk image using the *AppleCommander's GUI*, for the command line loads a corrupted file! This screen was converted from a PNG using [*Rgb2Hires*]( --- For more information, you can refer to these posts on [my blog](https://www.xtof/info/blog/). * [Coding in C for a 8 bit 6502 CPU]( * [Coding in Assembly for an Apple II](