2021-07-20 09:12:41 +10:00

352 lines
11 KiB

; SOS based launcher for the Microsoft Softcard ///
; Uses a disk image in .po format and mounts this like a virtual floppy
; The CPM disk image is patched to redirect the inbuilt floppy driver to
; this virtual drive for unit0 (D1)
; Inspired by the idea of Holodeck for the Apple2
; this is a trimmed down version of my /// proof of concept version
; Memory layout:
; $1300 Holds the stub to replace the ROM Blockio routine (out of bank switched memory)
; and Sectio routine that the internal CPM driver uses
; Bank4
; $3000 - $33FF This will hold the two index blocks for the image file
; $3400 - $35FF Buffer for the disk read/writes
; $3600 - $xxFF The virtual disk driver is moved here, called by the stub
; 29/06/21 Robert Justice
.segment "RAM"
.setcpu "6502"
.import VDrvLAddr ; virtual driver load address
.import VDrvSize ; size of virtual disk driver
.import DInit ; init virtual disk driver
.import BlockioStb ; entry point for blockio stub
.import StartStub
.import EndStub
.import StubLen
SysErr = $1928 ; Report error to system
Bank_Reg = $FFEF ; Bank register
EReg = $FFDF ; Environment register
OPEN = $C8
Ptr1 = $20 ; ZP pointer 1
Ptr2 = $22 ; ZP pointer 2
CExtPG = $1601 ; Interp extended address offset
IBBUFP = $85
IBCMD = $87
.org $A200 - 14 ; use $A200 so we are out of paged mem
; and above boot sector
; sos interp header
.byte "SOS NTRP"
.word 0000
.word CodeSt
.word (CodeEnd-CodeSt)+VDrvSize
CodeSt: jmp Init
; param lists
; open console param list
OpenCon: .byte 4
.word NameCon
ConRef: .byte 0
.word 0
.byte 0
NameCon: .byte 8
.byte ".CONSOLE"
; init console param list
InitCon: .byte 3
InitRef: .byte 0a
.word initscr
.word endinit-initscr
initscr: .byte 16 ; set text mode
.byte 3 ; 80x24
.byte 28 ; clear viewport
.byte 24,30,25,11 ; set cursor xpos, column, ypos, row
.byte "Softcard /// Loader"
.byte 24,27,25,13 ; set cursor xpos, column, ypos, row
endinit = *
; copy the virtual disk driver code to bank 4
; its added at the end of this code by the linker
Init: brk ;open console
.byte OPEN
.word OpenCon
beq @ok_c1
jmp Error
@ok_c1: lda ConRef ;update reference numbers
sta InitRef
sta WriteRef
sta CloseRef
brk ;init console
.byte WRITE
.word InitCon
beq @ok_c2
jmp Error
@ok_c2: lda #<VDrvCode ; set source ptr to virtual disk drv code
sta Ptr1
lda #>VDrvCode
sta Ptr1+1
lda #0
sta Ptr1+CExtPG
lda #0 ; set dest ptr = 04:1600
sta Ptr2
lda #$16
sta Ptr2+1
lda #$84
sta Ptr2+CExtPG
ldx #0
@c1: jsr Copy1
inc Ptr1+1
inc Ptr2+1
cpx #>VDrvSize ; just check in page sizes, close enough
bcc @c1
beq @c1
jmp SetupImg
; open disk image file param list
OpenImg: .byte 4 ;#params
.word FileNam2 ;pointer to filename
ImgRef: .byte 0 ;ref_num result
.word OptLst ;option list ptr
.byte 4 ;length option list
FileNam2: .byte 11
OptLst: .byte 1 ;req_access=open for reading only
.byte 4 ;pages, 1024 byte io-buffer
.word Ptr1 ;io_buffer (extended pointer)
; set mark for disk image file param list
MarkImg: .byte 3 ;#params
MarkRef: .byte 0 ;ref_num
.byte 0 ;base=absolute
.byte $00 ;absolute byte pos = 00020000
.byte $00
.byte $02
.byte $00
; setup the index blocks for the image file, so we can map the requested
; image file block to the real block on the harddisk block device
; We'll try to use SOS to do some of this
; if we open the image file and specify an io buffer (1k), we get the first index block
; easily.
SetupImg: lda #4 ;**************for debug to check we have loaded it
sta Bank_Reg ;**************
lda #0 ;set buffer extended pointer 04:0800
sta Ptr1
lda #$08
sta Ptr1+1
lda #$84 ;and its xbyte
sta Ptr1+CExtPG
brk ;open the disk image file
.byte OPEN ;as we allocated our own buffer, we get the first
.word OpenImg ; blk of data and the first index blk read to that
beq @ok4 ; buffer
jmp Error ;report error and exit
@ok4: lda #0 ;now we'll copy the index block to 04:1000
sta Ptr2 ;Ptr2 = destination 04:1000
lda #$10
sta Ptr2+1
lda #$84
sta Ptr2+CExtPG
inc Ptr1+1 ;Ptr1 = source 04:0A00
inc Ptr1+1
jsr Copy
; need the second index block, set the file mark to 128k bytes
; will trigger sos to get the next index block into the io buffer
lda ImgRef ;update the ref num
sta MarkRef
brk ;set the current file position for image to 128k
.byte SET_MARK
.word MarkImg
beq @ok5
jmp Error ;report error and exit
@ok5: dec Ptr1+1 ;setup Ptrs
inc Ptr2+1
jsr Copy ;and copy the next index blk
; Move code to page x for call to rom block interface
; to allow switching to other bank
; hopefully, this stays out of the way
ldx #<StubLen-1
@1: lda VDrvCode+(StartStub - VDrvCode),x
sta BlockioStb,x
bpl @1
; init the virtual disk driver
lda #4
sta Bank_Reg
jsr DInit
bne Error
; Now lets pretend to be the rom and boot the disk image
; load block 0 to $A000, and then jmp there
lda #$77 ;set environmnent same as monitor
sta EReg
lda #3 ;set zero page to 3 (same as monitor)
sta $FFD0
;LDA $C052 ;40 column
JSR $FB63 ;;COL40
lda #0 ;set buffer to $A000
sta Bank_Reg ;and also set bank0
lda #$A0
sta IBBUFP+1
ldx #1 ;read
dex ;x=block msb
txa ;a=block lsb
jsr BlockioStb ;go call our blockio and read block 0
jmp $A000 ;now go run the bootloader
; subroutines
;Copy 2 x pages from Ptr1 to Ptr2
;using extended addressing if xbyte is set
Copy: ldy #0
@c1: lda (Ptr1),y
sta (Ptr2),y
bne @c1
inc Ptr1+1
inc Ptr2+1
Copy1: ldy #0 ; ldy #0 lets us enter for one page copy
@c2: lda (Ptr1),y
sta (Ptr2),y
bne @c2
; Error handling
; error console param list
WriteErr: .byte 3
WriteRef: .byte 0a
ErrRef: .word 0 ; data buffer
.word 0 ; request count
error1: .byte "CPMIMAGE.PO file not found"
enderror1 = *
error2: .byte " SOS Error: "
ErrCode: .byte "xx"
enderror2 = *
; close console param list
CloseCon: .byte 1
CloseRef: .byte 0
Error: cmp #$46 ; file not found
bne @e1
lda #<error1
sta ErrRef
lda #>error1
sta ErrRef+1
lda #enderror1-error1
sta ErrRef+2
jmp exit
@e1: jsr PrByte ; all other errors, print the code
lda #<error2
sta ErrRef
lda #>error2
sta ErrRef+1
lda #enderror2-error2
sta ErrRef+2
exit: brk
.byte WRITE
.word WriteErr
ldx #0 ;delay before exit
ldy #0
@w1: dey
bne @w1
bne @w1
brk ;close .CONSOLE
.byte CLOSE
.word CloseCon
term: brk ;terminate back to Selector
.word term
; subroutine to print a byte in a in hex form (destructive)
; puts result into ErrCode
PrByte: ldx #0
pha ;save a for lsd
lsr ;msd to lsd position
jsr PrHex ;output hex digit
pla ;restore a
; fall through to print hex routine
PrHex: and #$0f ;mask lsd for hex print
ora #'0' ;add "0"
cmp #'9'+1 ;is it a decimal digit?
bcc Store ;yes! output it
adc #6 ;add offset for letter a-f
; fall through to print routine
Store: sta ErrCode,x
; we append the virtual disk driver here during linking
VDrvCode = *
CodeEnd = *