2021-07-20 09:12:41 +10:00

559 lines
19 KiB

; Modified problock driver to be used as a virtual floppy disk
; The loader needs to setup $3000 to hold the two index blocks for the
; image file and then pretends to be a 280 block floppy
; Not relocatable, hard coded to be at bank 4, at $3600 (256k required)
; By Robert Justice
; .TITLE "Apple /// Virtual Floppy Image Driver"
.segment "RAM"
.setcpu "6502"
.export VDrvLAddr
.export VDrvSize
.export DInit
.export BlockioStb ; entry point for blockio stub
.export StartStub
.export EndStub
.export StubLen
VDrvLAddr = $3600 ; org for this code
VDrvSize = EndCode - StartCode
IndxBlk1 = VDrvLAddr - $600 ; Index block 1
IndxBlk2 = VDrvLAddr - $400 ; Index block 2
Buffer = VDrvLAddr - $200 ; Buffer for card block read/writes
; this needs to be in an unused bit of non banked memory
BlockioStb = $1940 ; entry point for blockio stub
BankSave = BlockioStb + (Bank_Tmp -StartStub)
SectioStb = BlockioStb + (SectIOT - StartStub) ; entry point for sectio stub
StubLen = EndStub - StartStub
IBBUFP = $85
IBCMD = $87
BUF = $9b ; monitor diskio routines buffer
; SOS Equates
ExtPG = $1401 ; Driver extended bank address offset
EReg = $FFDF ; Environment register
E_IFR = $FFED ; VIA E Interrupt Flag Register
E_IER = $FFEE ; VIA E Interrupt Enable Register
Bank_Reg = $FFEF ; Bank register
CWrtOff = $C0DA ; Character loading off
CWrtOn = $C0DB ; Character loading on
XDNFERR = $10 ; Device not found
; Extra zero page variables
ScreenBase = $E5 ; 2 bytes lb,hb for save/restore screenholes
Pointer = $E7 ; 2 byte pointer for signature check
D_TRACK = $16d8 ; for softcard sectorio
D_SECTOR = $16d9 ; these are the inputs
D_UNITNUM = $16da
D_BUFL = $16db
D_BUFH = $16dc
D_BUFX = $16dd
D_COMMAND = $16de
OrigDriver = $9cc5 ; Softcard floppy driver entry
ScanStart = $04 ; Slot number to start scan from
.org VDrvLAddr
StartCode = *
jmp BlockIO ; entry point for BLOCKIO - 3600
jmp SectIO ; entry point for SectorIO - 3603
Slot: .byte 0 ; slot for card
EnvSave: .byte 0 ; save current environment state
OrigBlk: .byte 0 ; temp location for original block num
; only patch blks <256, so 8bits is enough
; Local storage locations
TmpScrH: .res $10, $00 ; Storage for screenholes, slot0 & current slot
TmpZero: .res $30, $00 ; Storage to save zero page locations
; we set the prodos call data in here and then swap
; it in before we call the interface
ProCommand = TmpZero + $22 ; Command - $42
ProUnit = TmpZero + $23 ; Unit number - $43
ProBuf = TmpZero + $24 ; buffer pointer - $44
ProBlock = TmpZero + $26 ; Block number - $46
ProBufOff = $44 ; buffer pointer - $44
Signature: .byte $FF, $20, $FF, $00 ; Disk card signature for disk controller
.byte $FF, $03
DInit: lda EReg ; save current environment so we can
sta EnvSave ; restore on exit
ora #$40 ; enable Cxxx I/O
sta EReg
lda #ScanStart ; load starting scan slot
ora #$C0 ; Form a $Cs00 address, where s = slot #
sta Pointer+1
lda #$00
sta Pointer
sta Pointer+ExtPG ; zero out the xbyte
CheckNext: ldy #$05 ; We check all 3 sig bytes, starting from last
@1: lda (Pointer),y
cmp Signature,Y
bne NoMatch ; No device if bytes don't match
bpl @1
ldy #$ff ; $CxFF - check last byte
lda (Pointer),y
cmp #$00
beq NoMatch ; if $00, is a Disk II 16 sector device, error
cmp #$ff
bne Match ; if its not $ff (Disk II 13 sector device)
; Then we found an intelligent disk controller :-)
NoMatch: dec Pointer+1 ; try next slot
lda Pointer+1
and #$07
bne CheckNext ; Check next slot
beq NoDevice ; Otherwise we did not find one :-(
Match: sta ProDrvAdr+1 ; Set card driver entry low byte
lda Pointer+1
sta ProDrvAdr+2 ; Set card driver entry high byte
and #$07
sta Slot
lda EnvSave
sta EReg
lda #0
NoDevice: lda EnvSave
sta EReg
lda #XDNFERR ; Device not found
; jsr to card firmware driver
; We update the address based on the slot and firmware CxFF byte
ProDriver: sei ; disable interrupts while changing things
jsr SaveMem ; save and swap in card screen hole & zeropage
jsr GoSlow
ProDrvAdr: jsr $0000 ; call device entry
sei ; Keep interrupts off incase card firmware reenabled
jsr GoFast
jsr RestMem ; save and swap out card screen hole & zeropage
lda #$18 ; Clear CB1 & CB2 flags - VBL
sta E_IFR ; this seems more for mame, its a little different
cli ; enable interrupts again
; Blockio routine. This replicates the rom routine behaviour
; x = block number msb
; a = block number lsb
; IBCMD = command, 1=read , write?
; IBBUFP = dest pointer
; For the Softcard ///, the blockio routine is only used to load in
; the boot block 0 and then the next 24 blocks with the 6502 IO routines and CPM
; We'll patch the two blocks to redirect them to our new routines here
; as we read them.
; Block 0 - offset $df -> 00 13 (new blockio)
; Block 3 - offset $1b4 -> 16 13 (new sectio)
BlockIO: cpx #0 ; check lk num msb
beq Low ; block is <256
lda IndxBlk2,X
sta ProBlock
lda IndxBlk2+256,X
sta ProBlock+1
jmp HDone
Low: sta OrigBlk ; store for patch check
tax ; map the block number
lda IndxBlk1,X
sta ProBlock ; and store for prodos call
lda IndxBlk1+256,X
sta ProBlock+1
HDone: lda EReg ; save current environment so we can
sta EnvSave ; restore on exit
sta ProCommand
sta BUF
lda IBBUFP+1
sta BUF+1
jsr SetProUnit
jsr SetProBuf
lda EReg ; enable I/O
ora #$40
sta EReg
jsr ProDriver
jsr CheckPatch ; check if we need to patch it
ldy #0 ; copy the buffer over
looppt1: lda Buffer,y ; using extended addressing
sta (BUF),y ;1940.50.60
bne looppt1
inc BUF+1
looppt2: lda Buffer+256,y
sta (BUF),y
bne looppt2
dec BUF+1
lda EnvSave
sta EReg
lda #0 ; dummy no error
; check and patch the block to redirect here
; and also repatch the blockio and sectio stubs
; as these are located in memory that get loaded from
; the floppy
CheckPatch: lda OrigBlk
bne nxtchk
ldy #$df ; offset for blockio jsr address in boot block
lda #<BlockioStb
sta Buffer,Y
lda #>BlockioStb
sta Buffer,Y
bne donep
nxtchk: cmp #3
bne donep
ldy #$b4 ; offset for sectio jsr address in block 3 (1b4)
lda #<SectioStb
sta Buffer+256,y
lda #>SectioStb
sta Buffer+256,y
ldy #0 ; also in blk3, we patch in the blockio & sectio stub
@p1: lda StartStub,y ; as these would get overwritten with this blk read
sta Buffer+256+$40,y
cpy #StubLen
bne @p1
donep: rts
; Sectio routine. This replicates the softcard floppy sector routine
; 256 byte sectors are mapped to the appropriate blocks
; Inputs
; D_TRACK .eq $16d8
; D_SECTOR .eq $16d9
; D_UNITNUM .eq $16da
; D_BUFL .eq $16db
; D_BUFH .eq $16dc
; D_BUFX .eq $16dd
; D_COMMAND .eq $16de
SectMap: .byte 0,4,0,4,1,5,1,5,2,6,2,6,3,7,3,7 ;phys to blk
SectHalf: .byte 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1 ;first 256 or second 256 in block
SectIO: lda EReg ; save current environment reg so we can
sta EnvSave ; restore on exit
lda D_TRACK ; get track number to convert to block num
asl ; multiply x 8
bcc Lt256 ; blknum < 256
ldx D_SECTOR ; use sector number as index into map
adc SectMap,x
tax ; then map the block number to image file blocks
lda IndxBlk2,X
sta ProBlock ; and store for prodos call
lda IndxBlk2+256,X
sta ProBlock+1
jmp HDone2
Lt256: ldx D_SECTOR ; use sector number as index into map
adc SectMap,x
tax ; then map the block number to image file blocks
lda IndxBlk1,X
sta ProBlock ; and store for prodos call
lda IndxBlk1+256,X
sta ProBlock+1
HDone2: lda #1 ; read the block regardless of write or read
sta ProCommand
jsr SetProUnit
jsr SetProBuf
lda EReg ; enable Cxxx I/O
ora #$40
sta EReg
jsr ProDriver ; get block
bcs DskError
lda D_BUFL ; dest pointer lsb
sta BUF ; rom diskio buf lsb
lda D_BUFH ; dest pointer msb
sta BUF+1 ; rom diskio buf msb
lda D_BUFX ; dest pointer xbyte
sta $149c ; rom diskio buf xbyte
lda D_COMMAND ; now check if its a read/write 1=read, 0=write
lsr a
bcc SectWrite ; yes
;fall through for read
ldy #0
ldx D_SECTOR ; use sector number as index into map
lda SectHalf,x
beq firsthr
secondhr: lda Buffer+256,y ; copy half block buffer into sector buffer
sta (BUF),Y
bne secondhr
beq done2
firsthr: lda Buffer,y ; copy half block buffer into sector buffer
sta (BUF),Y
bne firsthr
beq done2
SectWrite: ldy #0
ldx D_SECTOR ; use sector number as index into map
lda SectHalf,x
beq firsthw
secondhw: lda (BUF),Y ; copy sector into block buffer
sta Buffer+256,y
bne secondhw
beq cont
firsthw: lda (BUF),Y ; copy sector into block buffer
sta Buffer,y
bne firsthw
cont: lda #2 ; write
sta ProCommand
jsr ProDriver ; write block buffer back
bcs DskError
done2: lda EnvSave
sta EReg
lda #0 ; set no error
DskError: lda #$27 ; I/O error?
; Throttle back to 1 MHz
GoSlow: pha
lda EReg
ora #$80
sta EReg
; Throttle up to 2 MHz
GoFast: pha
lda EReg
and #$7F
sta EReg
; Save current screenholes and restore peripheral card values (current slot + slot0)
; and save zeropage $42-$47
SaveMem: lda E_IER
and #$18 ; See if either CB1 or CB2 interrupts were enabled
beq SkipVbl ; No, they were not, skip the wait for vbl
; now wait for 2xVBL before we muck with the screenholes
lda #$18 ; Clear CB2 flag - VBL
sta E_IFR
VWait: bit E_IFR ; Wait for vertical retrace
beq VWait
; wait for another one to ensure font data is loaded
lda #$18 ; Clear CB2 flag - VBL
sta E_IFR
VWait2: bit E_IFR ; Wait for vertical retrace
beq VWait2
SkipVbl: bit CWrtOff ; disable font loading
jsr SwapScrH ; Swap in the screenhole data with ours
jsr SwapZero ; swap zeropage
; Save Card screen holes and restore original values
; and restore zeropage $42-$47
RestMem: pha
php ; keep carry error indication
jsr SwapZero ; swap zeropage
jsr SwapScrH ; Swap back the original screenhole data
; Swap screenholes with driver values
; we do Slot 0 and current slot values
; This nice code is from Peter Ferrie, thanks
SwapScrH: lda #$07 ; Init ZP Screenbase, X and A
sta ScreenBase+1
lda #$00
sta ScreenBase
sta ScreenBase+ExtPG
ldx #$0F
lda #$F8
tay ; A holds screen page index at loop entry
lda (ScreenBase),Y
pha ; Save current screen hole byte on stack.
lda TmpScrH,X
sta (ScreenBase),Y ; Restore screen hole byte from array
sta TmpScrH,X ; Copy saved screen hole byte into array.
bmi done ; Exit when array is full (all 16 bytes are copied, X<0).
txa ; TXA/LSR tests whether array index is odd or even
lsr ; and sets carry accordingly (1 = odd).
tya ; Bring screen index into A for manipulation
eor Slot ; Cycle page index between $x8 and $x8+n as long as N in 1..7
bcc @loop ; Take branch every other loop, using array index odd/even
; (carry still valid from TXA/LSR)
eor #$80 ; Cycle page index between $F8 and $78
bpl @loop ; If flipping from $78->$F8 (now negative), continue
dec ScreenBase+1 ; Go to next page counting down ($07->$06, etc.)
bne @loop ; Always -- equiv. to BRA or JMP. Never reaches 0.
done: rts
; Swap zeropage with driver values
SwapZero: ldx #$2f
@loop2: lda $20,X
pha ; Save current zeropage byte on stack.
lda TmpZero,X
sta $20,X ; Restore zeropage byte from temp storage
sta TmpZero,X ; Copy saved zeropage byte into temp storage.
bpl @loop2
; Set Prodos unit number, assume unit0 only
SetProUnit: lda Slot ; create the slot/unit byte
asl ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
asl ; D S S S 0 0 0 0
sta ProUnit
; Set Prodos buffer pointer
SetProBuf: lda #<Buffer
sta ProBuf
lda #>Buffer
sta ProBuf+1
lda #0 ; turn off extended addressing
sta ProBufOff+ExtPG
;Blockio stub
; This hides in non banked memory
StartStub: ldy Bank_Reg ;save current bank
sty BankSave
ldy #4 ;set virtual disk driver bank
sty Bank_Reg
jsr BlockIO ;go read/write the block
ldy BankSave ;restore bank
sty Bank_Reg
Bank_Tmp: .byte 0 ;temp holder for calling bank
;Sector IO stub
; This hides in non banked memory
; we only catch unit 0 (D1) as virtual drive
; other wise we pass to the orignal floppy driver
beq drive1
jmp OrigDriver ;continue on with original driver
drive1: ldy Bank_Reg ;save current bank
sty BankSave
ldy #4 ;set virtual disk driver bank
sty Bank_Reg
jsr SectIO ;go read/write the sector
ldy BankSave ;restore bank
sty Bank_Reg
EndStub =*
EndCode = *