kris 5111696d5c Compute number of unique colours. This does not seem to strongly
depend on the width of the palette sampling.

Note the potential issue that since we are clustering in CAM space but
then quantizing a (much coarser) 4-bit RGB value we could end up
picking multiple centroids that will be represented by the same RGB
value.  This doesn't seem to be a major issue though (e.g. 3-4 lost
colours per typical image)
2021-11-16 16:57:44 +00:00

246 lines
10 KiB

"""Image converter to Apple II Double Hi-Res format."""
import argparse
import os.path
from PIL import Image
import colour
import numpy as np
import pygame
from sklearn import cluster
import dither as dither_pyx
import dither_pattern
import image as image_py
import palette as palette_py
import screen as screen_py
# - support LR/DLR
# - support HGR
class ClusterPalette:
def __init__(self, image: Image):
self._colours_cam = self._image_colours_cam(image)
self._best_palette_distances = [1e9] * 16
self._palettes_cam = np.empty((16, 16, 3), dtype=np.float32)
self._palettes_rgb = np.empty((16, 16, 3), dtype=np.float32)
def _image_colours_cam(self, image: Image):
colours_rgb = np.asarray(image).reshape((-1, 3))
with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(colour_usage_warnings=True):
colours_cam = colour.convert(colours_rgb, "RGB",
return colours_cam
def _fit_global_palette(self):
"""Compute a 16-colour palette for the entire image to use as
starting point for the sub-palettes. This should help when the image
has large blocks of colour since the sub-palettes will tend to pick the
same colours."""
clusters = cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=16, max_iter=10000)
return clusters.cluster_centers_
def iterate(self):
self._global_palette = self._fit_global_palette()
for palette_idx in range(16):
palette_band_width = 3
p_lower = max(palette_idx + 0.5 - (palette_band_width / 2), 0)
p_upper = min(palette_idx + 0.5 + (palette_band_width / 2), 16)
# TODO: dynamically tune palette cuts
palette_pixels = self._colours_cam[
int(p_lower * (200 / 16)) * 320:int(p_upper * (
200 / 16)) * 320, :]
# TODO: clustering should be aware of the fact that we will
# down-quantize to a 4-bit RGB value afterwards. i.e. we should
# not pick multiple centroids that will quantize to the same RGB
# value since we'll "waste" a palette entry. This doesn't seem to
# be a major issue in practise though, and fixing it would require
# implementing our own (optimized) k-means.
best_wce = self._best_palette_distances[palette_idx]
# TODO: tune tolerance
clusters = cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(
n_clusters=16, max_iter=10000, init=self._global_palette,
if clusters.inertia_ < best_wce:
self._palettes_cam[palette_idx, :, :] = np.array(
best_wce = clusters.inertia_
self._best_palette_distances[palette_idx] = best_wce
# Suppress divide by zero warning,
# https://github.com/colour-science/colour/issues/900
with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(python_warnings=True):
palette_rgb = colour.convert(
self._palettes_cam[palette_idx], "CAM16UCS", "RGB")
# SHR colour palette only uses 4-bit values
palette_rgb = np.round(palette_rgb * 15) / 15
self._palettes_rgb[palette_idx, :, :] = palette_rgb.astype(
return self._palettes_cam, self._palettes_rgb
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="Input image file to process.")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="Output file for converted "
"Apple II image.")
"--lookahead", type=int, default=8,
help=("How many pixels to look ahead to compensate for NTSC colour "
"artifacts (default: 8)"))
'--dither', type=str, choices=list(dither_pattern.PATTERNS.keys()),
help="Error distribution pattern to apply when dithering (default: "
+ dither_pattern.DEFAULT_PATTERN + ")")
'--show-input', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=False,
help="Whether to show the input image before conversion.")
'--show-output', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=True,
help="Whether to show the output image after conversion.")
'--palette', type=str, choices=list(set(palette_py.PALETTES.keys())),
help='RGB colour palette to dither to. "ntsc" blends colours over 8 '
'pixels and gives better image quality on targets that '
'use/emulate NTSC, but can be substantially slower. Other '
'palettes determine colours based on 4 pixel sequences '
'(default: ' + palette_py.DEFAULT_PALETTE + ")")
'--show-palette', type=str, choices=list(palette_py.PALETTES.keys()),
help="RGB colour palette to use when --show_output (default: "
"value of --palette)")
'--verbose', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
default=False, help="Show progress during conversion")
'--gamma_correct', type=float, default=2.4,
help='Gamma-correct image by this value (default: 2.4)'
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.lookahead < 1:
parser.error('--lookahead must be at least 1')
# palette = palette_py.PALETTES[args.palette]()
screen = screen_py.SHR320Screen()
# Conversion matrix from RGB to CAM16UCS colour values. Indexed by
# 24-bit RGB value
rgb_to_cam16 = np.load("data/rgb_to_cam16ucs.npy")
# Open and resize source image
image = image_py.open(args.input)
if args.show_input:
image_py.resize(image, screen.X_RES, screen.Y_RES,
rgb = np.array(
image_py.resize(image, screen.X_RES, screen.Y_RES,
gamma=args.gamma_correct)).astype(np.float32) / 255
iigs_palette = np.empty((16, 16, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
# TODO: flags
penalty = 1e9 # 0 # 1e9
iterations = 50 # 0
# TODO: for some reason I need to execute this twice - the first time
# the window is created and immediately destroyed
_ = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 400))
canvas = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 400))
canvas.fill((0, 0, 0))
total_image_error = 1e9
cluster_palette = ClusterPalette(rgb)
image_generation = 0
for iteration in range(iterations):
# TODO: clean this up - e.g. pass in an acceptance lambda to iterate()
old_best_palette_distances = cluster_palette._best_palette_distances
old_palettes_cam = cluster_palette._palettes_cam
old_palettes_rgb = cluster_palette._palettes_rgb
new_palettes_cam, new_palettes_rgb = cluster_palette.iterate()
output_4bit, line_to_palette, new_total_image_error = \
rgb, new_palettes_cam, new_palettes_rgb, rgb_to_cam16,
if new_total_image_error < total_image_error:
if total_image_error < 1e9:
print("Improved quality +%f%% (%f)" % (
(1 - new_total_image_error / total_image_error) * 100,
total_image_error = new_total_image_error
palettes_rgb = new_palettes_rgb
cluster_palette._palettes_cam = old_palettes_cam
cluster_palette._palettes_rgb = old_palettes_rgb
cluster_palette._best_palette_distances = old_best_palette_distances
image_generation += 1
for i in range(16):
iigs_palette[i, :, :] = (
palettes_rgb[i, :, :] * 255) / 255 * 15)).astype(np.uint8)
screen.set_palette(i, iigs_palette[i, :, :])
output_rgb = np.empty((200, 320, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(200):
screen.line_palette[i] = line_to_palette[i]
output_rgb[i, :, :] = (
output_4bit[i, :]] * 255).astype(np.uint8)
output_srgb = image_py.linear_to_srgb(output_rgb).astype(np.uint8)
# dither = dither_pattern.PATTERNS[args.dither]()
# bitmap = dither_pyx.dither_image(
# screen, rgb, dither, args.lookahead, args.verbose, rgb_to_cam16)
# Show output image by rendering in target palette
# output_palette_name = args.show_palette or args.palette
# output_palette = palette_py.PALETTES[output_palette_name]()
# output_screen = screen_py.DHGRScreen(output_palette)
# if output_palette_name == "ntsc":
# output_srgb = output_screen.bitmap_to_image_ntsc(bitmap)
# else:
# output_srgb = image_py.linear_to_srgb(
# output_screen.bitmap_to_image_rgb(bitmap)).astype(np.uint8)
out_image = image_py.resize(
Image.fromarray(output_srgb), screen.X_RES * 2, screen.Y_RES * 2,
if args.show_output:
surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(np.asarray(
out_image).transpose((1, 0, 2)))
canvas.blit(surface, (0, 0))
unique_colours = np.unique(iigs_palette.reshape(-1, 3), axis=0).shape[0]
print("%d unique colours" % unique_colours)
# Save Double hi-res image
outfile = os.path.join(os.path.splitext(args.output)[0] + "-preview.png")
out_image.save(outfile, "PNG")
# with open(args.output, "wb") as f:
# f.write(bytes(screen.aux))
# f.write(bytes(screen.main))
with open(args.output, "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":