KrisKennaway 3aa29f2d2c
Add support for hi-res conversions (#11)
Hi-Res is essentially a more constrained version of Double Hi-Res, in which only about half of the 560 horizontal screen pixels can be independently addressed.

In particular an 8 bit byte in screen memory controls 14 or 15 screen pixels.  Bits 0-7 are doubled, and bit 8 shifts these 14 dots to the right if enabled.  In this case bit 7 of the previous byte is repeated a third time.

This means that we have to optimize all 8 bits at once and move forward in increments of 14 screen pixels.

There's also a timing difference that results in a phase shift of the NTSC colour signal, which means the mappings from dot patterns to effective colours are rotated.

Error diffusion seems to give best results if we only distribute about 2/3 of the quantization error according to the dither pattern.
2023-02-03 00:40:32 +00:00

380 lines
16 KiB

# cython: infer_types=True
# cython: profile=False
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
cimport cython
import numpy as np
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
cimport common
import screen as screen_py
# TODO: use a cdef class
# C representation of dither_pattern.DitherPattern data, for efficient access.
cdef struct Dither:
float* pattern # Flattened dither pattern
int x_shape
int y_shape
int x_origin
int y_origin
# Compute left-hand bounding box for dithering at horizontal position x.
cdef int dither_bounds_xl(Dither *dither, int x) nogil:
cdef int el = max(dither.x_origin - x, 0)
cdef int xl = x - dither.x_origin + el
return xl
#Compute right-hand bounding box for dithering at horizontal position x.
cdef int dither_bounds_xr(Dither *dither, int x_res, int x) nogil:
cdef int er = min(dither.x_shape, x_res - x)
cdef int xr = x - dither.x_origin + er
return xr
# Compute upper bounding box for dithering at vertical position y.
cdef int dither_bounds_yt(Dither *dither, int y) nogil:
cdef int et = max(dither.y_origin - y, 0)
cdef int yt = y - dither.y_origin + et
return yt
# Compute lower bounding box for dithering at vertical position y.
cdef int dither_bounds_yb(Dither *dither, int y_res, int y) nogil:
cdef int eb = min(dither.y_shape, y_res - y)
cdef int yb = y - dither.y_origin + eb
return yb
cdef inline unsigned char shift_pixel_window(
unsigned char last_pixels,
unsigned int next_pixels,
unsigned char shift_right_by,
unsigned char window_width) nogil:
"""Right-shift a sliding window of n pixels to incorporate new pixels.
last_pixels: n-bit value representing n pixels from left up to current position (MSB = current pixel).
next_pixels: n-bit value representing n pixels to right of current position (LSB = pixel to right)
shift_right_by: how many pixels of next_pixels to shift into the sliding window
window_width: how many pixels to maintain in the sliding window (must be <= 8)
Returns: n-bit value representing shifted pixel window
cdef unsigned char window_mask = 0xff >> (8 - window_width)
cdef unsigned int shifted_next_pixels
if window_width > shift_right_by:
shifted_next_pixels = next_pixels << (window_width - shift_right_by)
shifted_next_pixels = next_pixels >> (shift_right_by - window_width)
return ((last_pixels >> shift_right_by) | shifted_next_pixels) & window_mask
# Given a byte to store on the hi-res screen, compute the sequence of 560-resolution pixels that will be displayed.
# Hi-res graphics works like this:
# - Each of the low 7 bits in screen_byte results in enabling or disabling two sequential 560-resolution pixels.
# - pixel screen order is from LSB to MSB
# - if bit 8 (the "palette bit) is set then the 14-pixel sequence is shifted one position to the right, and the
# left-most pixel is filled in by duplicating the right-most pixel controlled by the previous screen byte (i.e. bit 7)
# - this gives a 15 or 14 pixel sequence depending on whether or not the palette bit is set.
cdef unsigned int compute_fat_pixels(unsigned int screen_byte, unsigned char last_pixels) nogil:
cdef int i, bit, fat_bit
cdef unsigned int result = 0
for i in range(7):
bit = (screen_byte >> i) & 0b1
fat_bit = bit << 1 | bit
result |= (fat_bit) << (2 * i)
if screen_byte & 0x80:
# Palette bit shifts to the right
result <<= 1
result |= (last_pixels >> 7)
return result
# Context parametrizes the differences between DHGR and HGR image optimization
cdef struct Context:
# How many bit positions to lookahead when optimizing
unsigned char bit_lookahead
# How many screen pixels produced by bit_lookahead. This is 1:1 for DHGR but for HGR 8 bits in memory produce
# 14 or 15 screen pixels (see compute_fat_pixels above)
unsigned char pixel_lookahead
# HGR has a NTSC phase shift relative to DHGR which rotates the effective mappings from screen pixels to colours
unsigned char phase_shift
# Non-zero for HGR optimization
unsigned char is_hgr
# Look ahead a number of pixels and compute choice for next pixel with lowest total squared error after dithering.
# Args:
# dither: error diffusion pattern to apply
# palette_rgb: matrix of all n-bit colour palette RGB values
# image_rgb: RGB image in the process of dithering
# x: current horizontal screen position
# y: current vertical screen position
# options_nbit: matrix of (2**lookahead, lookahead) possible n-bit colour choices at positions x .. x + lookahead
# lookahead: how many horizontal pixels to look ahead
# distances: matrix of (24-bit RGB, n-bit palette) perceptual colour distances
# x_res: horizontal screen resolution
# Returns: index from 0 .. 2**lookahead into options_nbit representing best available choice for position (x,y)
cdef int dither_lookahead(Dither* dither, unsigned char palette_depth, float[:, :, ::1] palette_cam16,
float[:, :, ::1] palette_rgb, float[:, :, ::1] image_rgb, int x, int y, unsigned char last_pixels,
int x_res, float[:,::1] rgb_to_cam16ucs, Context context) nogil:
cdef int candidate, next_pixels, i, j
cdef float[3] quant_error
cdef int best
cdef float best_error = 2**31-1
cdef float total_error
cdef unsigned char current_pixels
cdef int phase
cdef float[::1] lah_cam16ucs
# Don't bother dithering past the lookahead horizon or edge of screen.
cdef int xxr = min(x + context.pixel_lookahead, x_res)
cdef int lah_shape1 = xxr - x
cdef int lah_shape2 = 3
cdef float *lah_image_rgb = <float *> malloc(lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 * sizeof(float))
# For each 2**lookahead possibilities for the on/off state of the next lookahead pixels, apply error diffusion
# and compute the total squared error to the source image. Since we only have two possible colours for each
# given pixel (dependent on the state already chosen for pixels to the left), we need to look beyond local minima.
# i.e. it might be better to make a sub-optimal choice for this pixel if it allows access to much better pixel
# colours at later positions.
for candidate in range(1 << context.bit_lookahead):
# Working copy of input pixels
for i in range(xxr - x):
for j in range(3):
lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape2 + j] = image_rgb[y, x+i, j]
total_error = 0
if context.is_hgr:
# A HGR screen byte controls 14 or 15 screen pixels
next_pixels = compute_fat_pixels(candidate, last_pixels)
# DHGR pixels are 1:1 with memory bits
next_pixels = candidate
# Apply dithering to lookahead horizon or edge of screen
for i in range(xxr - x):
xl = dither_bounds_xl(dither, i)
xr = dither_bounds_xr(dither, xxr - x, i)
phase = (x + i + context.phase_shift) % 4
current_pixels = shift_pixel_window(
last_pixels, next_pixels=next_pixels, shift_right_by=i+1, window_width=palette_depth)
# We don't update the input at position x (since we've already chosen fixed outputs), but we do propagate
# quantization errors to positions >x so we can compensate for how good/bad these choices were. i.e. the
# current_pixels choices are fixed, but we can still distribute quantization error from having made these
# choices, in order to compute the total error.
for j in range(3):
quant_error[j] = lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape2 + j] - palette_rgb[current_pixels, phase, j]
apply_one_line(dither, xl, xr, i, lah_image_rgb, lah_shape2, quant_error)
lah_cam16ucs = common.convert_rgb_to_cam16ucs(
rgb_to_cam16ucs, lah_image_rgb[i*lah_shape2], lah_image_rgb[i*lah_shape2+1],
total_error += common.colour_distance_squared(lah_cam16ucs, palette_cam16[current_pixels, phase])
if total_error >= best_error:
# No need to continue
if total_error < best_error:
best_error = total_error
best = candidate
return best
# Perform error diffusion to a single image row.
# Args:
# dither: dither pattern to apply
# xl: lower x bounding box
# xr: upper x bounding box
# x: starting horizontal position to apply error diffusion
# image: array of shape (image_shape1, 3) representing RGB pixel data for a single image line, to be mutated.
# image_shape1: horizontal dimension of image
# quant_error: RGB quantization error to be diffused
cdef void apply_one_line(Dither* dither, int xl, int xr, int x, float[] image, int image_shape1,
float[] quant_error) nogil:
cdef int i, j
cdef float error_fraction
for i in range(xl, xr):
error_fraction = dither.pattern[i - x + dither.x_origin]
for j in range(3):
image[i * image_shape1 + j] = common.clip(image[i * image_shape1 + j] + error_fraction * quant_error[j], 0, 1)
# Perform error diffusion across multiple image rows.
# Args:
# dither: dither pattern to apply
# x_res: horizontal image resolution
# y_res: vertical image resolution
# x: starting horizontal position to apply error diffusion
# y: starting vertical position to apply error diffusion
# image: RGB pixel data, to be mutated
# quant_error: RGB quantization error to be diffused
cdef void apply(Dither* dither, int x_res, int y_res, int x, int y, float[:,:,::1] image, float[] quant_error) nogil:
cdef int i, j, k
cdef int yt = dither_bounds_yt(dither, y)
cdef int yb = dither_bounds_yb(dither, y_res, y)
cdef int xl = dither_bounds_xl(dither, x)
cdef int xr = dither_bounds_xr(dither, x_res, x)
cdef float error_fraction
for i in range(yt, yb):
for j in range(xl, xr):
error_fraction = dither.pattern[(i - y) * dither.x_shape + j - x + dither.x_origin]
for k in range(3):
image[i,j,k] = common.clip(image[i,j,k] + error_fraction * quant_error[k], 0, 1)
cdef image_nbit_to_bitmap(
(unsigned char)[:, ::1] image_nbit, unsigned int x_res, unsigned int y_res, unsigned char palette_depth):
cdef unsigned int x, y
bitmap = np.zeros((y_res, x_res), dtype=bool)
for y in range(y_res):
for x in range(x_res):
# MSB of each array element is the pixel state at (x, y)
bitmap[y, x] = image_nbit[y, x] >> (palette_depth - 1)
return bitmap
# Dither a source image
# Args:
# screen: screen.Screen object
# image_rgb: input RGB image
# dither: dither_pattern.DitherPattern to apply during dithering
# lookahead: how many x positions to look ahead to optimize colour choices
# verbose: whether to output progress during image conversion
# Returns: tuple of n-bit output image array and RGB output image array
def dither_image(
screen, float[:, :, ::1] image_rgb, dither, int lookahead, unsigned char verbose, float[:,::1] rgb_to_cam16ucs):
cdef int y, x
cdef unsigned char i, j, pixels_nbit, phase
cdef float[3] quant_error
cdef unsigned char output_pixel_nbit
cdef unsigned int next_pixels
cdef float[3] output_pixel_rgb
# Hoist some python attribute accesses into C variables for efficient access during the main loop
cdef int yres = screen.Y_RES
cdef int xres = screen.X_RES
# TODO: convert this instead of storing on palette?
cdef float[:, :, ::1] palette_cam16 = np.zeros((len(screen.palette.CAM16UCS), 4, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for pixels_nbit, phase in screen.palette.CAM16UCS.keys():
for i in range(3):
palette_cam16[pixels_nbit, phase, i] = screen.palette.CAM16UCS[pixels_nbit, phase][i]
cdef float[:, :, ::1] palette_rgb = np.zeros((len(screen.palette.RGB), 4, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for pixels_nbit, phase in screen.palette.RGB.keys():
for i in range(3):
palette_rgb[pixels_nbit, phase, i] = screen.palette.RGB[pixels_nbit, phase][i] / 255
cdef Dither cdither
cdither.y_shape = dither.PATTERN.shape[0]
cdither.x_shape = dither.PATTERN.shape[1]
cdither.y_origin = dither.ORIGIN[0]
cdither.x_origin = dither.ORIGIN[1]
# TODO: should be just as efficient to use a memoryview?
cdither.pattern = <float *> malloc(cdither.x_shape * cdither.y_shape * sizeof(float))
for i in range(cdither.y_shape):
for j in range(cdither.x_shape):
cdither.pattern[i * cdither.x_shape + j] = dither.PATTERN[i, j]
cdef unsigned char palette_depth = screen.palette.PALETTE_DEPTH
# The nbit image representation contains the trailing n dot values as an n-bit value with MSB representing the
# current pixel. This choice (cf LSB) is slightly awkward but matches the DHGR behaviour that bit positions in
# screen memory map LSB to MSB from L to R. The value of n is chosen by the palette depth, i.e. how many trailing
# dot positions are used to determine the colour of a given pixel.
cdef (unsigned char)[:, ::1] image_nbit = np.empty((image_rgb.shape[0], image_rgb.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
cdef Context context
if screen.MODE == screen_py.Mode.HI_RES:
context.is_hgr = 1
context.bit_lookahead = 8
context.pixel_lookahead = 15
# HGR and DHGR have a timing phase shift which rotates the effective mappings from screen dots to colours
context.phase_shift = 3
context.is_hgr = 0
context.bit_lookahead = lookahead
context.pixel_lookahead = lookahead
context.phase_shift = 0
cdef (unsigned char)[:, ::1] linear_bytemap = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8)
# After performing lookahead, move ahead this many pixels at once.
cdef int apply_batch_size
if context.is_hgr:
# For HGR we have to apply an entire screen byte at a time, which controls 14 or 15 pixels (see
# compute_fat_pixels above). This is because the high bit shifts this entire group of 14 pixels at once,
# so we have to make a single decision about whether or not to enable it.
apply_batch_size = 14
# For DHGR we can choose each pixel state independently, so we get better results if we apply one pixel at
# a time.
apply_batch_size = 1
for y in range(yres):
if verbose:
print("%d/%d" % (y, yres))
output_pixel_nbit = 0
for x in range(xres):
if x % apply_batch_size == 0:
# Compute all possible 2**N choices of n-bit pixel colours for positions x .. x + lookahead
# Apply error diffusion for each of these 2**N choices, and compute which produces the closest match
# to the source image over the succeeding N pixels
next_pixels = dither_lookahead(
&cdither, palette_depth, palette_cam16, palette_rgb, image_rgb, x, y, output_pixel_nbit, xres,
rgb_to_cam16ucs, context)
if context.is_hgr:
linear_bytemap[y, x // 14] = next_pixels
next_pixels = compute_fat_pixels(next_pixels, output_pixel_nbit)
# Apply best choice for next 1 pixel
output_pixel_nbit = shift_pixel_window(
output_pixel_nbit, next_pixels, shift_right_by=x % apply_batch_size + 1, window_width=palette_depth)
# Apply error diffusion from chosen output pixel value
for i in range(3):
output_pixel_rgb[i] = palette_rgb[output_pixel_nbit, x % 4, i]
quant_error[i] = image_rgb[y,x,i] - output_pixel_rgb[i]
apply(&cdither, xres, yres, x, y, image_rgb, quant_error)
# Update image with our chosen image pixel
image_nbit[y, x] = output_pixel_nbit
for i in range(3):
image_rgb[y, x, i] = output_pixel_rgb[i]
return image_nbit_to_bitmap(image_nbit, xres, yres, palette_depth), linear_bytemap