kris ad9515dcf2 Implement NTSC emulation, using an 8 pixel window for chroma signal.
Use this to precompute a new ntsc palette with 256 entries (though
only 84 unique colours) that are available by appropriate pixel
sequences.  Unfortunately the precomputed distance matrix for this
palette is 4GB!

Optimize the precomputation to be less memory hungry, while also
making efficient use of the mmapped output file.

Add support for dithering images using this 8-bit palette depth,
i.e. to optimize for NTSC rendering.  This often gives better image
quality since more colours are available, especially when modulating
areas of similar colour.

Fix 140 pixel dithering and render the output including NTSC fringing
instead of the unrealistic 140px output that doesn't include it.

Add support for rendering output image using any target palette, which
is useful e.g. for comparing how an 8-pixel NTSC rendered image will
be displayed on an emulator using 4-pixel ntsc emulation (there is
usually some colour bias, because the 8 pixel chroma blending tends to
average away colours).

Switch the output binary format to write AUX memory first, which
matches the image format of other utilities.
2021-02-14 23:34:25 +00:00

268 lines
10 KiB

# cython: infer_types=True
cimport cython
import functools
import numpy as np
# from cython.parallel import prange
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
# TODO: use a cdef class
cdef struct Dither:
float* pattern # Flattened dither pattern
int x_shape
int y_shape
int x_origin
int y_origin
cdef struct Image:
float* flat # Flattened image array
int shape0
int shape1
int shape2
cdef float clip(float a, float min_value, float max_value) nogil:
return min(max(a, min_value), max_value)
cdef int dither_bounds_xl(Dither *dither, int x):
cdef int el = max(dither.x_origin - x, 0)
cdef int xl = x - dither.x_origin + el
return xl
cdef int dither_bounds_xr(Dither *dither, int x_res, int x):
cdef int er = min(dither.x_shape, x_res - x)
cdef int xr = x - dither.x_origin + er
return xr
cdef int dither_bounds_yt(Dither *dither, int y):
cdef int et = max(dither.y_origin - y, 0)
cdef int yt = y - dither.y_origin + et
return yt
cdef int dither_bounds_yb(Dither *dither, int y_res, int y):
cdef int eb = min(dither.y_shape, y_res - y)
cdef int yb = y - dither.y_origin + eb
return yb
def lookahead_options(screen, lookahead, last_pixel_4bit, x):
options_4bit = np.empty((2 ** lookahead, lookahead), dtype=np.uint8)
options_rgb = np.empty((2 ** lookahead, lookahead, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(2 ** lookahead):
output_pixel_4bit = last_pixel_4bit
for j in range(lookahead):
xx = x + j
palette_choices_4bit, palette_choices_rgb = \
screen.pixel_palette_options(output_pixel_4bit, xx)
output_pixel_4bit = palette_choices_4bit[(i & (1 << j)) >> j]
output_pixel_rgb = np.array(
palette_choices_rgb[(i & (1 << j)) >> j])
options_4bit[i, j] = output_pixel_4bit
options_rgb[i, j, :] = output_pixel_rgb
return options_4bit, options_rgb
cdef dither_lookahead(Dither* dither,
screen, Image* image_rgb, int x, int y, unsigned char[:, ::1] options_4bit,
float[:, :, ::1] options_rgb, int lookahead):
cdef int x_res = screen.X_RES
cdef int xl = dither_bounds_xl(dither, x)
cdef int xr = dither_bounds_xr(dither, x_res, x)
# X coord value of larger of dither bounding box or lookahead horizon
cdef int xxr = min(max(x + lookahead, xr), x_res)
cdef int i, j, k, l
cdef int lah_shape0 = 2 ** lookahead
cdef int lah_shape1 = lookahead + xr - xl
cdef int lah_shape2 = 3
cdef float *lah_image_rgb = <float *> malloc(lah_shape0 * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 * sizeof(float))
for i in range(2**lookahead):
# Copies of input pixels so we can dither in bulk
for j in range(xxr - x):
for k in range(3):
lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 + j * lah_shape2 + k] = image_rgb.flat[
y * image_rgb.shape1 * image_rgb.shape2 + (x+j) * image_rgb.shape2 + k]
# Leave enough space at right of image so we can dither the last of our lookahead pixels.
for j in range(xxr - x, lookahead + xr - xl):
for k in range(3):
lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 + j * lah_shape2 + k] = 0
cdef float[3] quant_error
# Iterating by row then column is faster for some reason?
for i in range(xxr - x):
xl = dither_bounds_xl(dither, i)
xr = dither_bounds_xr(dither, x_res - x, i)
for j in range(2 ** lookahead):
# Don't update the input at position x (since we've already chosen
# fixed outputs), but do propagate quantization errors to positions >x
# so we can compensate for how good/bad these choices were
# options_rgb choices are fixed, but we can still distribute
# quantization error from having made these choices, in order to compute
# the total error
for k in range(3):
quant_error[k] = lah_image_rgb[j * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 + i * lah_shape2 + k] - options_rgb[j, i, k]
apply_one_line(dither, xl, xr, i, &lah_image_rgb[j * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2], lah_shape2, quant_error)
cdef unsigned char bit4
cdef int best
cdef int best_error = 2**31-1
cdef int total_error
cdef long flat, dist
cdef long r, g, b
cdef (unsigned char)[:, ::1] distances = screen.palette.distances
for i in range(2**lookahead):
total_error = 0
for j in range(lookahead):
# Clip lah_image_rgb into 0..255 range to prepare for computing colour distance
r = <long>clip(lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 + j * lah_shape2 + 0], 0, 255)
g = <long>clip(lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 + j * lah_shape2 + 1], 0, 255)
b = <long>clip(lah_image_rgb[i * lah_shape1 * lah_shape2 + j * lah_shape2 + 2], 0, 255)
flat = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b
bit4 = options_4bit[i, j]
dist = distances[flat, bit4]
total_error += dist ** 2
if total_error >= best_error:
if total_error < best_error:
best_error = total_error
best = i
return options_4bit[best, 0], options_rgb[best, 0, :]
cdef void apply_one_line(Dither* dither, int xl, int xr, int x, float[] image, int image_shape1, float[] quant_error):
cdef int i, j
cdef float error
for i in range(xl, xr):
for j in range(3):
error = dither.pattern[i - x + dither.x_origin] * quant_error[j]
image[i * image_shape1 + j] = clip(image[i * image_shape1 + j] + error, 0, 255)
cdef apply(Dither* dither, screen, int x, int y, Image* image, float[] quant_error):
cdef int i, j, k
cdef int yt = dither_bounds_yt(dither, y)
cdef int yb = dither_bounds_yb(dither, screen.Y_RES, y)
cdef int xl = dither_bounds_xl(dither, x)
cdef int xr = dither_bounds_xr(dither, screen.X_RES, x)
cdef float error
# We could avoid clipping here, i.e. allow RGB values to extend beyond
# 0..255 to capture a larger range of residual error. This is faster
# but seems to reduce image quality.
# TODO: is this still true?
for i in range(yt, yb):
for j in range(xl, xr):
for k in range(3):
error = dither.pattern[(i - y) * dither.x_shape + j - x + dither.x_origin] * quant_error[k]
image.flat[i * image.shape1 * image.shape2 + j * image.shape2 + k] = clip(
image.flat[i * image.shape1 * image.shape2 + j * image.shape2 + k] + error, 0, 255)
cdef find_nearest_colour(screen, float[3] pixel_rgb, unsigned char[::1] options_4bit, unsigned char[:, ::1] options_rgb):
cdef int best, dist, i
cdef unsigned char bit4
cdef int best_dist = 2**8
cdef long flat
cdef (unsigned char)[:, ::1] distances = screen.palette.distances
for i in range(options_4bit.shape[0]):
flat = (<long>pixel_rgb[0] << 16) + (<long>pixel_rgb[1] << 8) + <long>pixel_rgb[2]
bit4 = options_4bit[i]
dist = distances[flat, bit4]
if dist < best_dist:
best_dist = dist
best = i
return options_4bit[best], options_rgb[best, :]
def dither_image(screen, float[:, :, ::1] image_rgb, dither, int lookahead):
cdef (unsigned char)[:, ::1] image_4bit = np.empty(
(image_rgb.shape[0], image_rgb.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
cdef int yres = screen.Y_RES
cdef int xres = screen.X_RES
cdef int y, x, i
cdef float[3] quant_error
cdef (unsigned char)[:, ::1] options_4bit
cdef float[:, :, ::1] options_rgb
cdef unsigned char output_pixel_4bit
cdef float[3] input_pixel_rgb
# Flatten python image array for more efficient access
cdef Image cimage_rgb
cimage_rgb.flat = <float *> malloc(image_rgb.shape[0] * image_rgb.shape[1] * image_rgb.shape[2] * sizeof(float))
cimage_rgb.shape0 = image_rgb.shape[0]
cimage_rgb.shape1 = image_rgb.shape[1]
cimage_rgb.shape2 = image_rgb.shape[2]
for y in range(cimage_rgb.shape0):
for x in range(cimage_rgb.shape1):
for i in range(cimage_rgb.shape2):
cimage_rgb.flat[y * cimage_rgb.shape1 * cimage_rgb.shape2 + x * cimage_rgb.shape2 + i] = (
image_rgb[y, x, i])
# Flatten python dither pattern array for more efficient access
cdef Dither cdither
cdither.y_shape = dither.PATTERN.shape[0]
cdither.x_shape = dither.PATTERN.shape[1]
cdither.y_origin = dither.ORIGIN[0]
cdither.x_origin = dither.ORIGIN[1]
# Convert dither.PATTERN to a malloced array which is faster to access
cdither.pattern = <float *> malloc(cdither.x_shape * cdither.y_shape * sizeof(float))
for i in range(cdither.y_shape):
for j in range(cdither.x_shape):
cdither.pattern[i * cdither.x_shape + j] = dither.PATTERN[i, j, 0]
for y in range(yres):
output_pixel_4bit = 0
for x in range(xres):
for i in range(3):
input_pixel_rgb[i] = cimage_rgb.flat[
y * cimage_rgb.shape1 * cimage_rgb.shape2 + x * cimage_rgb.shape2 + i]
if lookahead:
palette_choices_4bit, palette_choices_rgb = lookahead_options(
screen, lookahead, output_pixel_4bit, x % 4)
output_pixel_4bit, output_pixel_rgb = \
&cdither, screen, &cimage_rgb, x, y, palette_choices_4bit, palette_choices_rgb, lookahead)
palette_choices_4bit, palette_choices_rgb = screen.pixel_palette_options(output_pixel_4bit, x)
output_pixel_4bit, output_pixel_rgb = \
find_nearest_colour(screen, input_pixel_rgb, palette_choices_4bit, palette_choices_rgb)
for i in range(3):
quant_error[i] = input_pixel_rgb[i] - output_pixel_rgb[i]
image_4bit[y, x] = output_pixel_4bit
apply(&cdither, screen, x, y, &cimage_rgb, quant_error)
for i in range(3):
image_rgb[y, x, i] = output_pixel_rgb[i]
return image_4bit, np.array(image_rgb)