2021-07-19 12:55:50 +01:00

294 lines
11 KiB

"""Representation of Apple II screen memory."""
import numpy as np
import palette as palette_py
class Screen:
X_RES = None
Y_RES = None
def __init__(self, palette: palette_py.Palette):
self.main = np.zeros(8192, dtype=np.uint8)
self.aux = np.zeros(8192, dtype=np.uint8)
self.palette = palette
def y_to_base_addr(y: int) -> int:
"""Maps y coordinate to screen memory base address."""
a = y // 64
d = y - 64 * a
b = d // 8
c = d - 8 * b
return 1024 * c + 128 * b + 40 * a
def _image_to_bitmap(self, image_nbit: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Converts n-bit image to 2-bit image bitmap.
Each n-bit colour value maps to a sliding window of n successive pixels.
raise NotImplementedError
def pack(self, image: np.ndarray):
"""Packs an image into memory format (8k AUX + 8K MAIN)."""
bitmap = self._image_to_bitmap(image)
# The DHGR display encodes 7 pixels across interleaved 4-byte sequences
# of AUX and MAIN memory, as follows:
# Aux N Main N Aux N+1 Main N+1 (N even)
main_col = np.zeros(
(self.Y_RES, self.X_RES * self.X_PIXEL_WIDTH // 14), dtype=np.uint8)
aux_col = np.zeros(
(self.Y_RES, self.X_RES * self.X_PIXEL_WIDTH // 14), dtype=np.uint8)
for byte_offset in range(80):
column = np.zeros(self.Y_RES, dtype=np.uint8)
for bit in range(7):
column |= (bitmap[:, 7 * byte_offset + bit].astype(
np.uint8) << bit)
if byte_offset % 2 == 0:
aux_col[:, byte_offset // 2] = column
main_col[:, (byte_offset - 1) // 2] = column
for y in range(self.Y_RES):
addr = self.y_to_base_addr(y)
self.aux[addr:addr + 40] = aux_col[y, :]
self.main[addr:addr + 40] = main_col[y, :]
return bitmap
def bitmap_to_image_rgb(self, bitmap: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert our 2-bit bitmap image into a RGB image.
Colour at every pixel is determined by the value of a 4-bit sliding
window indexed by x % 4, which gives the index into our 16-colour RGB
image_rgb = np.empty((self.NATIVE_Y_RES, self.NATIVE_X_RES, 3),
for y in range(self.Y_RES):
pixel = [False, False, False, False]
for x in range(self.NATIVE_X_RES):
pixel[x % 4] = bitmap[y, x]
dots = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(pixel)]
image_rgb[y, x, :] = self.palette.RGB[dots]
return image_rgb
def pixel_palette_options(self, last_pixel_nbit, x: int):
"""Returns available colours for given x pos and n-bit colour of x-1"""
raise NotImplementedError
def _sin(pos, phase0=0):
x = pos % 12 + phase0
return np.sin(x * 2 * np.pi / 12)
def _cos(pos, phase0=0):
x = pos % 12 + phase0
return np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi / 12)
def _read(self, line, pos):
if pos < 0:
return 0
return 1 if line[pos] else 0
class DHGR140Screen(Screen):
"""DHGR screen ignoring colour fringing, i.e. treating as 140x192x16."""
X_RES = 140
Y_RES = 192
def _image_to_bitmap(self, image_nbit: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
bitmap = np.zeros(
(self.Y_RES, self.X_RES * self.X_PIXEL_WIDTH), dtype=np.bool)
for y in range(self.Y_RES):
for x in range(self.X_RES):
pixel = image_nbit[y, x]
dots = self.palette.DOTS[pixel]
bitmap[y, x * self.X_PIXEL_WIDTH:(
(x + 1) * self.X_PIXEL_WIDTH)] = dots
return bitmap
def pixel_palette_options(self, last_pixel_nbit, x: int):
# All 16 colour choices are available at every x position.
return np.array(list(self.palette.RGB.keys()), dtype=np.uint8)
class DHGR560Screen(Screen):
"""DHGR screen including colour fringing and 4 pixel chroma bleed."""
X_RES = 560
Y_RES = 192
def _image_to_bitmap(self, image_nbit: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
bitmap = np.zeros((self.Y_RES, self.X_RES), dtype=np.bool)
for y in range(self.Y_RES):
for x in range(self.X_RES):
pixel = image_nbit[y, x]
dots = self.palette.DOTS[pixel]
phase = x % 4
bitmap[y, x] = dots[phase]
return bitmap
def pixel_palette_options(self, last_pixel_nbit, x: int):
last_dots = self.palette.DOTS[last_pixel_nbit][1:] + [None]
# rearrange into palette order
next_dots = [None] * 8
for i in range(4):
next_dots[(i - x) % 4] = last_dots[i]
next_dots[(i - x) % 4 + 4] = last_dots[i + 4]
# XXX wrong
assert next_dots[(3 - x) % 4 + 4] is None
# print(x, last_dots, next_dots)
next_dots[(3 - x) % 4 + 4] = False
next_pixel_nbit_0 = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[next_dots]
next_dots[(3 - x) % 4 + 4] = True
next_pixel_nbit_1 = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[next_dots]
return np.array([next_pixel_nbit_0, next_pixel_nbit_1], dtype=np.uint8)
# TODO: refactor to share implementation with DHGR560Screen
class DHGR560NTSCScreen(Screen):
"""DHGR screen including colour fringing and 8 pixel chroma bleed."""
X_RES = 560
Y_RES = 192
def _image_to_bitmap(self, image_nbit: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
bitmap = np.zeros((self.Y_RES, self.X_RES), dtype=np.bool)
for y in range(self.Y_RES):
for x in range(self.X_RES):
pixel = image_nbit[y, x]
#dots = self.palette.DOTS[pixel]
#phase = x % 4
bitmap[y, x] = pixel >> 7 # dots[4 + phase]
return bitmap
def bitmap_to_image_rgb(self, bitmap: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert our 2-bit bitmap image into a RGB image.
Colour at every pixel is determined by the value of a 8-bit sliding
window indexed by x % 4, which gives the index into our 256-colour RGB
image_rgb = np.empty((self.NATIVE_Y_RES, self.NATIVE_X_RES, 3),
for y in range(self.Y_RES):
pixel = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
for x in range(self.NATIVE_X_RES):
# pixel[x % 4] = pixel[x % 4 + 4]
# pixel[x % 4 + 4] = bitmap[y, x]
pixel = pixel[1:] + [bitmap[y, x]]
dots = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(pixel)]
image_rgb[y, x, :] = self.palette.RGB[dots, x % 4]
return image_rgb
def pixel_palette_options(self, last_pixel_nbit):
# # The two available 8-bit pixel colour choices are given by:
# # - Rotating the pixel value from the current x % 4 + 4 position to
# # x % 4
# # - choosing 0 and 1 for the new values of x % 4 + 4
# next_dots0 = list(self.palette.DOTS[last_pixel_nbit])
# next_dots1 = list(next_dots0)
# next_dots0[x % 4] = next_dots0[x % 4 + 4]
# next_dots0[x % 4 + 4] = False
# next_dots1[x % 4] = next_dots1[x % 4 + 4]
# next_dots1[x % 4 + 4] = True
# pixel_nbit_0 = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(next_dots0)]
# pixel_nbit_1 = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(next_dots1)]
# return np.array([pixel_nbit_0, pixel_nbit_1], dtype=np.uint8)
#next_dots = last_dots[1:] # list(self.palette.DOTS[
# last_pixel_nbit][1:])
#return np.array([
# self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(last_dots + [False])],
# self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(next_dots + [True])]],
# dtype=np.uint8)
return np.array(last_pixel_nbit >> 1, (last_pixel_nbit >> 1) + 1,
# # rearrange into palette order
# next_dots = [None] * 8
# for i in range(4):
# next_dots[i] = last_dots[(i - x) % 4]
# next_dots[i + 4] = last_dots[(i - x) % 4 + 4]
# assert next_dots[(3 + x) % 4 + 4] is None
# # print(x, last_dots, next_dots)
# next_dots[(3 + x) % 4 + 4] = False
# next_pixel_nbit_0 = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(next_dots)]
# next_dots[(3 + x) % 4 + 4] = True
# next_pixel_nbit_1 = self.palette.DOTS_TO_INDEX[tuple(next_dots)]
# return np.array([next_pixel_nbit_0, next_pixel_nbit_1],
# dtype=np.uint8)
def bitmap_to_ntsc(self, bitmap: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
y_width = 12
u_width = 24
v_width = 24
contrast = 1
# TODO: where does this come from? OpenEmulator looks like it should
# use a value of 1.0 by default.
saturation = 2
# Fudge factor to make colours line up with OpenEmulator
# TODO: where does this come from - is it due to the band-pass
# filtering they do?
hue = -0.3
# Apply effect of saturation
yuv_to_rgb = np.array(
((1, 0, 0), (0, saturation, 0), (0, 0, saturation)), dtype=np.float)
# Apply hue phase rotation
yuv_to_rgb = np.matmul(np.array(
((1, 0, 0), (0, np.cos(hue), np.sin(hue)), (0, -np.sin(hue),
# Y'UV to R'G'B' conversion
yuv_to_rgb = np.matmul(np.array(
((1, 0, 1.13983), (1, -0.39465, -.58060), (1, 2.03211, 0))),
# Apply effect of contrast
yuv_to_rgb *= contrast
out_rgb = np.empty((bitmap.shape[0], bitmap.shape[1] * 3, 3),
for y in range(bitmap.shape[0]):
ysum = 0
usum = 0
vsum = 0
line = np.repeat(bitmap[y], 3)
for x in range(bitmap.shape[1] * 3):
ysum += self._read(line, x) - self._read(line, x - y_width)
usum += self._read(line, x) * self._sin(x) - self._read(
line, x - u_width) * self._sin((x - u_width))
vsum += self._read(line, x) * self._cos(x) - self._read(
line, x - v_width) * self._cos((x - v_width))
rgb = np.matmul(
yuv_to_rgb, np.array(
(ysum / y_width, usum / u_width,
vsum / v_width)).reshape((3, 1))).reshape(3)
r = min(255, max(0, rgb[0] * 255))
g = min(255, max(0, rgb[1] * 255))
b = min(255, max(0, rgb[2] * 255))
out_rgb[y, x, :] = (r, g, b)
return out_rgb