Checkpoint working code that implements delta modulation with look-ahead.

I split out preprocess_audio because scipy/librosa don't run under
pypy and I was hoping that would speed up the encoding, but it does
not for some reason (maybe numpy interactions?)

Anyway, I should be able to vectorize the slow path which will likely
help a lot.
This commit is contained in:
kris 2020-08-10 21:03:12 +01:00
parent d283789199
commit 0f8ad1bf17
3 changed files with 184 additions and 46 deletions

151 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
import sys
import functools
import numpy
import soundfile
from typing import List
PORT = 1977
'tick': 0x00,
'notick_page1': 0x08,
'notick_page2': 0x10,
'exit': 0x18,
'slowpath': 0x28
# Errors
# 1000 LAH 1 = 704632.752909
# 100 LAH 1 Norm 0.5 = 6783135.377118
# 100 LAH 1 Norm 0.3 = 3251821.285253
# 100 LAH 2 Norm 0.3 = 6446570.565330
# 100 LAH 1 Norm 0.2 = 1798442.832489
# 100 LAH 7 Norm 0.2 = 1624865.370107
# 10 LAH 1 Norm 0.5 = 3251142.161679
# 20 LAH 1 Norm 0.5 = 3518009.983899
# 30 ... = 4137179.898981
# 40 LAH 1 Norm 0.5 = 4667834.501476
# 40 LAH 7 Norm 0.5 = 3614627.124544
# 50 ... = 5118520.178948
# 60 ... = 5513928.786507
# 70 ... = 5872060.623297
# 80 ... = 6198922.754212
# 90 ... = 6501755.264692
# 100 ... = 6782164.670392
# 200 = 8708489.044314
# 300 = 9686398.703931
# 400 = 10233308.826519
# 500 = 10567966.087857
# TODO: synchronize to VBL
# TODO: tick now has space to also flip a soft-switch
# @profile
def lookahead(step_size: int, initial_position: float,
initial_voltage: float, data: numpy.ndarray, offset: int,
toggles: List):
# TODO: construct list of voltage values directly
# - construct voltage trajectories from position and vectorize comparison
voltage = initial_voltage
position = initial_position
total_error = 0.0
for i, t in enumerate(toggles):
target_val = data[i+offset]
if t:
voltage = -voltage
position += (voltage - position) / step_size
err = position - target_val
total_error += abs(err)
return total_error
# TODO: test slowpath
def lookahead_patterns(lookahead: int, slowpath: int):
patterns = []
num_bits = max(lookahead - slowpath, 0)
for i in range(2 ** num_bits):
pattern = []
for j in range(num_bits):
pattern.append(bool((i >> j) & 1))
pattern.extend([True for _ in range(min(slowpath, lookahead))])
return patterns
def sample(data: numpy.ndarray, step: int, lookahead_steps: int):
dlen = len(data)
data = numpy.concatenate([data, numpy.zeros(lookahead_steps)])
voltage = -1.0
position = -1.0
total_err = 0.0
slowpath = 0
cnt = 0
for i, val in enumerate(data[:dlen]):
if i % int((dlen / 100)) == 0:
print("%d%% complete" % (i * 100 / dlen))
if (cnt % 2048) == 2047:
slowpath = 12
min_err = 1e9
best_pattern = None
# TODO: double-check this
slowpath_bits = max((cnt % 2048) + lookahead_steps - 2047, 0)
for lh in lookahead_patterns(lookahead_steps, slowpath_bits):
err = lookahead(step, position, voltage, data, i, lh)
# print(err, lh)
if err < min_err:
min_err = err
best_pattern = lh
# "BEST: %f, %s --> %s" % (err, lh, lh[0]))
if slowpath:
if slowpath == 12:
yield OPCODES['slowpath']
cnt += 1
slowpath -= 1
elif best_pattern[0]:
voltage = -voltage
yield OPCODES['tick']
cnt += 1
yield OPCODES['notick_page1']
cnt += 1
position += (voltage - position) / step
err = position - val
total_err += abs(err)
# print("State: ", sp.voltage, sp.position, val)
for _ in range(cnt % 2048, 2047):
yield OPCODES['notick_page1']
yield OPCODES['exit']
print("Total error %f" % total_err)
def main(argv):
serve_file = argv[1]
step = int(argv[2])
lookahead_steps = int(argv[3])
out = argv[4]
data, sr =
with open(out, "wb+") as f:
for b in sample(data, step, lookahead_steps):
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,53 +1,14 @@
import socketserver
import sys
import functools
import random
import numpy
from import wavfile
import scipy.signal as sps
PORT = 1977
'tick': 0x00,
'notick_page1': 0x08,
'notick_page2': 0x10,
'exit': 0x18,
'slowpath': 0x28
def serve(stream: bytes):
cnt = 0
state = False
page = 0
cycles = 0
direction = 100
# TODO: synchronize to VBL
# TODO: tick now has space to also flip a soft-switch
# - i.e. we have 4 variants
# can make sure we always flip at start/end of line
for b in stream:
for i in range(8):
bit = (b >> i) & 0x1
cycles += 13
if bit != state:
state = not state
yield OPCODES['tick']
# 18270
if (cycles % 18800) < (13):
yield OPCODES['notick_page1']
yield OPCODES['notick_page2']
page += 1
cnt += 1
if (cnt % 2048) == 2047:
yield OPCODES['slowpath']
cnt += 1
cycles += 12*13
# make sure we send enough data to fill player's receive buffer one last
# time, so it doesn't loop forever
for i in range(cnt % 2048, 2048):
yield OPCODES['exit']
def main(argv):
serve_file = argv[1]
@ -56,8 +17,7 @@ def main(argv):
def handle(self):
with open(serve_file, "rb") as f:
for b in serve(
return ChunkHandler

27 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import sys
import librosa
import numpy
import soundfile as sf
def preprocess(
filename: str, target_sample_rate: int,
normalize: float = 0.5) -> numpy.ndarray:
data, _ = librosa.load(filename, sr=target_sample_rate, mono=True)
max_value = numpy.percentile(data, 90)
data /= max_value
data *= normalize
return data
def main(argv):
serve_file = argv[1]
out = argv[2]
sample_rate = int(1024. * 1000 / 13)
sf.write(out, preprocess(serve_file, sample_rate), sample_rate)
if __name__ == "__main__":