Further significant optimizations:

- Switch some matrices to column-major order, since they usually have
  more rows than columns.  This turns out to be slightly faster.
- Precompute more of the speaker trajectory formula, since most of it
  only depends on the matrix of applied voltages (which only depends
  on frame_offset).

Bug fixes:
- make sure to leave enough 0-padding at the end of input data in case
  we schedule a SLOWPATH towards the end, since we'll skip into this
- Pad the last TCP frame with EXIT opcodes instead of TICK_00.
- Improve the eta counter behaviour by not setting a minimum tick
  interval, and being more careful about when we update.  This fixes
  issues with short files
This commit is contained in:
kris 2020-12-07 20:48:15 +00:00
parent 54369a620f
commit 706ba54f5b

View File

@ -36,62 +36,55 @@ import opcodes
# TODO: add flags to parametrize options
# We simulate the speaker voltage trajectory resulting from applying multiple
# voltage profiles, compute the resulting squared error relative to the target
# waveform, and pick the best one.
# We use numpy to vectorize the computation since it has better scaling
# performance with more opcode choices, although also has a larger fixed
# overhead.
# The speaker position p_i evolves according to
# p_{i+1} = p_i + (v_i - p_i) / s
# where v_i is the i'th applied voltage, s is the speaker step size
# Rearranging, we get p_{i+1} = v_i / s + (1-1/s) p_i
# and if we expand the recurrence relation
# p_{i+1} = Sum_{j=0}^i (1-1/s)^(i-j) v_j / s + (1-1/s)^(i+1) p_0
# = (1-1/s)^(i+1)(1/s * Sum_{j=0}^i v_j / (1-1/s)^(j+1) + p0)
# We can precompute most of this expression:
# 1) the vector {(1-1/s)^i} ("_delta_powers")
# 2) the position-independent term of p_{i+1} ("_partial_positions"). Since
# the candidate opcodes list only depends on frame_offset, the voltage matrix
# v also only takes a few possible values, so we can precompute all values
# of this term.
def _delta_powers(shape, step_size: int) -> Tuple[float, numpy.ndarray]:
delta = (1 - 1 / step_size)
return delta, numpy.cumprod(numpy.full(shape, delta), axis=-1)
def _delta_powers(shape, step_size: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
delta = 1 - 1 / step_size
return numpy.cumprod(numpy.full(shape, delta), axis=-1)
def lookahead(step_size: int, initial_position: float, data: numpy.ndarray,
offset: int, voltages: numpy.ndarray):
"""Evaluate effects of multiple potential opcode sequences and pick best.
def _partial_positions(voltages, step_size):
delta_powers = _delta_powers(voltages.shape, step_size)
We simulate the speaker voltage trajectory resulting from applying multiple
voltage profiles, compute the resulting squared error relative to the
target waveform, and pick the best one.
We use numpy to vectorize the computation since it has better scaling
performance with more opcode choices, although also has a larger fixed
delta, delta_powers = _delta_powers(voltages.shape, step_size)
positions = delta_powers * (
numpy.cumsum(voltages / delta_powers, axis=1) / step_size +
total_error = numpy.sum(
numpy.square(positions - data[offset:offset + voltages.shape[1]]),
best = numpy.argmin(total_error)
return best
partial_positions = delta_powers * (
numpy.cumsum(voltages / delta_powers, axis=-1) / step_size)
return delta_powers, partial_positions
# TODO: Merge with lookahead
def evolve(opcode: opcodes.Opcode, starting_position, starting_voltage,
step_size, data, starting_idx):
# The speaker position p_i evolves according to
# p_{i+1} = p_i + (v_i - p_i) / s
# where v_i is the i'th applied voltage, s is the speaker step size
# Rearranging, we get p_{i+1} = v_i / s + (1-1/s) p_i
# and if we expand the recurrence relation
# p_{i+1} = Sum_{j=0}^i (1-1/s)^(i-j) v_j / s + (1-1/s)^(i+1) p_0
# = (1-1/s)^(i+1)(1/s * Sum_{j=0}^i v_j / (1-1/s)^(j+1) + p0)
def new_positions(
position: float, partial_positions: numpy.ndarray,
delta_powers: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Computes new array of speaker positions for position and voltage data."""
return partial_positions + delta_powers * position
opcode_length = opcodes.cycle_length(opcode)
voltages = starting_voltage * opcodes.VOLTAGE_SCHEDULE[opcode]
delta, delta_powers = _delta_powers(opcode_length, step_size)
positions = delta_powers * (
numpy.cumsum(voltages / delta_powers) / step_size +
# TODO: compute error once at the end?
total_err = numpy.sum(numpy.square(
positions - data[starting_idx:starting_idx + opcode_length]))
return positions[-1], voltages[-1], total_err, starting_idx + opcode_length
def total_error(positions: numpy.ndarray, data: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Computes the total squared error for speaker position matrix vs data."""
return numpy.sum(numpy.square(positions - data), axis=-1)
@ -101,6 +94,8 @@ def frame_horizon(frame_offset: int, lookahead_steps: int):
When computing candidate opcodes, all frame offsets are the same until the
end-of-frame slowpath comes within our lookahead horizon.
# TODO: This could be made tighter because a step is always at least 5
# cycles towards lookahead_steps.
if frame_offset < (2047 - lookahead_steps):
return 0
return frame_offset
@ -110,46 +105,99 @@ def audio_bytestream(data: numpy.ndarray, step: int, lookahead_steps: int):
"""Computes optimal sequence of player opcodes to reproduce audio data."""
dlen = len(data)
# Leave enough padding at the end to look ahead from the last data value,
# and in case we schedule a slowpath opcode towards the end.
# TODO: avoid temporarily doubling memory footprint to concatenate
data = numpy.concatenate(
[data, numpy.zeros(lookahead_steps, dtype=numpy.float32)])
data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(numpy.concatenate(
[data, numpy.zeros(max(lookahead_steps, opcodes.cycle_length(
# Starting speaker position and applied voltage.
position = 0.0
voltage = -1.0
position = -1.0
# Pre-warm cache so we don't skew ETA during encoding
all_partial_positions = {}
# Precompute partial_positions so we don't skew ETA during encoding.
for i in range(2048):
_, _ = opcodes.candidate_opcodes(frame_horizon(i, lookahead_steps),
for voltage in [-1.0, 1.0]:
opcode_hash, _, voltages = opcodes.candidate_opcodes(
frame_horizon(i, lookahead_steps), lookahead_steps)
delta_powers, partial_positions = _partial_positions(
voltage * voltages, step)
total_err = 0.0
frame_offset = 0
eta = ETA(total=1000)
i = 0
last_updated = 0
# These matrices usually have more rows than columns, so store
# then in column-major order which optimizes for this.
delta_powers = numpy.asfortranarray(delta_powers)
partial_positions = numpy.asfortranarray(
all_partial_positions[opcode_hash, voltage] = (
delta_powers, partial_positions)
opcode_partial_positions = {}
for op, voltages in opcodes.VOLTAGE_SCHEDULE.items():
for voltage in [-1.0, 1.0]:
delta_powers, partial_positions = _partial_positions(
voltage * voltages, step)
assert delta_powers.shape == partial_positions.shape
assert delta_powers.shape[-1] == opcodes.cycle_length(op)
opcode_partial_positions[op, voltage] = (
delta_powers, partial_positions, voltage * voltages[-1])
total_err = 0.0 # Total squared error of audio output.
frame_offset = 0 # Position in 2048-byte TCP frame
i = 0 # index within data
eta = ETA(total=1000, min_ms_between_updates=0)
next_tick = 0 # Value of i at which we should next update eta
# Keep track of how many opcodes we schedule
opcode_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
while i < int(dlen / 1):
if (i - last_updated) > int((dlen / 1000)):
if i >= next_tick:
last_updated = i
next_tick = int(eta.i * dlen / 1000)
candidate_opcodes, voltages = opcodes.candidate_opcodes(
# Compute all possible opcode sequences for this frame offset
opcode_hash, candidate_opcodes, _ = opcodes.candidate_opcodes(
frame_horizon(frame_offset, lookahead_steps), lookahead_steps)
opcode_idx = lookahead(step, position, data, i, voltage * voltages)
# Look up the precomputed partial values for these candidate opcode
# sequences.
delta_powers, partial_positions = all_partial_positions[opcode_hash,
# Compute matrix of new speaker positions for candidate opcode
# sequences.
all_positions = new_positions(position, partial_positions, delta_powers)
assert all_positions.shape[1] == lookahead_steps
# Pick the opcode sequence that minimizes the total squared error
# relative to the data waveform. This total_error() call is where
# about 75% of CPU time is spent.
opcode_idx = numpy.argmin(
total_error(all_positions, data[i:i + lookahead_steps])).item()
# Next opcode
opcode = candidate_opcodes[opcode_idx][0]
opcode_length = opcodes.cycle_length(opcode)
opcode_counts[opcode] += 1
# Apply this opcode to evolve the speaker position
delta_powers, partial_positions, last_voltage = \
opcode_partial_positions[opcode, voltage]
all_positions = new_positions(position, partial_positions, delta_powers)
assert len(all_positions) == opcode_length
voltage = last_voltage
position = all_positions[-1]
total_err += total_error(
all_positions, data[i:i + opcode_length]).item()
yield opcode
position, voltage, new_error, i = evolve(
opcode, position, voltage, step, data, i)
total_err += new_error
i += opcode_length
frame_offset = (frame_offset + 1) % 2048
for _ in range(frame_offset % 2048, 2047):
yield opcodes.Opcode.TICK_00
yield opcodes.Opcode.EXIT
# Make sure we have at least 2k left in stream so player will do a
# complete read.
for _ in range(frame_offset % 2048, 2048):
yield opcodes.Opcode.EXIT
print("Total error %f" % total_err)
@ -160,7 +208,7 @@ def audio_bytestream(data: numpy.ndarray, step: int, lookahead_steps: int):
def preprocess(
filename: str, target_sample_rate: int, normalize: float = 1.0,
filename: str, target_sample_rate: int, normalize: float = 0.5,
normalization_percentile: int = 100) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Upscale input audio to target sample rate and normalize signal."""