import itertools import numpy from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Dict import opcodes_6502 import player_op def audio_opcodes() -> Iterable[Tuple[opcodes_6502.Opcode]]: # These two basic sequences let us chain together STA $C030 with any number # >= 10 of intervening cycles We don't need to explicitly # include 6 or more cycles of NOP because those can be obtained by chaining # together JMP (WDATA) to itself yield tuple( [nop for nop in opcodes_6502.nops(4)] + [ opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.JMP_WDATA]) yield tuple( [nop for nop in opcodes_6502.nops(4)] + [ opcodes_6502.Opcode(5, 3, "STA $BFFF,Y", toggle=True), opcodes_6502.JMP_WDATA]) def duty_cycle_range(): cycles = [] for i in range(4, 42): if i == 5: # No single-cycle instructions # TODO: use STA $BFFF,X(=31) as a 5-cycle instruction. This would # be tricky since it requires maintaining X=31 across arbitrary # code interleaving continue cycles.append(i) return cycles def eof_trampoline_stage1(cycles): ops = [ opcodes_6502.Literal( "eof_trampoline_%d:" % cycles, indent=0 ), opcodes_6502.STA_C030, ] if cycles == 4: return ops + [ opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.Opcode(3, 3, "JMP eof_trampoline_%d_stage2" % cycles) ] if cycles == 5: return None if cycles == 6: return ops + [ opcodes_6502.Opcode(2, 1, "NOP"), opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.Opcode(3, 3, "JMP eof_trampoline_%d_stage2" % cycles) ] if cycles == 8: return ops + [ opcodes_6502.Opcode(2, 1, "NOP"), opcodes_6502.Opcode(2, 1, "NOP"), opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.Opcode(3, 3, "JMP eof_trampoline_%d_stage2" % cycles) ] return ops + [ opcodes_6502.Opcode(3, 3, "JMP eof_trampoline_%d_stage2" % cycles) ] EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE1 = { a: eof_trampoline_stage1(a) for a in duty_cycle_range() } def eof_trampoline_stage2(cycles) -> List[opcodes_6502.Opcode]: label: List[opcodes_6502.Opcode] = [ opcodes_6502.Literal( "eof_trampoline_%d_stage2:" % cycles, indent=0 ) ] ops = [ opcodes_6502.Opcode(4, 3, "LDA WDATA"), opcodes_6502.Opcode(4, 3, "STA @0+1"), opcodes_6502.Opcode( 6, 3, "JMP (eof_trampoline_%d_stage3_page)" % cycles) ] if cycles < 7 or cycles == 8: return label + ops[:-1] + [opcodes_6502.Literal("@0:", indent=0)] + [ ops[-1]] # For cycles == 7 or > 8 we need to interleave a STA $C030 into stage 2 # because we couldn't fit it in stage 1 interleave_ops = [ opcodes_6502.padding(cycles - 7), opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.padding(100) ] res = label + list(opcodes_6502.interleave_opcodes(interleave_ops, ops)) # We can't insert the label before interleaving because we might have # NOP/STA inserted after it # TODO: this is a bit of a hack - add support for binding the literal to # the following opcode so it can't be split return res[:-1] + [opcodes_6502.Literal("@0:", indent=0)] + [res[-1]] EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE2 = { a: eof_trampoline_stage2(a) for a in duty_cycle_range() } def cycles_after_tick(ops: Iterable[opcodes_6502.Opcode]) -> int: cycles = 0 ticks = 0 for op in ops: cycles += op.cycles if op.toggle: cycles = 0 ticks += 1 return cycles, ticks STAGE1_CYCLES_AFTER_TICK = { a: cycles_after_tick(EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE1[a]) for a in duty_cycle_range() } STAGE2_CYCLES_AFTER_TICK = { a: cycles_after_tick(EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE2[a]) for a in duty_cycle_range() } def _duty_cycles(duty_cycles): # The player sequence for periods of silence (i.e. 0-valued waveform) # is a sequence of 10 cycle ticks, so we need to support maintaining # this during EOF in order to avoid introducing noise during such periods. # XXX res = {} for i in duty_cycles: for j in duty_cycles: # We only need to worry about i <= j because we can effectively # obtain the opposite cadence by inserting an extra half duty cycle # before the EOF # XXX try again removing this, we have space if j <= i: continue # Limit to min 22Khz carrier if (i + j) > 45: continue # When first duty cycle is small enough to fit in the stage 1 # trampoline, we can't fit the second duty cycle in the stage 2 # trampoline because we'd need too may stage 1 variants to fit in # page 3. That sets a lower bound on the second duty cycle. # # e.g. # # eof_trampoline_4: # STA $C030 ; 4 cycles # STA $C030 ; 4 cycles # JMP eof_trampoline_4_stage2 ; 3 cycles # # eof_trampoline_4_stage2: # LDA WDATA ; 4 # STA @0+1 ; 4 # @0: JMP (xxyy) ; 6 # # eof_trampoline_4_b_stage3: # ; second duty cycle must land here, i.e the earliest it can # ; be is 3 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 21 cycles # ; It can't be 22 cycles though because there are no 1-cycle # ; operations if i in {4, 6, 8}: if j < 21 or j == 22: continue else: # stage 1 is STA $C030; JMP stage_2 stage_1_cycles, stage_1_ticks = STAGE1_CYCLES_AFTER_TICK[i] assert (stage_1_cycles, stage_1_ticks) == (3, 1) stage_2_cycles, stage_2_ticks = STAGE2_CYCLES_AFTER_TICK[i] # the earliest the second duty cycle can complete is a # STA $c030 at the beginning of stage 3 if stage_2_ticks: min_cycles = stage_2_cycles + 4 else: min_cycles = stage_1_cycles + stage_2_cycles + 4 if j < min_cycles or j == min_cycles + 1: continue duty = j / (i + j) * 2 - 1 res.setdefault(duty, []).append((i + j, i, j)) cycles = [] for c in sorted(list(res.keys())): pair = sorted(res[c], reverse=False)[0][1:] cycles.append(pair) print(c, pair) return sorted(cycles) # Excludes special (10,10) cycle that we hand-craft EOF_DUTY_CYCLES = _duty_cycles(duty_cycle_range()) def eof_trampoline_stage3_page_offsets(duty_cycles): second_cycles = {} for a, b in sorted(duty_cycles): second_cycles.setdefault(a, []).append(b) # bin-pack the (a, b) duty cycles into pages so that we can set up indirect # jump tables to dispatch the third stage trampoline. A greedy algorithm # works fine here pages = [] page = [] longest_first_cycles = sorted( list(second_cycles.items()), key=lambda c: len(c[1]), reverse=True) left = len(longest_first_cycles) while left: for i, cycles in enumerate(longest_first_cycles): if cycles is None: continue cycle1, cycles2 = cycles if len(page) <= (128 - len(cycles2)): page.extend((cycle1, cycle2) for cycle2 in cycles2) longest_first_cycles[i] = None left -= 1 pages.append(page) page = [] page_offsets = {} for page_idx, page in enumerate(pages): offset = 0 for a, b in page: page_offsets[(a, b)] = (page_idx, offset) offset += 2 return page_offsets EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE3_PAGE_OFFSETS = eof_trampoline_stage3_page_offsets( EOF_DUTY_CYCLES) EOF_STAGE_3_BASE = [ opcodes_6502.Literal( "; We've read exactly 2KB from the socket buffer. Before continuing " "we need to ACK this read,"), opcodes_6502.Literal( "; and make sure there's at least another 2KB in the buffer."), opcodes_6502.Literal(";"), opcodes_6502.Literal( "; Save the W5100 address pointer so we can continue reading the " "socket buffer once we are done."), opcodes_6502.Literal( "; We know the low-order byte is 0 because Socket RX memory is " "page-aligned and so is 2K frame."), opcodes_6502.Literal( "; IMPORTANT - from now on until we restore this below, we can't " "trash the Y register!"), opcodes_6502.Opcode(4, 3, "LDY WADRH"), opcodes_6502.Literal("; Update new Received Read pointer."), opcodes_6502.Literal(";"), opcodes_6502.Literal( "; We know we have received exactly 2KB, so we don't need to read the " "current value from the"), opcodes_6502.Literal( "; hardware. We can track it ourselves instead, which saves a " "few cycles."), opcodes_6502.Opcode(2, 2, "LDA #>S0RXRD"), opcodes_6502.Opcode(4, 3, "STA WADRH"), opcodes_6502.Opcode(2, 2, "LDA #= (c2 + c1 + 4) header = [opcodes_6502.padding(b - c2 - c1 - 4)] # print("Padding A %d, %d --> %s" % (a, b, header)) elif t1 == 1 and t2 == 1: # First duty cycle completed in stage 2 # Counting down second duty cycle assert b >= (c2 + 4) header = [opcodes_6502.padding(b - c2 - 4)] # print(t1, c1, t2, c2) # print("Padding B %d, %d --> %s" % (a, b, header)) elif t1 == 1 and t2 == 0: # First duty cycle has not yet completed # Counting down first duty cycle assert a >= (c2 + c1 + 4) header = [ opcodes_6502.padding(a - c1 - c2 - 4), opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.padding(b - 4), ] # print(t1, c1, t2, c2) # print("Padding C %d, %d --> %s" % (a, b, header)) else: assert False stage_3_tick_ops = itertools.chain(header, itertools.cycle( [opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.padding(a - 4), opcodes_6502.STA_C030, opcodes_6502.padding(b - 4)] )) stage_3_ops = [opcodes_6502.Literal("eof_stage_3_%d_%d:" % (a, b), indent=0)] + list( opcodes_6502.interleave_opcodes(stage_3_tick_ops, EOF_STAGE_3_BASE)) validate_stage_3_ops( [EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE1[a], EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE2[a], stage_3_ops], a, b) for op in stage_3_ops: f.write("%s\n" % str(op)) f.write("\n") name = "END_OF_FRAME_%d_%d_STAGE2_3" % (a, b) _, offset = EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE3_PAGE_OFFSETS[a, b] stage_2_3_ops[name] = player_op.PlayerOp( name=name, byte=offset, voltages=numpy.array(opcodes_6502.join_voltages( [EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE2[a], stage_3_ops])) ) stage_2_ops_by_stage_1_op.setdefault( "END_OF_FRAME_%d_STAGE1" % a, []).append(name) with open(player_stage3_table_filename, "w+") as f: # We bin pack each (a, b) duty cycle onto the same jump table page first_duty_cycles_by_page = {} for ab, po in EOF_TRAMPOLINE_STAGE3_PAGE_OFFSETS.items(): first_duty_cycles_by_page.setdefault(po[0], []).append( (po[1], ab)) for page, data in first_duty_cycles_by_page.items(): offsets = [None] * 128 first_cycles = set() for offset, cycles in data: offsets[offset // 2] = cycles first_cycles.add(cycles[0]) for first_cycle in sorted(list(first_cycles)): f.write("eof_trampoline_%d_stage3_page:\n" % first_cycle) for offset, cycles in enumerate(offsets): if cycles is None: f.write(" .word $FFFF\n") else: f.write(" .addr eof_stage_3_%d_%d\n" % cycles) f.write("\n") # Generated python code for player operations with open(opcode_filename, "w") as f: f.write("import numpy\nimport player_op\n\n\nclass PlayerOps:\n") for name, op in audio_player_ops.items(): f.write(" %s = player_op.%s\n" % (name, op.define_self())) # XXX EXIT operation # f.write(" EXIT = player_op.PlayerOp(0x%02x)\n" % num_bytes) f.write("\n") for name, op in stage_1_ops.items(): f.write(" %s = player_op.%s\n" % (name, op.define_self())) f.write("\n") for name, op in stage_2_3_ops.items(): f.write(" %s = player_op.%s\n" % (name, op.define_self())) f.write("\n") f.write("\nAUDIO_OPS = (\n") for n in audio_player_ops: f.write(" PlayerOps.%s,\n" % n) f.write(")\n") f.write("\nEOF_STAGE_1_OPS = (\n") for n in stage_1_ops: f.write(" PlayerOps.%s,\n" % n) f.write(")\n") f.write("\nEOF_STAGE_2_3_OPS = {\n") for stage1_name, stage_2_3_names in stage_2_ops_by_stage_1_op.items(): f.write(" PlayerOps.%s: [%s],\n" % ( stage1_name, ", ".join("PlayerOps.%s" % n for n in sorted( stage_2_3_names)))) f.write("}\n") f.write("\n") def main(): generate_player( opcode_filename="", player_stage1_filename="player/player_generated.s", player_stage2_filename="player/player_stage2_3_generated.s", player_stage3_table_filename="player/player_stage3_table_generated.s" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()