2022-07-22 12:12:46 +01:00

432 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Delta modulation audio encoder for playback via Uthernet II streaming.
# Simulates the Apple II speaker at 1MHz (i.e. cycle-level) resolution,
# by modeling it as a damped harmonic oscillator.
# On the Apple II side we use an audio player that is able to toggle the
# speaker with 1MHz precision, i.e. on any CPU clock cycle, although with a
# lower limit of 10 cycles between toggles (i.e. 102KHz maximum
# frequency).
# In order to reproduce a target audio waveform, we upscale it to 1MHz sample
# rate, i.e. to determine the desired speaker position at every CPU clock
# cycle, and compute the sequence of player operations on the Apple II side to
# best reproduce this waveform.
# This means that we are able to control the Apple II speaker with cycle-level
# precision, which results in high audio fidelity with low noise.
# To further optimize the audio quality we look ahead some defined number of
# cycles and choose a speaker trajectory that minimizes errors over this range.
# e.g. this allows us to anticipate large amplitude changes by pre-moving
# the speaker to better approximate them.
# This also needs to take into account scheduling the "end of frame" opcode
# every 2048 output bytes, where the Apple II will manage the TCP socket buffer
# while ticking the speaker at a regular (a, b) cadence to attempt to
# continue tracking the waveform as best we can. Since we are stepping away
# from cycle-level management of the speaker during this period, it does
# introduce some quality degradation (manifesting as a slight background
# "crackle" to the audio)
import argparse
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import librosa
import numpy
import soundfile as sf
from eta import ETA
import lookahead
import opcodes
import opcodes_generated
# How many bytes to use per frame in the audio stream. At the end of each
# frame we need to switch to special end-of-frame operations to cause the
# Apple II to manage the TCP socket buffers (ACK data received so far, and
# check we have at least another frame of data available)
# With an 8KB socket buffer this seems to be about the maximum we can get away
# with - it has to be page aligned, and 4KB causes stuttering even from a
# local playback source.
class Speaker:
"""Simulates the response of the Apple II speaker."""
# TODO: move lookahead.evolve into Speaker method
def __init__(self, sample_rate: float, freq: float, damping: float,
scale: float):
"""Initialize the Speaker object
:arg sample_rate The sample rate of the simulated speaker (Hz)
:arg freq The resonant frequency of the speaker
:arg damping The exponential decay factor of the speaker response
:arg scale Scale factor to normalize speaker position to desired range
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.freq = freq
self.damping = damping
self.scale = numpy.float64(scale) # TODO: analytic expression
# See _Signal Processing in C_, C. Reid, T. Passin
# https://archive.org/details/signalprocessing0000reid/
dt = numpy.float64(1 / sample_rate)
w = numpy.float64(freq * 2 * numpy.pi * dt)
d = damping * dt
e = numpy.exp(d)
c1 = 2 * e * numpy.cos(w)
c2 = e * e
# Square wave impulse response parameters
b2 = 0.0
b1 = 1.0
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
self.b1 = b1
self.b2 = b2
def total_error(positions: numpy.ndarray, data: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Computes the total squared error for speaker position matrix vs data."""
return numpy.sum(numpy.square(positions - data), axis=-1)
def frame_horizon(frame_offset: int, lookahead_steps: int):
"""Optimize frame_offset when more than lookahead_steps from end of frame.
Candidate opcodes for all values of frame_offset are equal, until the
end-of-frame opcode comes within our lookahead horizon. This avoids
needing to recompute many copies of the same candidate opcodes.
TODO: this is a bit of a hack and we should be able to make the candidate
opcode selection itself smarter about avoiding duplicate work
# TODO: This could be made tighter because a step is always at least 5
# cycles towards lookahead_steps.
if frame_offset < (FRAME_SIZE - lookahead_steps):
return 0
return frame_offset
def audio_bytestream(data: numpy.ndarray, step: int, lookahead_steps: int,
sample_rate: int):
"""Computes optimal sequence of player opcodes to reproduce audio data."""
# At resonance freq the scale is about 22400 but we can only access about 7%
# of it across the frequency range. This is also the equilibrium speaker
# position when voltage is held constant. Normalize to this working
# range for convenience.
inv_scale = 22400 * 0.07759626164027278 # XXX
# Speaker response parameters can be fitted in several ways. First, by
# recording audio of
# - a single speaker click (impulse response)
# - a frequency sweep over the entire audible spectrum
# Resonant frequency can be read off from the frequency spectrum. For my
# speaker there were two primary frequencies, at ~3875 and ~480Hz.
# Looking at the click waveform the higher frequency mode dominates at
# short time scales, and the lower frequency mode dominates at late
# times. Since we're interested in short timescale speaker control we
# can ignore the latter.
# Damping factor can be estimated by fitting against the speaker click
# waveform or the spectrum, e.g. by simulating a speaker click and then
# computing its spectrum.
# TODO: other Apple II speakers almost certainly have different response
# characteristics, but hopefully not too widely varying.
sp = Speaker(sample_rate, freq=3875, damping=-1210, scale=1 / inv_scale)
# Starting speaker applied voltage.
voltage1 = voltage2 = 1.0
# last 2 speaker positions.
# XXX 0.0?
y1 = y2 = 1.0
# Leave enough padding at the end to look ahead from the last data value,
# and in case we schedule an end-of-frame opcode towards the end.
# TODO: avoid temporarily doubling memory footprint to concatenate
data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(numpy.concatenate(
[data, numpy.zeros(max(lookahead_steps, opcodes.cycle_length(
opcodes_generated.PlayerOps.TICK_00)), dtype=numpy.float32)]))
# index within input audio data
i = 0
# Position in 2048-byte TCP frame
frame_offset = 0
# Total squared error of audio output
total_err = 0.0
# Keep track of how many large deviations we see from the target waveform
# as another measure of audio quality
clicks = 0
# total squared error threshold to consider an operation as producing a
# click
click_threshold = 0.3
# Keep track of how many opcodes we schedule, so we can print summary
# statistics at the end
opcode_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
# Always look ahead at least this many cycles. We pick a higher value
# when approaching end of frame, so we can maximize the
min_lookahead_steps = lookahead_steps
# Progress tracker
# TODO: find a more adaptive ETA tracker, this one doesn't estimate well
# if the processing rate changes (which it does for us, since first few
# steps do extra work to precompute values that are cached for later
# steps)
eta = ETA(total=1000, min_ms_between_updates=0)
# Value of i at which we should next update eta
next_eta_tick = 0
while i < len(data):
if i >= next_eta_tick:
next_eta_tick = int(eta.i * len(data) / 1000)
if frame_offset >= (FRAME_SIZE - 5): # XXX
lookahead_steps = min_lookahead_steps + 130 # XXX parametrize
lookahead_steps = min_lookahead_steps
# The EOF opcodes need to act as a matched pair, so if we're emitting
# the second one we need to pass in its predecessor
last_opcode = opcode if frame_offset == FRAME_SIZE - 1 else None
# Compute all possible opcode sequences we could emit starting at this
# frame offset
next_candidate_opcodes, voltages, lookahead_steps = \
frame_horizon(frame_offset, lookahead_steps),
lookahead_steps, last_opcode)
# Simulate speaker trajectory for all of these candidate opcode
# sequences and pick the one that minimizes total error
opcode_idx = lookahead.evolve_return_best(
sp, y1, y2, voltage1, voltage2, voltage1 * voltages,
data[i:i + lookahead_steps])
opcode = next_candidate_opcodes[opcode_idx]
opcode_length = opcodes.cycle_length(opcode)
opcode_counts[opcode] += 1
# Apply this opcode to evolve the speaker position
opcode_voltages = (voltage1 * opcodes.voltage_schedule(
opcode)).reshape((1, -1))
all_positions = lookahead.evolve(
sp, y1, y2, voltage1, voltage2, opcode_voltages)
assert all_positions.shape[0] == 1
assert all_positions.shape[1] == opcode_length
# Update to new speaker state
voltage1 = opcode_voltages[0, -1]
voltage2 = opcode_voltages[0, -2]
y1 = all_positions[0, -1]
y2 = all_positions[0, -2]
# Track accumulated error between desired and actual speaker trajectory
new_error = total_error(
all_positions[0] * sp.scale, data[i:i + opcode_length]).item()
total_err += new_error
if new_error > click_threshold:
clicks += 1
print(frame_offset, i / sample_rate, opcode, new_error,
numpy.mean(data[i:i + opcode_length]))
# Emit chosen operation and simulated audio samples for recording
yield opcode, numpy.array(
all_positions * sp.scale, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(-1)
# Update input and output stream positions
i += opcode_length
frame_offset = (frame_offset + 1) % FRAME_SIZE
# Make sure we have at least 2k left in stream so the player will do a
# complete read of the last frame.
# for _ in range(frame_offset % 2048, 2048):
# yield opcodes.Opcode.EXIT
# Print summary statistics
print("Total error %f" % total_err)
print("%d clicks" % clicks)
print("Opcodes used:")
for v, k in sorted(list(opcode_counts.items()), key=lambda kv: kv[1],
print("%s: %d" % (v, k))
def preprocess_audio(
filename: str, target_sample_rate: int, normalize: float,
normalization_percentile: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Upscale input audio to target sample rate and normalize signal."""
data, _ = librosa.load(filename, sr=target_sample_rate, mono=True)
max_value = numpy.percentile(data, normalization_percentile)
data /= max_value
data *= normalize
return data
def downsample_audio(simulated_audio, original_audio, input_rate, output_rate,
"""Downscale the 1MHz simulated audio output suitable for writing as .wav
:arg simulated_audio The simulated audio data to downsample
:arg original_audio The original audio data that was simulated
:arg input_rate Sample rate of input audio
:arg output_rate Desired sample rate of output audio
:arg noise_output Whether to also produce a noise waveform, i.e. difference
between input and output audio
:returns Tuple of downsampled audio and noise data (or None
if noise_output==False)
downsampled_output = librosa.resample(
numpy.array(simulated_audio, dtype=numpy.float32),
downsampled_noise = None
if noise_output:
noise_len = min(len(simulated_audio), len(original_audio))
resampled_noise = librosa.resample(
simulated_audio[:noise_len] - original_audio[:noise_len]),
return downsampled_output, downsampled_noise
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--clock", choices=['pal', 'ntsc'],
help="Whether target machine clock speed is PAL ("
"1015657Hz) or NTSC (1020484)",
# TODO: implement 6502 - JMP indirect takes 5 cycles instead of 6
parser.add_argument("--step_size", type=int,
help="Delta encoding step size")
# TODO: if we're not looking ahead beyond the longest (non-end-of-frame)
# opcode then this will reduce quality, e.g. two opcodes may truncate to
# the same prefix, but have different results when we apply them
# fully.
parser.add_argument("--lookahead_cycles", type=int,
help="Number of clock cycles to look ahead in audio "
parser.add_argument("--normalization", default=0.8, type=float,
help="Overall multiplier to rescale input audio "
parser.add_argument("--norm_percentile", default=100,
help="Normalize to specified percentile value of input "
parser.add_argument("--wav_output", type=str, help="output audio file")
parser.add_argument("--noise_output", type=str, help="output audio file")
parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="input audio file to convert")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="output audio file")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Effective clock rate, including every-65 cycle "long cycle" that takes
# 16/14 as long.
cpu_clock_rate = 1015657 if args.clock == 'pal' else 1020484 # NTSC
input_audio = preprocess_audio(
args.input, cpu_clock_rate, args.normalization, args.norm_percentile)
print("Done preprocessing audio")
# Sample rate for output .wav files
# TODO: flag
output_rate = 44100
# Buffers simulated audio output so we can downsample it in suitably
# large chunks for writing to the output .wav file
output_buffer = []
# Python contexts for writing output files if requested
opcode_context = open(args.output, "wb+")
if args.wav_output:
wav_context = sf.SoundFile(
args.wav_output, "w", output_rate, channels=1, format='WAV')
# We're not creating a file but still need a context
# XXX does this work?
wav_context = contextlib.nullcontext
if args.noise_output:
noise_context = sf.SoundFile(
args.noise_output, "w", output_rate, channels=1,
# We're not creating a file but still need a context
noise_context = contextlib.nullcontext
with wav_context as wav_f, noise_context as noise_f, opcode_context \
as opcode_f:
# Tracks current position in input audio waveform
input_offset = 0
# Process input audio, writing output to ][-Sound audio file
# and (if requested) .wav files of simulated speaker audio and
# noise (difference between original and simulated audio)
for idx, sample_data in enumerate(audio_bytestream(
input_audio, args.step_size, args.lookahead_cycles,
opcode, samples = sample_data
input_offset += len(samples)
# Keep accumulating as long as we have <1MB in the buffer, or are
# within 1MB from the end. This ensures we have enough samples to
# downsample, including the last (partial) buffer.
if (
len(output_buffer) < 1 * 1024 * 1024 or (
len(input_audio) - input_offset) < 1 * 1024 * 1024
# TODO: don't bother computing if we're not writing wavs
downsampled_audio, downsampled_noise = downsampled_audio(
output_buffer, input_audio[input_offset - len(output_buffer):],
cpu_clock_rate, output_rate, bool(args.noise_output)
if args.wav_output:
if args.noise_output:
output_buffer = []
# TODO: handle last buffer more cleanly than duplicating this code
if output_buffer:
downsampled_audio, downsampled_noise = downsampled_audio(
output_buffer, input_audio[input_offset - len(output_buffer):],
cpu_clock_rate, output_rate, bool(args.noise_output)
if args.wav_output:
if args.noise_output:
if __name__ == "__main__":