kris 86cd1e1114 1MHz encoder and player
- we simulate the speaker at full 1-cycle resolution, and
  evaluate all possible opcodes that can be scheduled for the
  given position in the TCP stream
- this lets us tick the speaker at any cycle interval >=9 (except 10
2020-08-13 22:08:50 +01:00

176 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Delta modulation audio encoder.
# Models the Apple II speaker as an RC circuit with given time constant
# and computes a sequence of speaker ticks at multiples of 13-cycle intervals
# to approximate the target audio waveform.
# To optimize the audio quality we look ahead some defined number of steps and
# choose a speaker trajectory that minimizes errors over this range. e.g.
# this allows us to anticipate large amplitude changes by pre-moving
# the speaker to better approximate them.
# This also needs to take into account scheduling the "slow path" every 2048
# output bytes, where the Apple II will manage the TCP socket buffer while
# ticking the speaker every 13 cycles. Since we know this is happening
# we can compensate for it, i.e. look ahead to this upcoming slow path and
# pre-position the speaker so that it introduces the least error during
# this "dead" period when we're keeping the speaker in a net-neutral position.
import sys
import librosa
import numpy
from typing import List, Tuple
from eta import ETA
import opcodes
# # TODO: test
# @functools.lru_cache(None)
# def lookahead_patterns(
# lookahead: int, slowpath_distance: int,
# voltage: float) -> numpy.ndarray:
# initial_voltage = voltage
# patterns = set()
# slowpath_pre_bits = 0
# slowpath_post_bits = 0
# if slowpath_distance <= 0:
# slowpath_pre_bits = min(12 + slowpath_distance, lookahead)
# elif slowpath_distance <= lookahead:
# slowpath_post_bits = lookahead - slowpath_distance
# enumerate_bits = lookahead - slowpath_pre_bits - slowpath_post_bits
# assert slowpath_pre_bits + enumerate_bits + slowpath_post_bits == lookahead
# for i in range(2 ** enumerate_bits):
# voltage = initial_voltage
# pattern = []
# for j in range(slowpath_pre_bits):
# voltage = -voltage
# pattern.append(voltage)
# for j in range(enumerate_bits):
# voltage = 1.0 if ((i >> j) & 1) else -1.0
# pattern.append(voltage)
# for j in range(slowpath_post_bits):
# voltage = -voltage
# pattern.append(voltage)
# patterns.add(tuple(pattern))
# res = numpy.array(list(patterns), dtype=numpy.float32)
# return res
def lookahead(step_size: int, initial_position: float, data: numpy.ndarray,
offset: int,
voltages: numpy.ndarray):
positions = numpy.empty((voltages.shape[0], voltages.shape[1] + 1),
positions[:, 0] = initial_position
target_val = data[offset:offset + voltages.shape[1]]
# total_error = numpy.zeros(shape=voltages.shape[0], dtype=numpy.float32)
for i in range(0, voltages.shape[1]):
positions[:, i + 1] = positions[:, i] + (
voltages[:, i] - positions[:, i]) / step_size
# err = numpy.power(numpy.abs(positions - target_val[i]), 2)
# total_error += err
err = positions[:, 1:] - target_val
except ValueError:
print(offset, len(data), positions.shape, target_val.shape)
total_error = numpy.sum(numpy.power(err, 2), axis=1)
best = numpy.argmin(total_error)
return best
def evolve(opcode: opcodes.Opcode, starting_position, starting_voltage,
step_size, data, starting_idx):
# Skip ahead to end of this opcode
opcode_length = opcodes.cycle_length(opcode)
voltages = starting_voltage * opcodes.CYCLE_SCHEDULE[opcode]
position = starting_position
total_err = 0.0
v = starting_voltage
for i, v in enumerate(voltages):
position += (v - position) / step_size
err = position - data[starting_idx + i]
total_err += err ** 2
return position, v, total_err, starting_idx + opcode_length
def sample(data: numpy.ndarray, step: int, lookahead_steps: int):
dlen = len(data)
data = numpy.concatenate([data, numpy.zeros(lookahead_steps)]).astype(
voltage = -1.0
position = -1.0
total_err = 0.0
frame_offset = 0
eta = ETA(total=1000)
i = 0
last_updated = 0
while i < int(dlen / 100):
if (i - last_updated) > int((dlen / 1000)):
last_updated = i
candidate_opcodes = opcodes.opcode_lookahead(
frame_offset, lookahead_steps)
pruned_opcodes, voltages = opcodes.prune_opcodes(
candidate_opcodes, lookahead_steps)
opcode_idx = lookahead(step, position, data, i, voltage * voltages)
opcode = pruned_opcodes[opcode_idx].opcodes[0]
yield opcode
position, voltage, new_error, i = evolve(
opcode, position, voltage, step, data, i)
total_err += new_error
frame_offset = (frame_offset + 1) % 2048
for _ in range(frame_offset % 2048, 2047):
yield opcodes.Opcode.NOTICK_5
yield opcodes.Opcode.EXIT
print("Total error %f" % total_err)
def preprocess(
filename: str, target_sample_rate: int,
normalize: float = 0.5) -> numpy.ndarray:
data, _ = librosa.load(filename, sr=target_sample_rate, mono=True)
max_value = numpy.percentile(data, 90)
data /= max_value
data *= normalize
return data
def main(argv):
serve_file = argv[1]
step = int(argv[2])
lookahead_steps = int(argv[3])
out = argv[4]
sample_rate = int(1024. * 1000)
data = preprocess(serve_file, sample_rate)
with open(out, "wb+") as f:
for opcode in sample(data, step, lookahead_steps):
if __name__ == "__main__":