"""Screen module represents Apple II video display.""" from collections import defaultdict import enum from typing import Dict, Set, Iterator, Union import numpy as np def hamming_weight(n: int) -> int: """Compute hamming weight of 8-bit int""" n = (n & 0x55) + ((n & 0xAA) >> 1) n = (n & 0x33) + ((n & 0xCC) >> 2) n = (n & 0x0F) + ((n & 0xF0) >> 4) return n def y_to_base_addr(y: int, page: int = 0) -> int: """Maps y coordinate to base address on given screen page""" a = y // 64 d = y - 64 * a b = d // 8 c = d - 8 * b addr = 8192 * (page + 1) + 1024 * c + 128 * b + 40 * a return addr # TODO: fill out other byte opcodes class Opcode(enum.Enum): SET_CONTENT = 0xfc # set new data byte to write SET_PAGE = 0xfd TICK = 0xfe # tick speaker END_FRAME = 0xff class Frame: """Bitmapped screen frame.""" XMAX = 140 # double-wide pixels to not worry about colour effects YMAX = 192 def __init__(self, bitmap: np.array = None): if bitmap is None: self.bitmap = np.zeros((self.YMAX, self.XMAX), dtype=bool) else: self.bitmap = bitmap def randomize(self): self.bitmap = np.random.randint( 2, size=(self.YMAX, self.XMAX), dtype=bool) class Screen: """Apple II screen memory map encoding a bitmapped frame.""" Y_TO_BASE_ADDR = [ [y_to_base_addr(y, page) for y in range(192)] for page in (0, 1) ] ADDR_TO_COORDS = {} for p in range(2): for y in range(192): for x in range(40): a = Y_TO_BASE_ADDR[p][y] + x ADDR_TO_COORDS[a] = (p, y, x) CYCLES = defaultdict(lambda: 41) # fast-path cycle count CYCLES.update({ Opcode.SET_CONTENT: 62, Opcode.SET_PAGE: 72, Opcode.TICK: 50, Opcode.END_FRAME: 50 }) def __init__(self, page: int = 0): self.screen = self._encode(Frame().bitmap) # initialize empty self.page = page self.cycles = 0 @staticmethod def _encode(bitmap: np.array) -> np.array: """Encode bitmapped screen as apple II memory map. Rows are y-coordinates, Columns are byte-packed x-values """ # Double each pixel horizontally pixels = np.repeat(bitmap, 2, axis=1) # Insert zero column after every 7 for i in range(pixels.shape[1] // 7 - 1, -1, -1): pixels = np.insert(pixels, (i + 1) * 7, False, axis=1) # packbits is big-endian so we flip the array before and after to # invert this return np.flip(np.packbits(np.flip(pixels, axis=1), axis=1), axis=1) # TODO: unused @staticmethod def bit_weights(ary: np.array) -> np.array: """Map array of bytes to array of bit-weights, i.e. # of 1's set""" return np.apply_along_axis(hamming_weight, 1, ary) def update(self, frame: Frame, cycle_budget: int) -> Iterator[int]: """Update to match content of frame within provided budget.""" self.cycles = 0 # Target screen memory map for new frame target = self._encode(frame.bitmap) # Compute difference from current frame # TODO: weight by XOR but send new target byte. This will allow # optimizing the decoder. delta = np.bitwise_xor(self.screen, target) delta = np.ma.masked_array(delta, np.logical_not(delta)) for b in self.encoded_byte_stream(delta): yield b if (self.cycles >= cycle_budget and not any(o.value == b for o in Opcode)): return def index_by_bytes(self, deltas: np.array) -> Dict[int, Set[int]]: """Transform encoded screen to map of byte --> addr.""" byte_map = defaultdict(set) it = np.nditer(deltas, flags=['multi_index']) while not it.finished: y, offset = it.multi_index # Skip masked values, i.e. unchanged in new frame if deltas[y][offset] is np.ma.masked: it.iternext() continue byte_map[int(it[0])].add(self.Y_TO_BASE_ADDR[self.page][y] + offset) it.iternext() return byte_map def _emit(self, opcode: Union[Opcode, int]) -> int: self.cycles += self.CYCLES[opcode] return opcode.value if opcode in Opcode else opcode def encoded_byte_stream(self, memmap: np.array) -> Iterator[int]: """Emit encoded byte stream for rendering the image. The byte stream consists of offsets against a selected page (e.g. $20xx) at which to write a selected content byte. Those selections are controlled by special opcodes emitted to the stream Opcodes: SET_CONTENT - new byte to write to screen contents SET_PAGE - set new page to offset against (e.g. $20xx) TICK - tick the speaker DONE - terminate the video decoding In order to "make room" for these opcodes we make use of the fact that each page has 2 sets of 8-byte "screen holes", at page offsets 0x78-0x7f and 0xf8-0xff. Currently we only use the latter range as this allows for efficient matching in the critical path of the decoder. We group by offsets from page boundary (cf some other more optimal starting point) because STA (..),y has 1 extra cycle if crossing the page boundary. Though maybe this would be worthwhile if it optimizes the bytestream. """ # TODO: is it possible to compute a more optimal encoding? e.g this is # a weighted hamiltonian graph problem where transitions to different # byte/page/offset have varying costs # Construct map of byte to addr that contain it byte_to_addrs = self.index_by_bytes(memmap) # Sort the keys by hamming weight (highest -> lowest) for b in reversed(sorted(byte_to_addrs.keys(), key=hamming_weight)): yield self._emit(Opcode.SET_CONTENT) yield b content = b # For this content byte, group by page and collect offsets pages = defaultdict(set) for addr in byte_to_addrs[b]: page = (addr & 0xff00) >> 8 offset = addr & 0xff assert offset < 0xfd pages[page].add(offset) for page, offsets in reversed( sorted(pages.items(), key=lambda i: len(i[1]))): yield self._emit(Opcode.SET_PAGE) yield page for o in offsets: self._write(page << 8 | o, content) yield self._emit(o) def done(self) -> Iterator[int]: """Terminate opcode stream.""" yield self._emit(Opcode.END_FRAME) def _write(self, addr: int, val: int) -> None: """Updates screen image to set 0xaddr ^= val""" _, y, x = self.ADDR_TO_COORDS[addr] self.screen[y][x] ^= val def to_bitmap(self) -> np.array: """Convert packed screen representation to bitmap.""" bm = np.unpackbits(self.screen, axis=1) bm = np.delete(bm, np.arange(0, bm.shape[1], 8), axis=1) # Need to flip each 7-bit sequence reorder_cols = [] for i in range(bm.shape[1] // 7): for j in range((i + 1) * 7 - 1, i * 7 - 1, -1): reorder_cols.append(j) bm = bm[:, reorder_cols] # Undouble pixels return np.array(np.delete(bm, np.arange(0, bm.shape[1], 2), axis=1), dtype=np.bool) def from_stream(self, stream: Iterator[int]) -> None: """Replay an opcode stream to build a screen image.""" page = None content = None for b in stream: if b == Opcode.SET_CONTENT.value: content = next(stream) continue elif b == Opcode.SET_PAGE.value: page = next(stream) continue elif b == Opcode.TICK.value: continue elif b == Opcode.END_FRAME.value: return self._write(page << 8 | b, content)