from PIL import Image import numpy as np import frame_sequence import opcodes import screen import video MAX_OUT = 10 * 1024 * 1024 VIDEO_FPS = 30 APPLE_FPS = 15 def main(): frames = frame_sequence.frame_sequence( "Computer Chronicles - 06x05 - The Apple II.mp4") bytes_out = 0 sims = [] out_frames = 0 s = video.Video(APPLE_FPS) screen_cls = screen.HGR140Bitmap # Assert that the opcode stream reconstructs the same screen ds = video.Video() decoder = opcodes.Decoder(s.state) with open("out.bin", "wb") as out: for idx, frame in enumerate(frames): if idx % (VIDEO_FPS // APPLE_FPS): continue im = Image.fromarray(frame) im = im.resize((screen_cls.XMAX, screen_cls.YMAX)) im = im.convert("1") im = np.array(im) # f = screen_cls(im) stream = bytes(s.emit_stream(s.encode_frame(f))) # assert that the screen decodes to the original bitmap bm = screen_cls.from_bytemap(s.screen).bitmap # print("Comparing bitmaps") # print(np.array(im)) # print(bm) # print(s.screen) #np.set_printoptions(threshold=100000000) #assert np.array_equal(bm, im), # bm, np.logical_not(np.logical_xor(bm, im))) # d = Image.fromarray(s.screen) # bytes_out += len(stream) bytes_left = MAX_OUT - bytes_out sim = screen.bitmap_similarity(im, bm) sims.append(sim) out_frames += 1 print("Frame %d, %d bytes, similarity = %f" % ( idx, len(stream), sim)) out.write(stream[:bytes_left]) if bytes_left <= 0: out.write(bytes(s.done())) break print("Median similarity: %f" % sorted(sims)[out_frames//2]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()