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synced 2025-02-10 15:30:35 +00:00
IIGS palettes. Move the palette diff_matrix generation into make_data_tables.py since that is the only place it is used. Demand-load the edit distance matrices when transcoding.
221 lines
7.4 KiB
221 lines
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"""Various representations of Apple II video display."""
import bz2
import functools
import pickle
from typing import Union, List
import numpy as np
import palette
# Type annotation for cases where we may process either an int or a numpy array.
IntOrArray = Union[int, np.ndarray]
def y_to_base_addr(y: int, page: int = 0) -> int:
"""Maps y coordinate to base address on given screen page"""
a = y // 64
d = y - 64 * a
b = d // 8
c = d - 8 * b
addr = 8192 * (page + 1) + 1024 * c + 128 * b + 40 * a
return addr
[y_to_base_addr(y, screen_page) for y in range(192)]
for screen_page in (0, 1)
# Array mapping (page, offset) to x (byte) and y coords respectively
# TODO: is np.dtype(int) faster for these?
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_X = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_Y = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
# Inverse mappings
X_Y_TO_PAGE = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8)
X_Y_TO_OFFSET = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8)
# Mask of which (page, offset) bytes represent screen holes
SCREEN_HOLES = np.full((32, 256), True, dtype=np.bool)
# Dict mapping memory address to (page, y, x_byte) tuple
def _populate_mappings():
for y in range(192):
for x in range(40):
y_base = Y_TO_BASE_ADDR[0][y]
page = y_base >> 8
offset = y_base - (page << 8) + x
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_Y[page - 32, offset] = y
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_X[page - 32, offset] = x
X_Y_TO_PAGE[y, x] = page - 32
X_Y_TO_OFFSET[y, x] = offset
# This (page, offset) is not a screen hole
SCREEN_HOLES[page - 32, offset] = False
for p in range(2):
a = Y_TO_BASE_ADDR[p][y] + x
ADDR_TO_COORDS[a] = (p, y, x)
class FlatMemoryMap:
"""Linear 8K representation of HGR screen memory."""
def __init__(self, screen_page: int, data: np.array = None):
if screen_page not in [1, 2]:
raise ValueError("Screen page out of bounds: %d" % screen_page)
self.screen_page = screen_page # type: int
self._addr_start = 8192 * self.screen_page
self._addr_end = self._addr_start + 8191
self.data = None # type: np.array
if data is not None:
if data.shape != (8192,):
raise ValueError("Unexpected shape: %r" % (data.shape,))
self.data = data
self.data = np.zeros((8192,), dtype=np.uint8)
def to_memory_map(self):
return MemoryMap(self.screen_page, self.data.reshape((32, 256)))
def write(self, addr: int, val: int) -> None:
"""Updates screen image to set 0xaddr = val (including screen holes)"""
if addr < self._addr_start or addr > self._addr_end:
raise ValueError("Address out of range: 0x%04x" % addr)
self.data[addr - self._addr_start] = val
class MemoryMap:
"""Page/offset-structured representation of HGR screen memory."""
def __init__(self, screen_page: int, page_offset: np.array = None):
if screen_page not in [1, 2]:
raise ValueError("Screen page out of bounds: %d" % screen_page)
self.screen_page = screen_page # type: int
self._page_start = 32 * screen_page
self.page_offset = None # type: np.array
if page_offset is not None:
if page_offset.shape != (32, 256):
raise ValueError("Unexpected shape: %r" % (page_offset.shape,))
self.page_offset = page_offset
self.page_offset = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
def to_flat_memory_map(self) -> FlatMemoryMap:
return FlatMemoryMap(self.screen_page, self.page_offset.reshape(8192))
def write(self, page: int, offset: int, val: int) -> None:
"""Updates screen image to set (page, offset)=val (inc. screen holes)"""
self.page_offset[page - self._page_start][offset] = val
class DHGRBitmap:
# 3333333222222211111110000000 <- byte 0.3
# 33222222222211111111110000000000 <- bit pos in uint32
# 10987654321098765432109876543210
# 3210321032103210321032103210 <- bit pos in A..G pixel
0b00000000000000000000000011111111, # byte 0 influences A,B
0b00000000000000001111111111110000, # byte 1 influences B,C,D
0b00000000111111111111000000000000, # byte 2 influences D,E,F
0b00001111111100000000000000000000, # byte 3 influences F,G
# How much to right-shift bits after masking to bring into int8/int12 range
BYTE_SHIFTS = [0, 4, 12, 20]
def edit_distances(palette_id: palette.Palette) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Load edit distance matrices for masked, shifted byte 0..3 values."""
data = "transcoder/data/palette_%d_edit_distance.pickle.bz2" % (
with bz2.open(data, "rb") as ed:
return pickle.load(ed) # type: List[np.ndarray]
def __init__(self, main_memory: MemoryMap, aux_memory: MemoryMap):
self.main_memory = main_memory
self.aux_memory = aux_memory
self.packed = np.empty(shape=(32, 128), dtype=np.uint32)
def _pack(self) -> None:
"""Interleave and pack aux and main memory into 28-bit uint32 array"""
# Palette bit is unused for DHGR so mask it out
aux = (self.aux_memory.page_offset & 0x7f).astype(np.uint32)
main = (self.main_memory.page_offset & 0x7f).astype(np.uint32)
# Interleave aux and main memory columns and pack 7-bit masked values
# into a 28-bit value. This sequentially encodes 7 4-bit DHGR pixels.
# See make_data_tables.py for more discussion about this representation.
self.packed = (
aux[:, 0::2] +
(main[:, 0::2] << 7) +
(aux[:, 1::2] << 14) +
(main[:, 1::2] << 21)
def interleaved_byte_offset(x_byte: int, is_aux: bool) -> int:
"""Returns 0..3 offset in ByteTuple for a given x_byte and is_aux"""
is_odd = x_byte % 2 == 1
if is_aux:
if is_odd:
return 2
return 0
else: # main memory
if is_odd:
return 3
return 1
def masked_update(
byte_offset: int,
old_value: IntOrArray,
new_value: int) -> IntOrArray:
# Mask out 7-bit value where update will go
masked_value = old_value & ~(0x7f << (7 * byte_offset))
update = (new_value & 0x7f) << (7 * byte_offset)
return masked_value ^ update
def apply(self, page: int, offset: int, is_aux: bool, value: int) -> None:
"""Update packed representation of changing main/aux memory."""
byte_offset = self.interleaved_byte_offset(offset, is_aux)
packed_offset = offset // 2
self.packed[page, packed_offset] = self.masked_update(
byte_offset, self.packed[page, packed_offset], value)
def mask_and_shift_data(
data: IntOrArray,
byte_offset: int) -> IntOrArray:
"""Masks and shifts data into the 8 or 12-bit range."""
return (data & self.BYTE_MASK32[byte_offset]) >> (