Adding Columns and Tetris games using lores graphics. (#28)

* Applesoft Basic Columns Game

Columns Game using lores graphics.

* Update index.html

Added links to Tetris and Columns games
This commit is contained in:
Arthur Allen 2019-12-09 19:24:55 -08:00 committed by Joshua Bell
parent 157ebf7f96
commit 4a27231196
3 changed files with 865 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ By <a target=_blank href="">Joshua Bell</a>
<option value="">&nbsp; JOT (Mike Gleason)</option> <option value="">&nbsp; JOT (Mike Gleason)</option>
<option value="sample.miniindy">&nbsp; Mini Indy (Gregg Buntin)</option> <option value="sample.miniindy">&nbsp; Mini Indy (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.doordetector">&nbsp; Door Detector (Jeff)</option> <option value="sample.doordetector">&nbsp; Door Detector (Jeff)</option>
<option value="sample.columns">&nbsp; Columns (Arthur Allen)</option>
<option value="sample.tetris">&nbsp; Tetris (Arthur Allen)</option>
<option disabled>____________________________________________</option> <option disabled>____________________________________________</option>
<option disabled>Graphics</option> <option disabled>Graphics</option>

samples/sample.columns.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
10 rem Columns for Applesoft BASIC
20 rem Programed by Arthur Allen
30 rem Based on Columns by Jay Geertsen
60 dim array(50, 50), erase(25)
70 dim shape(2), nshape(3), check(50, 50)
90 gosub 2830: rem Interactive pre-screen
350 home
360 rem Fill in borders in array
370 rem Fill bottom row
380 for fill = 0 to width + 6
390 array(fill, height+1) = 15
400 next fill
410 rem Fill left and right sides
420 for fill = 0 to height + 3
430 array(left, fill) = 15
440 array(left+width+1, fill) = 15
450 next fill
455 if renew then vtab 21 : htab left + int(width/2) + 1 : print "^" : rem print only if replay selected
460 rem Prefill board
465 gosub 4320 : rem blank out part of screen above prefill
470 guess = 1
480 if rows = 0 goto 720 : rem Skip if rows = 0, otherwise loop will still execute once
540 for i = 3 to width + 2
550 for j = height - rows to height
555 cycle = 0
570 rem Top of while flag loop
580 flag = 0
583 rem Set i back by one if a stable cell (one that won't trip a three in a row) isn't found in 10 attempts. Set i to 3 if i is less than 3
585 cycle = cycle + 1
587 if cycle > 10 then guess = guess + 1 : vtab 22 : print "Attempt: "; guess; ", x pos: "; i; " " : i = i - 1 : if i < 3 then i = 3
590 candidate = 1 + int (symbols * rnd(sd))
600 rem Proximity checking
610 if array(i - 1, j) = candidate then if array(i - 2, j) = candidate then flag = 1 : rem same symbol horz left
620 if array(i, j - 1) = candidate then if array(i, j - 2) = candidate then flag = 1 : rem same symbol up
630 if array(i - 1, j - 1) = candidate then if array(i - 2, j - 2) = candidate then flag = 1 : rem same symbol diag left & up
640 if array(i - 1, j + 1) = candidate then if array(i - 2, j + 2) = candidate then flag = 1 : rem same symbol diag left & down
660 if flag then goto 570 : rem Back to top of while flag loop
670 array(i, j) = candidate
680 color= candidate
690 plot i, j
700 next j
710 next i
720 rem Pick piece for initial Next window
730 rem Pick shape
740 for s = 0 to 2
750 nshape(s) = 1 + int (symbols * rnd(sd))
780 next s
790 rem Make turn
800 x = 2 + int(width/2)
810 y = 0
820 rem Copy Next to current shape
830 for s = 0 to 2
840 shape(s) = nshape(s)
850 next s
890 rem pick next Next
900 for s = 0 to 2
910 nshape(s) = 1 + int (symbols * rnd(sd))
920 color= nshape(s)
930 plot width + 5 , y+s
940 next s
1020 t1 = time
1050 bot = 0
1060 drop = 0
1120 rem Check for end of play
1130 rem Check for conflict
1140 if array(x, y) or array(x, y+1) or array(x, y+3) then goto 90 : rem end of game, go to front end
1150 rem Make move loop
1160 if drop then t1 = 1
1170 for clock = 0 to t1
1180 if peek (49152) > 127 then gosub 1320 : rem Process input if input detected
1190 next clock
1200 y1 = y : x1 = x
1210 y = y + 1
1220 cfl = 0
1240 if not bot then gosub 1630 : rem Move piece
1260 if cfl then goto 2060 : rem Add to shape & check for complete three in a row
1270 if not bot then 1150 : rem Back to top of Make move loop, else force to bottom
1280 y = y - 1 : xdr = 1
1290 gosub 1920 : rem Draw shape (erase)
1300 y = y + 1 : xdr = 0
1310 goto 1530 : rem Send piece to bottom
1320 rem Process input
1330 a = PEEK (49152)
1340 get g$
1350 if g$ = " " then gosub 1960 : return : rem Check for rotate
1360 if g$ = "J" or a = 136 then gosub 1430 : return : rem Check for move left
1370 if g$ = "K" or a = 149 then gosub 1480 : return : rem Check for move right
1380 if g$ = "D" or a = 138 then gosub 1580 : return : rem Force down
1390 if g$ = "M" then bot = 1 : return : rem Send piece to bottom
1400 if g$ = "S" then drop = 1 : rem Speed up piece
1410 if g$ = "P" then gosub 2580 : return : rem Pause game
1415 if g$ = "R" then goto 460 : rem restart at prefill
1420 return
1430 rem Check for move left
1440 x1 = x : y1 = y
1450 x = x - 1
1460 gosub 1630 : rem Move piece
1470 return
1480 rem Check for move right
1490 x1 = x : y1 = y
1500 x = x + 1
1510 gosub 1630 : rem Move piece
1520 return
1530 rem Send piece to bottom
1540 y = y + 1
1545 cfl = 0
1550 if array(x, y+2) then cfl = 1 : rem Check for conflict
1560 if cfl then y = y - 1 : gosub 2010 : goto 2060 : rem Draw, then Add to bottom
1570 goto 1530
1580 rem Force piece down
1590 y1 = y : x1 = x
1600 y = y + 1
1610 gosub 1630 : rem Move piece
1620 return
1630 rem move piece
1670 cfl = 0
1680 if array(x, y) or array(x, y+1) or array(x, y+2) then cfl = 1 : rem Check for conflict
1700 if cfl then gosub 1820 : return : rem Return old values
1710 color= 0
1720 vlin y1, y1+2 at x1
1730 for s = 0 to 2
1740 color= shape(s)
1750 plot x, y+s
1760 next s
1770 return
1820 rem Return old values
1880 x = x1
1890 y = y1
1910 return
1920 rem Erase piece
1930 color=0
1940 vlin y, y+2 at x
1950 return
1960 rem Rotate
1970 swap = shape (2)
1980 shape (2) = shape (1)
1990 shape (1) = shape (0)
2000 shape (0) = swap
2010 for s = 0 to 2 : rem Draw shape, called from 1560
2020 color= shape(s)
2030 plot x, y+s
2040 next s
2050 return
2060 rem Check field
2070 rem Add shape to board
2080 for s = 0 to 2
2090 array(x, y + s) = shape(s)
2100 next s
2110 rem While found (contol at line 2340. End of loop at 2560)
2120 found = 0
2130 rem Initialize array
2140 for i = 3 to width + 3
2150 for j = 0 to height
2160 check(i, j) = 0
2170 next j
2180 next i
2190 rem Start checking for three in a row
2200 for j = 2 to height
2210 for i = 3 to width + 2
2220 if array(i, j) = 0 then goto 2310 : rem Skip dead cells
2230 rem Check horizontal
2240 if array(i, j) = array(i - 1, j) and array(i, j) = array(i + 1, j) then check(i - 1, j) = 1 : check(i, j) = 1 : check(i + 1, j) =1 : found = 1
2250 rem Check vertical
2260 if array(i, j) = array(i, j - 1) and array(i, j) = array(i, j + 1) then check(i, j - 1) = 1 : check(i, j) = 1 : check(i, j + 1) = 1 : found = 1 : rem vtab 21 : htab 1 : print "2260 found vertical, j+1 = "; j+1; : rem temp code
2270 rem Check diagonal left
2280 if array(i, j) = array(i - 1, j - 1) and array(i, j) = array(i + 1, j + 1) then check(i - 1, j - 1) = 1 : check(i, j) = 1 : check(i + 1, j + 1) = 1 : found = 1
2290 rem Check diagonal right
2300 if array(i, j) = array(i + 1, j - 1) and array(i, j) = array(i - 1, j + 1) then check(i + 1, j - 1) = 1 : check(i, j) = 1 : check(i - 1, j + 1) = 1 : found = 1
2310 rem End if skip dead cells
2320 next i
2330 next j
2335 gosub 2740 : rem Count cells to be removed.
2357 rem while not found control:
2340 if not found then goto 790 : rem Goto Make turn
2350 rem Flash cells
2355 rem gosub 2610 : rem Draw parallel field of check cells
2360 for blink = 0 to 1
2370 color= 0
2380 for j = 2 to height
2390 for i = 3 to width + 2
2400 if check(i, j) then plot i, j
2410 next i
2420 next j
2430 for j = 2 to height
2440 for i = 3 to width + 2
2450 if check(i, j) then color= array(i, j) : plot i, j
2460 next i
2470 next j
2480 next blink
2490 rem Remove cells from board
2500 for i = 3 to width + 2
2505 offset = 0
2510 for j = height to 0 step -1
2520 if not check(i,j) then array(i, j + offset) = array(i, j) : color= array(i, j): plot i, j + offset
2530 if check(i, j) then offset = offset + 1
2540 next j
2550 next i
2555 if renew then if rows > 0 then if check(left + int(width/2) ,height) then goto 460 : rem end of screen, go to prefill board
2560 goto 2110 : rem To top of while found loop
2570 rem End of Check field subroutine
2580 rem Pause game
2590 if peek (49152) = 141 then get g$ : null = peek (49168) : return
2600 goto 2580
2740 rem Count deleted cells
2745 nowdead = 0
2750 for j = 2 to height
2760 for i = 3 to width + 2
2770 if check (i, j) then dead = dead + 1: nowdead = nowdead + 1
2780 next i
2790 next j
2800 vtab 22 : htab 1 : print "Cleared: "; nowdead; " "
2810 vtab 23 : htab 1 : print "Total: "; dead
2820 return
2830 rem Front end screen
2840 rem gosub ? : rem Future animated splash screen
2860 rem setup default values and screen
2870 rows = 20 : rem Prefill rows
2880 width = 6
2890 symbols = 5
2900 renew = 1 : rem replay value (yes = 1/no = 0)
2905 choice = 21 : rem vtab position of menu choice
2910 time = 500
2920 height = 39 : rem Full GR screen with text window. Cannot be larger than 47
2930 left = 2
2935 rem End of game gosubs to here, past splash screen and default values
2940 gr
2950 home
2970 color= 15 : rem Draw white borders
2980 vlin 0, height at left
2990 vlin 0, height at left + width + 1
2995 gosub 4240 : rem draw top line to indicate height.
3000 vtab 21 : print " Replay on cleared cell above ^ ";
3003 if renew then print "YES"
3005 if not renew then print "NO "
3007 if rows = 0 then vtab 21 : htab 36 : print "N/A"
3010 print " Width (3 - 34) "; width; : print " [ENTER] to start"
3020 print " Prefill (0 - 30) "; rows
3030 print " Colors (3 - 14) "; symbols;
3035 vtab choice : htab 1 : print "-->"; : rem draw arrow
3040 rem Combine the random number seed with a loop that polls for input for game options
3050 for sd = 0 to 32767
3060 if peek (49152) > 127 then goto 4000 : rem Process input if input detected
3070 a = rnd (sd * -1) : rem Dummy variable, just used to increment random number
3080 next sd
3090 goto 3050 : REM Return to top of sd to begin poll again
4000 rem Process Input
4010 a = PEEK (49152)
4020 get g$
4030 if g$ = "J" or a = 136 then gosub 4120 : rem left option
4040 if g$ = "K" or a = 149 then gosub 4180: rem right option
4050 if g$ = "D" or g$ = "M" or a = 138 then choice = choice + 1: rem down
4060 if g$ = "I" or a = 139 then choice = choice - 1: rem up
4070 if a = 141 then return : rem enter/return to start the game. This is why Process Input is not a subroutine
4080 if choice < 21 then choice = 24
4090 if choice > 24 then choice = 21
4110 goto 2940 : rem redraw screen
4120 rem Left Choice
4130 if choice = 21 then renew = 1 + renew * (-1): rem toggle Renew
4140 if choice = 22 then if width > 3 then width = width - 1: rem width
4150 if choice = 23 then if rows > 0 then rows = rows - 1 : rem prefill height
4160 if choice = 24 then if symbols > 3 then symbols = symbols - 1 : rem colors
4170 return
4180 rem Right Choice
4190 if choice = 21 then renew = 1 + renew * (-1): rem toggle Renew
4200 if choice = 22 then if width < 34 then width = width + 1: rem width
4210 if choice = 23 then if rows < 30 then rows = rows + 1 : rem prefill height
4220 if choice = 24 then if symbols < 14 then symbols = symbols + 1 : rem colors
4230 return
4240 rem Draw top line to indicate prefill height.
4250 if rows = 0 then return
4260 for i = 3 to width + 2
4270 candidate = 1 + int (symbols * rnd(sd))
4280 color= candidate
4290 plot i, 39 - rows
4300 next i
4310 return
4320 rem Blank out the part of screen above prefill. Called at start of every screen, and on an "R" press
4330 color = 0 : rem black
4340 for j = left + 1 to width + 2
4350 vlin 0, height - rows - 1 at j
4560 next j
4570 return

samples/sample.tetris.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
10 rem Tetris code
90 gosub 4550 : rem Title screen and random number seed
100 time = 500
110 height = 39 : rem Cannot be larger than 47
120 left = 0
130 width = 9
140 dim array(width + 1, height + 1), erase(height)
145 dim sh(7), tl(4)
150 gr
160 home
170 if height > 39 then poke - 16302,0 : rem Extend graphics screen past text window if height is too large
175 gosub 1850 : rem Set up shapes at bottom of screen
177 gosub 4240 : rem Set up total line labels
180 color= 15 : rem Draw borders
190 vlin 0, height at left
200 vlin 0, height at left + width + 1
210 rem Fill in borders in array
215 rem Fill bottom row
220 for fill = 0 to width + 1
230 array(fill, height+1) = 15
240 next fill
245 rem Fill left and right sides
250 for fill = 0 to height + 1
260 array(0, fill) = 15
270 array(left+width+1, fill) = 15
280 next fill
285 eg=0
290 gosub 3250: rem Choose piece
295 lshape = shape
300 rem Start playing
310 Gosub 2020: rem Make turn
320 if not eg then 310
330 end
340 rem Shape routines
345 rem Suggestion for shape definitions with improved lookup speed. Format an array as DN(shape, rot, coord, block) where coord is either the x or y corrdinate, and block is an element (1 - 4) in the shape. This function will return a value of -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2 as an offset of the current x, y position.
350 rem Shape 1, rot 1; straight piece vertical
360 a1 = x - 2 : b1 = y
370 a2 = x - 1 : b2 = y
380 a3 = x : b3 = y
390 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y
400 return
410 rem Shape 1, rot 2; straight piece horizontal
420 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
430 a2 = x : b2 = y
440 a3 = x : b3 = y + 1
450 a4 = x : b4 = y + 2
460 return
470 rem Shape 2, rot 1; L shape vertical
480 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y
490 a2 = x : b2 = y
500 a3 = x + 1 : b3 = y
510 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y - 1
520 return
530 rem Shape 2, rot 2; L shape horizontal
540 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y - 1
550 a2 = x : b2 = y - 1
560 a3 = x : b3 = y
570 a4 = x : b4 = y + 1
580 return
590 rem Shape 2, rot 3
600 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y + 1
610 a2 = x - 1 : b2 = y
620 a3 = x : b3 = y
630 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y
640 return
650 rem Shape 2, rot 4
660 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
670 a2 = x : b2 = y
680 a3 = x : b3 = y + 1
690 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y + 1
700 return
710 rem shape 3, rot 1; Reverse L shape
720 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y
730 a2 = x : b2 = y
740 a3 = x + 1 : b3 = y
750 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y + 1
760 return
770 rem shape 3, rot 4
780 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
790 a2 = x : b2 = y
800 a3 = x : b3 = y + 1
810 a4 = x - 1 : b4 = y + 1
820 return
830 rem shape 3, rot 3
840 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y - 1
850 a2 = x - 1 : b2 = y
860 a3 = x : b3 = y
870 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y
880 return
890 rem shape 3, rot 2
900 a1 = x + 1 : b1 = y - 1
910 a2 = x : b2 = y - 1
920 a3 = x : b3 = y
930 a4 = x : b4 = y + 1
940 return
950 rem shape 4, rot 1; T shape
960 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
970 a2 = x - 1 : b2 = y
980 a3 = x : b3 = y
990 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y
1000 return
1010 rem shape 4, rot 2
1020 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
1030 a2 = x - 1 : b2 = y
1040 a3 = x : b3 = y
1050 a4 = x : b4 = y + 1
1060 return
1070 rem shape 4, rot 3
1080 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y
1090 a2 = x : b2 = y
1100 a3 = x + 1 : b3 = y
1120 a4 = x : b4 = y + 1
1130 return
1140 rem shape 4, rot 4
1150 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
1160 a2 = x : b2 = y
1170 a3 = x + 1 : b3 = y
1180 a4 = x : b4 = y + 1
1190 return
1200 rem shape 5; square
1210 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
1220 a2 = x + 1 : b2 = y - 1
1230 a3 = x : b3 = y
1240 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y
1250 return
1260 rem shape 6, rot 1; S shape
1270 a1 = x : b1 = y
1280 a2 = x + 1 : b2 = y
1290 a3 = x - 1 : b3 = y + 1
1300 a4 = x : b4 = y + 1
1310 return
1320 rem shape 6, rot 2
1330 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
1340 a2 = x : b2 = y
1350 a3 = x + 1 : b3 = y
1360 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y + 1
1370 return
1380 rem shape 7, rot 1; Z shape
1390 a1 = x - 1 : b1 = y - 1
1400 a2 = x : b2 = y - 1
1410 a3 = x : b3 = y
1420 a4 = x + 1 : b4 = y
1430 return
1440 rem shape 7, rot 2
1450 a1 = x : b1 = y - 1
1460 a2 = x - 1 : b2 = y
1470 a3 = x : b3 = y
1480 a4 = x - 1 : b4 = y + 1
1490 return
1500 rem Shape directory
1510 if shape <> 1 then 1570 : return
1520 if rt = 1 then gosub 350
1525 if rt = 2 then gosub 410
1560 return
1570 if shape <> 2 then 1620
1580 if rt = 1 then gosub 470 : return
1590 if rt = 2 then gosub 530 : return
1600 if rt = 3 then gosub 590 : return
1605 if rt = 4 then gosub 650
1610 return
1620 if shape <> 3 then 1670
1630 if rt = 1 then gosub 710 : return
1640 if rt = 2 then gosub 890 : return
1650 if rt = 3 then gosub 830 : return
1655 if rt = 4 then gosub 770 : return
1660 return
1670 if shape <> 4 then 1710
1680 if rt = 1 then gosub 950 : return
1690 if rt = 2 then gosub 1010 : return
1700 if rt = 3 then gosub 1070 : return
1705 if rt = 4 then gosub 1140 : return
1710 if shape = 5 then gosub 1200 : return
1720 if shape <> 6 then 1740
1730 if rt = 1 then gosub 1260 : return
1733 if rt = 2 then gosub 1320
1735 return
1740 if shape <> 7 then 1760
1750 if rt = 1 then gosub 1380 : return
1755 if rt = 2 then gosub 1440
1760 return
1770 rem Draw shape
1780 color= shape
1785 if xdr then color= 0
1790 gosub 1500 : rem get shape from directory
1800 plot a1, b1
1810 plot a2, b2
1820 plot a3, b3
1830 plot a4, b4
1840 return
1850 rem Set up shapes at bottom of screen
1860 rt = 1
1870 y = 37
1880 x = 14
1890 for shape = 1 to 7
1900 gosub 1770 : rem Draw shape
1910 x = x + 4
1920 next shape
1930 return
1940 rem Check conflict
1945 rem Called from 4450 (Send piece to bottom) and 4790 (Move piece)
1950 cfl = 0
1960 gosub 1500 : rem Shape directory
1965 if a1 < 0 or b1 < 0 or a2 < 0 or b2 < 0 or a3 < 0 or b3 < 0 or a4 < 0 or b4 < 0 then cfl = 1 : return
1970 if array(a1, b1) then cfl = 1 : return
1980 if array(a2, b2) then cfl = 1 : return
1990 if array(a3, b3) then cfl = 1 : return
2000 if array(a4, b4) then cfl = 1 : return
2010 return
2020 rem Make turn
2023 null = peek (49168) : rem Reset keyboard strobe
2025 t1 = time
2030 y = 1
2033 bot = 0
2035 drop = 0
2040 x = 1 + left + width + 4 : rem Offset shape for drawing in Next window
2050 rt = 1
2055 shape = lshape
2060 xdr = 1 : rem Set variable for erasing shape in last "next" window
2070 gosub 1770 : rem Draw (erase) shape
2080 xdr = 0
2090 ns = lshape
2100 gosub 3250 : rem Pick shape
2110 gosub 1770 : rem Draw shape in "next" window
2120 lshape = shape
2130 shape = ns
2135 gosub 4160 : rem Calculate & print total shapes picked
2140 rem (Arbitrary numbering shift to 3000s due to typo)
3140 x = 1 + int(width/2) : rem Set x to middle of field for start of round
3150 rem Check for end of play
3160 gosub 1940 : rem Check for conflict
3170 if cfl then eg = 1 : return
3175 gosub 1770 : rem Draw shape
3180 rem Make move loop
3185 if drop then t1 = 1
3187 for clock = 0 to t1
3190 if peek (49152) > 127 then gosub 3280 : rem Process input if input detected
3200 next clock
3205 y1 = y : x1 = x : r1 = rt
3210 y = y + 1
3215 cfl = 0
3220 if not bot then gosub 4740 : rem Move piece
3230 if cfl then gosub 3660 : return : rem Add to shape & check for complete line
3233 if not bot then 3180 : rem Back to top of Make move loop, else force to bottom
3235 y = y - 1 : xdr = 1
3239 gosub 1770 : rem Draw shape (erase)
3242 y = y + 1 : xdr = 0
3245 gosub 4430 : return : rem Send piece to bottom
3250 rem Pick shape
3260 shape = 1 + int (7 * rnd(sd))
3270 return
3280 rem Process input
3285 a = PEEK (49152)
3290 get g$
3300 if g$ = " " then gosub 3470 : return : rem Check for rotate
3310 if g$ = "J" or a = 136 then gosub 3350 : return : rem Check for move left
3320 if g$ = "K" or a = 149 then gosub 3410 : return : rem Check for move right
3325 if g$ = "D" or a = 138 then gosub 4480 : return : rem Force down
3330 if g$ = "M" then bot = 1 : return : rem Send piece to bottom
3335 if g$ = "S" then drop = 1 : rem Speed up piece
3337 if g$ = "P" then gosub 4700 : return : rem Pause game
3340 return
3350 rem Check for move left
3360 x1 = x : y1 = y : r1 = rt
3370 x = x - 1
3380 gosub 4740 : rem Move piece
3400 return
3410 rem Check for move right
3420 x1 = x : y1 = y : r1 = rt
3430 x = x + 1
3450 gosub 4740 : rem Move piece
3460 return
3470 rem Check for rotate
3480 r1 = rt : x1 = x : y1 = y
3490 gosub 3530 : rem Rotate directory
3510 gosub 4740 : rem Move piece
3520 return
3530 rem Rotate directory
3540 if shape = 1 or shape = 7 or shape = 6 then gosub 3570 : return : rem Two way rotate
3550 if shape = 2 or shape = 3 or shape = 4 then gosub 3600 : return : rem Four way rotate
3560 return
3570 rem Two way rotate
3580 if rt = 1 then rt = 2 : return
3585 if rt = 2 then rt = 1
3590 return
3600 rem Four way rotate
3610 if rt = 1 then rt = 2 : return
3620 if rt = 2 then rt = 3 : return
3630 if rt = 3 then rt = 4 : return
3640 rt = 1
3650 return
3660 rem Check for complete line
3665 gosub 3770 : rem Add piece to board
3670 line = 0
3673 if y + 2 < height then dw = y + 2
3677 if y + 2 = > height then dw = height
3680 for row = y - 1 to dw
3690 hit = 0
3700 for c = left + 1 to width + left
3710 if not array (c, row) then hit = 1
3720 next c
3730 if not hit then erase(row) = 1 : line = line + 1
3740 next row
3750 if line then gosub 3850 : rem Blink & erase lines
3760 return
3770 rem Add to board
3790 gosub 1500 : rem Shape directory
3800 array (a1, b1) = shape
3810 array (a2, b2) = shape
3820 array (a3, b3) = shape
3830 array (a4, b4) = shape
3840 return
3850 rem Blink & erase lines
3853 gosub 4310 : rem Calculate & print total lines cleared
3860 for blink = 0 to 3
3865 color= 0
3870 for row = y - 1 to dw
3880 if erase (row) then hlin left + 1, left + width at row
3890 next row
3895 for zz = 0 to 300 : next zz : rem Time delay
3900 for row = y - 1 to dw
3910 if erase(row) then gosub 3950 : rem redraw line
3920 next row
3925 for zz = 0 to 300 : next zz : rem Time delay
3930 next blink
3933 gosub 4020 : rem Restack shape
3940 return
3950 rem Redraw line
3960 for c = left + 1 to left + width
3980 color= array(c, row)
3990 plot c, row
4000 next c
4010 return
4020 rem Restack shape
4025 l1 = 0
4030 sh = 0
4040 row = dw
4043 rem Top of loop
4044 if row < 0 then gosub 4980 : goto 4060 : rem Clear top of shape
4045 if not erase (row) then gosub 4080 : goto 4060 : rem Shift row
4050 if erase (row) then sh = sh + 1 : erase (row) = 0
4060 row = row - 1
4065 if row + sh > 0 then 4043
4070 return
4080 rem Shift row
4085 hit = 0
4090 for c = 1 to width
4095 if array (c, row) then hit = 1 :rem If there is an active cell, it's not a completely blank line.
4100 array (c, row + sh) = array (c, row)
4110 color= array (c, row)
4120 plot c, row + sh
4130 next c
4135 if not hit then l1 = l1 + 1 : rem If the line is completely blank
4140 if l1 > line then row = -4
4150 return
4160 rem calculate & print total shapes picked
4170 sp (shape) = sp (shape) + 1
4190 vtab 21
4200 htab 10 + (shape * 4)
4210 print sp(shape);
4230 return
4240 rem set up total line labels
4245 htab 1
4250 vtab 21 : print "SIN"
4255 htab 1
4260 vtab 22 : print "DOU"
4265 htab 1
4270 vtab 23 : print "TRI"
4275 htab 1
4280 vtab 24 : print "TET";
4285 htab 24
4290 htab 10 : print "TOT";
4300 return
4310 rem calculate & print total lines cleared
4320 tl (line) = tl (line) + 1 : tt = tt + line
4350 htab 7
4360 vtab 20 + line
4370 print tl (line);
4390 htab 15
4400 vtab 24
4410 print tt;
4420 return
4430 rem Send piece to bottom
4440 y = y + 1
4450 gosub 1940 : rem Check for conflict
4460 if cfl then y = y - 1 : gosub 1770 : gosub 3660 : return : rem Draw, Add to bottom
4470 goto 4440
4480 rem Force piece down
4490 y1 = y : x1 = x : r1 = rt
4500 y = y + 1
4510 gosub 4740 : rem Move piece
4540 return
4550 rem Title screen and random number seed
4555 pr#0
4560 text : home
4570 print "Tetris for Applesoft BASIC"
4580 print "Programed by Arthur Allen"
4590 print "Based on Tetris by Alexey Pajitnov"
4680 print
4690 print "Press Enter to begin"
4700 for sd = 0 to 9999999
4710 if peek (49152) = 141 then get g$ : null = peek (49168) : return
4712 null = peek (49168) : rem Reset keyboard strobe
4715 a = rnd (sd)
4720 next sd
4730 goto 4700
4740 rem move piece
4750 c1 = a1 : d1 = b1
4760 c2 = a2 : d2 = b2
4770 c3 = a3 : d3 = b3
4780 c4 = a4 : d4 = b4
4790 gosub 1940 : rem Check for conflict
4795 rem vtab 21 : htab 1 : print "4795 Move piece: x, y , g$, cfl "; x; " "; y; " "; g$; cfl; : rem temp code
4796 rem if y = 40 then vtab 22 : htab 1 : print "4796 y=40, cfl = "; cfl
4800 if cfl then gosub 4890 : return : rem Return old values
4805 color= 0
4810 plot c1, d1
4820 plot c2, d2
4830 plot c3, d3
4840 plot c4, d4
4845 color= shape
4850 plot a1, b1
4860 plot a2, b2
4870 plot a3, b3
4880 plot a4, b4
4885 return
4890 rem Return old values
4900 a1 = c1 : b1 = d1
4910 a2 = c2 : b2 = d2
4920 a3 = c3 : b3 = d3
4930 a4 = c4 : b4 = d4
4940 rt = r1
4950 x = x1
4960 y = y1
4965 gosub 1500 : rem Shape directory
4970 return
4980 rem Clear top of shape
4990 color= 0
5000 hlin 1, width at row + sh
5010 for c = 1 to width
5020 array (c, row + sh) = 0
5030 next c
5040 return
5050 rem End of listing