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synced 2025-01-23 00:32:47 +00:00
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@ -54,111 +54,35 @@ By <a target=_blank href="mailto:inexorabletash@gmail.com">Joshua Bell</a>
<select id="lb_files">
<option disabled selected="selected">Select a sample...</option>
<option value="sample.basic">DEMOS</option>
<option disabled>____________________________________________</option>
<option disabled>Tests</option>
<option value="sample.unittests"> Unit Tests</option>
<option value="sample.keyboard"> Keyboard Test</option>
<option value="sample.charset"> Charset Test</option>
<option disabled>____________________________________________</option>
<option disabled>Games</option>
<option value="simple.pong"> SIMPLE.PONG</option>
<option value="sample.adventure"> Text Adventure (Floyd McWilliams)</option>
<option value="sample.pacman"> (Not Really) ASCII Pac-Man (Michael Kemp)</option>
<option value="sample.puzzler"> Puzzler (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.hangman"> Hangman (Mike Gleason)</option>
<option value="sample.raindrops"> Catch the Raindrop (Nicholas Merchant)</option>
<option value="sample.jot"> JOT (Mike Gleason)</option>
<option value="sample.miniindy"> Mini Indy (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.doordetector"> Door Detector (Jeff)</option>
<option value="sample.columns"> Columns (Arthur Allen)</option>
<option value="sample.tetris"> Tetris (Arthur Allen)</option>
<option value="sample.dicegame"> Colorful Dice (Gregory Lewis)</option>
<option value="sample.aritm"> Aritm - Mental calculation (Mikael O. Bonnier)</option>
<option value="sample.unfinishedmaze"> Unfinished Maze (Alexander G. Tozzi)</option>
<option value="sample.dragonsmaze"> Dragon's Maze (Russell Hokanson)</option>
<option value="sample.blackhole"> Black Hole Maze (S.M.Compton c/o Melody Ayres-Griffiths)</option>
<option value="sample.chase"> Chase (Dominik Heidler)</option>
<option value="sample.spaceattack"> Space Attack! (Alan Ratliff)</option>
<option value="sample.building"> Building (Melvin Rosario)</option>
<option value="sample.artillery"> Artillery (Michael "Moose" O'Malley)</option>
<option value="sample.platformer"> Platformer (Beckett Bylsma & Brendan Ghareeb)</option>
<option disabled>____________________________________________</option>
<option disabled>Graphics</option>
<option value="sample.rodscolorpattern"> Rod's Color Pattern</option>
<option value="sample.hacker"> Hacker Logo (markwstock)</option>
<option value="sample.loreswalk"> Random LoRes (John Melesky)</option>
<option value="sample.hireswalk"> Random HiRes (John Melesky)</option>
<option value="sample.sierpinski"> Sierpinski Triangles (Kevin Miller)</option>
<option value="sample.stringart"> String Art (Chris Heric)</option>
<option value="sample.paint"> Drawing Program (Brian Broker)</option>
<option value="sample.scribble"> Scribble (William Simms)</option>
<option value="sample.connections"> Connections (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.squiggle"> Squiggle (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.boys_surface"> Boy's Surface (Lukas Innig)</option>
<option value="sample.gaussian"> Gaussian Distribution 2D (John Russ)</option>
<option value="sample.bitmaps"> Bitmap Images (Brian Broker)</option>
<option value="sample.mandelbrot"> Mandelbrot Set (c/o Gregory Lewis)</option>
<option value="sample.mandelbrot2"> Mandelbrot Set in Color</option>
<option value="sample.steve"> Steve (Nicola Foggi)</option>
<option value="sample.logo"> Apple Logo (Brendan Robert)</option>
<option value="sample.loresdrawing"> Graphics Drawing (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.calculatedimage"> Calculated Image (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.xmastree"> Christmas Tree (Gregg Buntin and Rich Orde)</option>
<option value="sample.snowflakes"> Snowflakes (Kevin Riordan)</option>
<option value="sample.ninjaturtle"> Ninja Turtle (Chris Whong)</option>
<option value="sample.3dhat"> 3D Hat (Micro, the 6502 magazine, may 1981 c/o Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.dbconverge"> Double-Buffered Value Convergence (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.dbpendulum"> Double-Buffered Physics Pendulum Simulation (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.dbvectorship"> Double-Buffered Asteroids Ship Demo (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.dbvectortext"> Double-Buffered Vector Font (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.stellar7"> STELLAR 7 Rotate 3d Objects (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.functiongraphing"> Function Graphing (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.codabar"> Codabar Generator (Golden Child)</option>
<option value="sample.coloredserpinski"> Colored Serpinski Triangles (Gregory Lewis)</option>
<option value="sample.radar"> Radar (Josiah Keller)</option>
<option value="sample.moire"> Moiré (Sylvie Breaud)</option>
<option value="sample.jobs"> Steve Jobs (Nick McMillen / CJBaird)</option>
<option value="sample.dye"> Will You Dye (Brett Edwards)</option>
<option value="sample.pretzel"> Pretzel (Zee)</option>
<option value="sample.3drectangle"> 3D Rectangle (Tomo Wa)</option>
<option value="sample.enterprise"> Original Series Enterprise (Gil Keidar)</option>
<option value="sample.colorrings"> Colored Rings (Miika Oja)</option>
<option value="sample.bite"> Apple Bite (Michael "Moose" O'Malley)</option>
<option disabled>____________________________________________</option>
<option disabled>Other</option>
<option value="sample.primes"> Prime Sieve (Kevin Miller)</option>
<option value="sample.february"> February Surprise (Antti Pirskanen)</option>
<option value="sample.hellosine"> Hello World Sine Wave (Jamie Beu)</option>
<option value="sample.bodymass"> Body Mass Index Calculator (Tim Dwyer)</option>
<option value="sample.quine"> Quine (Nikolay Mirin)</option>
<option value="sample.10print"> 10 PRINT MAZE (translated by Rich Hanes)</option>
<option value="sample.primecheck"> Prime Check (Tony Hill)</option>
<option value="sample.vdt"> Velocity/Distance/Time (feman1977)</option>
<option value="sample.protonelectron"> Proton/Electron Mass Ratio (Mark Rohrbaugh)</option>
<option value="sample.onelinetrain"> One Liner Train (Chris ten Den)</option>
<option value="sample.piglatin"> Pig Latin Translator (Gregg Buntin)</option>
<option value="sample.nuclear"> Nuclear Power Plant (Stephen R. Berggren c/o Kevin Riggle)</option>
<option value="sample.factors"> Prime Factors (Cristiano Trabuio)</option>
<option disabled>____________________________________________</option>
<option disabled>Traveller RPG Utilities</option>
<option value="TRADER C"> TRADER</option>
<option value="sample.sectorgen"> Traveller Sector Generator</option>
<option value="sample.zhorelay"> Zhodani Relay Station Placement</option>
<option value="sample.readsector"> Read Sector File</option>
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# ____________________________________________
# Tests & Demos
sample.basic Feature Demos
sample.unittests Unit Tests
sample.keyboard Keyboard Test
sample.charset Charset Test
# ____________________________________________
# Games
simple.pong SIMPLE.PONG
sample.adventure Text Adventure (Floyd McWilliams)
sample.pacman (Not Really) ASCII Pac-Man (Michael Kemp)
sample.puzzler Puzzler (Gregg Buntin)
sample.hangman Hangman (Mike Gleason)
sample.raindrops Catch the Raindrop (Nicholas Merchant)
sample.jot JOT (Mike Gleason)
sample.miniindy Mini Indy (Gregg Buntin)
sample.doordetector Door Detector (Jeff)
sample.columns Columns (Arthur Allen)
sample.tetris Tetris (Arthur Allen)
sample.dicegame Colorful Dice (Gregory Lewis)
sample.aritm Aritm - Mental calculation (Mikael O. Bonnier)
sample.unfinishedmaze Unfinished Maze (Alexander G. Tozzi)
sample.dragonsmaze Dragon's Maze (Russell Hokanson)
sample.blackhole Black Hole Maze (S.M.Compton c/o Melody Ayres-Griffiths)
sample.chase Chase (Dominik Heidler)
sample.spaceattack Space Attack! (Alan Ratliff)
sample.building Building (Melvin Rosario)
sample.artillery Artillery (Michael "Moose" O'Malley)
sample.platformer Platformer (Beckett Bylsma & Brendan Ghareeb)
# ____________________________________________
# Graphics
sample.rodscolorpattern Rod's Color Pattern
sample.hacker Hacker Logo (markwstock)
sample.loreswalk Random LoRes (John Melesky)
sample.hireswalk Random HiRes (John Melesky)
sample.sierpinski Sierpinski Triangles (Kevin Miller)
sample.stringart String Art (Chris Heric)
sample.paint Drawing Program (Brian Broker)
sample.scribble Scribble (William Simms)
sample.connections Connections (Gregg Buntin)
sample.squiggle Squiggle (Gregg Buntin)
sample.boys_surface Boy's Surface (Lukas Innig)
sample.gaussian Gaussian Distribution 2D (John Russ)
sample.bitmaps Bitmap Images (Brian Broker)
sample.mandelbrot Mandelbrot Set (c/o Gregory Lewis)
sample.mandelbrot2 Mandelbrot Set in Color
sample.steve Steve (Nicola Foggi)
sample.logo Apple Logo (Brendan Robert)
sample.loresdrawing Graphics Drawing (Gregg Buntin)
sample.calculatedimage Calculated Image (Gregg Buntin)
sample.xmastree Christmas Tree (Gregg Buntin and Rich Orde)
sample.snowflakes Snowflakes (Kevin Riordan)
sample.ninjaturtle Ninja Turtle (Chris Whong)
sample.3dhat 3D Hat (Micro, the 6502 magazine, may 1981 c/o Golden Child)
sample.dbconverge Double-Buffered Value Convergence (Golden Child)
sample.dbpendulum Double-Buffered Physics Pendulum Simulation (Golden Child)
sample.dbvectorship Double-Buffered Asteroids Ship Demo (Golden Child)
sample.dbvectortext Double-Buffered Vector Font (Golden Child)
sample.stellar7 STELLAR 7 Rotate 3d Objects (Golden Child)
sample.functiongraphing Function Graphing (Golden Child)
sample.codabar Codabar Generator (Golden Child)
sample.coloredserpinski Colored Serpinski Triangles (Gregory Lewis)
sample.radar Radar (Josiah Keller)
sample.moire Moiré (Sylvie Breaud)
sample.jobs Steve Jobs (Nick McMillen / CJBaird)
sample.dye Will You Dye (Brett Edwards)
sample.pretzel Pretzel (Zee)
sample.3drectangle 3D Rectangle (Tomo Wa)
sample.enterprise Original Series Enterprise (Gil Keidar)
sample.colorrings Colored Rings (Miika Oja)
sample.bite Apple Bite (Michael "Moose" O'Malley)
# ____________________________________________
# Other
sample.primes Prime Sieve (Kevin Miller)
sample.february February Surprise (Antti Pirskanen)
sample.hellosine Hello World Sine Wave (Jamie Beu)
sample.bodymass Body Mass Index Calculator (Tim Dwyer)
sample.quine Quine (Nikolay Mirin)
sample.10print 10 PRINT MAZE (translated by Rich Hanes)
sample.primecheck Prime Check (Tony Hill)
sample.vdt Velocity/Distance/Time (feman1977)
sample.protonelectron Proton/Electron Mass Ratio (Mark Rohrbaugh)
sample.onelinetrain One Liner Train (Chris ten Den)
sample.piglatin Pig Latin Translator (Gregg Buntin)
sample.nuclear Nuclear Power Plant (Stephen R. Berggren c/o Kevin Riggle)
sample.factors Prime Factors (Cristiano Trabuio)
# ____________________________________________
# Traveller RPG Utilities
sample.sectorgen Traveller Sector Generator
sample.zhorelay Zhodani Relay Station Placement
sample.readsector Read Sector File
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