4 TEXT: HOME 5 HTAB 15: INVERSE: PRINT "DOOR DETECTOR": NORMAL 6 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "DO YOU WANT INSTRUCTIONS? Y/N" 7 GET P$: IF P$="Y" THEN 610 8 IF P$="N" THEN 10 9 PRINT: GOTO 6 10 E=200: R=1: F=0: Q=0 20 A=20: B=20 30 V=INT (RND(1)*39-R): IF V<0+R THEN 30 40 H=INT (RND(1)*39-R): IF H<0+R THEN 40 50 IF R>5 THEN 520 60 GR: HOME: VTAB 21: PRINT "ENERGY:";E: VTAB 21: HTAB 34: PRINT "ROOM #";R 65 E=E-1 70 COLOR=15: PLOT A,B: Q=13: GOSUB 190 80 Q=0: GET P$ 90 HOME 100 VTAB 21: PRINT "ENERGY:";E: VTAB 21: HTAB 34: PRINT "ROOM #";R 110 IF P$="I" THEN COLOR=0: PLOT A,B: COLOR=15: B=B-1: PLOT A,B: E=E-1 120 IF P$="J" THEN COLOR=0: PLOT A,B: COLOR=15: A=A-1: PLOT A,B: E=E-1 130 IF P$="K" THEN COLOR=0: PLOT A,B: COLOR=15: A=A+1: PLOT A,B: E=E-1 140 IF P$="M" THEN COLOR=0: PLOT A,B: COLOR=15: B=B+1: PLOT A,B: E=E-1 150 IF B<0+R THEN GOSUB 300 160 IF A<0+R THEN GOSUB 300 170 IF A>39-R THEN GOSUB 300 180 IF B>39-R THEN GOSUB 300 190 IF AV AND B>H THEN VTAB 23: HTAB 11: PRINT "YOU ARE IN THE HOT ZONE" 210 IF A=V AND B=H THEN HOME: FLASH: VTAB 21: PRINT "YOU FOUND THE EXIT!!!": NORMAL: FOR I=1 TO 700: COLOR=15: PLOT A,B: COLOR=0: PLOT A,B: NEXT I: R=R+1: GOTO 30 215 IF Q=13 THEN RETURN 220 IF E<0 THEN 240 230 GOTO 80 240 HOME: INVERSE: VTAB 21: PRINT "YOU RAN OUT OF ENERGY": NORMAL 250 F=7: GOSUB 310 260 FOR PAUSE=1 TO 5000: NEXT PAUSE 270 HOME: VTAB 21: PRINT "THE DOOR WAS IN THE RED AREA" 280 COLOR=1: PLOT V,H 290 GOTO 570 300 HOME: INVERSE: VTAB 21: PRINT "YOU HAVE ENTERED THE DEATH ZONE": NORMAL 310 FOR I=1 TO 250 320 COLOR=G 330 PLOT A,B 340 G=G+1: IF G=16 THEN G=0 350 NEXT I 360 FOR C=1 TO 4 370 W=A+1: X=A-1: Y=B+1: Z=B-1 380 PLOT A,B 390 COLOR=0: PLOT A,B 400 FOR D=1 TO 10: COLOR=G 410 IF W>39 THEN W=39 420 IF X39 THEN Y=39 440 IF Z<0 THEN Z=0 450 PLOT W,B: PLOT X,B: PLOT A,Y: PLOT A,Z 455 FOR PAUSE=1 TO 250: NEXT PAUSE 460 COLOR=0: PLOT W,B: PLOT X,B: PLOT A,Y: PLOT A,Z 465 FOR PAUSE=1 TO 250: NEXT PAUSE 470 W=W+1: X=X-1: Y=Y+1: Z=Z-1 480 G=G+1: NEXT D 490 NEXT C: IF F=7 THEN RETURN 500 GR: GOTO 260 510 FOR I=1 TO 200: NEXT I 520 TEXT: HOME 530 PRINT "WELL DONE!" 540 PRINT: PRINT "YOU HAVE ESCAPED FROM ALL FIVE ROOMS" 550 PRINT "SUCCESSFULLY, WITH ";E;" UNITS OF" 560 PRINT "ENERGY LEFT.": PRINT 570 PRINT "WANT TO PLAY AGAIN? Y/N" 580 GET A$: IF A$="Y" THEN 10 590 IF A$="N" THEN PRINT: PRINT "SO LONG!": END 600 PRINT: GOTO 570 610 HOME 620 PRINT "The object of this game is to escape" 630 PRINT "from a series of five rooms before you" 640 PRINT "run out of energy." 650 PRINT: PRINT "Each room contains an invisible door" 660 PRINT "you must locate to advance to the" 670 PRINT "next room." 680 PRINT: PRINT "Use the I, J, K and M keys to move" 690 PRINT "around the rooms." 700 PRINT: PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 710 GET P$: IF P$=" " THEN GOTO 720 720 HOME: PRINT "Each room is divided into different" 730 PRINT "zones:" 740 PRINT: PRINT "All the area ABOVE and to the LEFT of" 750 PRINT "the door is called the COLD ZONE." 760 PRINT: PRINT "All the area BELOW and to the RIGHT of" 770 PRINT "the door is called the HOT ZONE." 780 PRINT: PRINT "When you enter one of these zones, a" 790 PRINT "message on the screen will tell you so." 800 PRINT "Use this information to help you locate each door." 810 PRINT: PRINT "You must also beware of the DEATH ZONE," 820 PRINT "which surrounds the border of each room.In each room, this zone is a little bit" 830 PRINT "wider than in the previous room." 840 PRINT: PRINT "If you ever enter this zone, the game" 850 PRINT "will end immediately!" 860 PRINT: PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 870 GET P$: IF P$=" " THEN GOTO 880 880 HOME: PRINT "You have 200 units of energy." 890 PRINT "Every time you move one space, one unit" 900 PRINT "is used up." 910 PRINT: PRINT "If you make it through all five rooms, you win. But if you run out of energy orenter the DEATH ZONE, the game is over." 920 PRINT: PRINT "Good luck!" 930 PRINT: PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO START THE GAME" 940 GET P$: IF P$=" " THEN GOTO 10 950 GOTO 10