90 home 95 print "Enter a number to find its factors!" 97 print 100 input a 110 print 120 let f=0 140 if A/2=int(A/2) then let A=A/2: print "2x";: let f=1: goto 140 145 let i=3 150 let e=int(sqr(a)) + 2 155 let f=0 160 for n=i to e step 2 180 if a/n=int(a/n) then print n;"x";: let a=a/n: let i=n: let n=e: let f=1 200 next n 210 rem print a;" "; n;" "; i;" "; e;" ";f 220 if a>n and f<>0 then goto 155 230 print a 235 print 240 goto 100