#include #include #include #include #include const char *tokens[]={ /*80*/ " END ", " FOR ", " NEXT ", " DATA ", " INPUT ", " DEL ", " DIM ", " READ ", " GR ", " TEXT ", " PR# ", " IN# ", " CALL ", " PLOT ", " HLIN ", " VLIN ", " HGR2 ", " HGR ", " HCOLOR= ", " HPLOT ", " DRAW ", " XDRAW ", " HTAB ", " HOME ", " ROT= ", " SCALE= ", " SHLOAD ", " TRACE ", " NOTRACE ", " NORMAL ", " INVERSE ", " FLASH ", " COLOR= ", " POP ", " VTAB ", " HIMEM: ", " LOMEM: ", " ONERR ", " RESUME ", " RECALL ", " STORE ", " SPEED= ", " LET ", " GOTO ", " RUN ", " IF ", " RESTORE ", " & ", /*B0*/ " GOSUB ", " RETURN ", " REM ", " STOP ", " ON ", " WAIT ", " LIST ", " SAVE ", " DEF ", " POKE ", " PRINT ", " CONT ", " LIST ", " CLEAR ", " GET ", " NEW ", " TAB( ", " TO ", " FN ", " SPC( ", " THEN ", " AT ", " NOT ", " STEP ", " + ", " - ", " * ", " / ", " ^ ", " AND ", " OR ", " > ", " = ", " < ", " SGN ", " INT ", " ABS ", " USR ", " FRE ", " SCRN( ", " PDL ", " POS ", " SQR ", " RND ", " LOG ", " EXP ", " COS ", " SIN ", " TAN ", " ATN ", " PEEK ", " LEN ", " STR$ ", " VAL ", " ASC ", " CHR$ ", " LEFT$ ", " RIGHT$ ", " MID$ ", /*EB*/ " ?? ", /* I'm pretty sure these aren't valid ... */ " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", " ?? ", }; /* This is where the actual work is done. An Applesoft file is laid out like so: word word [variable # of bytes] <0x00> <-eol marker | | | | | |if >0x7F, it is a token, otherwise, it's a printed | | | |The line # (65535 max) | | This is an offset to the next line (?) if 0, the file is done. repeating over and over... */ int translate(FILE *f, FILE *out) { for(;;) { int x; //offset to next line x = fgetc(f) | (fgetc(f) << 8); if (feof(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected eof.\n"); return EX_DATAERR; } // last line. if (x == 0) break; // line number. x = fgetc(f) | (fgetc(f) << 8); if (feof(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected eof.\n"); return EX_DATAERR; } fprintf(out, "% 5d: ", x); for (;;) { x = fgetc(f); if (x == 0) break; if (x < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected eof.\n"); return EX_DATAERR; } if (x > 0x7f) fputs(tokens[x & 0x7f], out); else if (x > 0x1f) fputc(x, out); } fprintf(out, "\n"); } return 0; } void usage(void) { fputs("Usage: blist [-o output file] input file\n",stdout); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c, rv; const char *outfile = NULL; FILE *input = stdin; FILE *output = stdout; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ho:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'o': outfile = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(); return 0; default: usage(); return EX_USAGE; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; switch (argc) { case 0: break; case 1: input = fopen(argv[0], "r"); if (!input) { perror(argv[0]); return EX_NOINPUT; } break; default: usage(); return EX_USAGE; } if (outfile && strcmp(outfile, "-")) { output = fopen(outfile, "w"); if (!output) { perror(outfile); if (input != stdin) fclose(input); return EX_CANTCREAT; } } rv = translate(input, output); if (input != stdin) fclose(input); if (output != stdout) fclose(output); return rv; }