Map scripts now being built as PLASMA source which is then compiled, instead of direct-to-bytecode. This will be much easier to maintain once it's fully working.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2016-02-03 08:50:22 -08:00
parent c0e98cd6c4
commit 042450d4ce

View File

@ -906,13 +906,11 @@ class PackPartitions
def name = "mapScript$num"
//println "Packing scripts for map $mapName, to module $num."
def scriptDir = "build/"
ScriptModule module = new ScriptModule()
module.packScripts(mapName, mapEl.scripts ? mapEl.scripts[0] : [],
module.packScripts(mapName, new File(new File(scriptDir), name+".pla"), mapEl.scripts ? mapEl.scripts[0] : [],
totalWidth, totalHeight, xRange, yRange)
modules[name] = [num:num, buf:wrapByteList(]
bytecodes[name] = [num:num, buf:wrapByteList(module.bytecode)]
fixups[name] = [num:num, buf:wrapByteList(module.fixups)]
compileModule(name, scriptDir)
return [num, module.locationsWithTriggers]
@ -1890,55 +1888,32 @@ class PackPartitions
class ScriptModule
def data = []
def bytecode = []
def fixups = []
def nScripts = 0
def nStringBytes = 0
PrintWriter out
def locationsWithTriggers = [] as Set
def scriptNames = [:]
def indent = 0
def vec_setScriptInfo = 0x1F00
def vec_pushAuxStr = 0x1F03
def vec_displayStr = 0x1F06
def vec_displayStrNL = 0x1F09
def vec_getYN = 0x1F0C
def vec_setMap = 0x1F0F
def vec_setSky = 0x1F12
def vec_setGround = 0x1F15
def vec_teleport = 0x1F18
def vec_setPortrait = 0x1F1B
def vec_clrPortrait = 0x1F1E
def vec_moveBackward = 0x1F21
def vec_getCharacter = 0x1F24
def vec_clrTextWindow = 0x1F27
def emitAuxString(inStr)
def emitString(inStr)
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
def buf = new StringBuilder()
def prev = ' '
out << '\"'
def prev = '\0'
inStr.each { ch ->
if (ch == '^') {
if (prev == '^')
out << ch
else if (ch == '\"')
out << "\\\""
else if (prev == '^') {
def cp = Character.codePointAt(ch.toUpperCase(), 0)
if (cp > 64 && cp < 96)
buf.appendCodePoint(cp - 64)
out << "\\\$" << String.format("%02X", cp - 64)
out << ch
prev = ch
def str = buf.toString()
assert str.size() < 256 : "String too long, max is 255 characters: $str"
str.each { ch -> emitCodeByte((byte)ch) }
nStringBytes += str.size() + 1
out << '\"'
def getScriptName(script)
@ -1947,8 +1922,11 @@ class PackPartitions
return null
def blk = script.block[0]
if (blk.field.size() == 0)
if (blk.field.size() == 0) {
if (scriptNames.containsKey(script))
return scriptNames[script]
return null
assert blk.field[0].@name == "NAME"
return blk.field[0].text()
@ -1958,72 +1936,59 @@ class PackPartitions
* Pack scripts from a map. Either the whole map, or optionally just an X and Y
* bounded section of it.
def packScripts(mapName, inScripts, maxX, maxY, xRange = null, yRange = null)
def packScripts(mapName, outFile, inScripts, maxX, maxY, xRange = null, yRange = null)
// If we're only processing a section of the map, make sure this script is
// referenced within that section.
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile))
out << "// Generated code - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND\n\n"
out << "include \"../src/plasma/gamelib.plh\"\n"
out << "include \"../src/plasma/playtype.plh\"\n"
out << "include \"../src/plasma/gen_images.plh\"\n\n"
// Determine which scripts are referenced in the specified section of the map.
def initScript
def scripts = []
inScripts.script.eachWithIndex { script, idx ->
def name = getScriptName(script)
if (name != null && name.toLowerCase() == "init")
scripts << script
if (name != null && name.toLowerCase() == "init") {
initScript = script
else if (script.locationTrigger.any { trig ->
(!xRange || trig.@x.toInteger() in xRange) &&
(!yRange || trig.@y.toInteger() in yRange) })
scripts << script
scriptNames[script] = "trig_$idx"
nScripts = scripts.script.size()
// Even if there were no scripts, we still need an init to display
// the map name.
makeTriggerTbl(scripts, xRange, yRange)
scripts.eachWithIndex { script, idx ->
packScript(idx, script)
makeInit(mapName, scripts, xRange, yRange, maxX, maxY)
makeInit(mapName, initScript, maxX, maxY)
//println " Code stats: data=${data.size}, bytecode=${bytecode.size} (str=$nStringBytes), fixups=${fixups.size}"
//println "data: $data"
//println "bytecode: $bytecode"
//println "fixups: $fixups"
def makeStubs()
// Emit a stub for each function, including the init function
(0..nScripts).each { it ->
emitDataByte(0x20) // JSR
emitDataWord(0x3DC) // Aux mem interp ($3DC)
emitDataWord(0) // Placeholder for the bytecode offset
def startFunc(scriptNum)
def fixAddr = (scriptNum * 5) + 3
assert data[fixAddr] == 0 && data[fixAddr+1] == 0
data[fixAddr] = (byte)(bytecodeAddr() & 0xFF)
data[fixAddr+1] = (byte)((bytecodeAddr() >> 8) & 0xFF)
def outIndented(str) {
out << (" " * indent) << str
def packScript(scriptNum, script)
def name = getScriptName(script)
if (name.toLowerCase() == "init") // this special script gets processed later
//println " Script '$name'"
withContext("script '$name'")
withContext("script $scriptNum")
if (script.block.size() == 0) {
printWarning("empty script found; skipping.")
// Record the function's start address in its corresponding stub
// Record the function's name and start its definition
out << "def script$scriptNum()\n"
indent = 1
// Process the code inside it
def proc = script.block[0]
@ -2038,17 +2003,10 @@ class PackPartitions
printWarning "empty statement found; skipping."
// And complete the function
out << "end\n\n"
def finishFunc()
// Finish off the function with a return value and return opcode
emitCodeByte(0) // ZERO
emitCodeByte(0x5C) // RET
def packBlock(blk)
withContext("${blk.@type}") {
@ -2060,7 +2018,7 @@ class PackPartitions
case 'text_clear_window':
packClearWindow(blk); break
case 'text_getanykey':
packGetAnyKey(); break
packGetAnyKey(blk); break
case 'controls_if':
packIfStmt(blk); break
case 'events_set_map':
@ -2085,61 +2043,16 @@ class PackPartitions
// Strangely, blocks seem to be chained together, but hierarchically. Whatever. { it.block.each { packBlock(it) } }
def dataAddr()
def getSingle(els, name = null, type = null)
return data.size()
def bytecodeAddr()
return bytecode.size()
def emitDataByte(b)
assert b <= 255
data.add((byte)(b & 0xFF))
def emitDataWord(w)
emitDataByte(w & 0xFF)
emitDataByte(w >> 8)
def emitCodeByte(b)
assert b <= 255
bytecode.add((byte)(b & 0xFF))
def emitCodeWord(w)
emitCodeByte(w & 0xFF)
emitCodeByte(w >> 8)
def emitFixupByte(b)
assert b <= 255
fixups.add((byte)(b & 0xFF))
def emitDataFixup(toAddr)
// Src addr is reversed (i.e. it's hi then lo)
emitFixupByte(dataAddr() >> 8)
emitFixupByte(dataAddr() & 0xFF)
def emitCodeFixup(toAddr)
// Src addr is reversed (i.e. it's hi then lo), and marked by hi-bit flag.
emitFixupByte((bytecodeAddr() >> 8) | 0x80)
emitFixupByte(bytecodeAddr() & 0xFF)
assert els.size() == 1
def first = els[0]
if (name)
assert first.@name == name
if (type)
assert first.@type == type
return first
def packTextPrint(blk)
@ -2148,40 +2061,22 @@ class PackPartitions
printWarning "empty text_print block, skipping."
def val = blk.value[0]
assert val.@name == 'VALUE'
assert val.block.size() == 1
def valBlk = val.block[0]
assert valBlk.@type == 'text'
assert valBlk.field.size() == 1
def fld = valBlk.field[0]
assert fld.@name == 'TEXT'
def text = fld.text()
//println " text: '$text'"
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeWord(blk.@type == 'text_print' ? vec_displayStr : vec_displayStrNL)
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def text = getSingle(getSingle(getSingle(blk.value, 'VALUE').block, null, 'text').field, 'TEXT').text()
outIndented("${blk.@type == 'text_print' ? 'scriptDisplayStr' : 'scriptDisplayStrNL'}(")
out << ")\n"
def packClearWindow(blk)
assert blk.value.size() == 0
//println " clearWindow"
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def packGetAnyKey(blk)
//println " get any key"
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
assert blk.value.size() == 0
def packIfStmt(blk)
@ -2190,152 +2085,74 @@ class PackPartitions
printWarning "missing condition; skipping."
assert blk.value.size() == 1
def cond = blk.value[0]
assert cond.@name == 'IF0'
assert cond.block.size() == 1
assert cond.block[0].@type == 'text_getboolean'
//print " Conditional on getboolean,"
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x4C) // BRFS
def branchStart = bytecodeAddr()
emitCodeWord(0) // placeholder until we know how far to jump over
assert blk.statement.size() == 1
def doStmt = blk.statement[0]
assert doStmt.block.size() == 1
// Now calculate and fix the relative branch
def branchEnd = bytecodeAddr()
def rel = branchEnd - branchStart
bytecode[branchStart] = (byte)(rel & 0xFF)
bytecode[branchStart+1] = (byte)((rel >> 8) & 0xFF)
def cond = getSingle(blk.value, 'IF0')
outIndented("if (")
def ctype = getSingle(cond.block)
switch (ctype.@type) {
case 'text_getboolean':
out << "getYN()"
assert false : "Conditional on ${ctype.@type} not yet implemented."
out << ")\n"
def packSetMap(blk)
def mapNum, x=0, y=0, facing=0
blk.field.eachWithIndex { fld, idx ->
switch (fld.@name)
case 'NAME':
def mapName = fld.text()
mapNum = mapNames[mapName]
if (!mapNum) {
printWarning "map '$mapName' not found; skipping set_map."
case 'X':
x = fld.text().toInteger()
case 'Y':
y = fld.text().toInteger()
case 'FACING':
facing = fld.text().toInteger()
assert facing >= 0 && facing <= 15
assert false : "Unknown field ${fld.@name}"
assert blk.field.size() == 4
assert blk.field[0].@name == 'NAME'
assert blk.field[1].@name == 'X'
assert blk.field[2].@name == 'Y'
assert blk.field[3].@name == 'FACING'
def mapName = blk.field[0].text()
def mapNum = mapNames[mapName]
if (!mapNum) {
printWarning "map '$mapName' not found; skipping set_map."
//println " Set map to '$mapName' (num $mapNum)"
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
assert mapNum[0] == '2D' || mapNum[0] == '3D'
emitCodeByte(mapNum[0] == '2D' ? 0 : 1)
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
emitCodeByte(0x2C) // CW
emitCodeByte(0x2C) // CW
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def x = blk.field[1].text().toInteger()
def y = blk.field[2].text().toInteger()
def facing = blk.field[3].text().toInteger()
assert facing >= 0 && facing <= 15
outIndented("queue_setMap(${mapNum[0] == '2D' ? 0 : 1}, ${mapNum[1]}, $x, $y)\n")
def packSetPortrait(blk)
def portraitNum, portraitName
blk.field.eachWithIndex { fld, idx ->
switch (fld.@name)
case 'NAME':
portraitName = fld.text()
def portrait = portraits[portraitName]
if (!portrait) {
printWarning "portrait '$portraitName' not found; skipping set_portrait."
portraitNum = portrait.num
assert false : "Unknown field ${fld.@name}"
def portraitName = getSingle(blk.field, 'NAME').text()
def portrait = portraits[portraitName]
if (!portrait) {
printWarning "portrait '$portraitName' not found; skipping set_portrait."
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def packClrPortrait(blk)
assert blk.field.size() == 0
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def packSetSky(blk)
assert blk.field.size() == 1
def fld = blk.field[0]
assert fld.@name == 'COLOR'
def color = fld.text().toInteger()
def color = getSingle(blk.field, 'COLOR').text().toInteger()
assert color >= 0 && color <= 17
//println " Set sky to $color"
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def packSetGround(blk)
assert blk.field.size() == 1
def fld = blk.field[0]
assert fld.@name == 'COLOR'
def color = fld.text().toInteger()
def color = getSingle(blk.field, 'COLOR').text().toInteger()
assert color >= 0 && color <= 17
//println " Set ground to $color"
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def packTeleport(blk)
@ -2348,123 +2165,79 @@ class PackPartitions
def y = blk.field[1].text().toInteger()
def facing = blk.field[2].text().toInteger()
assert facing >= 0 && facing <= 15
//println " Teleport to ($x,$y) facing $facing"
emitCodeByte(0x2C) // CW
emitCodeByte(0x2C) // CW
emitCodeByte(0x2A) // CB
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
outIndented("queue_teleport($x, $y, $facing)\n")
def packMoveBackward(blk)
assert blk.field.size() == 0
//println " Move backward"
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
def makeInit(mapName, scripts, xRange, yRange, maxX, maxY)
def makeTriggerTbl(scripts, xRange, yRange)
//println " Script: special 'init'"
// Emit the code the user has stored for the init script. While we're scanning,
// might as well also collate all the location triggers into a sorted map.
// Emit a predefinition for each function
scripts.eachWithIndex { script, idx ->
out << "predef script$idx\n"
// Collate all the matching location triggers into a sorted map.
TreeMap triggers = [:]
scripts.eachWithIndex { script, idx ->
def name = getScriptName(script)
if (name != null && name.toLowerCase() == "init")
if (script.block.size() == 1) {
def proc = script.block[0]
assert proc.@type == "procedures_defreturn"
assert proc.statement.size() == 1
def stmt = proc.statement[0]
assert stmt.@name == "STACK"
stmt.block.each { packBlock(it) }
else {
script.locationTrigger.each { trig ->
def x = trig.@x.toInteger()
def y = trig.@y.toInteger()
if ((!xRange || x in xRange) && (!yRange || y in yRange))
if (xRange)
x -= xRange[0]
if (yRange)
y -= yRange[0]
if (!triggers[y])
triggers[y] = [:] as TreeMap
if (!triggers[y][x])
triggers[y][x] = []
triggers[y][x].add((idx+1) * 5) // address of function
script.locationTrigger.each { trig ->
def x = trig.@x.toInteger()
def y = trig.@y.toInteger()
if ((!xRange || x in xRange) && (!yRange || y in yRange))
if (xRange)
x -= xRange[0]
if (yRange)
y -= yRange[0]
if (!triggers[y])
triggers[y] = [:] as TreeMap
if (!triggers[y][x])
triggers[y][x] = []
// Process the map name
def shortName = mapName.replaceAll(/[\s-]*[23][dD][-0-9]*$/, '').take(16)
// Code to register the map name, trigger table, and map extent.
emitCodeByte(0x26) // LA
emitCodeByte(0x2C) // CW
emitCodeByte(0x2C) // CW
emitCodeByte(0x54) // CALL
emitCodeByte(0x30) // DROP
// The table itself goes in the data segment. First comes the X
// Now output code for the table. First comes the X
// and Y origins.
emitDataWord(xRange ? xRange[0] : 0)
emitDataWord(yRange ? yRange[0] : 0)
out << "byte[] triggerTbl = ${xRange ? xRange[0] : 0}, ${yRange ? yRange[0] : 0} // origin X,Y\n"
// Then the Y tables
triggers.each { y, xs ->
def size = 2 // 2 bytes for y+off
xs.each { x, funcAddrs ->
size += funcAddrs.size() * 3 // plus 3 bytes per trigger (x, adrlo, adrhi)
xs.each { x, funcs ->
size += funcs.size() * 3 // plus 3 bytes per trigger (x, adrlo, adrhi)
xs.each { x, funcAddrs ->
funcAddrs.each { funcAddr ->
out << "byte = $y, $size // Y=$y, size=$size\n"
xs.each { x, funcs ->
funcs.each { func ->
out << " byte = $x; word = @$func // X=$x\n"
// Record a list of trigger locations for the caller's reference
locationsWithTriggers << [x, y]
emitDataByte(0xFF) // mark the end end of the trigger table
// All done with the init function.
out << "byte = \$FF\n\n"
def packFixups()
def makeInit(mapName, scripts, maxX, maxY)
def buf = []
fixups.each { fromOff, fromType, toOff, toType ->
assert fromType == 'bytecode'
assert toType == 'data'
toOff += (nScripts+1) * 5
// Emit the code the user has stored for the init script.
scripts.each { script ->
if (script.block.size() == 1)
packBlock(getSingle(getSingle(script.block, null, 'procedures_defreturn').statement, 'STACK'))
// Code to register the map name, trigger table, and map extent.
def shortName = mapName.replaceAll(/[\s-]*[23][dD][-0-9]*$/, '').take(16)
out << "setScriptInfo(\"$shortName\", triggerTbl, $maxX, $maxY)\n"
// All done with the init function.
out << "done\n"